Sunday, June 14, 2015

Tell the Truth (Intro)

"Everyone, has a closet
In the night, they wear disguises
In the dark, they hide from the truth
In the end, they lie to you
One day the skeletons are gonna come out
One day the elephant in the room will make a sound
Watch out for lions and tigers and bears
It's bout to hit the fan, better beware
Tell the truth(x4)" Tell the Truth by Jussie Smollett

By Saturday afternoon, I came to the conclusion Rocky was ignoring me. While Bilal was in town, I assumed she wasn't speaking to me because of him. When she didn't respond Thursday when I was freaking out over my drug test, I figured she was busy at work.

I tried to call again on Friday to get her advice about my drug test. I called the HR manger I interviewed with and lied about being too busy at my current job. He believed me and told me normally it was a 48 hour window to take the test. Since the lab was closed over the weekend, he told me Monday would be fine.

I read online something about drinking water to have a clean test, so I drank water excessively. I knew Rocky cut ties with any of her friends that used to smoke weed, but I still wanted to see if she had any advice. Even if she didn't, I wanted her to know Bilal was gone. Truthfully, I needed something to do other than be at home or hang with Trevor.

I didn't want to be at my apartment because Jasmine was moving over the weekend, I just wasn't sure what day. One of the TV station was broadcasting all of the Jurassic Park movies, getting ready for next week's release of Jurassic World. Trevor was spending his Friday night with Chris and Peyton: fellow Jurassic Park enthusiasts.

I saw the first movie. I just wasn't a dinosaur girl; I believed they were dead for a reason. It wasn't entertaining for me watching what would happen if we foolishly brought them back to life. I was even a less fan of Peyton. She really was Rocky's friend and while we were cool, we never connected. The fact that she was friends with Becca didn't help things. I still got pissed when I thought about that bitch taking pictures with Justine...

Anyway, Rocky didn't respond. I reached out to Sammy, but she had to work and Amber worked every Saturday night. I even called Jordan, but she was having a date night with Derek. I was stuck with Trevor, Peyton and Chris watching movies. Trevor hosted and was sweet enough to buy my favorite junk food; nachos, brownies and gummy bears. As we watched the movies together, I worked out during the commercials while Trevor told me I was being ridiculous.

"Says the guy that eats all he wants and never gains a pound. You shut up!" I told him.

Peyton laughed at me. I took a break, and sat beside her.

"Have you heard from Rocky recently?" I asked.

Peyton nodded. "Yeah...what do you think about the whole Brandon thing?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. It's hard because I know Rocky, but I can't blame Brandon for being upset. I don't think I could just move on from it. It's easier said than done."

"I get that, but the whole nail and bail was bad on his part. " Peyton said, disgusted.

"What nail and bail?!?" I asked, shocked.

"Movie's back on." Chris announced, looking over at us.

"Yeah, you shut up." Trevor added in.

I stuck my tongue out at him. During the next commercial, I led her to the kitchen.

"When did this happen?" I asked.

"Memorial Day weekend."

"I thought she was hanging out with you and Jackie."

"She did. She left and met up with him at a hotel room. Apparently he was drunk, and they had sex. He- woke up and left."

I felt sick to my stomach. I was disgusted by Brandon's actions, but even more disturbed by Rocky. What the fuck was she thinking?

"Is that why she's not returning my calls?You think she's embarrassed?"

Peyton looked away. "You should talk to her about it."

I would if she would answer. Part of me was irritated that she talked to Peyton and not me. We were like sisters. She should have told me the truth not avoided me because she was ashamed.

"Peyton, can you grab me a soda on your way back?!?" Chris called.

"Coming!" Peyton replied, turning to the refrigerator. We returned to the living room together.

Trevor and I woke up late the next Saturday morning. He had to catch up on his work on Kenji's website, so I let him work as I drove to Rocky's house. I knocked on the door before I tried to let myself in. The code she set no longer worked. I called her and it rang to voicemail. I left another message saying I heard what happened with Brandon and wanted to talk.

I was tempted to walk to the back of her house to see if her car was there, but I learned my lesson about snooping and minding my own business. I was on my way back to my car when Jordan called.

"Two things: A bunch of us from work are going to Top Golf tonight. Do you wanna come?" She asked.

