Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Crazy In Love

"Got me looking so crazy right now
Your love's got me looking so crazy right now
Got me looking so crazy right now
Your touch got me looking so crazy right now
Got me hoping you'll save me right now
Your kiss got me hoping you'll save me right now
Looking so crazy in love
Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in love
Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no
Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no
Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no
Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no" Crazy In Love (Fifty Shades Of Grey Version) by Beyoncé

By the end of the week, Trevor was adjusted to being back at work. He was back to his normal, positive self. Now that I knew he hated his job, I spent my free time during the week showing him how much I loved having him home.

Just like we planned, Trevor and I made a date night to go see Fifty Shades of Grey. I got off earlier than him, so I had plenty of time to get a work out in before I had to get ready. My workouts were suffering since I was spending all my time with Trevor.

I didn't think bedroom activities counted, but those tired me out, so the last thing I wanted to do during the week was get my workouts in. I desperately needed to work out since I was cooking less, eating out and drinking more. I ran with Justine, actually prolonging my workout when I felt how sluggish I was. I didn't feel like I was gaining weight yet, but I didn't want to be out of shape either.

I went home and showered quickly. Not quick enough, because when I came out, Trevor was sitting on my bed.

"Hey T-Rev. Give me 15 minutes and I'll be ready."

"No rush. I looked up movie times. There's a showing at 7:30."

"Cool. We can get dinner before." I said, heading to my closet. "How was your day?" I asked as I rummaged through my clothes.

"It was alright." He said in a monotone voice.

I stopped and looked at him. "What's wrong?" I asked, knowing his lack of details and tone meant something was up.

"William (his boss) gave me a hard time about requesting more time off for Japan. He gave it to me, but after warning me how I needed to decide if I wanted a future with the company." Trevor explained.

I winced. "He really said that?"

"He hinted at it. I wanted to tell him, I absolutely do not want a future here. I need the money, so I don't have much of a choice." He smiled, sardonically.

I approached him, placing my hands on his shoulders.

"You took the job to get experience. You have that. A guy is flying you out to Japan because he's so impressed with your work, remember?" I said, repeating what he told me.

Trevor smiled, for real this time.

"It'll all work out. All you have to do is go for what you want. Make it happen!" I smiled back.

He pulled the towel of my body. I tried to snatch it back, but he tossed it aside.

"You told me to go for what I want." Trevor chuckled, before pulling me into his lap.

"We’re gonna be late for the movie..."

"There's a later showing." He responded.

After a quickie on my bed, I threw on leggings and a boyfriend sweater. I didn't bother with make-up and just pulled my hair up in a messy bun. We didn't have time for dinner beforehand, but we did make the 7:30 showing. We grabbed snacks: a large popcorn to share, Raisinets and water for me, sour patch kids and Dr. Pepper for Trevor.

We snacked and enjoyed the movie. The audience reactions added to the entertainment. The gasps every time Jamie Dornan entered a scene were hilarious to me. I mean, he was good looking, but gasp worthy every scene? Eh, I'd save mine for Channing Tatum in Magic Mike XXL.

I was pleasantly surprised by Dakota Johnson and how funny she was. She played Anastasia really well. She was so much more likable than the book version of Ana. Or maybe that was because I wasn't subjected to her inner thoughts/goddess/subconscious. I swear I thought she had a personality disorder while reading the books.

At the final scene, everyone in the theater went silent.

"Spoiler alert: They get back together." Trevor said quietly to me.

I giggled. "Shhh, don't ruin the surprise for them."

"Really? What do they think the next two books are about?" Trevor chuckled.

"Ana transforming into a strong and independent woman?"

"No one wants to see that."

I pinched Trevor and we both laughed.

After we tossed our trash away, I grabbed Trevor's hand as we made our way to the closest exit.

"So what do you think? See anything we need to add to our relationship?" He asked as we walked down the long hallway.

"No, I'm good." I smiled.

"Not even an upgraded car?" Trevor grinned.

"You were this close to getting your ass kicked for defacing Lady Kitana with stickers." I said, holding up two fingers, a quarter of an inch apart. "If you ever make her disappear, you're dead!"

