Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Would I Lie to You?

"Would I lie to you?
Would I lie to you honey?
Now would I say something that wasn't true?
I'm asking you sugar
Would I lie to you?" Would I Lie to You? by Eurythmics

After our double date and Trevor's fake proposal, I went home determined to put it all behind me. I knew it wasn't his intentions to hurt me. It was stupid and careless, but not malicious. I put it out my mind and we enjoyed the rest of our 6 months anniversary alone and in bed.

Saturday morning I woke up to my phone ringing. I reluctantly pulled out of Trevor's embrace and grabbed it from the nightstand. When I saw it was Amber, I answered it.

"Hel-lo?" I asked, sleepily.

"Lily! Congratulations! Why didn't you tell me?" She yelled in my ear.

I winced and pulled the phone away.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, still trying to wake up.

"You and Trevor are engaged! He proposed right?!? Tell me you said yes! Why wouldn't you say yes?!?" She demanded.

"He didn't really propose..." I said, perplexed to why she would think that.

"What?!? Jordan posted a picture last night-"

That statement woke me up right away. I cut Amber off with groan as I got out of bed.

"It was a joke." I explained weakly. I tried to force a laugh, but it wasn't happening. I was too pissed at Jordan.

"Oh. Ok. Right..." Amber trailed off as I made my way to the living room with Justine following me.

"I gotta go." I told her, anxious to get the picture down.

"Wait. I need to talk to you." Amber said.

"I'll call you back." I promised, knowing I was lying. I didn't want to talk about Trevor and his fake proposal. I wanted to pretend it never happened. This was all Jordan's fault.

I immediately called Jordan. It rang before it went to voicemail. I called her again with the same results. I kept calling, hoping it would wake her sleepy ass up! This time, it rang twice before I was sent to voicemail. The bitch ignored me!

I text her back instead.

Me: I can't believe you would post that fake engagement picture. It's not funny, it's humiliating. Take the photo down now!!!

Afterwards, I went on Facebook. I saw I had notifications so I was sure that's where she posted it. I untagged myself in the picture and didn't look at the comments. Still livid with no outlet for my anger besides sleeping and clueless Trevor, I got dressed and headed to the gym. I fed Justine before I left.

While listening to songs from Eminen, Alanis Morissette, Nicki Minaj and Lincoln Park on my "Fuck It"  playlist, I ran out my aggression. After an hour of running, I was too exhausted to have anymore energy being upset. I hopped off the treadmill and wiped down the handlebars. As I did so, a tall guy approached me. With one hostile glare from me, he rethought whatever he was going to say and took the treadmill 2 treadmills away from me. I smiled besides myself as I left. Stupid boys!

When I got into my car, I saw I had a text from Sammy. It said to call her, so I put my phone on speaker and called her back as I drove home.

"Hey Lily!" She said, brightly.

"I'm not engaged!" I snapped, grumpily.

"Ok... that's something you need to bitch at Trevor about, not me." Sammy said. I could hear the confusion in her voice.

"You didn't see the picture on Facebook?"

"No... what picture?"

"Never mind. What are you so excited about?" I asked her.

"Christian didn't tell you?" She exclaimed.

"Obviously not." I said, sarcastically.

Sammy ignored me. "Black Reign is releasing their second single and he wants the Honey Bee's to bartend the launch party." She exclaimed, excitedly.

"Oh wow Sammy. That's great." I said, only half lying. Any time she got new clientele was great. The fact that it was Christian's party for Amelia's band sucked.

"Ok, what's your problem?" She asked me, picking up that I wasn't as thrilled as I pretended to be.

"Nothing. Just confused. What does Christian have to do with it?" I questioned.

"He produced the track so he's trying to give it a boost. He's inviting everyone to create a buzz and he wants to hire the Honey Bee's. The exposure alone is major. Why aren't you happy?"

"I am. I'm so proud of you. You deserve it."

"You don't sound like it."

"Sorry, I am. It's just Christian and I are not friends. I've been blowing him off and it's just threw me off that he hired you."

"What happened?" Sammy asked.

I told her briefly about the things he said to Trevor.

"What a dick. I don't have to host-"

"Yes you do! It's business! Don't worry about it," I told her.

"Does Bianca know y'all aren't friends?"

"Not really, why?"

"'He wanted me to keep the dates open because he won't be able to plan the party until he gets back from joining his girlfriend and Bianca in Paris for some fashion thing-"

"Paris?" I exclaimed. "He said Bianca was going to Paris?"

"I'm pretty sure he did."

What the fuck?!? Last thing I heard from her was how much fun she had in New York for 4th of July. She didn't mention anything about Paris with fucking Christian.

