Sunday, March 22, 2015

Don't Kill the Fun

Hey everyone! I'm so so sorry about the delay. I've been out of town since Thursday dealing with flooding in my mother-in-law's house. Long story short, we spent a lot of time and money cleaning, then called her insurance who set up a claim and had a mitigation service come out (I love State Farm!)

Anyway, here's Friday's post and I will post a bonus as a thank you. Most likely a POV, haven't decided who yet. Leaning towards Trevor, but we'll see.

Baby, don't kill the fun, (I won't)
This ain't over until we say it's done, (Alright)
It's your life, go ahead, do what you choose
Put me in your, your favorite mood
Oh baby, don't kill the vibe
Turn it down we gotta let it ride
I found you, crowned you, I turned you on
So you know, I got, what you want
Cause it ain't like you can take it with you when you go
It's only right to make it beautiful." Don’t Kill The Fun by Sevyn Streeter featuring Chris Brown

Jordan was surprisingly in good spirits when Trevor and I picked her up. I asked Trevor to let her sit in the front seat with me as I drove. I knew I would have felt like a third wheel and I didn't want her to feel that way. I thought I would have to cheer her up since Derek didn't come, but she was in a great mood.

We listened to my driving playlist together. It was mostly 90s and 2000s pop songs that I loved growing up and knew all the words to. Jordan jammed out with me to N'Sync, Lady Gaga, No Doubt, Usher and Maroon 5. She gave me a disgusted look when a Savage Garden song came on.

"Ohmigosh, I hate them." Jordan declared.

"What? How do you hate them?" I asked.


"Romance normally is." I countered.

Trevor laughed and Jordan disagreed. "Not that cheesy."

"Listen to the first album. The whole thing, not just the singles, then we'll talk." I said as the song ended. "You can be DJ for the rest of the drive." I said.

"Thank you!"

We arrived in Austin around 1pm. Everyone agreed to meet at Bilal's place before we went to the festival. When we got there, I was pleasantly surprised to see Noorie and Mara were included in the group.

"Who else are we waiting on?" Noorie asked me pointedly as Jordan and I joined them on the couch. Mara shot her a weird look that I caught.

I shrugged. "I don't know. Jordan is the only person I invited that came."

Sammy, Corey, and Derek all had to work, Rocky wasn't coming, and Ethan declined. That reminded me, I needed to call Serena.

"Carly is trying to talk Amanda into coming, but they'll call if they actually come." Trevor told me.

"You invited them?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Yeah. They're your future sisters in law. Did you not want to?" Trevor smiled at me.

"It's cool, I just didn't know that you did." I replied.

Especially since he didn't invite me...

"Alright, let's get a game plan." Bilal said, pulling out his phone.

I was amazed by the amount of planning that went into the festival. I figured we would just walk around, see cool stuff, catch a couple of shows, and call it a day. I was so wrong. There were a ton of events including film screenings, interactive panels, free parties, concerts, and keynote speeches all centered at the Convention Center in the middle of downtown Austin.

We had to register for the festival which Ian was taking care of. Bilal and Trevor tried to work out the schedule. Bilal of course wanted to do more of the music aspect and Trevor wanted more interactive.

Jordan and I were no help: we really didn't care. We were just down for the new experience.

After we received our wristbands, we planned by distance and tried to keep it as fair as possible between the different events. We went to the Music Gear Expo in the convention center first. It wasn't very fun for me. I loved music, not so much the equipment required to make it. I turned to Trevor as we walked around a bit.

"So Bilal and Noorie are giving it another try." I said, nodding towards them. They just stepped into the Shred Shed together. Guitarists were welcomed to go in, plug in and play away.

"Looks like it." Trevor answered plainly. "Let's check out the John Lennon tour bus experience."

Jordan and I hopped off the bus after a look around. It was super crowded and it wasn't interesting enough to stick around. Trevor and Ian stayed inside to take a tour. We found a lounge to relax and get a drink as we checked our phones.

