Friday, July 31, 2015

Why Can't We Be Friends (Intro)

"Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
I seen you 'round for a long, long time, yeah
I remembered you when you drink my wine
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?" Why Can't We Be Friends by War

I met Sammy and Amber for an earlier dinner/lunch Monday. I never returned Amber call and she called me out on it Sunday night. I promised to make it up to her by treating her to dinner before she had to pick up her kids from summer camp and get ready for work. There was a short window of time between when I got off and when the kids had to be picked up.

We chose a Chiptole to met up at. By the time I got there, Amber and Sammy were already seated, their bowl and burrito in front of them, respectively. I frowned at them when I noticed a bowl and burrito at the seat for me.

"Guys, I told you I was treating!" I said, after I hugged them both and sat down.

"Hold on to your money. You can treat the next time we go out." Sammy smiled at me.

"If we go out. I barely see y'all anymore." I said, before unwrapping my burrito, anxiously like a kid with a present. I put the bowl aside to take home to Trevor.

"This weekend?" Amber asked.

I looked over at Sammy. "You working?

"I don't work Sundays anymore." Sammy told us. "After all the new business I brought in, I negotiated a set off day." Sammy boasted.

I raised my soda to her. "Cheers to that."

I turned to Amber and asked what she needed to talk about, but she asked about what she thought was the proposal picture. I quickly explained to her what happened.

"I haven't spoke to Jordan about posting it but at least she took it down." I concluded.

"Why would she post that with no caption or anything. It made it seem like he proposed. Not cool." Sammy stated.

"Why would he fake propose? That's not cool." Amber added.

"I know. Common sense would have told them that, but apparently it's not as common as I would hope." I shrugged.

"You know, Jordan was pissed at you." Sammy informed me.

I took a break from devouring my burrito and cocked my head back in surprise. "What?"

"Yep. She felt like you were taking it out on her when she didn't do anything." Sammy said.

"She told you that?" I said, incredulously.

"No, she told J-Mike, who told Trevor and Corey and Corey told me when they got back." Sammy explained.

"I didn't blame her. If she would have picked up her phone and called me, she would have known all I wanted was the picture down."

"Corey was saying the other day he's getting fed up with dealing with her. She's been bitchy ever since she broke up with Derek." Sammy said.

"She's going through a break up. That's hard." Amber said, forever the peacemaker.

"She told me before that she takes things out on other people. What I don't like is that she thinks she doesn't have to be accountable for what she does. I don't even need an apology. Just acknowledge it and stop so we can move on." I complained.

"You might have to call her and clear the air." Amber suggested.

"I think I'll pass." I declined, before biting into my burrito.

Sammy laughed at me.

"Speaking of clearing the air, that's another reason we need to have another girl's night this weekend." Amber announced.

"Oh shit, what needs to be aired out?" Sammy shook her head, while looking at me.

"Not me. I'm good." I joked.

Amber looked at me, nervously. "I do have something to tell you."

I looked over at her. Amber was like the bearer of bad new recently. She needed to just spit whatever it was out...

"Serena knows about your miscarriage." She blurted out.

I blanched.

"What the fuck does that have to do with her?" Sammy snapped, giving Amber a dirty stare. Amber turned to me.

"She found the father's day card you wrote to Ethan." Amber explained, quickly.

"I'm sorry, again, what does that have to do with her?" Sammy repeated herself.

"She feels like you and Ethan weren't up front about y'alls relationship." Amber finished, giving me a look that said help me out.

I really didn't know what to say. In fact, I felt like I already had that conversation with Serena. It was Ethan's decision what to and what not to tell her. I didn't necessarily agree with the water down summary of our relationship that Ethan gave Serena, but I considered myself more of a friend to Ethan than Serena. Wasn't my loyalty to him? What right did I have to tell her differently? And why did he share the card with her if he didn't want her to know?

"Amber, it wasn't on me to tell her that. It was Ethan's decision." I finally said.

"She gets that. It still doesn't make her 100% comfortable with y'alls friendship." Amber said. "I mean, really, who stays friends with their exes anyway?" Amber continued.

I thought it over. Ethan and my history was complex to say the least. We had finally reached the place were it was simple. It wasn't like Ethan and I were the best of friends, but I did consider him a friend.

"Serena choose to continue to date him after she found out about them. What changed besides he could have been her baby daddy? Hell, he already is one." Sammy spoke up.

I snorted and covered my smile. After I composed myself, I looked at Amber. "Sammy has a point. On principal alone, I'm maintaining my friendship with Ethan."

