Friday, February 13, 2015

Blurred Lines

****Sorry about the lateness and errors. I will correct them when I have a chance!

"OK now he was close, tried to domesticate you

But you're an animal, baby, it's in your nature
Just let me liberate you
Hey, hey, hey
You don't need no papers
Hey, hey, hey
That man is not your maker
And that's why I'm gon' take a good girl
I know you want it (x3)
You're a good girl
Can't let it get past me
You're far from plastic
Talk about getting blasted
I hate these blurred lines
I know you want it (x3)
But you're a good girl
The way you grab me
Must wanna get nasty
Go ahead, get at me" Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke

"Trevor stop... I gotta take Justine for a run." I protested, weakly as Trevor laid me down at the foot of the bed where he was standing.

He grabbed me by my calves, right above my socks and tennis shoes, the only thing I was wearing. He pulled me to the edge of the bed, spreading my legs. When he rubbed his erection against me, I knew Justine was my last chance to get him to stop before I couldn't override my body's demands. Its demands were simple: Trevor.

I would think my body had enough. I flushed thinking about how quickly things escalated in the kitchen, then the living room, and finally my bed the evening before. Even exhausted and thoroughly satisfied, I couldn't get enough of him. Just the feel of his body pressed so intimately against mine the next morning ignited a familiar spark between my legs. I needed to get a hold of myself.
That's why I ignored my body's wants and untangled myself from his embrace. I looked over at him. He was out like a light; not surprising considering how we celebrated his return to Dallas the night before...

I pushed those thoughts out of my head and quickly got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I decided I should go for a run before I went to work. A hard run and a hot shower would do me some good.

When I came out the bathroom, Trevor was awake, kicking off the covers and exposing his nude, lean body to me.

Make that a cold shower.

I greeted him with a small smile before rushing into my closet and throwing on some workout clothes. I sat on the empty bed, putting on my socks and shoes when Trevor reappeared from the bathroom, still naked.

When he stared at me, giving me that look with his memorizing blue eyes, I knew I was in trouble. I came up with every excuse for why we should wait till I got home as he removed my all my clothes, kissing and rubbing every inch of my exposed skin. I was hoping his concern for Justine would surpass his concern for his hard-on...

"I'll take her after." Trevor assured me, as he pushed into my sore but aroused body. "Do you really want me to stop?" He groaned. I gasped, struggling to catch my breath, and shook my head no. He kept pushing into me, filling me with conflicting feelings of pleasure and pain.
Pleasure won out as he leaned over, sucking on my neck as he thrust into me, faster and faster. I was so close when he trembled, groaning as he came. Trevor pulled out, placing his fingers inside me. He stroked me, teasing me before I came hard on his fingers.

I was lying there, recovering, as Trevor watched me with a pleased smile on his face. It was on the tip of my tongue to make a smart aleck remark, but my phone's alarm went off before I could think of it. I had to get ready for work! And now I had to take a shower!

I rushed to shower and got changed, refusing Trevor's offers of help. I told him he helped enough and hurried to get ready. I made it to work only 10 minutes late, pulling my hair up in a ponytail as I hustled inside.

"Late..." Jordan teased, clicking her tongue at me.
I stuck mine out at her and got to work.

Jordan was the only one who noticed my lateness, so I went about my day as normal. I took my lunch later than Jordan since I had to stay late for my appointment with Coach Green. Jordan was nice enough to pick up a salad and deli rolls from the grocery store to share with me. I sat done and began to eat as she was finishing.

We talked about going shopping together after work Thursday with Jasmine and Rocky to pick out dresses for the party. I was waiting to hear from Rachel before giving Jordan a definite time. Rachel had to make sure she could get off at a decent hour before committing to joining us. Jasmine and Rocky already said they would join us. Jasmine also told me she would talk to me then.
Jordan was getting ready to go back to work when Kendal joined us.

"Wuz up ladies?" He said, sitting down across from me.

"Nothing much. How's your day going?" I asked, giving him a smile.

"No complaints." He answered.

"Alright y'all, I gotta go. Text me as soon as you hear from Rachel about tomorrow." She said, before leaving.

