Friday, June 12, 2015


"When I wrap you up
When I kiss your lips.
I wanna make you feel wanted
And I wanna call you mine
Wanna hold your hand forever
And never let you forget it
'Cause, baby, I, I wanna make you feel wanted
As good as you make me feel
I wanna make you feel better
Better than your fairy tales
Better than your best dreams
You're more than everything I need
You're all I ever wanted
All I ever wanted" Wanted by Hunter Hayes

After Bilal left, I went back home to get ready for my interview the next day. Since I was trying not to spend money if I didn't have to, I planned to do everything at home. Instead of buying a new outfit,  I needed to put something together from what I had. I planned to do my own nails and wash and straighten my hair as well.

I found an outfit quickly; a great fitting pair of black trousers and a simple white blouse. I planned to wear my hair up and my diamond studs earrings. I figured understated would be best considering it was an assisted living facility.

I packed up everything I needed and headed back to Trevor's place. I unpacked the extra clothes I brought over and changed into work out gear. I drove to the gym and put in a full body work out. After I got back to Trevor's place and took a shower, I made us salads for dinner. I made Trevor a quesadilla to go with his.

Trevor came home and we sat in front of the TV and ate. I wasn't paying attention and picked at my salad; I skipped dressing so it didn't taste very good. I was too nervous about the interview to eat anyway. Even though it wasn't my dream job, it was still an interview and I desperately needed a job.

"Lilypad, are you listening?" Trevor interrupted me going over the bills due at the beginning of the month in my head.

"Yeah, I mean, no. I'm sorry. Can you repeat that?" I asked.

"Do you wanna watch Napoleon Dynamite? Make yourself a dang quesadilla?" Trevor asked.

I smiled. "Sure, after I take Justine outside. Do you wanna go for a walk with me?" I replied.


I jogged ahead of Trevor on our walk as he waited for Justine to sniff around. Afterwards, we walked back to his apartment together, hand and hand.

"I'm surprised she didn't have to go." I said, as I caught my breath.

"She did." Trevor told me.

"I mean, number 2." I clarified.

"She did." Trevor repeated with a nod.

I frowned up. "I have bags... where did you put it?"


"Trevor! What is wrong with you? That's so wrong!" I exclaimed.

"It's not a big deal-" He chuckled.

"That's illegal! And a part of owning a dog. They poop, you scoop. Where did she go?" I said, pulling out a bag.

"On the way out the apartments, in that little open area. You're really going to pick it up?"

"Yes! I take Justine out to that area all the time. I hate when people don't clean up after their dog. Little did I know, it's you!" I said, hiding my aggravation behind sarcasm. When we got to the field outside his apartment, I quickly located and cleaned up after Justine.

I gave Trevor a look that said, "See? Not so hard."

He responded with a wide eyed look. "Yeah... I don't think that's Justine's."

"What?!? Where did she go?"

"Over there... or maybe over there. Honestly, I don't remember. We should scoop up everything just in case." He teased me so I knew he was joking. My irritation faded away as I fought back a smile.

"It's not funny. It's the law. You know some communities do DNA test to see whose dog left it?" I informed him as I walked to the dumpster and tossed away the bag.

"Even more reason for us to double back and get rid of any evidence. How many bags do you have?" He smiled as he followed me.

"Shut up Trevor!" I said, jogging away so he couldn't see my smile.

"Come back Lily! Don't break the law!" He yelled after me. I took off running as I laughed. "I don't want Justine's DNA in the system! We'd have to go on the run!!!" He mocked me playfully as he chased after me.

When we got back to the apartment, I washed my hands while Trevor gave Justine a bowl of water. After drinking some water, I started the shower and stripped down before hopping in. I was washing when I heard "Dead or Alive" play.

"You're stupid Trevor!" I laughed.

"No... I'm an outlaw." He said, pulling back the shower curtain. I was momentarily distracted by his nude body as he joined me in the shower. He pulled me against him and pressed his lips against mine.

I was afraid I would be too nervous to sleep, but between my workout and Trevor, I was thoroughly exhausted. I even fell asleep on Napoleon Dynamite. Trevor and I got up together and had breakfast. I was doing my make-up when he came and gave me a kiss goodbye.

"Good luck Lily. Call me when you're done." He said.

