Friday, May 29, 2015

Nobody's Business

"You'll always be the one that I wanna come home to
Boy let me love you and show you how special you are
I wanna be your baby, you'll always be my baby
Tell me what you want now
Let's sing it to the world
Baby give me time
I'm a be your girl
I wanna make you mine
And it ain't nobody's business
It ain't nobody's business(x3)
Just mine, and my baby" Nobody's Business by Rihanna ft Chris Brown

I woke up to a darken room, with Trevor's hands caressing my waist and his mouth tasting the sensitive skin of my neck.

"Trevor... What time is it?" I groaned, trying to angle my face so less of my neck was exposed to his lips and tongue.

"Does it matter? I'm fully awake now."

I could tell by his voice he was smiling.

"Well, I'm not." I said, turning away from him.

He spooned me, his hands finding my breasts and his lips returning to my neck. I moaned when he sucked hard.

"C'mon. You're supposed to be living it up. You can't do that sleeping..." he said, convincingly.
Honestly, I would agree to anything he said while he kissed my neck. He knew it was one of my spots. Sneaky bastard.

I pulled away and turned to face him again. I couldn't see him the dark, so I traced my fingers over his face. When I made my way up the sides of his face, I pulled him in for a kiss.

The kiss was gentle at first. I enjoyed the feel of his lips against mine, before I kissed him hungrily, parting my lips on his. He parted his lips too and deepened the kiss.

God, I could literally kiss him all day. I heard the expression of someone feeling like home; kissing Trevor was the closest I had to that feeling. I felt so much love and comfortable; it was the best feeling in the world.

While I relished in our kiss, Trevor's hand fondled my breasts underneath my cami. He broke our kiss to take it off of me. His lips found mine as he worked on removing my bra next.

Once that was off, he kissed his way down my neck and chest. He lavished my breasts with kisses when he reached them. When he took my nipple in his mouth, heat radiated throughout my body particularly between my legs.

Trevor began to concentrate between my legs next. He made quick work of removing my shorts and rubbed my clitoris through my thong. I moaned impatiently, needing skin to skin contact. He responded by kissing me. After he pulled away, he brought his fingers to my lips.

He rubbed the opening of my mouth, until I spread my lips. He slid two fingers in my mouth and I sucked on them, running my tongue around them seductively. Trevor groaned and removed my thong. I cried out in relief when he finally pressed the fingers he had in my mouth against my clitoris.

My relief was short lived- He abruptly pulled away and turned on the light. My protest died on my lips when my eyes adjusted to the light and focused on his face.  He stared between my legs with an intense look in his face.

He exhaled sharply, rubbing the bare skin between my legs.  That's when I realize what it was: he had never seen me waxed before. Apparently, he liked it. He began stroking me as his eyes roamed up my body.

 "Jesus, you're so beautiful." He breathed when his eyes met mine. His blue eyes were darkened with lust as he leaned in to kiss me.

I loved when he looked at me like that: it made me feel so confident and sexy. It was also a huge turn on, which was why I was coming in no time.

Before I could recover, he buried his mouth between my legs as well. I screamed out, the pleasure almost painful as he ate me out to another orgasm. I pulled away from him before he could do anything else.

"Are you ok?" He asked, concerned, pulling away.

"" I panted. "Give me a second."

He lay down beside me as I caught my breath. After I did, I turned to him.

"So... you like me waxed?" I asked, curiously.

"Yeah, it's sexy." Trevor grinned at me.

“Why didn’t you tell me you preferred it?”

“”The last time I told a girl that, she told me she preferred shaved balls.”

I giggled breathlessly. “Sammy?”

He studied me for a moment, before he nodded.

“She told me that before.” I informed him.

“Y’all talk about me… like that?” He asked

“Not really. She talks...A lot.” I said, with a little smile. “Is there something I should know?”

“Is there something you want to know?” Trevor smiled back.

I shook my head. “I just want to know what you prefer.”

“You. Right now. On top.”

I smiled and obliged him, straddling his lap.

We fell back asleep and I woke up to my phone ringing. It was Bianca and I answered it, reluctantly.

"Buenos días." Bianca said, cheerfully.

"Is it really morning time? Why are you awake?" I grumbled.

"Everyone is up over here. Are you coming over?" Bianca asked.