"Thanks Sammy for letting me know. Congratulations! Since he has money to take random trips to Paris, overcharge him."

Sammy laughed. "I sure will."

I went back to my apartment and Trevor was up, eating cereal in front of the tv.

"Good morning." He started.

"Morning. Gonna go shower." I said, heading for the bathroom.

"Do you want company?" He grinned.

"No. I need to do girl stuff." I lied, ducking into the bathroom. I locked the door, turned on the shower and pulled out my phone. I called Bianca. I realized it was super early for her in California, but I needed to speak to her as soon as possible. She didn't answer, so I left a voicemail telling her to call as soon as possible.

Wrapped up in a robe, (I learned my lesson about walking around my own apartment half dressed) I joined Trevor in the living room.

"Did you have anything planned for today?" He asked.

"Why?" I returned.

He told me he and J-Mike were heading to Wichita Falls to help his Uncle Jimmy out. Trevor's cousin Lisa opened up a recreational center in the empty building that was attached to the corner store. They were attempting to host teen nights during the summer, but needed help setting up entertainment and electronics.

"You need me to DJ or something?" I joked.

"No. We're setting up gaming consoles, lights, a sound system. It shouldn't take that long but since Winstar is on the way back, J-Mike was thinking about spending the night at the casino." Trevor explained.

I inwardly groaned at the thought of having to spend anymore time with the two of them together.

"I actually promised Forrest I'll make one of his games." That wasn't a lie. I did, just never said which one. No time like the present.

"What time is it? We can wait and go with you." Trevor offered.

"You don't have to do that besides, you don't even like football." I assured him.  "Go. Y'all should make it a guy's weekend."

"It might not even be a guy's weekend if he invites Jordan. That's why I wanted you to come too."

Adding Jordan to the mix turned my no into a hell no. I couldn't be around her without wanting to go off on her. 2 hours in a car with her was a dangerous idea.

"As much fun as it sounds, I promised Forrest. Tell him not to invite her." I shrugged.


While he made plans with J-Mike, I went and got dressed. I checked the schedule Forrest sent me and saw his game wasn't until 4pm. After Trevor left, I did laundry and straightened up. It was actually relaxing just to clean, listen to music and hanging out with Justine. It's been a while since I had me time. It's funny, when I had my own place, the thought of being alone was depressing. Now, I kinda appreciated it more.

I saw that Jordan took down the picture without responding to me. I didn't really care as long as she took it down. Bianca finally called me back and I questioned her about her upcoming trip and why she didn't tell me.

"I hadn't decided whether I was going or not. I can't take anymore time off from my job." Bianca replied.

"Seems like there's not much to think about." I argued.

"Yeah, an once in a lifetime experience or a seasonal job. Pretty much a no brainer." Bianca said, smartly.

"Bianca, Christian and I aren't friends anymore. I'm not comfortable with you spending time with him." I told her.

"I'm not spending time with him. I'm hanging out with Noelle."

"She's dating him so you will be. He's shady and I don't trust him." I told her, firmly.

"Lily. I can take care of myself. As soon as I know what I'm doing, I'll let you know." Bianca responded.

We got off the phone and I contemplated my options. There's no way I could make her not go, she was an adult. Her actions were completely out of my control. I could call Christian to get him to uninvited her, but I didn't want to deal with him at all. Freezing him out seemed to be working and I didn't want to open up any lines of communication. My best next option was getting in touch with my Aunt Patty, Bianca's mom.

I called her and told her about Bianca putting her job in jeopardy to party in Paris. Yeah, maybe I stretched the truth a little bit, but it was worth it. Aunt Patty said she was calling right away and I smiled to myself.

I made myself lunch before I began to get ready for Forrest's game. The game was at Blake's indoor sports facility, so I dressed casually in ripped jeans and a scooped next top. I put my hair up in a high ponytail and put on some make-up before I headed to Fort Worth.

I was shocked by how big the complex was. When Blake explained to me he took over it from his grandfather, I assumed it was small. It was massive, multi-stories with basketball courts, soccer and football fields. I sat in the stands and watched the men play flag football. It was hilarious. It seemed like everyone was having a good time as they talked smacked to each other.

Forrest was a center, so besides hiking the ball and protecting the quarterback, who was Coach Green, there wasn't much I could cheer him on about. I did cheer for his team, which included Blake as a kicker too.

At the end of the game, which Forrest team won, I stuck around to congratulate him.

"Great game." I smiled when he had his bag and joined me on the sidelines.

"Thank you." He smiled.

"Lily! Good to see you." Blake cut in, giving me his killer smile, his light blue eyes twinkling mischievously. "Let me show you around." He said, leading me away.