"Aww, do y'all miss me?" I smiled.

"Yeah, and everyone wants to know what happened. I haven't said anything."

"Sure, I'm there. What's number 2?"

"Are you home? I have a gift for you." Jordan asked.

"No, I'm actually leaving Rocky's. Meet me at Trevor's place?"

"I don't know where he lives and I'm like 5 minutes from your place." Jordan responded.

"Ok." I said, reluctantly as I drove to my apartment. I saw Jasmine's car wasn't there so I breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe she got an early morning start and was done.

I let Jordan in and she handled over a CVS bag. I opened it to reveal a drug test.

"It's a gift from Corey. Why do you need it?" Jordan question.

I explained to her about my interview and how I had a drug test Monday as I opened the test. I read through the instructions, grateful for my binge water drinking. I had to pee constantly!

I went to the bathroom and took the test. I had to wait 10 minutes, so I left the test in the bathroom while I waited with Jordan. She told me about her "date" night with Derek.

"It ended up being a work dinner. He's so frustrating. It's always work with him." Jordan complained.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing. I'm trying to be supportive. This is where he wants to be. Director at a hospital, he loves it. . I thought once he had it he would slow down, delegate. He hasn't yet."

I made a face. "You have to say something. My dad is the same way. He said he didn't want to get remarried because he'd rather focus on work. You need to let him know that doesn't work for you."

"I could make it work for a ring." She said, with a little smile.

"A ring doesn't magically fix thing. Rocky will tell you that."

If she would talk to me...

Jordan exhaled, sharply. "This takes me back to school. Waiting for test results, praying that it was negative." She said, changing the subject.

"Were all your friends druggies?" I obliged her.

"No. More like pregnancy test." Jordan scoffed.

"Geez, what was wrong with your friends?"

"You know what the crazy part was? We'd celebrate negative test with alcohol, guys and condoms." She laughed.

I laughed too as my alarm went off. "Be right back." I exclaimed, before rushing up the stairs. I read the test. There was one solid control line so I knew it was working. Then, faintly, was another line. Indicating negative. I broke out in a smile and dance.

"Jordan! Bust out the alcohol, guys and condoms,  'cause the test was negative!" I called out as I pranced down the stairs.

Jordan started laughing as I almost lost my footing when I noticed who was standing next to her. It was Jake, and by the look on his face, he heard everything I said. My cheeks flushed, as I noticed Jasmine, Brandon and Omar in the living room too.

"Drug test!" I blurted, quickly, which made Jordan laugh harder. I was so glad my misery was making her happy...

Honestly, I kinda was. She sounded and look so depressed about Derek. If my embarrassment in front of my ex-boyfriend, ex-roommate, ex-fiance of my best friend and ex-enemy made her smile, I'd take it.

I laughed too. "Never mind. Restart. Hey everyone!"

Jasmine mustered a 'hello" before heading upstairs. Brandon greeted me with a nod of his head before following Jasmine. Omar asked me how I was doing, and I returned the greeting. It looked like he wanted to say something more, but he said "fine", and followed them upstairs.

Jake gave me a genuine smile. "I was going to see how unemployment was treating you, but it sounds like you're doing ok."

"You're right. I'm good. Thanks!" I replied.

"You sure? Because if you need help staying out of trouble, I have something for you to do..."

"I'm good. Besides, you wouldn't trust me with a gun, remember?"

"That's not the job I had in mind-"

"Stop right there. I don't want to hear anymore." I cut him off.

"What do you think it is?" Jake asked, while Jordan smiled.

"Doesn't matter. I'm not interested."

"Jake! Get up here!" Jasmine yelled from upstairs.

"I'll come when I'm ready!" Jake yelled back.

"I know you have plans," Jake said, causing Jordan to giggle. "but can you hang around? I need to talk to you."

"Um, Jordan. Do we need to get going?" I asked, hoping she'll bail me out.

"No. You should pick out something for tonight." Jordan said.

I narrowed my eyes at her, but agreed.

I took Jordan upstairs to get out of their way.

"Thanks a lot Jordan. You fucked me."

"Oh, come on. You know you want to know what he wants."

Yeah, I did.

"I'll be with you the whole time." She reassured me.

Jordan and I spent that time combing through my closet and planning out our looks for the evening. I talked Trevor into joining us while Jordan tried the same for Derek.

