Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Time of Our Lives

"Everybody going through something
I said, everybody going through something
So you might as well you roll it up
Pour it up, drink it up, throw it up tonight
This for anybody going through tough times
Believe me, been there, done that
But everyday above ground is a great day, remember that
I knew my rent was gon' be late about a week ago
I worked my ass off, but I still can't pay it though
But I just got just enough
To get up in this club
Have me a good time, before my time is up
Hey, let's get it now
Ooh I want the time of my life
Oh baby
Ooh give me the time of my life
Let's get it now" Time of Our Lives by Pitbull ft Neyo

"Nothing's going to happen, because I won't step foot outside the resort. If anything happens at the hotel, I'll call you, then dad, then the police." I lied over the phone as I sat waiting to board our flight to Mexico.

Trevor laughed and Jordan shook her head at me as they eavesdropped.

"I'm serious Lily. It's not as safe as when we used to go." Cam repeated.

"I know. Can you do me a favor?"

"It depends."

"Tell dad for me?" I implored him.

"Tell him what? You quit your job or that you're going to Mexico?"

"One or the other. Probably Mexico. I have a feeling he has a way to look at my Facebook."

"You're paranoid. Dad doesn't have Facebook."

"That's what you think."

"Ok Lily. Have fun and be safe."

"Will do!" I promised before I sighed and got off the phone.

"You didn't tell your dad we are going to Mexico?" Trevor asked.

"Nope. He doesn't know that I quit either. He would have lectured me and I don't want to hear it. I'm gonna have fun and relax before I have to return to the real world. Then I'll stress." I explained to Trevor.

"Sounds good to me." Trevor smiled at me.

Corey joined us right before the plane was boarding. Sammy had to join us on Saturday. She and the other managers split the days up so she would be able to spend a couple days with us. She told us one of the other guys was pissed, but she was still coming.

Jordan and I sat together on the plane while Trevor and Corey sat a few rows behind us.

When we arrived in Mexico, the first thing we did was check into the hotel. Jordan and I wanted to get changed before the welcoming party at Christian’s place.

Bianca arrived in Mexico an hour before us, so she text me that she was waiting at the hotel lobby for us. As Trevor, Jordan and Corey got in line to check-in, I made my way through the lobby to find her. I walked around a few times before I called her on my phone.

"Hola!" She addressed me over the phone.

"Hola, donde está?"


I laughed. "Where are you?"

"The pool. Are y'all here?" She asked.

"Yes, meet me at the front desk."

I rejoined Trevor. He was next in line.

"Where's Bianca?"

"On her way."

Not even a minute later, I saw Bianca headed our way. She had a huge smile on her face as she greeted us all. I pulled her in for a hug and Trevor did the same.

After checking out our room, I left Trevor and went with Bianca over to Jordan's room to get ready for dinner. I kept my look causal but cute. I wanted everyone to see how new and improved I was, without looking like I was trying too hard. I looked myself over in the mirror, critically.

I wasn't down to my smallest size like when I was in California, but I was definitely smaller than I ever was at Baylor. My legs were the most toned part of my body; I showed them off in floral blue shorts. My arms looked ok, but not defined in a swing white cami. I was hoping majority of the attention would be on the hint of cleavage the top exposed.

I straightened my long hair so that it fell in layers down my back. I clipped in the aqua blue extensions before working on my make up. I did my lashes, a natural smokey eye, and nude lip gloss. Satisfied, I joined Bianca and Jordan who were waiting for me.

Jordan looked great in an orange fitted sundress, and Bianca looked casual in jeans and a top.

"I'm saving my designs for when Noelle is here." Bianca told me when I questioned her clothing options as we walked to my room.

"She's not going to be here?" I asked.

"Not tonight. She gets in early tomorrow." Bianca said.

Corey and Trevor were waiting for us when we arrived back to the room. Trevor eyed me up and down slowly, a grin spreading across his face.

"Wow." He said, approvingly, as he stood to stand beside me. "You look amazing."

I frowned, playfully. "Just amazing?"

"Amazingly gorgeous." He corrected.

"Better." I smiled, before planting a long kiss on his lips.

"Are they always like this?" Bianca asked in disgust.

"Always." Corey answered.

"Worse." Jordan said at the same time. I laughed.

"Let's go!"

We got a taxi van outside the hotel and I gave the address to the driver in Spanish. After about 20 minutes, we pulled up to a beautiful Villa on the beach.

"Ohmygod!" Jordan breathed, stunned.