While Jordan called Derek, I called Serena. She texted me back that she had conferences all day but would call me later that night. I also got a text from my brother, letting me know they were coming down. I got on my phone and used the free WiFi to book them 2 rooms at the hotel we were staying at. Unfortunately, it was nowhere near SXSW, but it had plenty of rooms available.

I just confirmed the rooms when I heard a familiar voice.

"Of course you found the lounge during happy hour."

I turned around to see Christian.

I gave him a huge smile. "You're here too. What does that say about you?" I said, hopping up to give him a hug.

"It says I'm thirsty." He smiled hugging me tightly. I laughed and sat back down.

"This is Jordan. We work together. Get a drink and join us." I invited him.

He quickly agreed and left us to get a drink.

"Who is that?" Jordan asked me, looking Christian over as he left.

"That's Christian. I went to college with him." I explained, straightening out my plain, fitted t-shirt and dark denim jeans.

"He's cute." Jordan stated.

"Yeah..." I said, looking him over too. When Jordan gave me a smirk, I smiled. "I mean, he looks the same." I lied.

He did, but his look was more mature. His hair was perfectly styled. The graphic muscle tank and red cargo pants showed off his arms that were more defined than I remembered in college. His hi-top red and black Marc Jacobs sneakers completed and summed up his look: sophisticated swag. I kinda loved it.

He made his way back over to us with a drink for himself and seconds for us.

"Thanks." I said, stirring the drink he handed to me. "Looks like California is doing you good."

"Yeah, looks like it did the same for you." He quipped, looking me over.

I smiled. "Yeah, you know. When I was out there, I had a nutritionist and a trainer."

"You did?"

"Yep, my dad when I was staying with him." I joked.

"No wonder you came back to Texas." He laughed.

"One of the reasons."

"Next time you come back, you can crash with me." Christian offered.

I shook my head. "I have a cousin out there now. I need to introduce y'all. She's into the nightlife and partying too."

"What makes you think I'm into that?" Christian asked.

Trevor was the one that said he was your stereotypical music guy, but I just smiled at him.

"What song that you wrote has the highest spot on the billboard charts right now?" I asked.

"Fun all Night." Christian smiled.


"So you're keeping up on me?" He grinned.

"Not really." I said, nonchalantly.

"Not really what?" Trevor asked, as he, Ian, Bilal, Noorie and Mara joined us.

"Not really into this expo. What's next?" I asked.

We then went to the next exhibit. It was a panel discussion about technology adaptation in cars. Christian and Ian bailed, telling us they would meet us for food afterwards.

I was tempted to bail too. I really didn't think I would enjoy it, but I stuck around for Trevor. It was actually really interesting to listen to and think about. Maybe we didn't have flying cars (yet!), but the advances made in transportation showed that in the future, it was a real possibility. The dashboards
in cars were like computers now and we weren't far off from having self-driving cars. The possibilities were endless.

Afterwards, I teased Trevor, telling him by the time we had flying cars, his car will be a 2015 with heat finally.

"That's fine with me. We can use your car for flying." Trevor said, throwing his arm around me as we walked to the food area.

"We're still going to be together?" I said, pretending like I was thinking it over.

"Yes, you're like my car. I would never trade you in. No matter how old and busted you get." Trevor explained. Everyone in hearing distance laughed, including Jordan. Trevor pulled away when I swung at him.

"Hey! What's your problem? That's a compliment." He chuckled, as he jogged away, ducking between our friends as I tried to attack him.

"Yeah? I'm gonna choke you as a thank you." I threatened him.

"Save the foreplay for the hotel." Ian called out to us.

"Yeah Lily. I know it's hard, keep your hands off of me." Trevor winked at me.

"You have no idea..." I said in a menacing voice.

Even if music, technology and movies weren't my thing, the SouthBites Trailer Park was right up my alley. It was food trucks set up with every type of food imaginable. We walked around, looking at the different foods and also trying to spot a place we could sit together.