Amber looked at her phone. "That's what I thought. It's exactly why you need to talk to her."

"I'll pass on that too. She knows my number if she wants to talk." I said.

"Alright. Well, I need to go pick up my kiddos. I'll see y'all later and I'll text you about hanging out Sunday. I still haven't seen Magic Mike yet."

We stood up to give her a hug before gathering our things.

"First Rocky, then Jordan. No wait, first Rachel, then Rocky, Jordan now Serena. You're cutting bitches off left and right." Sammy pointed out to me.

I laughed. "I'm really not. Jordan didn't call me. I just don't feel a need to work so hard to keep friendships. I guess I care less with age."

"I feel you. I rather have 1 good friend than 5 fake ones." Sammy said.

We then went grocery shopping together. She caught me up on her and Corey. Through teaching EJ, Corey discovered teaching music was something he wanted to do for a career and was ready to commit to going back to school. Sammy supported him but balked at my question whether they would be moving in together.

"We're nowhere near that step. I like my space." Sammy exclaimed.

Alrighty then.

"About space, how much longer is J-Mike gonna be all up in yours?" She quipped.

"Not funny. It's like college all over again with the stupidity." I lamented.

"Kick his ass out then." Sammy suggested.

I groaned. "I can't do that. Especially when I know if you or anyone else I cared about needed a place to stay, my door would be open whether Trevor was ok with it or not. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place."

"Haven't you heard of pussy power? You have the pussy, therefore you have the power. If he doesn't obey, no pussy for him." Sammy educated me.

"Wow, I'm amazed by how many times you said pussy." I laughed.

"Laugh all you want, it's never let me down."

We went our separate ways after we finished shopping and I carried the bags upstairs to my apartment. I struggled and finally pushed my way in. Wherever we moved, it had to be on the bottom floor. Trevor and J-Mike were sitting on the couch, playing on their laptops.

"Hey Lilypad." Trevor greeted me, flashing me a smile.

"You need any help?" J-Mike offered.

"Yeah, I do. I have more bags in the car." I answered before putting the bags in the kitchen. I put the food away while the guys brought in the groceries. Thank God J-Mike asked. Trevor would be so engrossed in his laptop or game, I had to ask him to help me bring in groceries. I didn't wanna be the nagging stereotype girlfriend J-Mike joked about.

"Y'all are on your own for dinner. I'm full." I informed them when I had everything put away.

"What do you feel like eating Jay?" Trevor asked.

"I don't care. I'll let you pick." J-Mike answered.

"What did you eat?" Trevor asked me.

"Chiptole with Amber and Sammy."

"Burritos sound good." Trevor nodded.

"Is there a Moe's around here? I like them better." J-Mike asked.

One of the reasons I could never be friends with him. Everyone knows Chiptole is better.

After they left, I took Justine out from a run. I came back, did some crunches and stretched. I was betting on J-Mike going to hang with Jordan and so Trevor and I could shower together. I wanted to try Sammy's technique and see if I could at least get a deadline for how long J-Mike was "visiting".

I lost out when Trevor and J-Mike returned with beers and plans to get back on their laptops. I went and took a shower, my plans aborted...

Or maybe not. I pulled out my phone and texted Trevor.

Me: Send J-Mike away so you can keep me company in the shower {Emojis-wink face, bath tub, surfboard, hearts}

He responded right away.

Trevor: {Emojis- surprised face, thumbs up, tongue wagging face, blows kiss face} Give me a couple more hours and we'll shower together

I frowned. Not good enough. I decided to raise the stakes. I turned on the shower and removed all my clothes. When it was nice and foggy, I took a selfie in front of the mirror. When I was satisfied with a sexy, steamy picture, I sent it to Trevor with the caption:

No worries. Twist(my vibrator) is waterproof. {Emojis-Rockets, fireworks, explosions, confetti hat} 

I got no response. I pouted and put my phone up in the cabinet before getting in the shower. I barely got my entire body soaped up before the shower curtain was pulled back.

"He's gone." Trevor told me while removing his clothes.

I gave him a sexy smile. "Guess I don't need Twist..." I said.

Trevor joined me, grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him for a hot, deep kiss. While his tongue sank in my mouth, I wrapped my arms around his neck and smashed my breasts into his lean chest. He cupped my ass and fondled my body under the cascading hot water. We made out, passionately, until I felt him harden against me. I pulled back and grabbed my body wash.

"You're such a dirty little boy. Time to clean you up." I grinned, squeezing the fruity smelling wash in my hands.

He chuckled at my cheesy, porno lines. "Yes Ma'am."