Forrest followed as he took me on a brief tour. Afterwards, he invited me out with the team for burgers and beer. I accepted and we went to sports bar that boasted a brewery, huge burgers and a TV on every freaking surface available. It was a dude haven, but I felt comfortable as we sat, ate and talked about the game they just won.

"You looked great out there man. I almost didn't recognize you without a cloud of smoke, food, and a couch glued to your ass." Blake made fun of Forrest as his friends laughed.

"Hey, you could have done worse. Breakups suck. I remember during my last one I drank and hung out with this guy that made me listen to sad ass country music. I was ready to jump off a cliff." I said, staring straight at Blake.

Forrest joined in the laughter while Blake put his arm around me. "You didn't let me give you the full Blake experience."

I moved from underneath his arm. "No thanks."

We spent the remainder of our meal talking about football training camp. Majority of the table were Cowboy's fan, so I had to listen to them debate about how great their team was going to be this year.

"How are you feeling about the 49ers?" Forrest asked me.

"We'll see. They got Reggie Bush so I'm excited. Our run game needed help." I said.

"Not going to help much if he gets injured. He stays injured." Forrest contradicted me.

"Let's not hope for that!"

I stayed later than I planned because I was having so much fun. I thought it would be awkward with Coach Green but it was not at all. Everyone playfully ragged on each other without it being hurtful or embarrassing. All of Forrest teammates were really nice guys.

I stopped myself after two beers, so I was confident driving back. Forrest still wanted me to call him as soon as I made it home. Especially since I told him Trevor was out of town for the weekend.

I called him when I pulled into the apartment complex, but when he heard me open my car door, he made me stay on the phone until I was actually inside my apartment.

"Ok, I'm opening my door...closing my door...and I'm in. Safe and sound." I smiled on the phone.

"Ok. Goodnight Lily. Thanks for coming out."

"Thanks for inviting me. Goodnight Forrest." I hung up and locked the front door. I turned around and almost jumped out of my skin when I saw Trevor standing by the couch watching me.

"Hey! I didn't think you were coming back tonight. You scared the shit out of me." I said, throwing my purse on the couch.

"Sorry." He said, simply.

"What's up? How was the country and Winstar?" I asked.

"Good. Were you upset about last night?" Trevor asked me.

I bit my lip. "Define upset." I stalled.

"I think humiliated was the word used." Trevor said.

I took a deep breath. "A little." I admitted.

I instantly felt bad when he looked crushed. "I knew something was wrong. You said it was funny. Why would you lie?"

"I knew you thought it was harmless and funny. It was embarrassing to me." I told him.

He rubbed his hand across his face. "I didn't mean to embarrass you. You should have told me. I thought we were making a joke of our anniversary since you didn't take it seriously. I thought you would laugh at me considering I've propose to you before and you joke about it."

"I never said I didn't take our anniversary seriously. I didn't understand celebrating but I took it seriously as soon as I saw you did." I explained. "It might have been funny if it wasn't in public."

"C'mere." He said, pulling me in his arms. "I'm sorry. I promise, the next time I get on one knee or ask you to marry me, it will be for real."

"It better be." I warned him.

"Third times the charm." He said, with a smile. I shook my head and pressed my lips against his.

"No charm. A ring. A big one. Bigger than all of Kim Kardashian's put together." I murmured against his lips.

"You wanna be married as many times as her?" Trevor grinned.

"No. Just once. First time's the charm."


  1. I think that was the most direct, honest and non-combative resolution to a conflict that Lily and Trevor have had. It sounds like they are starting to click in terms of communicating. Christian is trouble, plain and simple, and I hope Bianca doesn't get caught in his web. Great post, in any case!

  2. I like the way Trevor and Lily had an honest and mature conversation without Lily throwing a bit of a tantrum.
    I do think Lily was being a bit extreme over the Christian/Bianca situation. Bianca is an adult and is clearly becoming good friends with Christians gf, she should be able to choose whether or not she wants to spend time with them regardless of how Lily feels. Just because she doesnt like him does not give her the right to pretty much lie to Bianca's mother to try to force her not to go. I do admit that what he did was shady but a lot of men still flirt with taken women and say nasty shit to their boyfriends but seeing as Bianca is a free agent I'm not really sure what Lily thinks he is going to do that would be so awful towards her?

  3. I kind of think that as nice as it seems to have them make up I also feel it was one big rug-sweep of the whole situation...I mean J-Mike the ass affecting Trevor and his behaviour is a serious relationship issue imo, as well as Trevor just assuming its ok with Lily that his friend crashes at THEIR place for so long without really consulting her..Also, She should ditch Christian because of his jerky behaviour but he gets to keep J-mike who even went so far as to talk about seeing her in her panties + bra??????....Like it was about the fake proposal but it wasn't really about the fake proposal and IMO they just dealt with the surface issue...