Trevor laughed. "Fine. How bout sexually?"

I raised an eyebrow at him. "You wanna get flogged?"

"I'm willing to try anything once..." he smiled, opening the exit for me.

"You're crazy." I shook my head, walking through the door.

"Crazy in love." Trevor said, grabbing me by the waist and pulling me in for a kiss. We kissed by the side exit. I pulled away before it got too heated. The sex scenes in the movie definitely made me more open to the possibility of experimenting...

Trevor put his arm around my shoulders as he led us to the front of the building. I was about to ask Trevor if he had any experience with "experimenting" when he faltered in his steps.

"What-" I stopped when I saw what Trevor was focused on. In the line to purchase tickets were Peyton, her boyfriend Chris, Trevor’s ex Becca; her friend whose name I was blanking on and two guys I didn't recognize.

Chris offered us both a little smile while Peyton just looked as uncomfortable as I felt. Becca stared at Trevor, more specifically his arm draped over me while her friend glared at both of us. The other guys looked blissfully unaware.

"Hey." Trevor said, cordially, to them all. I smiled weakly.

"Hey. What did y'all see?" Chris asked Trevor.

"Fifty Shades." Trevor answered.

"Did you like it?" Peyton asked me with a smile.

"It was good. Better than the book, but I don't know if that saying much." I said, keeping a watchful eye on Becca. The last time I saw Becca and Trevor talking is when she threw a drink on him.

"I liked the books." Peyton said, looking over at Becca too. Becca didn't look angry, just terribly sad. It made me feel horrible.

"We gotta go. Have a good night." I said, before walking away with Trevor.

I looked down, feeling guilty about the bad things I thought about Becca. Maybe she didn't handle the breakup the best, but who does? I sighed.

"Are you ok?" Trevor asked me. I could hear the concern in his voice.

"Out of all the theaters in Dallas, in Texas, the United States..." I listed.

"The world?" Trevor joked, nervously.

"The fucking planet! Why did we have to choose this one? Why did they choose this one?" I said, with a little smile.

"It could have been worse..."


"We could have been in the same showing together." Trevor grinned, weakly.

"Now that would have been fifty shades of fucked up." I smiled.

We went to dinner at Friday's. We looked at the menu in silence. When I ordered a Santa Fe chicken salad, Trevor looked at me.

"That's all you want?" He said.

"Yeah, too much popcorn." I stated.

Trevor than ordered their Jack Daniels ribs. After the waitress took our menus, I looked at Trevor, trying to get the date back on track.

"So are you missing anything out of our sex life?" I asked.

Trevor slowly swallowed his drink and studied me.

"Does this have to do with Becca?" Trevor asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "No... I was thinking about how we never established hard and soft limits. Do you have something to share about yall's sex life?"

"No." Trevor swiped his hand across his face. "Sorry. It was just weird seeing her. She looked so..."

"Sad?" I finished for him.

"Yeah. I liked it better when she was throwing drinks at me." He looked up at me. "I think I have to talk to her again."

"And tell her what?" I asked.

"I don't know. I'm sorry; I didn't mean to hurt her; that you and I just happened."

"And what part of that doesn't she know?"

Trevor was silent.

"Leave it. She'll move on." I comforted him.

Our food came out and we dropped the conversation.

After dinner, we went back to my place. Jasmine was moving in over the weekend, so it would be my last day of having the apartment roommate free. We held each other and cuddled. I could tell Trevor was still feeling bad. I wished there was a way I could take that guilt away. I knew how Becca felt too, so it was hard. In the end, I used my mouth on him to take his mind off things.

The next morning, Trevor was in a better mood. We made breakfast as I caught up with Jasmine. She told me she was packing up everything at her dad's house, and Jake and Malik would be over in the afternoon to help move her things over.

I told Trevor the plan and talked him into going for a run with me. We took Justine to a park and Trevor ran around with her while I went through a workout. I knew I was going to regret it, especially when I helped Jasmine unpack, but my body was aching in a way that made me feel good.