"Yeah, I'm up. I'll call when we're on the way." I told her.

After I called Jordan and Corey, I got Trevor up. He moaned and complained, but I told him his own line about living it up and not sleeping our vacation away. He got up after that.

I got dressed in my new swimsuit and cover up and packed a change of clothes in a bag.

“How did you go from short shorts to no shorts?” Trevor asked me as we walked to the hotel lobby for breakfast. His voice was teasing, but his eyes darkening as he looked me over.

I grinned. “It’s a cover up... I have shorts in my bag.” I assured him.

"Covering up a bikini?" He asked.

"No, it's a one piece you like so much." I replied.

"Thank God."

The brunch buffet was crowded, but we filled up on breakfast foods. I made a few trips to the buffet line and stuffed myself. I had no problem eating in front of Trevor, Jordan or Corey. I knew I was on a diet, but I was starving. I blamed the weed and figured since we were hanging on the beach today, I would work it off.

Sammy’s flight was coming late afternoon, so Corey was going to hang with us before heading to the airport to meet her.

We arrived at Christian’s house and everyone was in various state of swimwear. We joined everyone who was ready on the patio waiting.

I got to chat with Donovan's son since he wasn't attached to his Dad's tablet like the night before.

"Ohmigod, he looks just like you!" I gushed to Donovan.

"I would hope so." Donovan smiled.

"You know they get half of their genes from the mom right? Even though it doesn't look like it." I smiled back.

"My mom said babies always come out looking like whoever you were mad at during the pregnancy." Jennifer, his wife, smiled.

"What'd you do to piss her off?" Trevor joked.

"Knocked her up." Donovan joked back.

We all laughed. When everyone was ready, we walked to the beach. Christian led the way after introducing everyone to Noelle. She was just as gorgeous as her pictures with her hair swept up in a bun, and a glamorous long sheer white cover-up over her simple blue bikini. I felt frumpy in my little tank cover up.

We all boarded taxi boats and rode around El Arco de Cabo San Lucas. The boats had glass bottoms and it was so cool watching the sea meet the ocean. The rock formations were majestic against the crystal clear blue water. I snapped a ton of pictures and selfies.

After a little struggle to get off the boat with all our things without getting everything wet, we found a spot to set up on the beach. I removed my cover up.

"What happened to the back of your swimsuit?" Trevor asked me, looking me over as he rubbed sunblock over my back

"It's a monokini." I grinned.

"Huh?" He asked, as I returned the favor of rubbing sun block on him.

"A one piece bikini." I explained, putting the sunblock away.

"You need to put back on the cover up." He joked, smiling.

"Make me." I challenged, with a smile before running off toward the water. Trevor chased after me.

We had a great time on the beach. We played in the sea and borrowed snorkeling goggles to look at the marine life. Some of the guys went surfing on the Pacific ocean side of the beach, but Trevor, Corey and I took turns paddle boarding. 1pm came too soon, and we boarded the taxi boat an hour or so after Corey left to meet Sammy at the airport. By the time we headed back to the beach house to change, Corey and Sammy were on their way to meet us.

I had my hair up in hot curlers, and was finishing my make-up when Bianca charged into her room.

"I have a dress for you!" She informed me, pulling out an outfit from the closet. The dress was a beautiful cerulean blue, with a scooped neckline. It was fitted and fell above my knees. It was simple and pretty, but a little too fitted for my taste.

"It's beautiful, but I can't wear this. I gained weight- my measurements are not the same." I told Bianca.

She waved me away. "That's the way it's supposed to fit. I'm not done."

She pulled out a long, sleeveless pale beige vest. It had an elegantly draped silhouette and shark tail hem, but the open knit material kept it casual. I absolutely loved it! It was perfect for dinner and whatever else we had planned for the evening. And I could actually eat without looking like I would spill out of my dress.

"I got you these to go with it." Bianca said, pulling out floral wedges. While I slipped them on, Jordan came out the shower.

"You look so cute!" She exclaimed.

"Thank you." Bianca said before heading to the shower. I smiled and finished my hair and make-up before giving Jordan the vanity to finish.

I walked out to the living room to see who else was ready. Most of the guys were ready first and pre-gaming on shots. I still wasn't drinking, but Christian offered me a blunt. We went outside to share it while Trevor took shots with the guys. They were already laughing and acting rowdy and I knew it was going to be a helluva night.