She showed me the text he sent.

Derek: Depends on how late I get out of here. I'll text you back.

I nodded, sadly. She quickly pulled out a dress and  asked to borrow it. It was the black and white bodycon dress Jake bought for me. I thought it was too much for top golf, but I let her borrow it anyway. I put her hair up in the hot curlers while she did her makeup. She looked amazing when we were done.

When they were done, Jasmine and Brandon hightailed it out without saying goodbye. Jake came and got me, so we went downstairs together. Omar sat on the couch, looking extremely uncomfortable.

"Did y'all get something to drink?" I asked.

"I'll get it." Jordan offered, heading to the kitchen.

"I'll help." Jake said, following her.

I sat down across from Omar.

"I have a favor to ask; Completely up to you." He started.

"Ok, shoot."

"Kelly is pregnant."

"Ohmigod, that's great! Right?" I asked, confused by his tone.

"Yes, she's 3 months now but she's- taking a lot of unnecessary precautions. I was hoping you could talk to her. "

"After what she went through, I understand. I would be the same. I mean, if she's listening to her doctors, what's the problem? "

"That is the problem; it's the exact opposite of what her doctors are telling her." Omar explained

"Like what?" I asked, as Jordan and Jake returned. Jordan handed Omar and me glasses before she took one from Jake.

"A lot of different lifestyle changes."

"Like?" I questioned.

"Her diet."

"That's not unreasonable." I said.

"She stopped any strenuous activities." Omar elaborated, after taking a sip of water.

"That's good." I said, thrown off by his vague answers. I refused to believe a doctor told them eating healthy and taking it easy wasn't necessary.

"Sex. She refuses to have sex." Jake said.

"Oh." I said, finally getting it.

Omar flushed. "It's more than sex. Her behavior has been... extreme since everything happened."

"What happened?" Jordan asked. I looked at Omar for permission to tell. He nodded.

"Her water broke too early during her first pregnancy. The baby didn't survive." I answered.

"Oh, bless her heart." Jordan said, with a sad expression on her face. "I'm sorry for your loss."

"Thanks. I thought she would chill once she got pregnant again." Omar said."But she hasn't. I don't know what you can say. I know last time you got through to her." He said, hopefully.

"I'll talk to her." I agreed.

"Thanks Lily." Omar breathed. He looked so relieved that I was glad Jordan didn't bail me out.

"No promises, but I'll definitely try." I promised.

They got up to leave. Jake stopped at the door.

"I owe you. What do you need? Besides booze, guys and condoms?" He asked.

I smiled. A big part of me wanted to ask him to make Brandon stop being a douche or Jasmine stop being a bitch, but I left it alone.

"Nothing. We're cool if you forget what you heard earlier."

He smiled. "Done." His phone beeped, and he looked down at it.

"Alright, what's going on with you and Jasmine?" He asked me.

"Nothing." I lied. I didn't want to ask if he still had feelings for me. If he didn't, how conceited would I look? If he did, did I want to know?

He looked at me skeptically and I shrugged. "You have to ask her. I'm good."

He nodded and left.

"Why didn't you tell me Jake brought you this dress?" Jordan asked.

"Does it matter? What did he say?" I asked, interested.

"Not much. He said I look better in it." She laughed.

I ignored the pang in my heart and went upstairs to finish getting ready.


  1. It's just as well Lily and Jasmine are no longer roommates--less chance for Lily and Jake to run into each other. I know they are on friendly terms now, but it really seems like they can never really be friends again. It's just too complicated and their interactions just seem terribly awkward to me. I do wish I knew what Jasmine's deal was, though. Even Jake doesn't know, so they haven't been talking. It's just weird.

    I hope Rocky and Lily make up. I know Rocky is mad about Lily's text, but it was just dumb luck that Brandon was there to see it and Lily meant it as a warning that Bilal was around. It would be awful to lose a friendship over a simple instance of bad timing.

  2. guh. I want jake and lily to give it another go. I know people are going to hate me for that, but I do. I don't know what it is about them that I like better than Trevor and Lily. I know the history and I know how they both screwed it up, but I want them to have another chance..

