Monday, February 23, 2015

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

"Well I’m going down to Louisiana 
Gonna find myself a Cajun band
Well I love to hear it when they say
‘Laissez les bons temps rouler’
Laissez les bons temps rouler
That’s what all them Cajun people say
They sing and they dance the nignt away
Laissez les bons temps rouler
Make that coffee strong and hot
Put them crawfish in a pot
I can’t wait to taste that Étouffé
Laissez les bons temps rouler
Come sing for me a Cajun song
We’re gonna do the two-step all night long
Tomorrow will soon be another day
Laissez les bons temps rouler
Let them good times roll!"

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler {Let The Good Times Roll} by Waylon Thibodeaux

The first thing I did when I returned to work Monday morning was schedule some time to talk to Sandra. I wanted to put in my request for time off as soon as possible.

Trevor and I spent majority of Sunday daydreaming about Tokyo. I expressed my desire to visit the neighborhood of Harajuku. I also downloaded Rosetta Stone and started practicing Japanese. Trevor made fun of me, calling me a nerd, so I mocked his want to visit their electronic shops. We eventually got serious and started coordinating the best day to leave and come back with Kenji's novel release. After running the dates by Kenji, we finally made a decision.

Sandra had me fill out the forms for the requested days and she submitted them to Ann for me. She told me there shouldn't be a problem, and to keep my charts updated so when I was gone, anyone could pick up my patients. I already did that, so there wasn't a problem.

Right before I took a break for lunch, Kendal approached me.

"Why didn't you tell me Jasmine was your ex's sister?" He asked.

"I didn't think it was important. Why? Did you do something to piss him off?" I replied.

"Not that I know of." He answered cryptically as he grinned before walking off.

I shook my head and decided I was staying way out of whatever that was.

 At lunch, I didn't see Jordan at the front. I came into work early, so I missed her in the morning. When I came back from lunch, she was at the nurse's station. I said a quick hi and bye before I finished with the rest of my patients. When I was leaving for the day, Jordan was leaving too.

I asked her about her Valentine's Day with Derek. She cheerfully told me how nice it was to get away, unplug and just relax with Derek and their friends. She told me how the guy's made dinner for them and how they had a candlelight dinner on the porch. She also showed off the new Michael Kors wallet he got her. I owwed and awwed over it, not really surprised, (especially since she'd been not so subtlety hinting she wanted it on Facebook) but happy she got what she wanted.

"What did you and Trevor end up doing? I saw the fruit on Facebook. That was cute." She commented as we walked to our cars.

I showed off my new charm and told her about the karaoke machine and the clues revealing our trip to Japan.

"Why Japan?" She asked, making a face.

I told her it was for Trevor's website.

Jordan nodded. "No wonder he did the gifts leading up to Japan. It's really a work trip."

I didn't like her tone, but I felt like I might have been rehashing old feelings from our conversation last Friday. I was in too good of a mood to let anything upset me.

"I'm so excited for Tokyo. A free trip anywhere is amazing to me." I grinned.

Jordan laughed. "That's true."

I called Trevor on my way home.

"Are you off?" He asked me.

"I am. I'm heading home right now."

"Come over to my place. Spend the night since I gotta be at work tomorrow and you don't." He complained.

"Shut up! I've been working for the past 2 months."

"So have I... remember? There's a guy trying to buy the site. So badly he's sending me to Tokyo."

"Touché." I giggled. "Let me pick up Justine and some clothes-"

"Done and done."


"That's done too."

"Alright. I'm on my way."

I headed straight to Trevor's apartment. I let myself into the apartment and the smell of tomatoes and garlic hit me.

"Something smells good." I said, greeting Justine as she jumped up on me.

"Thank you. I did shower." Trevor came out to greet me.

"I'm talking about the food Pinky." I smiled, leaning in to give him a kiss. We wrapped our arms around each other and kissed a few more times before my stomach protested.

I pulled back.

"I know, I know. Food first." Trevor said good-naturedly. "Go sit."

I did exactly that and waited patiently until Trevor brought out two plates of salad. Next, he brought out plates of lasagna.

"Did you cook?" I said, surprised.

"Kinda." He said, leaving the room. He came back with soda cans. "Rachel Ray made this lasagna on her show-"

"You watch Rachel Ray now?" I interrupted.

"Not anymore, I'm gonna have to be a work. I got into her in Austin. She's hot."

"You're such a loser, but go on." I said, taking a bite of food. It was as delicious as the smells promised.

"So I bought everything, and followed the directions-"

"Perfectly. This is soooo good." I complimented him as I finished chewing.

"Yeah, I burnt the sauce on mine. I didn't realize it into after I poured it on the lasagna noodles. Which there are two types: boil and oven ready, by the way." Trevor explained.