Christian turned on some music he was working on as we smoked.

"Who is this for?" I asked, bouncing to the beat.

"I don't know yet. Maybe Tyga or Chris Brown. It has that ratchet-California vibe they're going for."

I giggled. He said Tyga or Chris Brown so nonchalantly, it was surreal.

"California is not ratchet." I commented.

"Not where you're from."

"Not anywhere."

"How would you know that from your castle on a hill?" Christian said, raising an eyebrow at me.

"I did not live in castle" I laughed.

"Close enough. Look at you." Christian said, motioning over my body.

 "What?" I said, looking myself over.

"You should be in a castle. You look incredible" he said.

"This is all Bianca. She's trying to impress your model girlfriend." I smiled.

"I'm impressed." Christian complimented me.

"Thank you. Pass it along to Noelle." I grinned, pleased.

"Look who made it." Trevor said, joining us on the patio.

"Sammy!" I declared, standing up to give her a hug. She looked so beautiful in a red mini dress with big white polka dots. Now only if she would smile...must have been a long flight.

"Hey Lily." She said, hugging me back. She stared at Christian, so I quickly introduced them.

"I remember. Nice house." Sammy said, shortly. "Are we leaving soon?" She asked me.

"Let's go see if everyone is ready." I said, weaving my arm through hers.

Everyone was, so we headed out for dinner. We went to a restaurant in downtown Cabo called Mi Casa. I broke my no drinking rule and ordered a margarita. It was so strong but delicious. Between the marijuana, alcohol and lack of food in my system, I was faded. Buzzed. High. 2 on. Whatever you wanted to call it, I was it.

I was having so much fun though. Everything I tried was delicious. I seriously think I ate off of everyone's plate.

"I think you ate less when you were fat." J-Mike pointed out to me.

"Shut up J-Mike." Trevor said sharply while I just grinned at J-Mike.

"Thank you." I said, taking it as a compliment, before I gasped, dramatically."Ohmygod J-Mike, is that your wife?!?" I exclaimed, pointing to a little old lady. Everyone turned and looked and started bursting out in laughter.

"I liked you better when you were fat." He mumbled.

"I never liked you at all, so we're good." I smiled.

After dinner, we walked through the downtown arts district. There were murals and little shops that people wandered around while drinking.. It was nice, but we passed through it on our way to a club. Christian bypassed the line like a boss and got us all in. I immediately grabbed Jordan and Sammy and we hit the dance floor. I tried to drag Bianca too, but she was cuddled up with Noelle.

We danced together and had a great time. We eventually stopped for a drink break and we made our way through the crowd to the bar. After securing drinks, we joined Trevor, Corey, Bilal, Donovan, Justin, Jennifer, Casey, Jamie and Ian at a table.

When I sat next to Trevor, He immediately started groping me.

"You must be drunk." I smiled, while continuing to let him feel me up.

"Why do you think that?" He said, with an adorable slur. He was so fucking cute.

"’Cause you get touchy feely or you smash mirrors when you’re drunk." I giggled.

"Still?" Donovan exclaimed. "Every time he got drunk we had to wait and see what personality was going to come out."

"What?!? I don't remember this." I shrieked.

"You only saw Trevor. That's the happy drunk. You don't want to meet Alan." Justin explained.

"Alan? Your middle name?" I said, looking at Trevor. He just brushed  his lips against my neck.
I shuddered in his arms.

"I don't know what they’re talking about." He said, before sucking on my neck.

"You don't know how many holes we patched up-" Donovan laughed.
I honestly couldn't focus on what he was saying. Trevor mouth was working on my neck and sending tingles down my body straight to between my thighs. I pressed them together when I felt myself getting wet.

"Ew, get a room!" Jordan snapped me out of my trance. I laughed embarrassed, but Trevor just gave me a sexy grin.

At the end of the night, we went our separate ways. Majority of everyone was going back to the house, including Jordan. Sammy, Trevor, Corey and I headed back the hotel. Trevor and I were both fully awake and eager to finish what we started in the club.