    1. Im also like you. I have nooo idea why im just not feeling trevor... and im usually very into the best friends becoming a coupke thing so its not that. Something about him bothers me... i just feel he's too childish :/

      Rocky should stop her silent treatment and let Lily know why she's avoiding her. It was just a misunderstanding.

      Glad the test results were negative and hope she'll think it thru next time, that was too risky

    2. Sometimes you may not feel a couple together but it's also hard to if you kinda made your mind up from the get go to never really like someone. Not saying that you guys did that, plus you'll probably reply you didn't. Trevor may have his goofy side I think he's proved he is in this for the long run and he truly supports lily in what she needs, that doesn't always have to be financially. Janay is doing a good job she has us all invested in the story

    3. Don't get me wrong. I love Trevor. He's a sweet guy, and has a heart of gold and is amazing. But, I guess it's my.. Type? Jake and the ways he's described physically and their chemistry is my type of guy. Trevor I would friend zone. Lol. Because I just feel like they have no chemistry. I would have loved them together if Jake had never made an appearance lol. They are perfect. I just want a Jake myself lol!!! (I was the first anon on this comment)

    4. Im usually all for friends to relationships also!!! Im curious to see if she and Jake will try again....I believe if youve both really changed second chancesbe are possible and can be worth it with an ex. but key words: you have both changed and keep the communication lines open. Im hoping Jake and Lily get back together...not that I hate trevor or anything, its hard to dislike any of the characters that Janay has done a POV post on...but something is just off and I believe in the case of Lily and Jake it would end up being worth it for them to try again.

      I kind of feel like Lily loves trevor but I dont necessarily get the vibe that she is truly in love with him. I think its a case of youve wanted something for so long and now you have it and its awesome but it might not be what you want anymore....but you have no excuse to let go?? Dunno just the feeling ive been getting lately...Janay has a lot of people with a lot of different views invested in this story. BONUS please?

    5. There's nothing off with her and trevor. Just because people may not like someone doesn't mean people should just throw in words like something off or don't get vibe. Everyone has a right to their opinion so guess you can but it's also easy to throw out words like that to back up not liking someone but not really knowing what to say. Also it's pretty bold to say lily wanted Trevor for so long but now she thinks may not be what she wants, nothing lily has said about her and Trevor has hinted she feels that way at all. She talks about him as someone in love and yes truly in love.
      I for one would never ever want to see her with Jake again, and since we can have opinions I'll just say that I feel lily never was truly in love with Jake and didn't get the vibe he's what she wanted

    6. no one is just "throwing in words " they're stating their opinion. Just like you did.

    7. @anon8:22pm- nobody said that lily has insinuated that Trevor may not be what she wants now that she has him. Leona stated her opinion that SHE feels like lily is with Trevor because he was someone she always wanted but now that she has him it may not be exactly what she was hoping it would be. She never said that Lily actually said that. And I actually kind of agree with Leona. Sometimes I feel like her and Trevor are forcing the relationship. Their feelings don't always feel genuine when they are talking to one another. I would never want to see her end up with Jake, though. In my opinion, he was emotionally abusive to her. I believe that Trevor and she love one another, but not that they are necessarily IN LOVE. But I would hate to see them break up and ruin their friendship. If Janay ends up breaking them up, I hope she makes them stay friends.


  3. Man every interaction with Jake and lily makes me cringe. I don't feel like they want to get back together when they are around but they also still haven't figured out how to not be awkward. Them together didn't work and I think they are trying to figure out the friendship part. When they were together they never felt like a team so I think that part of their problem now

  4. I am so happy Jasmine is going to be mostly out of the picture now (at least I hope!). lol!

    There are so many different parts to this storyline right now that I don't even know where I would begin other than to say I think that shit is about to hit the fan in Lily's life!!

  5. I thought for a second that they were going to say that Jasmine and Brandon where messing around

  6. Janay we need you to get Jake a new love, him and lily were toxic together. People seem to still care about him so maybe you could give him someone who will really mesh well with him. Maybe him and Jordan :)

    1. Agreed!!!!! I do not want Jake and Lily to be put together in the same sentence anymore, let alone together in a relationship. LOL. I feel like this blog has moved waaaaay on past the whole Jake thing. I don't even know how people can still bring them up like that would be a good thing for them to try dating again. lol I think some people need to go back a few months and re-read the events of their terrible relationship.