"So this is how the other half lives?" I said with a smile.

"What are you talking about? Your dad's house is bigger." Bianca commented.

"That's his house. Christian doesn't live here permanently. At least I don't think so..." I said, thoughtfully.

We rang the doorbell and Christian answered, letting us in. He had been in Cabo for a few days, so he was already tanned and looked relaxed in linen shorts and fitted t-shirt.

"No, it's my vacation house. It supposed to be an investment. If I rented it out it would pay for itself but I haven't yet." Christan explained as he took us on a tour and I asked if he lived here. The villa was stunning. 6 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms and 2 living spaces filled with lavish furniture and artistic pieces. It was definitely something to look at, but I didn't see how anyone could live in a house like that. It was so fancy and proper, almost sterile. I would never feel comfortable living there. I was afraid to touch or sit on anything.

"Why not?" Corey asked him about renting out the villa.

"I normally let my friends borrow it for free. Almost everyone is here. We're all outside. Go make a plate and join us." Christian instructed us, leading us to the kitchen.

We did just that. There was so much food laid out in the kitchen. It was a seafood boil, and there was a huge pot filed with crab legs, shrimp, scallops, potatoes and corn. As if that wasn't enough, there was stuffed crab, seafood paella with muscles, asparagus in rosemary butter, Caesar salad, and cheddar garlic biscuits. On the island in the kicthen, there was a dessert section with fruit, brownies, and cookies.

"Wow, how many people are supposed to be here?" Jordan asked, grabbing a platter to start making her plate.

"Not this many." Trevor held up a platter to me. "How many plates are you going to need Lily?" He teased me.

I blushed and grabbed one from him. I knew he was kidding, but I was too self-conscious to joke. In college, I hated eating in front of everyone, especially in front of the girls Trevor dated. I felt like the fat kid even after I lost weight. I made it a point to have small portions and always leave food on my plate so I didn't look like I pigged out.  Then I would pig out later in my room. Silly, I know, but a small part of me still felt that way.

"Let's share. I'll get the boil, you get everything else." I suggested.

"I'm not a seafood boil fan." Trevor said.

"You can eat the potatoes, corn and shrimp." I told him, while filling our plate.

"Ok." He shrugged.

We joined everyone outside. The outside living area was much more to my liking. A large, wooden table with benches was on a covered patio. The additional chairs and couches were wicker furniture with blue cushions. It fit the tropical landscape surrounding the pool and jacuzzi. The view and smell of the ocean put me at ease.

I smiled as we came out to choruses of "Trevor" and "Lily" we put our plates down on the table before making the rounds.

I waved to Bilal before giving Donovan and Justin a hug. They both graduated from Baylor with us and Donovan was Bilal's and Trevor's roommate. They introduced me to their wives and kids.

"Lily!" I turned around to see Angela, a former roommate of Rocky's.

"Hi Angela!" I said, giving her a hug too.

"How nice is Christian's place?" She gushed.

"It's incredible." I agreed.

"When's Rocky coming in?" Angela asked.

"She's not." I answered, simply.

"Why not?" She turned to Bilal. "Are y'all still avoiding each other?"

"We're ok. She's probably just busy planning her wedding." Bilal said causally. Too casually.

Before she could ask any more questions, I smiled at Ian and Johnny.

"Hey Johnny, Ian!" I said, excitedly, even though I saw them every time I went to Austin before they started touring with Black Reign.

"Lily! Ohmygod, it's been forever!!!" Ian said, mockingly in a high pitched, girly voice.

"Not long enough Ian." I smirked at him.

He clutched his heart like he was wounded from my words.

"Is Black Reign still on tour?" I asked after giving them both a hug.

"Always on tour. We have 4 days off before we start back up again." Johnny answered.

"You sound tired. I thought that's what musicians live for: touring, tearing up hotel rooms, groupies."

"Common misconception. It's a funky tour bus for days and when you're in a city long enough to warrant a hotel, all you wanna do is shower and sleep." Ian answered.

When Christian joined us, Johnny smiled. "Yep, we should have got into producing. Then we'd have long vacations, beach houses and super model girlfriends."

"She's not a model, she's a stylist." Christian corrected him.

"Yeah, but she has super model friends that are coming, right? All the girls here are coupled up." Johnny complained.

"She's coming with some friends. Lindsay and Diana are single. Isn't your cousin single too?" Christian asked me.

"Cousin?" Ian perked up.

"Fuck no. Don't even think about it!" I warned Ian.