Noorie found a truck that did Taiwanese style ramen noodles with no meat so that's what she chose. Bilal got dumplings from the same truck.

Nearby, there was a truck selling Kimchi fries. It smelled so good I decided I wanted to try it first. When I got my order, I sat with Noorie and Bilal to save the table we found while the rest went to find food.

I tried my fries and they were amazing. The combination of beef, onion, cheeses, kimchi, sesame seeds and a magic sauce was so delicious.

"I would have made the trip for the fries alone." I moaned, digging into my food.

"Thanks Lily." Bilal smirked and Noorie smiled.

"Not like that! I'm always glad to see you." I offered him a taste of my fries.

"I agree with you. I like these more than all y'all." Bilal joked as he chewed.

"Whatever! I don't think that. Ask Trevor. I wanted to get everyone together again. Almost would have happened if Rocky would have come." I told him.

The mood completely changed when I said Rocky. Noorie's lips turned into a grim line and she looked at me, her eyes cold as she stared at me. I tried to give Bilal a "What the fuck?"  look, but he wouldn't meet my eye. He just looked at Noorie nervously.

"That won't happen if I'm around." Noorie said, sharply.

I tilted my head to the side, confused to where the attitude was coming from, and a little put off by it.

"Why?" I challenged her.

"Noorie." Bilal started.

"No." Noorie said, turning from me to glare at Bilal. "I forgave you for breaking up with me and sleeping with her. That doesn't mean I want anything to do with her. I don't care who she's friends with."

I sat there, stunned. I didn't even know what to think. Rocky and Bilal slept together? While Noorie and Bilal were on a break? That was this year. Meaning, Rocky cheated on Brandon. I didn't want to believe it, but added with Rocky and Bilal's behavior, it made complete sense.

It also made me sick to my stomach. The fries I just ate churned violently in stomach. I swallowed, trying to calm my nerves.

"You said you forgave me." Bilal sighed.

"Forgave, not forgot." Noorie hissed back as I watched, feeling so stupid. Why didn't I put it together? Bilal broke up with Noorie and talked to Rocky after our talk...

Oh shit, is this my fault?

Thankfully, the group joined us with food. Trevor had some gourmet grilled cheese sandwich. He offered me some, but I lost my appetite.

I kept thinking about Rocky. I knew that was why she was acting so oddly. I wondered when it happened. How could she cheat on Brandon? Did he know, like Noorie? Why didn't she talk to me? We were best friends. I considered her a sister. How could she not tell me about something so big?

"Want some of my lobster roll?" Jordan asked. I shook my head.

"Lily turning down food? California really changed you." Christian smiled at me.

I smiled weakly back. "What are you eating?"

"Thai Chicken Kara’age. Wanna try?" He asked.

"Don't. Save the Japanese food for next week when we're in Japan." Trevor answered for me. That brought a real smile to my face. Japan, really anywhere far away from home, sounded great.

"You're gonna eat Japanese food?" Christian asked Trevor. "Real Japanese food?"

"I'll try it." Trevor said, unconvincingly.

"Kids meals." Christian added, while everyone, except me, Bilal and Trevor laughed.

Trevor's phone rang. It was my brother, saying they checked in at the hotel, finally found parking and were on their way to the convention center.

"Be right back. I'm gonna get them wrist bands." Trevor said.

"I'll come with you." I said quickly, standing up too. I looked over at Jordan as she chatted with Ian. "Do you wanna come too Jordan?"

"No, I'm fine. I'll see y'all in a bit." She said.

I grabbed Trevor's hand and we started the long walk to the convention center.

"Trevor, Rocky slept with Bilal. She cheated on Brandon." I said as we walked.

Trevor looked over at me. "Who told you that?" Trevor asked, after taking a deep breath.