The next morning, I set my alarm so we could get up, eat and join everyone at Wild Canyon Adventures. They offered ATV and zip-lining tours, bungee jumping, a giant swing, camel tours, and an animal sanctuary. Donovan and Justin chose the ATV tour because of their kids. Corey was terrified of heights, so he and Sammy chose ATV as well. A few of the girls, including Brooke, wore flip flops or sandals and had no chose but to do the camel tours. Everyone else went for the ziplining.

The tour included 8 different ziplines. On my first zipline ever, I closed my eyes the entire way down. It was terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. As soon as my feet touched the ground, I wanted the rush again. We went to the next zipline and it was a double. I kept my eyes open and laughed with excitement as Trevor and I went down together. We hiked through the canyon and rode all the ziplines. There were single ones, in pairs, and in a group of 4 for one. Trevor and I went down with Bilal and Jordan. We even went down one backwards. It was the highlight of my trip for me. I had a blast.

Afterwards, as we waited for everyone to finish up, we checked out the animal sanctuary. Sammy found me off by myself, checking out the birds.

"Hey, how we're the ATVs?" I asked her.

"It was great. Our guide was awesome. How was ziplining?"

"A work out, hiking to each station, but so worth it." I smiled.

"I wanted to talk to you. About what Donovan said." Sammy started.

"What did he say? Really, just take everything anyone says with a grain a salt. They're all big jokers." I informed her.

"No, last night. About Trevor and his drinking and anger." She prompted me.

I just stared at her.

"That doesn't bother you?" She questioned.

"No! It shouldn't bother you either." I told her, walking away, but she followed me.

"Lily, maybe because you haven't seen it-"

"I don't have to see it. I know Trevor. You need to leave this alone Sammy. It's none of your business." I snapped, irritated.

 Her trying to give me advice or being "bothered" about Trevor was pissing me off. I was already tried, hungry and hot- it was a dangerous combination.

"Fine." She said, throwing up her hands and walking away.

When everyone met back up, Christian surprised us with our next activity. A boat ride. And by boat, it was a fucking yacht. Rented, but a fucking yacht. I was so excited!

After going to the hotel, showering and changing, we went to Christian’s house and tailed him out in taxi's to the docking station. We boarded the huge yacht and set sail. Seeing the arches from a yacht was a totally different experience, so I took a ton of pictures. We all grouped up and had a member of the staff take a picture of us.

There was a spread of food, so we ate, drank champagne and met some of Christian's and Noelle's friends from California. I was surprised by how laidback they all were. I guess I imagined models, heiress and music people to be stuck up, but they weren't: At least not on vacation.

Once we stopped in the water, Christian broke out the jet skis, and everyone took turns or hopped in for a swim.

I got off the jet ski with Trevor to let Jordan ride with him and got back on the boat. I saw Bilal sitting, playing on his phone.

"Really? You're too cool to be exciting about a yacht?" I teased him.

"Not at all. I'm just not a strong enough swimmer to be excited about it."

"Get a life jacket."

"I'm too cool for those."

I laughed at him.

"Have you seen the weather in Texas?"

"Nope, haven't thought about going home once." I sighed.

"There's really bad flooding, especially in the Houston area." Bilal told me.

"Mmhmm." I said, noncommittal. Rocky's family was from Houston.

"C'mon Lily." He said, turning to face me.

"What? I haven't heard anything. No news is good news right? I haven't been stalking the weather channel."

"I got an alert on my flight to Austin. It might be delayed or cancelled. That's how I know. I text my boss to let him now I might have to hang in Dallas til the weather clears."

"Dallas? Really? Bilal, she doesn't even want to be in the same zip code as you."

He winced, and I felt bad. "I didn't mean it like that."

"Yes you did. It's ok. I get it. She hates me."

"She doesn't hate you..." I lied. "She just wants to make things work with Brandon."

"I thought she was giving back the ring." Bilal said, surprised.

"Who told you that?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You, stoner." He shook his head.

"Oh, well don't listen to me." I lied again.

"I'm not going to do anything. I just want her to be happy." Bilal said, standing walking to grab a drink

I took a deep breath. After my conversation with Sammy, I realized I needed to stay out of Rocky's relationship. Sammy and her "concerns" drove me crazy. If I was only a fraction as annoying as Sammy was to me, I owed Rocky a big apology.

That being said, I couldn't not give her a heads up if Bilal was going to be in town. I contemplated as I found my bag stowed away.