We walked back to my apartment for a cool down. Jasmine called and let me know they were on their way.

I showered and changed into jeans and a t-shirt. I docked my phone on my speaker and started to play music. I threw some Gatorade and water bottles in the freezer. When there was a knock at the door, I raced to answer it.

"Roomy!" I greeted Jasmine with a huge smile. "Let me get you your key so you'll never have to knock again." I said, whimsically.

"That would be amazing!" She said, just as dramatically. We both laughed and I let her in.

When Justine jumped on her, Trevor tried to pull her back. "Hey Jasmine." He said. "Calm down Justine."

"It's ok Trevor." Jasmine said "Are you excited for your new roommate?" She asked Justine, petting her.

I retrieved her key as I watched them with a smile. I saw Trevor tense as Jake and Malik walked in. I couldn't tell if Jake flinched because of Trevor or the storage container he was carrying, but I definitely noticed his muscles flex. They were displayed perfectly in a long sleeve Under Armour shirt.

"Where do you want this Jasmine?" Malik asked.

"Just in the living room till I figure out where everything is going." Jasmine answered.

I gave Jasmine her key and smiled at Malik and Jake. "Hey guys. How's it going?"

I introduced Malik to Trevor, because honestly, I couldn't remember if they had actually meet. I knew he knew of Trevor, but they both were cool as they shook hands. Trevor said "Hey" to Jake and Jake responded with a nod.

We went to work bringing in all of Jasmine things. I noticed Jake and Trevor avoided each other at all cost. I ignored them and focused on Jasmine's excitement and positive energy. It was worth whatever discomfort the guys were feeling.

We took a break once everything was inside. I distributed waters and Gatorades to everyone.

"I like this song." Jasmine said, bopping her head to the EDM song.

"Which one of your playlist is this?" Trevor asked me. "Moving?"

I smiled. "No. Christian's"

"How are any of these songs Christian?" Malik asked me.

"No. Christian is the name of the producer. Trevor, Rocky and I went to school with him." I explained.

"Really?" Jasmine asked, surprised.

I was surprised too when Christian texted me a link for all of the songs he worked on. While a lot of them I hadn't heard of, there were a few songs EVERYONE knew. I was fucking shocked. I looked up a few of them just to be sure. Sure enough, Christian was listed as a producer.

"Yeah, he's pretty cool." I confirmed.

"You need to hook me up!" Jasmine exclaimed.

"He lives in California now." I told her.

"And he's your typical music guy stereotype." Trevor added, looking up from his phone.

I folded my arms at him.

"Meaning?" I asked.

"Meaning he hops from girl to girl." Trevor explained.

"How would you know that? He might have changed. You did." I continued.

"I was nothing like him, and I know he hasn't changed." Trevor responded. He got up and headed upstairs to my room. I watched him with a frown.

"Haven't you learned your lesson about guys like that?" Jake questioned Jasmine after Trevor left the room.

"Whatever. I miss my club hookups." Jasmine said.

"You need to focus on your life not the club. Besides, you did enough dancing moving your stuff in." Malik pointed out.

We laughed while Jasmine pointed her finger at him. "Lifting heavy shit is one of the few things men are good at. Focus on that!"

"Where's your new friend at to help you if that's all were good for?" Malik asked.

"He's good for other things." Jasmine hinted.

"Gross Jasmine. Let's get this done with. Vamos {C'mon}" Jake said, standing up.

"I second that. I don't need to hear about my coworker like that." I said, standing too.

"What makes you think it's Kendal?" Jasmine grinned.

"'Cause I saw y'all making eyes at each other at Razzoos." I said.

"Whatever. I'm keeping my options open." Jasmine said.

I turned my music up downstairs, blaring it loud enough so the guys could hear it upstairs. Jasmine dictated what was going upstairs while we went through the items she brought for the kitchen and things that needed to go in the outside storage.

I tried to help, but most of my time was dedicated to keeping Justine out of Malik's and Jake's way.

I was getting the doggy gates when Trevor came back downstairs.

"Hey, I'll take Justine with me." He offered.