"Noorie." I said. I stopped to look at him. He looked tired and maybe frustrated but not shocked or surprised.

"You knew?" I asked him, in disbelief.

When he just sighed, I asked again. "You knew?!?!" I accused him.

"Bilal told me." He confessed.

"Why didn't you tell me!" I exclaimed at him.

"Why should I?"

"Because that's my best friend! She been flipping out on me for weeks-"

"I told you not to worry about it." Trevor cut me off.

"You never told me why! You knew why she was acting crazy. How could you not tell me Trevor? How could you do that to me?" I cried at him.

"Nothing was done to you." Trevor said as he sped up walking.

"Trevor stop." I demanded, letting go of his hand.

He did and turned to me. "Lily, I didn't tell you because it wasn't right for me to tell."

"That is complete bullshit! As many times as I asked you about Rocky there was plenty of right times to tell me." I argued.

"It wasn't my place to tell you. It wasn't up to me whether you knew or not." Trevor clarified.

"You knew!" I yelled, losing my cool. A group of people walked by, glancing at us. Trevor waited for them to pass before continuing.

"I knew because Bilal told me. You know the first thing I thought? It was how you were gonna deal with it. You're so negative and jump to the worst conclusion. Maybe that's why Rocky didn't tell you." Trevor said harshly. I blanched at his words. "I'm sorry if you feel like its complete bullshit, but it wasn't my secret to tell." Trevor finished.

I just stood there, every single word seeping into my skin. Trevor's phone rang again and he looked down at it.

"That's your brother. Are you coming?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"Lily, don't ruin the whole weekend because-"

I didn't stick around for him to finish. I turned around and stormed off.


  1. Every now and then Trevor shows his true colors. He's such a dick and what because they've been friends forever she should just accept his weak apology and they move on and pretend it never happened.. Personally I'm not impressed with him at all.

    1. Oh! I don't think him not telling her means he's a dick, funny how if you don't want to like a character you will find any reason to hate them. Lily has been really annoying me lately hoping shes gets out of this funk she's in. Really seems like the author is working her way to breaking them up

    2. I agree with the last comment that it seems like Janay is driving a wedge between Lily and Trevor and I hope that is not the case. Trevor has done nothing wrong and Lily is acting like an entitled princess. She is more and more tending to get up in people's personal business and that is a bad habit. What's more, when people don't confide in her, Lily makes things out to be all about her rather than the people really involved. She has NO right to be angry in this situation. Nothing was done to her, whatsoever. She needs to grow up about all this.

  2. Rocky didn't tell her either what is she going to never talk to her again too

  3. I think it makes Trevor pretty stand up to not
    Tell her. He's right, it's not his story to tell and he was loyal to his friend. Lily is such a baby sometimes. She makes everything about her. She's on my last nerve lol

    1. I agree! not his story to tell and not really and of lilys business.

  4. Trevor is not being a dick, he is right. It was not his secret to tell. The secret is between Rocky and Bilal and Bilal chose to confide in Trevor, who is a close friend. Rocky chose NOT to tell Lily, which is Rocky's prerogative. Is Trevor supposed to betray Bilal's confidence just because Lily feels entitled to know everyone's business? Lily is being a total brat getting pissed off about this, it was NONE of her business, unless Rocky or Bilal chose to tell her. She should calm down and should certainly not take this out on Trevor. He is not being disloyal to Lily just because he is being loyal to Bilal. Lily has tended to get pissy with her friends when she is not kept in the know and she needs to get over that. Not everyone is going to confide in her and that's just the way life and friendships work.