    Also, I have a feeling that the guy that Dino is not really/kinda sorta seeing/talking to is least thats what I'm thinking because that would be a very interesting twist. especially since Lily never acknowledged the name of the person she saw when they were out & I can totally see Brandon staring her down because of the Rocky situation + her not really acknowledging him also because of the Rocky situation. Just my 2 cents.

    1. I don't know, Trevor did ask her in the previous post more then once if she was OK and if there was anything he could do to fix it. Guys can be clueless and these past couple posts I've wanted to shake lily, she needs to talk to hlm. I do think she needs to talk to him about j Mike but I don't think it's a huge relationship issue, they just need to communicate and let's have jMike move on

  4. I agre with kate on the Bianca/Christian situation. Bianca is a big girl and she can take care of herself. Besides Christian said some mean things to Trevor, but what does that have to do with Bianca's relationship with his girlfriend? This is a good opportunity for Bianca, she's making connections and that's good for her.
    Did Lily & Trevor really have a good talk? I agree with anonymous, they didn't really. It wasn't just the fact that it was in public, but it was in front of J-mike and Jordan. And they made fun of her too, how could he not tell that would humiliate her? Some men need to have everything spelled out to them, I guess. And lily is just holding it all in, why can't she tell him she's done with j-mike being at their place?
    I like anonymous' idea of the guy being Brandon, that would be a good twist ;-)

  5. Bianca is a grown woman , but if someone's character is shady I would tell my relative. Even sammy said she didnt have to take the job because he's a tool. Then they would need to decide for themselves. I don't ever trust people who pay everyone's way for everything though, I mean they aren't that close and him or his model girlfriend is paying for Bianca to travel the world, Paris New York what's next.
    Lily needs to talk to Trevor about j mike, guys can be clueless especially when lily keeps saying everything is ok, I'm a girl and I'm annoyed with the expecting him to read her mind

  6. Lily being up front about her humiliation about the fake proposal was odd and not her but im glad shes growing up

    1. She wasn't up front, she didn't say anyanything, then acted odd toward trevor, until Trevor finally asked her. And she still isn't addressing his friends over welcome

  7. I really can't get over how much a bitch Jordan is. I feel like all of Lily's friends eventually turn on her! I do not get it. All I know is that I seriously could not continue to be friends with someone like Jordan.
    I also agree with everybody else that Lily needs to talk to Trevor about J-Mike. I want to believe that Trevor is not that dense, but then I remember that many guys are not the most observant. I really don't understand how Trevor is OK with how J-Mike speaks and acts towards Lily. On the other hand, it's almost like Trevor's afraid of J-Mike for some reason.

  8. I was wondering, who told Trevor about Lily being humiliated by that post? At first I thought maybe Jordan, but as established she’s kind of a bitch, so why would she care?. Maybe Rocky saw the post on facebook and told Trevor. Or maybe Amber told Rocky and Rocky called Trevor out and that’s the only reason why he apologized.
    And what was Amber going to tell Lily, was it about Rocky? Or about the guy Dino is dating? So many questions Janay! Hahaha :-P
    I feel the same way HeadKels0H! All of Lily’s friends turn on her at one time or another. She bends over backwards for her friends, she’s kind and giving with all of them. But I feel that she doesn’t really get the same from them. It’s not always that you get what you give, but sometimes you get what you put up with. If you don’t speak up for yourself and show that you are not ok with certain things people are going to assume you are ok with being treated like that. I think that’s what happens with Lily and her relationships.

    1. Yeah I am curious how he found out or if her kinda short attitude made him catch on. Not sure I agree that if someone told him that's the "only" reason he apologized. he did ask her if she was OK more then once, maybe he could tell she wasn't happy.
      Wonder what amber had to say too

    2. I went back and reread it. Highly unlikely it was amber telling rocky or amber telling Trevor because her conversation with lily was just lily saying no he didn't really propose it was a joke. Then she got off the phone, she didn't tell amber she was humilitated. Which Trevor said the word she used was "humilitated."
      After the phone with amber she sent a text to Jordan saying, "I can't believe you would post that fake engagement picture. It's not funny, it's humiliating Take the photo down now!!!" So wonder if Jordan told him, doesn't sound like her since she has been a brat but she's the only one lily told she was humilitated

    3. Jordan probably told J Mike and he likely shared it with Trevor. That was my first thought anyway. As far as I can tell, this was the most uneventful conversation Lily and Trevor have had. It could've turned into a fight, but it didn't. Sure, he had to prompt her to talk. But at least she was honest. Sometimes, that's how things go down in a relationship.