"Lily, I got some more lyrics for you to guess." Christian called. He was sitting next to the DJ we saw perform at SXSW, with his arm around Noelle.

"One second." I smiled at them. pulled out my phone. I composed the text, and read it over.

Short, concise, impertinent information without seeming like I was to get in her business: Perfect. I sent it and put my phone away.

I sat beside Sammy and put my arm around her. I gave her a big smile and she returned it.

"Let's hear those lyrics."

***Next week I'm doing different POVs. I'm working on Rocky's and Trevor's. Was there anyone else y'all wanted to read? If not, the third post will be Lily's POV. Have a great weekend everyone!***


  1. Have to honestly say I'm not too interested in where the storyline is going. Not excited about the make the boyfriend have an abusive drunk behavior story

  2. Don't listen to the haters! I love thee story..I kind of want to hear from Jasmine or Amber...give us a little insight into their lives! :)

    1. I don't think saying I don't like where the storyline is going makes me a hater! I have loved reading this blog and it's emotion when I say I don't want Trevor to turn into the angry drunk. And based on some comments and the way sammy acts it is definitely leaning towards that. I'm sure some Jake supporters didn't like the way the story was going before. Guess I should write lengthy comments if I ever comment again

    2. Anon, just ignore her. I saw where you were going and I agree. Hope T-rev stays as sweet as he is!

  3. Not a fan of POV posts so hope those go by quickly! Great post BTW!

  4. I would like to hear from Christian or Jordan. Leaning more towards Jordan because she has had moments of bitchiness towards Lily when it comes to Lily and Trevor and has made snide remarks about Trevor and Lily moving in together. So I'm curious if something is going on with her and Derek.

  5. I can't believe Lily brought up Sammy in the middle of them hooking up, that's just too weird!
    And I agree Sammy needs to stay out of their relationship. But Lily needs to talk to Trevor about his anger issues. This whole keeping everything inside and just letting it out when you are drunk is what comes out as violent. I don't think that is something that could break them up, if he talks to her about it and seeks help. If he decides to ignore and pretend it's not there, then yes I would kick him to the curve.
    I thought what Jennifer said was just an old wives tale from Peru. I hadn't heard that in forever Janay!
    Your vacations are so much fun, I need to find me some rich friends with a house in Mexico right away!

  6. I think Lily is going to go back home looking for a job and FAIL the drug test when trying to get it ....

  7. I totally agree on the drug test

  8. I am starting to find Sammy's continuing efforts to throw shade on Lily and Trevor's relationship creepy. She keeps acting like she knows Trevor more and better and it is not cool, especially since she is with Corey now. She hints about her sexual experiences with him and Trevor's "alter ego" and it reeks of simmering jealousy. Ick. Lily and Trevor have a very different relationship that Sammy ever did with Trevor--in fact they were FWB at best. So why the constant low level competition with Lily over Trevor? Not cool.

    That Trevor might have anger issues is not surprising. His dad sounds like a monster and his mom doesn't sound much better. She is not very supportive of Trevor and that must hurt him. She sounds like a bitter unhappy person. Trevor's dysfunctional family sounds a lot like Lily's dysfunctional family and I hope Lily can help Trevor get over his old pain as much as he has helped her. Besides, drunk escapades in college that happened years before does not mean he will be that way now. We have seen a couple of episodes, but Trevor lashed out at things not people and in fact the only person he physically hurt was himself.
    Still, Lily and Trevor need to have a long talk about this-- Trevor's mom, his episodes of anger and most of all, his past with Sammy. Especially the Sammy issue needs to be addressed in some way since it keeps coming up.

    I agree about the weed smoking. Lily needs to stop. work related drug testing, especially in health care is very stringent.

  9. I'd like a background/pov from Bilal. Curious if he is as selfish as Rocky said or if there is something else going on.

  10. I wonder if rocky thinks Trevor has a really bad drunk side, she's just as much his friend as lily was before they started dating. Only thing rocky has ever said is lily better not screw this up with her flirting. It's funny I feel like kinda forgotten how much of a bi*#& Sammy used to be to lily, she used to tell her how perfect she thought she was and said some really hurtful things. I'm still surprised lily got over it

  11. SO Glad Lily finally put Sammy in her palce. Sammy is acting so creepy and weird about this and her input is totally unsolicited sooooo.... she basically just needs to STFU.