"You're leaving?" I asked.

"I'll be back if that's okay with you." He said, sheepishly.

"Of course baby."

I was kinda relieved he was leaving: it was awkward as fuck. I could tell he was in a funky mood. I understood him feeling weird about it. I appreciated him sticking around to show that he didn’t have a problem with Jasmine moving in. I didn't even have to ask him to.

I walked him to the door and grabbed Justine's leash.

"See you later." He said, taking the leash.

I gave him a kiss at the door. "Love you." I said, pulling away.

"Love you too." He smiled before leaving.

I was closing the door when Jake asked from behind me, "Where's your boyfriend going?"

I turned to look at him. He was bent over, grabbing a black bag full of shoes. I couldn't read his expression.

"Getting Justine outta yall's way." I said, simply.

Jake smirked. "She couldn't just go in your room?"

"Nope." I said, ending that conversation and joining Jasmine on the patio.

When we had everything unpacked, we took a break to decide what to do for dinner.

"You know dad wants to see the place. You might as well invite him over and get it over with." Jake said to Jasmine.

"I know, but he'll stay late cause it's a weekend. I want to relax."

I smiled and grabbed my phone. I texted Trevor to see where he was at. I read the text from Rocky afterwards.

Rocky: Da fuck?

It was in reference to a screen grab she sent of some girl Mallory's Facebook. I studied her profile picture for a moment before I realized it was Becca's friend from the night before. The photos she posted were captioned:


The photos consisted of candid shots and selfies of Mallory, Becca, Peyton, Chris and Trevor at some patio. The last fucking straw was Becca taking a selfie with my fucking dog. I literally saw red.

"What's wrong cariño?" Jake asked me, concerned. I snapped my phone shut and jammed it in my pocket.

"Nothing." I said. Jake eyed me like I was crazy. I probably looked crazy: I was pissed the fuck off!

"What do you wanna do for food?" Jasmine asked, looking between Jake and me.

"Whatever y'all want. I don't care."

I really didn't care. I lost my fucking appetite.


  1. Oh no. No no no trevor. Big mistake. If i was lily id be tearing his ass up for that shit. What a dick move. Thats like some guy bringing your kid to hang out with his ex. Just wrong. And the fact he didnt even say thats where he was going?? Like he was trying to hide it? What an ass.

  2. Ive felt pretty meh about Trevor so far, but this definitely just pushed him over the line into negative territory. He knew that would bother lily, he never should have allowed becca to take a pic with lilys dog (you know she did it to piss lily off). Maybe he was mad that she got the playlist from christian, but he has no right to be he and lily have never been more than friends (because trevor was selfish). Also, if he cant handle jake being around he shouldn't have suggested that jasmine move in. Urgh, okay, mini trevor's an idiot rant over.

    Sorry for typeos, on my phone

  3. Argh! Trevor, no! He knows better than this! Sad about Becca, well, yeah, I guess, but if he was with her, he wouldn't be with Lily. He needs et the "I'm sorry" stuff go and focus on his new relationship. No biscuit, Trevor!

    1. Oh and it isn't lost on me that Jake called Lily cariño...Trevor best be watching out for her rather than fussing about Becca. Not that Lily is going to cave, but Jake would be an easy shoulder to cry on and probably more than willing to offer himself in this role if Trevor screws up. Let's hope Trevor smartens up right quick.

  4. Thanks for ruining my night janay! Haha but no seriously I like Trevor and if you break them up I may just have to break up with this blog (Only partially kidding ) so maybe Trevor didn't know she would be there and maybe she took a pic with Justine when he wasn't there. truthfully she's moving in with her ex's sister and hanging out with him for dinner to so we can't just jump on the hate Trevor bamdwagon, he should tell her though. Jake was very annoying in this post never liked him he's not even with her and he needs to make Lil comments. Ugh I can't wait til next post I'm so sad , I need to not like this blog so much but you are helping if you break her and trevor.