I laughed at him. "So you made it all over again?"

"No. I went to Olive Garden." He grinned.

I laughed even harder. "Next time, get breadsticks."

"I forgot them in the microwave. Be right back."

He came back with a plate of breadsticks and a side of Alfredo sauce, the way I loved to eat them in college. Sad to say, I would binge eat them. I cut them out when I started losing weight.

"You don't ever have to cook if you can order like this." I teased him after we finished eating.

"Rachel made it look so easy." He commented as he gathered our plates.

"I appreciate the attempt." I smiled at him when he returned from the kitchen.

"Wanna show me some appreciation?" he said, sitting next to me.

"It two garlic breaths cancel each other out?" I pondered.

"Only one way to find out." Trevor grinned, pulling me to him.

The next morning, I wasn't appreciating his cooking attempt anymore. He left the evidence of his failure in the sink. I wanted to make him breakfast to send him off on his first day back, but I couldn't cook in a dirty kitchen. By the time I finished cleaning, Trevor was up.

"I wanted to make breakfast, but cleaning took too long." I complained, turning to glare at him.

"I have poptarts." Trevor shrugged, turning me back around. He rubbed into me as he leaned me against the counter. His erection was already pressing against me.

"When are we out of the honeymoon phase? I don't think I can keep up with you." I moaned, even though my body contradicted me. It was already responding to him.

"Honeymoon phase?" Trevor asked, moving one hand under my shirt to fondle my breasts. My nipples hardened against his touch.

"Yeah, Jordan said we'll get over wanting to be all over each other all the time." I replied, my breathing already heavy as I reached between our bodies to grab him through his boxer shorts.

He returned the favor by sliding his hand into my boxer shorts. "I don't think I'll ever get enough of you." He groaned in my ear as his finger found my clitoris and rubbed it. I clenched my thighs together, trapping his hand between my legs trying to increase the contact..

"You think it'll slow down?" I wondered out loud as he pressed harder against me. I inhaled sharply.

"I doubt it." He responded, pulling my shorts down to plunge inside me.

"Ooooo" I exhaled, shakily, grabbing onto the counter and rolling my hips back against him.

"Mmmmm, do that again Lily."

I rolled my hips again.

"Just like that. Don't stop." Trevor groaned, bucking into me harder.

I continued rolling my hips against him over and over as he rubbed my clitoris in circles matching my rhythm. My body trembled as my climax approached.

"So close, baby. Wait." Trevor grunted between breaths.

"I can't. I'm... about to...cum." I called out, clenching the counter as I came.

Trevor came right after me, pumping into me as he finished.

"You're right. It's never gonna change." I sputtered, catching my breath as I turned to face him. He looked at the time on the microwave and groaned.

"Never mind. It might. Work doesn't put me in the most loving mood." Trevor replied, pulling away.

I let him get ready. I had just enough time to scramble some eggs and heat him up a couple poptarts. I sent him on his way to work with food and a kiss on the lips.

I took Justine home and I spent the rest of the day deep cleaning Jasmine's room. I even rented a carpet cleaner to go over the carpet. Since I had it, I did the common areas too while Justine looked on, fearfully.

It was an all day affair. By the time I was done, it was around 3. I text a picture of the cleaned room to Jasmine saying:

Me: All yours when you are ready to work out the details!

She responded as I returned the carpet cleaner.

Jasmine: It looks great! Any plans today?

I texted her back I didn't have any and to give me a call.

When I got home, Amber called me.

"Hello stranger." I answered. It had been forever since we hung out.

"I know, I've been caught up with my new work schedule. Let's rectify that at Razzoo's for Fat Tuesday!" She suggested, excitedly.

"I'm so down!" I exclaimed.

"Should we invite everyone? I have my kids." Amber asked.

"Completely up to you." I answered.

"I think I will. I'll call when I'm ready."

"Sounds good."

I went home and took a hot shower to remove the cleaning chemical feeling I had. I blow dried my hair and put it up in a high ponytail. I kept my outfit casual with a black, long sleeved blouse, skinny jeans and flat boots. I added a purple, beaded statement necklace just to jazz it up and add a little festive-ness to my outfit.

Amber and Jasmine both called me. I texted Amber back, telling her I was heading to the restaurant.

I then called Jasmine and invited her to Razzoos. We hung up when she agreed to meet us. I texted Trevor to let him know where to meet us.

When I got to the restaurant, Amber was already waiting for me. I gave her and her kids a hug.

"I was thinking the patio since I have no idea how many people are coming." Amber told me.

"That sounds good to me. As long as it's not too cold for the kids." I nodded, looking at the enclosed patio overlooking a small pond.