I caressed his entire body, giving special attention to his erection, cleaning him up until the water ran the suds off his body and my hands.

"I think I'm clean." He groaned. "Your turn."

Once he was rinsed, I aimed the water head away from us. "I'm already clean, but I can get dirty again." I said, before sinking to my knees.

"Jesus." He hissed, before I took him in my mouth. I sucked on him until he stepped away.

"That's dirty enough. C'mere." He said, turning off the water and getting out the tub.

I followed suit. When he sat on the toilet seat, I straddled him, kissing him on his face and grabbing hold of his shoulders as our bodies slid against one another's. His face turned into a look of complete pleasure as I guided him inside of me. I rotated my hips, in small, tight circles so I didn't fall off his lap, squeezing him from within. In no time he was coming, holding my body tight against him.

We both caught our breath, holding each other, and sharing little kisses until he sighed.

"We've been living together too long not to have done it on the toilet before." Trevor teased me.

I leaned in close and nibbled on his ear. "A lot of places we can't do it as long as we have a guest..." I hinted, running my tongue over his ear.

Trevor inhaled deeply before letting out a shaky laugh. "He's leaving at the end of the week Lily. He's not moving until he settles his divorce." Trevor informed me.

"Good." I said, quickly, then blushed. "For him, I mean. Moving forward is a good thing."

"Mmmhmm." Trevor said, knowingly, before kissing me on the forehead. "Where else haven't we done it?"

"Babe, I think we officially done it in every room." I smiled, standing up.

"No, not the patio. Or closet." Trevor argued standing too.

"The closet is too small and people could see us on the patio!" I shot him down, pulling out a towel from the cabinet and tossing him one too.

"Ok... maybe every room, but not every surface." He pointed out as we dried off.

"Every surface?" I said, with a shake of my head wrapping the towel around me.

"Absolutely. Rooms are for amateurs." He explained as we headed to bed.

"When did you go pro? When we were just friends and you hoed around with J-Mike?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"No darling. I went pro for you." Trevor said, unwrapping my towel before he tackled me to the bed. I went down, laughing with him.

On Tuesday, after we had a pleasant dinner with J-Mike not saying anything stupid, Christian called me. As usual. I ignored him, until he started texting me obsessively. I couldn't delete them before I read them.

Christian: We're not friends now?


Christian: It's like that huh? I thought you had your own mind.


Christian: No matter how your boyfriend feels about me, you shouldn't stop your cousin. Don't be a bitch.

Oh fuck no!

With that, I dialed his number.

"What's wrong Lily?" Trevor asked me.

"I'm about to go off on Christian." I said, as the phone rang. Trevor's eyes widen, before he said, "Put it on speaker."

I smirked, briefly, until Christian picked up. I put it on speaker phone like Trevor requested.

"You went behind my back and talked shit about my relationship." I went in, barely giving him a chance to say hello. "I defended you. I stuck up for you. And you started shit with Trevor like he wasn't going to tell me. If anyone's a bitch, it's you!" I lit into him.

"I knew you would react this way to the truth that's why I didn't say anything to you." Christian defended himself.

"And what's the truth Christian? You're a bitch? I figured that out on my own, bitch ass." I goaded him.

Trevor held back his laugh while J-Mike's mouth dropped wide open.

"That you and Trevor aren't going to last. You had this obsession with him since college. You're gonna grow out of it and realize you two make no sense. I'm being a good friend to both of you by telling you what everyone knows." Christian spit out.

"Christian, we're not friends. Never have been. I put up with you because of my obsession with Trevor. Now he don't even fuck with you so lose my number. Stay the fuck away from my cousin or you'll find out about my new obsession with cutting fucking bitches." I threatened him before hanging up in his face.

"Damn..." J-Mike said, completely shocked. Trevor burst out laughing, which made me smile too, releasing some of my tension. I was still seething over Christian's stupid comments. What the fuck did he and this elusive  "everybody" know about me and Trevor? Not a damn thing and he had the nerve to call himself a friend. Fuck him! Bitch!

"I told you not to get on her bad side." Trevor laughed, coming over to give me a hug.

"We're friends right?" J-Mike asked, joking or nervous. I couldn't tell.

"It depends... will you do the dishes?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Right away." He saluted me before leaving. Trevor and I both laughed at him. Fuck pussy power. I just needed to start going off on people.

"Are you ok? Trevor asked.

"Couldn't be better."

After I went off on Christian, I tried to call Bianca. She just texted me back.

Bianca: When I make my decision, I'll let you and my mom know. Nice try Cuz.