"I'm trying to think about it... does she look like you?" Ian grinned lecherously.

"I will cut your dick off."

Christian laughed. "Brooke is coming with some of her friends. Do you remember her?"

I made a sound of disgust at the mention of Trevor's ex-fling.

"What was that Lily?" Christian smiled at me.


"Sounded kinda like a growl..." Johnny pressed.

"Yeah, from hunger. I need to eat. Talk to y'all later." I made my way back over to Corey, Jordan and Bianca.

Trevor was still talking and laughing with Bilal, Justin, and Donovan. I sat down and began cracking crab legs while I filled Corey, Jordan and Bianca in on who was who.

Probably because I didn't want to see her the most, Brooke showed up at little after I found out she was coming. She looked completely the same, blond hair and a too small dress barely containing her boobs. She had two friends with her in bodycon dresses and excessive jewelry. They looked like they were going to a nightclub, not a dinner.

Brooke latched on to Christian and was laughing at something he said as he led her and her friends around the patio. They stopped by Trevor's group.

"I'll be right back." I said, standing up.

"Where are you going?" Jordan asked.

"I need a drink. Do you need anything?"

"No... there's champagne at the bar."

"No, I'm not drinking. I'm gonna grab some water." I explained.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. By the time I finished half the bottle, my insecurities were gone. I needed to chill out. I've been down this road with Trevor before. Why stress and take away from our vacation when I knew Trevor loved and wanted me?

"You ok in here?" Christian asked, coming in from outside.

"Yeah, just needed some water." I said, shaking the bottle.

"They should have put that outside." He said, shaking his head.

"I'll take it. No need to fire anyone." I said, lightly.

"I got it." He said, grabbing the cooler. "I'm glad y'all came. I thought for a second Trevor wasn't going to let y'all come."

I thought the same thing, but I shrugged it off. "You know, feelings aren't really rationale. He's cool now; seeing your model girlfriend helped." I said, walking back outside.

"She's not a model." He followed behind me with the cooler.

"Close enough." I smiled, before joining Trevor at our table. He already devoured the crab I painstakingly removed from the legs.

"What happened to I don't like seafood boils?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Looks like I don't like all the work that goes along with it." He grinned.

I shook my head and started cracking more legs. Jordan and Corey decided it would be funny to bring me another plate so I could crack those as well.

"I hate y'all." I told them, while they laughed at me. Trevor graciously fed me bites of food while I worked on the crab.

"Are you two together?" Brooke asked me and Trevor.

"Yeah, since January." Trevor responded while I looked at her, suspiciously. It was completely obvious we were. What was up with the stupid question?

"Good for y'all. I thought so, but I couldn't tell on Facebook. They both say single." Brooke pointed out. The doorbell rang again and Christian went to answer it.

"It's not serious enough for Facebook." I said with a taunting smile.

"Serious enough for you to move in, but not for Facebook?" Trevor questioned me, jokingly.

"Exactly." I nodded.

"Y'all are moving in together?" Bianca exclaimed.

I nodded.

"Who's moving in together? It doesn't matter! Don't do it!" We looked up to see J-Mike, making a scene as usual. As much as things changed, they pretty much stayed the same. J-Mike would always be loud, crass and unapologetic about it, no matter how much time passed. I didn't know whether to admire it or despise it.

"J-Mike!!!" Everyone cheered out. He ate up the attention, moving from person to person, asking if they wanted handshakes, hugs or high fives.

When he got to Bianca, she held up her hand for a high five. He high fived her, gripping her hand.

"Who are you?" He asked, flirtatiously.

"My cousin. Let go." I told him.

"Lily." He said, letting go of her hand and grabbing my arm. He pulled me up to my feet before hugging me.

"I want a handshake." I protested with a smile. "We do hugs." He said, pulling me tight to his body. When his hands strayed to my ass, I jerked out his arms.

"Asshole." I hissed, while everyone laughed, including Trevor.

"Hey, don't have it out there if I can't touch it. My hands have a mind of their own." J-Mike said.

Trevor stood up. "She's off limits. Tell your hands to watch it before I cut them off." He said, before giving J-Mike a handshake hug combo.

"Ohhhh, you must be hitting it." J-Mike exclaimed. I looked at Trevor, expectantly.

"I'm dating it-" he started and I crossed my arms, raising my eyebrow at him. Everyone laughed as he cleaned his words up. "I'm dating her. Lily's my future live in girlfriend. So cool it."