"I checked, as long as the sun is out, it's fine."

We then got settled on the patio with a few tables close to the railing. We went ahead and ordered drinks and food for the kids so they didn't have to wait. Jasmine was the first person to show up.

"Hey!" She greeted us, before sitting across from me.

"Hey, how was your weekend?" I asked her.

"Good, even though you abandoned me with my brother Friday night." Jasmine said, smiling as she looked over the drink menu.

"I'm sorry. I was exhausted. What happened?"

"Nothing. We got a cab back to his place." Jasmine answered. The waiter came back to take her drink order. She got a frozen hurricane that was part of the Fat Tuesday drink special.

When the waiter left, Jasmine smiled at me. "We better work on the agreement before we start drinking."

I nodded and looked at Robbie. "Can I borrow your crayon sweetie?" I asked.

"No!" He responded, picking the unused crayons up.

Jasmine and I both laughed while Amber grabbed the blue on from him.

I shook my head. "I'm not taking that, he said no. Krista, can I borrow one?"

"Sure." She handed over a yellow one that would be impossible to read. I turned back to Robbie.

"Wanna trade?" I said, twirling the yellow crayon in my fingers, enticingly.

He nodded and we switched. I took an extra kids' menu and Jasmine and I drew out an agreement on the back.

We decided her name was going to be added to the lease and she would pay an even $700 a month. We also stipulated that the remaining of the lease was how long the contract was good for. We discussed everything including the basics, like overnight guest (heads up first) and the mundane, like chores (clean up after yourself in common areas). Jasmine's pet peeve was clothes left in the washing machine, so we added that to the list as well.

Amber and my gator punch Jr and Jasmine's Margarita arrived, so we started drinking and the list became more in-depth.

"Did you add no stalking each other?" Sammy asked when she showed up and realized what we were doing.

"Shut up!" I giggled, hugging her before she sat.

"Stalking?" Jasmine asked, confused.

Sammy decided to fill her in on how I trailed and followed her, accusing her of being a hooker.

"I was very sorry and very wrong. It will never happen again." I said, embarrassed.

"Still, add it to the list. No stalking." Jasmine declared as Sammy and Amber laughed. I added it.

Rocky and Brandon showed up next and we all greeted them as they sat down at the end of the table opposite to the kids.

"Who's all coming?" Rocky asked me.

"I'm not sure. Let me check my phone." I said, pulling it out. "Jordan and Derek are on their way."

"I was hoping to get Serena and Ethan back together, but she's out of town."

I checked my missed calls and asked, "How did it go at the ball?"

"I don't know. I didn't feel comfortable asking Serena and you know how vague Ethan is." Rocky shrugged.

"That's a good sign if he had nothing negative to say." Brandon added.

"True. I'm gonna call Rachel." I said. I did and it went to voicemail. I called Forrest next.

"Hey, what are y'all doing tonight?" I asked.

"We're hosting a basketball game at 7pm. I'm still at the school."

"We're in your area. Come join us before the game!" I invited him.

"I wish I could, but your future Baylor Bear has detention with me." Forrest declined.

"Why?" I asked, surprised Darren was in trouble.

"He decided to take part in a senior prank."

"Really Forrest? That's harmless."

"I know, but tell that to the parents of the juniors who had glow in the dark condoms on their locker."

I laughed. "Don't you teach health? You should be encouraging that, not punishing it."

"Don't go there. This is Texas. The school board does not allow that. I went to bat for him. He's lucky he only got detention." Forrest explained.

"So make him come, it can be educational. Like a field trip!" I exclaimed.

"How do you figure?"

"Fat Tuesday. Mardi Gras. Years of traditions and stuff. You're the expert." I said.

"Oh, that's right. I forgot about that. How am I the expert?"

"It's your holiday!"

"I'm not Catholic."

"You're from Louisiana." I argued.

"Not New Orleans." He disagreed.

"Same thing!!!" I exclaimed.

"No it's not, but we're on our way."

"Forrest is coming." I said, putting down my phone. I called Ethan next. He was still at work and EJ was with Megan. My educational argument I used on Forrest did not work and he declined.

We went ahead and ordered a ton of appetizers, including oysters, fried pickles and greens beans, boiled crawfish, fondue and fried alligator tails.

Jordan, Derek, Q and Kendal showed up next. I watched as Jasmine and Kendal shared a little smile as he sat at the opposite end of the table.

Everyone was chatting and recapping our Valentine's Day when my brother, Jenna and Trevor arrived.

I quickly greeted Cam and Jenna with a hug.

"Hey baby!" I gave Trevor a kiss before he greeted everyone. We sat on the end of the table with Rocky. Trevor pulled out the seat for me next to Rocky and he sat on my opposite side. There was just enough seats left for Forrest and Darren.