"Ok." I said, giving him a sincere smile.

I don't know why, but Trevor put me completely at ease. Normally, I would be building up a facade and hiding my insecurities and nerves behind a poker face. That morning, I was filled with confidence. I finished my make-up and got dressed before heading to the assisted living facility.

It was more like a small community with suites and separate apartments. There was a health-care center in the main building that I walked to for my interview. I researched enough to know all the amenities the facility offered, but I was still surprised by how elegant everything was. I didn't have any experience with retirement or nursing homes, but the luxurious set up definitely took me be surprise.

Winston, one of the HR mangers that was interviewing me, stressed the importance of providing a warm environment for everyone receiving personalized care. A lot of his question revolved around me describing different situations with patients and how I handled them. Between my experiences at a hospital and clinic, I had plenty of examples and shared them with him confidently.

"That's wonderful." He said, after I told him why I wanted to work for the company. Of course the real reason was a paycheck, but I told him a half truth about wanting to help patients reach their goals. I did, I just wasn't sure if the patients or cases I wanted were at the assisted living facility.

"Our mission for every patient, whether it's long term or short term care, is for them to not only maintain their independent, but to thrive." Winston said, enthusiastically.

His enthusiasm was infectious. I nodded. "Absolutely. I would be honored to be a part of that."

"I can see your passion. That's trumps experience in my book. I think you would fit in great here." He said, pulling out some paperwork.

"Thank you." I smiled, excitedly.

"As soon as your background check comes back, it would be my pleasure to offer you the position. While we're waiting on that, we can go ahead and start the hiring process. If you have the time, we can get the drug test done today as well-"

I froze. Fuck...

"Is everything ok?" Walter asked me.

I forced a smile on my face. "Yes. Just a little stunned by how fast this is going. It's exciting." I lied, impressively.

"Don't worry. You won't be starting tomorrow." Walter chuckled. "Hiring is a process and you have to do some training. You can teach procedure, but you can't teach passion. Like I said, we want our staff excited about coming to work- " He went on, detailing the benefits and pay and work schedule.

I didn't hear a word he said. I was freaking out about the drug test. I smoked weed. In Mexico. Numerous times. I tried to remember when was the last time I smoked. Then I realized, it didn't matter because I have no idea how long it stayed in my system. Ohmigod, what if I took the test and failed? Who all would know? Would it affect my license? Would I get reported? Would I get arrested? What the fuck do I do?

"How does that sound?" Walter asked, after his spiel.

"Sounds great!" I said, chirpily.

"Good. Just take this form to anyone of these labs. Once we get your background done and the test results, I'll give you a call so we can start the next step." Walter said, standing. I stood up too and shook the hand he extended to me. "I look forward to seeing you again."

"You too. Thank you for your time- er, and the opportunity." I corrected when I noticed how final I sounded.

I got in my car and immediately called Trevor at his desk phone. I normally just called his phone and had him give me a callback, but I was freaking out.

"Trevor speaking." He answered, dully.

"I got the job." I blurted out after I drove away from the building. I knew I was being extremely paranoid, but I couldn't help it.

Oh God, the weed was still in my system!

"Lily? That's great!"

"No, they want to drug test me." I moaned.


"Mexico! Weed!" I reminded him.

"Oh..." Trevor said, thoughtfully.

"What do I do? How long does it stay in your system?" I questioned.

"Lily, I have no idea. I'll Google it right now."

"No. That's not safe for work. I will! Call you back." I said.

I drove to the lab anyway and parked at the CVS next to it. Google was no fucking help as it had way too many conflicting opinions that basically said it depends on the person and usage.

I called Rocky, but she didn't answer. She must have been busy at work. I called Sammy next. She answered and when I explained to her what happened, she asked how long I have to take the test.

"I don't know. He said today." I panicked.

"Check the paper." She instructed me.

"Nothing." I said, reading through it quickly.

"Ok, call and ask." Sammy told me.

"I can't. How suspicious does that sound?"

"Tell him something came up and your not going to have time to go today." Sammy suggested.

"What would come up?"

"I don't know. Tell him you had to go back to work!"

"I don't remember if I told him I was still working or not!" I exclaimed.

"Then go take the test and hope it comes out clean."

"What happens if I fail?"