I groaned and called her again, telling her to call me back. She didn't. I called her once a day, everyday, all week. No response other than texts.

In better news, as promised J-Mike booked a flight and was heading back to D.C Friday morning. Trevor was going to be late to work so he could take him to the airport. I continued my regular routine of getting up and ready before him. As Trevor showered, I joined J-Mike in the kitchen. He already made coffee, eggs, sausage links and toast.

"Wow. Why did you wait to the last day to be useful?" I teased him, smiling as he offered me a plate. "You didn't poison it? Or boil my pet? Where's Justine?" When I called her, I heard her collar jingle til she emerged from the living room.

"No Lily. It's a peace offering. I would like for us to be friends." He said.

I grinned to myself. He was afraid about the way I went off on Christian. I had no intentions of going off on him like that.

"That's nice J-Mike." I said, neutrally. No point of alleviating his fears...

"Now, I mean it. What's it going to take for us to be friends?"

"J-Mike, were cool. It's just hard not to think about how you and Trevor used to be. I trust Trevor, but I don't want him reverting back to his stupid, thoughtless behavior. I just need you to be respectful of Trevor and me now, that's all." I tried to explain.

"Of course. You know I'm a joker. I don't mean half the shit I say. If I realized what you and Trevor have to put up with, I would have kept my mouth shut." J-Mike replied.

"It's ok-" I started.

"No, it's not. Dealing with Trevor's mom and the interracial thing is enough." His face paled as he shook his head. The look on his face made me stop eating and I studied him. "After hearing her, y'all need support, not jokes. I promise you, I'm done."

Interracial thing? Trevor's mom?

"I still can't believe she refused to see him when she heard y'all were still together. All that shit about the yoked and unyoked and y'all's kids being mutts- I didn't think people really still thought like that. You see on the news about all the race tension- " J-Mike went on while my stomach dropped.

Trevor's mom was refusing to see him? Because of me? Because of my race?

Shamed burned my skin, making the kitchen unbearable hot. Disgust filled me, making me sick to my stomach. Grief washed over me, making my eyes fill with tears.

"Lily-" Trevor called out to me, joining us.

I abruptly stood from the table, hiding my face. "I have to go. I have a meeting. I forgot. I have to go. See y'all later."

I darted out the apartment, not waiting for a goodbye. I had to get the fuck out of there.


  1. Wow, the first half of this post was so fun and I think they are cute together. Also so glad she talked to Trevor more and glad j Mike is being nicer.
    Now for the ending sucks she knows now. Sucks his mom is a tool. I really hope this doesn't break them up though I love them together. She won't be marrying his mom and hopefully he continues to stand up for her. Unfortunately there's still idiots out there who say stupid things.

  2. Wow!!! My heart is breaking for Lily..what an awful thing to hear especially
    Coming from your boyfriends mother...I hope Trevor takes a stand for her.

    I don't blame lily for cutting friends..I've done it and it is almost r refreshing

  3. Such a weird post. It felt really off from previous posts...angsty. Tons of language too. Which is funny because the Brandon post got a warning and there was hardly anything in that one and this post lily is fucking and pussying everything left and right. I don't mind language, it just doesn't match the usual tone of the blog. I almost felt like lily was bipolar in this post.

  4. I'm a little shocked at J-Mike's turn around and however Lily reacts in the next post about what she found out is all on Trevor because he never told her, Lily asked countless times after that day but still nothing.

    1. Not sure what you're talking about she didn't ask countless times. Little unfair to blame someone for something their parent said. Even after his point of view when we read what she said he stood up for her and in the comments almost everyone said unless she really asks and wants to know it's not beneficial lily knows exactly what was said. Can you find where she asked countless times ? If he would have told her she would have been crushed, sucks she found out.
      as for j Mike he was always annoying and making stupid comments but she ragged on him to about his old wife, kinda got the vibe from him he was that annoying friend but deep down not terrible. I can see where maybe Trevor talked to him (obviously if he knew what his mom said) and he felt bad that his friend and the girl he loves have such crappy people in their life

  5. All I can say is poor Trevor...

  6. I don't think Lily ever asked him what she said. I remember her not wanting to know, and not caring because it was at the time that her dad was also not believing in their relationship and she was in the "we don't have to prove to anyone but ourselves" attitude. But I also don't think she ever thought that his moms issue was her race. Minus that blonde hair blue eyed babies comment. But Trevor's mom made it sound like that was the grandma's issue.

  7. I'm so curious what's going to happen!

  8. No joke; I'm sitting here hitting the "Refresh" button every 15 minutes. I can't wait for the next post!!