"How was work?" Rocky asked Trevor.

"Urg." Trevor answered her, shortly. I looked at him, suprised by his lack of answer to her.

"That good huh?" I joked, trying to guage his mood.

"Is it Friday yet?" Trevor asked me.

"No, turn up Tuesday, remember?" I said, leaning over to kiss him again.

"Enough. That needs to stop in front of me." Cam declared.

"Shut up Cam." I smiled when Trevor laughed.

The food arrived at the same time as Forrest and Darren. I gave them both a hug before introducing Darren to everyone. I then turned to Darren.

"You get to sit at the children's side of the table." I said, pointing out the chair I vacated.

"I'm not a kid."

"You're a minor." I countered.

"No I'm not. I'm 17." He smirked.

I looked at Forrest for confirmation.

"Yeah, by law he's an adult, but by recent behavior, you're a child. Go sit at the kid end." Forrest told him.

He begrudgingly left and Forrest and I sat down.

Forrest told everyone about Darren's senior prank.

Brandon laughed. "That's creative. We did water guns and balloons."

"We hijacked the PA system and played music randomly throughout the day. They couldn't figure out where it was coming from." Trevor grinned.

"Those are tame. We actually set up a crime scene inside our Principal's office. There was caution tape, a body outline and ketchup everywhere." Q shared.

"That's awful." Amber laughed.

"See, it could be worst." Darren pointed out to Forrest.

"So could your punishment. They wanted to make y'all not walk for graduation or ban you from prom."

"Who cares?" Darren shrugged.

"You should. It can still go on your transcript. Would that be worth your scholarship?" Forrest asked.

"It's not that serious." Darren played it off.

"It is, especially being a black athlete. It doesn't matter how good you are if you can't stay out of trouble." Forrest lectured.

"You gotta remember, this is Baylor. Not OU, TCU, UT or UNT..." I added, playfully dissing Forrest's, Kendal's, Q's and Derek's school. "Baylor holds you to a higher standard."

My comment started a debate to whose school was better and took the heat off Darren. He gave me a smile and I smiled back. When the food arrived, Trevor ordered a burger. I didn't comment how lame it was that he ordered a burger at a Cajun place, but I gladly shared my crawfish and oysters with Forrest. Darren stuck to alligator while his Po'boy was being prepared.

"What did Serena have to say about Ethan?" I asked Forrest.

"I wanted to ask you about that. Are you ok with it?" Forrest asked me.

"Of course." I said, brightly. Forrest looked surprised. "Really. I'm growing. Before, I wanted all my exes to be miserable. Now, I just want to be happier than them."

Forrest and Trevor laughed and Cam shook his head. "You sure have matured Lily." He said, sarcastically.

I gave him a smile. "I sure have."

"I'll get with Rachel and let you know about Serena." Forrest promised.

Dinner was so much fun. Forrest and Darren had to eat and run and Amber and her kids hung out until the sun started to go down. Q left about the same time and I noticed Jasmine and Kendal head out together. We all decided to head out after them.

"Did you have fun?" I asked Trevor when we got back to my place.

"I did."

"Really?" I asked, giving him a hug.

"Really. Why wouldn't I?" Trevor asked, holding me.

"I don't know. You were kinda short with Rocky. I thought it was because you didn't want to be there." I explained.

"I didn't mean to be short with her." Trevor sighed as we made our way to my room.

"I know. I just assumed you were coming. I didnt even think about it being your first day back or you needing time to decompress alone." I said apologetically.

"I'm not out of the honeymoon phase. I want to be wherever you are." He said, hugging me from behind, nuzzling against my neck.

"I thought you weren't in a loving mood after work." I smiled as we stumbled to the bed.

"I don't make love. I fuck...Hard."

I snorted. "What did I tell you about quoting that book?"

"C'mon. You know you want to see it."

"I told you I can't support it."

"I'll buy the tickets. You can even say I made you go."


"Kiss on it?" Trevor said, brushing his lips against mine.

"Nope." I said, rolling on top of him. "Fuck on it."

"Jesus, I love you."


  1. Great post Trevor and lily are so fun together and have great chemistry. I am so done with Jordan she's a b* who cares if there's work involved it's sweet he's bringing her plus it's a experience to go to Japan so her comment why Japan was rude. I don't care if she has insecurities or maybe she has a crappy relationship and is jealous she's being a brat

  2. Maybe Trevor knows what happened with Bilal & Rocky and that's why he was short with her. The truth is going to come out sooner or later, that makes me sad for Brandon.
    Hahaha jasmine would hate me as a roommate, I always forget my clothes in the washer, mainly because I do my laundry at night.