"Called it. You owe me $50." J-Mike said, before moving on.

"You bet against us?" I asked, surprised.

"In college. When I was young and dumb remember?"

"You're not young anymore, remember?" I said, before sitting down.

We ate and caught up. Everyone talked about the cities they lived in, their jobs and relationships. I loved Dallas and Trevor and was trying not to think about my job. I told everyone I got my doctorate in physical therapy and worked at a hospital in California and a clinic in Dallas.

Around 10pm, Donovan and Justin left with their wife and kids.

"About time." Ian muttered, pulling out some weed. Blunts were rolled and passed around. I wasn't drinking, but when Bianca passed the blunt to me, I took a hit.

I handed it to Trevor next.

We all made plans for the weekend and we discussed when everyone was going back to their respective cities.

"I'm staying another week with Noelle, then we're heading up east." Christian said. "Y'all are welcome to stay however long you want."

"We should stay Lily." Bianca grinned at me, high as a kite. I probably was too. I smoked every time she passed it to me.

I laughed at her. "I can't."

"Yes you can. You don't have anywhere to be." She pointed out.

"Are you working Lily?" Angela caught on.

I glared at Bianca. She just laughed.

"I'm in between jobs at the moment." I answered, causally.

"I heard that before. My future ex wife did that after we got married. She stayed that way, now she wants alimony." J-Mike huffed, before finishing his shot of tequila.

"What does that mean?" I asked, threateningly.

"It means don't move in with her until she has a job, Trevor." He stated.

"Fuck you J-Mike. I have a doctorate and I work in health care. I have a job, whenever and wherever I want it." I defended myself.

"Key words Trevor: want it. You're going to stop being her boyfriend in turn into her 5 year plan. Trust me, I know." J-Mike continued.

"Wasn't you wife a few years from retirement? What would she need a five year plan for?" Trevor asked, good humoredly.

J-Mike laughed, before he stopped himself. "She was 12 years older and didn't look it." J-Mike argued.

"What was your wife's 5 year plan? Don't die?" I said, quoting Adam Sandler's big daddy.

Everyone cracked up laughing and J-Mike hid a smile as he stood up. "Ex-wife. Who else needs a drink?"

J-Mike refilled the glasses and the blunt came back around to me. I took another hit.

"You good?" Trevor asked me, while taking J-Mike's offer for another drink.

"I'm fantastic." I smiled.

And I really was. I was having a great time with everyone. Christian played music, including some of his songs (douchey, but they were great party songs!), and we danced, talked, smoked and drank. I took a break from dancing with Jordan to get a drink. I stuck with water, even though Christian offered me champagne.

I was going to rest beside Trevor but Brooke was sitting next to him. Trevor saw me and patted his lap, inviting me to sit, but I shook my head and squeezed in beside Bilal who was one the other side of Trevor. When I threw my legs over Bilal, he looked at me, questioningly.

"Are you comfortable?" Bilal asked.

"Very. Are you ok?" I asked.

"I'm great."

"It's ok. You can talk to me." I comforted him, rubbing his hair.

"I'm ok." He chuckled, shaking me off.

"Rocky's not. She's giving Brandon back the ring-" I tried to inform him, but Trevor stood up and grabbed my hand.

"Come sit over here." He said, pulling me to my feet and into his lap.

I cuddled against him contently.

The party broke up around 3am and we headed out. When we got back to the hotel, Trevor and I crashed in bed.

Trevor groped all over my body as he kissed me. When he yawned against his lips, I pulled away.

"You're sleepy?" I asked.

"A little bit." He admitted. "But I'm not asleep yet..."

"Go to sleep. I want you fully awake."

"Ok. I love you." He said, kissing my shoulder.

"I love you too." I said, closing my eyes.

I loved him, my friends, Mexico and my family. I was having the time of my life and it was just day one.


  1. Sounds like she really needed to get away, hopefully she can get a break and the vacation will be mostly drama free

  2. New job...pee tests....hopefully she doesn't have a problem once she finds a job with her vacation fun!

  3. Yeah the whole new job drug test thing is totally what I thought of the second they broke out the weed

  4. She won't be finding a job tomorrow. It'll be out of her system by the time she gets back home

  5. Uh no marijuana stays in your system for at least 28 days and it stays in your hair follicles until the hair grows out completely. She's in trouble if she tried finding a job anytime soon

  6. No. It totally depends on the individual and the way their body metabolizes pot. Also, there are plenty of kits/methods to flush it out of the system faster as well.