    1. I was going to comment but I feel like you touched on what I would have said. Lily tends to be negative about things before anything happens lately too. Jen

  5. He's not a dick for not telling her. He's a dick for how he always reacts towards her in situations like these: taking passive aggressive jabs at her then apologizing and expecting her to just be ok with it. Regardless of what characters I do or do not love my loyalty as a fan/reader of this blog is with Lily not Trevor or any other man that's in her 'life'. He could have said "listen this was a bro thing & I couldn't break my friendship & trust with bilal over this, if it was a Rocky thing it might have been different & while I know you're mad I hope you understand my reasoning...." But instead he attacked her with his words...not a very manly thing to do

    1. OMG, really?? Lily yells at Trevor in a public place, keeps pushing and when he finally breaks and says he thought she would react negatively, which is exactly what she did even before he said that, he is a dick? Lily threw a temper tantrum. When she found out from Noorie, her first thought was "Is this my fault?". She totally picked a fight with him. She acted just like he said she would and when he calls her out for it, she gets bent out of shape and storms off. All Trevor did was stand his ground and finally call her out. Rocky likely didn't tell Lily because she didn't trust her to keep her mouth shut. She went on and on about telling Serena about her past with Ethan, which was inappropriate, and how else would Rocky react? Lily keeps having drama in her life, but frankly, she courts it and puts herself in ridiculous situations--trying to set up one ex while being roommates with the sister of another ex? She needs to grow up.

  6. "You are so negative and jump to the worst conclusion". Hahaha way to add fuel to the fire Trevor! Even knowing I'm wrong I would've walked away from him too.
    Like I said before I get why he didn't tell her it wasn't his secret to tell. But he knew she was worried about Rocky, he could've told her to go talk to her because there was something to tell, but he couldn't tell her. But again Trevor making assumptions of how Lily is going to react to a certain situation thought it was best for her to not know.
    Yes Lily is overreacting and thinking it's all about her when it's not. What else is new?
    There are people that don't like trevor, but there's more that do and seem to overlook all his red flags. He's not perfect, he's always been a man child, it's not something new. It's just that he's featured in the blog more often so we notice his flaws more.

    1. Interesting I agree with you, people do have flaws and just like lily we see her flaws a lot too

    2. I agree with your bit about even knowing you were wrong you would walk away. Anger is very rarely a rational emotion. Lily is upset and overreacting but Trevor handled things pretty poorly. That line about being so negative was poorly timed. I think Lily is mainly upset because Rocky has been attacking her so much lately and she knew something was wrong and she shared with Trevor how much it was bothering her and Trevor the whole time knew why. Yeah, it wasn't his secret to tell but I get Lily feeling frustrated by it all.

    3. Oh plus, Trevor knew what she was walking into. Did he really think that Lily wouldn't bring up Rocky the entire time? If Lily had at least known that there was some kind of issue, the whole scene with Noorie wouldn't have happened.

    4. Truthfully him saying he didnt tell her because it's not his place and she would react negatively and how he didn't yell or cause a scene, makes him less of a man child. Lily's the one who acts like a little kid a lot we saw that in her last relationship, where both were tantrum throwers. She needs to work on that, I think Trevor tends to have the attitude that if it isn't about him and lily's relationship at that time that it doesn't need to be discussed, lily should talk to him about being more open, but I don't really think this was his secret to uncover. And lily knew something was up with rocky she should have went to her instead she just assumed it was about her and acted like a Debbie downer for awhile

  7. Lily definitely overreacted..I wonder if she's feeling insecure because of him inviting her future sis in laws and not knowing/remembering when he met them.

    1. She might be but she really has no right to look to deep into who Trevor knows, she makes sure she texts and chats with exs and boys who like her like Christian (who I'm not liking he comes across shady,don't flirt with a girl who's taken) I was really was looking forward to reading about a good time in Japan now lily's behavior might screw that up.

    2. Oh and I'm hoping Trevor's POV reads like it used to and he's not all of a sudden sounding like someone different. Haha that was hard to explain so maybe only I get what I mean

  8. Totally called this several weeks ago lol this should be interesting! Hopefully Lily doesn't ruin her entire relationship over ROCKY. That girl is a hot mess and it would be stupid of lily to throw it all away over something that has nothing to do with Lily and Trevor.