  6. Hahaha just cause she's mad doesn't mean they'll break up! They just need to have a talk about it, maybe they'll fight. But that's ok.
    I didn't like that Trevor felt he needed to talk to becca. About what? I thought he told her everything before. She's sad.... So what? I don't like it when men pity women like that. Come on it's not like Trevor is the last coke in the desert haha

  7. This is exactly why I didn't ant Lily and Trevor together. He's kind of immature. He didnt want Lily in college, yet asked Christian to stay away from her. Se found Ethan, he threw and tantrum and told her brother. She dated Jake and he slept with Sammy to get back at her. Now she's playing Christian's songs and he sulks like a child and goes to hang out with his ex. Trevor may be in love with Lily. But he's weak. He needs to man up and be confident if he wants this to work

    1. I think your jumping to conclusions just because he said Christian was a player doesn't mean he was sulking like a child or whether he planned this meet up with becca, you don't have to like Trevor but also don't have to stretch things to make up a point. Just because he didn't throw a major tantrum like Jake would have and ran away and insist she come crawling doesn't mean he's weak. It's funny people harped on Jake and his jealousy issues and as soon as Trevor shows some emotion on other guys and lily people do the same. Guys are human and while they shouldn't be so insecure and get jealous about little and everything, they should still get a little bit uncomfortable they're men

  8. Welcome back Cariño! Oh Jake, how I missed you!

    I do hope Lily handles this like an mature adult and doesn't do anything stupid!.... if she goes that route, she don't deserve either of them!

  9. That was messed up on Trevor's part. Not ok. Lilly has a right to be pissed.

    1. Yeah but typical lily always jumps to pissed and thinks the worst without even finding or what happened. Ugh Jake makes my skin crawl and not in a good way. It is true she's keeping her ex's extra close. Hate the idea of jasmine moving in, especially when she says things like her dad will hang out all night.

  10. Oh hellllllllll NO! I would be soooo pissed. LOL It's hard though, because she is technically hanging around Jake now with Jasmine and Malik.... how can she be mad at Trevor for essentially doing the same thing with Becca???? I understand it's a bit different as Trevor and them are out on the town, and Lily is not... but still. lol I knew shit would hit the fan once Jasmine came into the picture. Hasn't even been around for 1 post before shit gets stirred. haha

    1. Because Trevor knew Jake would be around especially since he insisted it was ok if she had jasmine as a roommate whereas Lily had no idea he was going to see Becca & she found out through social media. If be mad as heck. It's too fishy to say he just ran into her because the day before he was saying he should apologize to her and the next day they're on a terrace together taking selfies I don't know I agree with Anon @ 7:30am. He needs to man up. She stopped tolerating bs from everyone except Trevor, she always let's him get his way because he's T-rev..

    2. It didn't say they were taking selfies together, it actually didn't imply either way it just said her friend posted candid pics of them on a patio, and just because he said something the day before doesn't mean he planned for her to be there, he did tell lily he wanted to talk to her, and lily is one to not care at all about her talking to any guy boyfriend, hookup, players..I agree with headkels0h, not even one day and jasmines bringing drama and Jake around (I know he was helping move so no need to get fussy) also good point about when her dad comes he'll stay a long time that will be awkward. Wish we could have just let the Jake family fade away but others want a lot of drama so...

    3. Some of us may like drama, but are not dramatic. Are you operating under the impression that Trevor is perfect and would never make a mistake? Come on! Do you never fight with your significant other? I do stuff that bugs him, he does stuff that bugs me. We talk about it, sometimes fight, but we learn from our mistakes. How did Jasmine create any drama? Yes, Jake came over to help her move, but if Trevor didn't want Lily around him, he didn't have to leave. So what if they have a fight? It doesn't mean they don't love each other anymore.

    4. No need to yell or throw around "!" Lol I never said he was perfect never. Yes they can fight and yes its part of relationships and I don't mind that at all, but others are too quick to hate on him when we haven't really heard the whole story, and lily is known for jumping to conclusions and getting upset easy. And I still stand by drama with jasmine, bringing Jake around regardless creates tension especially when he makes remarks he did multiple times. Plus jasmine "misses her club hookups" club hookups and picking the wrong boys brings drama.