"You don't get the job."

"Obviously. Anything else?"

"I don't know Lily. I've worked in restaurants and fast food places: they never drug tested me." Sammy admitted.

"Ok. Bye Sammy."

I immediately looked up the consequences to failing a employment drug test. When I saw a post about a nurse getting reported to the board, I started my car and got the fuck out of there.

I spent the rest of the day, berating myself for smoking. What the fuck was I thinking? Then I recognized what I was thinking: freedom, fun and no fucking calories. Why wasn't I thinking about my career and my future? How could I be so stupid?

Trevor called me around noon, but I text him back, saying I would talk to him when he got home.

When he did, I told him I didn't take the test.

"I talked to Corey. He said you would have been fine."

"One person online said it stays in your system for 30 days." I said, skeptically.

"Maybe, but he said trace amounts won't pick up on an urine test; only a certain level. The amount you smoked, plus the fact that you don't smoke regularly, you should be fine." Trevor said.

"Should be? No guarantee. How does he know all that stuff anyway?" I asked.

"He works at a pharmacy." I raised my eyebrows at him. "And he used to do a lot harder drugs. Marijuana was the least of his concerns."

I rested my head against Trevor chest. "How could I fuck up that opportunity? I just ran away. What's wrong with me?" I commented.

"Maybe because a part of you knew you didn't want to work there." He replied, comfortingly.

"It doesn't matter. I still need a job." I looked up at him. "If you say trophy wife, I will strangle you."

He gave me a little smile."I know. I wouldn't be able to afford you anyway."

I sighed and buried my head in his chest. "You do want me without a job. I don't even want me without one."

"What do you mean?" He asked, wrapping his arms around me.

"School, my career, it's how I proved myself. It was the only thing I had going for me my entire life; the only thing I had complete control over. I don't know what to do or who I am without it. " I explained.

"That's not true. You're sweet and smart and generous and beautiful. That's who you are, not a job." Trevor listed. "I'd want you whatever way I can have you."

I lifted my head up and smiled. His words instantly restored my confidence. It was like he was out of a fairy tale. He always knew what to say. "Thank you Trevor. I love you so much."

"I love you too. Don't be impatient. Let me take care of you while you find the right opportunity."

I nodded and gave him a kiss. "Deal."

He stroked my hair as we cuddled on the couch. "Hey, maybe we can really be outlaws. They don't drug test for that and Justine can poop wherever she wants." He joked.

"Shut up Trevor!" I smiled.

Ok, maybe he wasn't like any fairytale I read growing up, but he was better. I didn't have my dream job yet, but he surpassed any dreams I had about a man.

"I'm serious. Bonnie and Clyde. Ride or die." He said, his smile lighting up his entire face.

I cracked up laughing. "You're not about that life Trevor."

I kissed him on the lips while I imagined our lives together. Surprisingly, I didn't think of our careers. I thought of our home, our families, our kids. It was perfect; all I ever wanted.


  1. And there it is. The moment we all saw coming. lol Hopefully this is a life lesson for Lily.

    Anxious to see what happens next!

  2. Its 'i wanna wrap you up, wanna kiss your lips' sorry to be nitpicky but this is my wedding song so its gotta be right lol.

    And i told you so lily...she just came back from mexico a week ago sorry Corey but you're an idiot she won't be 'fine'

    1. Again it's based on individuals, think it's a little defensive to call Corey an idiot, he is fictional

    2. She could very well be 'fine'. If you do not smoke regularly, it can be out of your system within a matter of days. In addition, the testing levels for many pre-employment tests usually do not pick up the occasional smoker. I say usually because there is always that one company who has a more stringent test...

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey Meg, maybe you should check the lyrics again. Second chorus. After "and I wanna show you what I see tonight"

  4. Lily's dad doesn't think Trevor can take care of Lily, but he does in a way that is far more important than financially. He takes care of her emotionally. He gives her confidence, boost her self esteem, provides some optimism and makes her laugh. She can make her own money, but to have a partner who supports her emotionally, loves her unconditionally and lets her be her best self is rare and to be treasured. I hope her dad can see this and learn to support them as a couple. I think maybe he will come a round. I am worried about Trevor's mom, though. Her kind of prejudice is hard to uproot. In any case, I love them together!