"Ok." I nodded.

"What's up tomorrow?" Kendal asked.

"Nothing, just dress shopping for the Bitter's Ball." I replied.

"Is it really a ball?" Kendal asked, nervously.

I grinned. "No, it's at a lounge. More like a cocktail party."

"Good. I didn't know if I needed to rent a tux or something."

"No, guys are lucky. Y'all can throw jeans and a button down and be fine." I stated.

"Don't worry; I'll do more than that. When you figure out what you're wearing, send me a picture."

"Will do. Do you want to hang out at my place after work? I don't want you to have to drive all the way to Denton, then to Fort Worth." I offered.

"I don't live in Denton anymore. I got an apartment in Richardson."

"Really? Where is that?"

"North Dallas area. Maybe 20 minutes from Addison." Kendal responded.

"What are the prices like in that area?"

"Why? You thinking about moving?" He asked.
"Nope, I have a friend looking." I told him.

"It's definitely cheaper than Addison."

"I'll look into it then." I looked at my phone. "I gotta go back. See ya later."

After my last appointment of the day, I headed home. I called Trevor on the way.

"Hey, you at home?" He asked.

"On my way. Where are you at?"

"Heading back to your apartment. You had to work late?"

"Kinda. Sandra micromanaged my last appointment, so it made it longer. I usually get off later on

Mondays and Wednesdays." I explained.

"Do you want me to pick up something to eat on the way?"

"Yes, please and thank you!"

"What do you want?-"

"You son of a bitch!" I exclaimed, hitting my brakes when some huge ass SUV cut me off to switch lanes. It was halfway in my lane and there was no way around the big vehicle. I stared at it, incredulously, as it braked too.

"Get over! You already fucked me over dude!" I hissed, waving the SUV over.
The driver struggled to get their car straightened in front of me.

"Of course! You have a big piece of shit SUV you can't even drive!!!" I exclaimed.

Trevor laughed at me. "I'll figure dinner out. Get off your phone and stop road raging."

"Urgh, fine." I agreed, hanging up.

I made it home about 20 minutes later than it normally took.

"Honey! I'm home!" I called out, joining him in the living room.

"It's about time darling." Trevor said, standing up and giving me a kiss. "Didn't assault anyone did you?"

"Not physically... McDonald's?" I said, noticing the take out bags he had sitting on the table.

"Sounded like you needed some McLovin'." Trevor said, holding up the movie Superbad.

I laughed. "Always down for some McLovin. Let me go change."

I ran upstairs and changed into an oversized t-shirt and leggings before joining Trevor back downstairs, on the couch in front of the TV.

We sat and munched on French fries, burgers, chicken nuggets and apple pies as we watched the movie. Trevor and I both love the movie. We spent the night laughing at the super cast of Jonah Hill, Seth Rogen, Bill Hader, and Emma Stone. I snuggled up to Trevor on the couch when I was done eating.

"I could get used to this." I sighed.

"Superbad?" Trevor said.

I grinned. "More like coming home to you."

Trevor smiled as he traced a finger over my face. I took a deep breath, my stomach fluttering just from his simple touch.

"I think it's McLovin..." Trevor teased me.

"Shut up." I laughed as he kissed me.

Thursday, Rachel got in touch with me and she was able to join us on our shopping trip. After work, I changed and headed straight to the mall. We weren't meeting for another hour, but I told Jasmine I'd be there early so we could talk.

I found her at the food court. We ordered orangeades before finding a table to sit down and talk.

"I wanted to ask you if that offer to move in is still open." Jasmine said.
I was so shocked. I didn't expect her to ask me that at all. She seemed so sure, no, more like determined, to live on her own.

"...If it's not, I get it-" Jasmine was saying when I tuned back in.

"No. Sorry. I'm just surprised. What changed your mind?" I questioned her.

"Talking to you, and the girls and my parents; everyone pretty much told me the same thing: to do what's best for me. If I'm being real with myself, I was in such a rush to get my own place so I could prove to Reggie how much better I'm doing without him. Being stuck in a crappy apartment is not what's best for me." Jasmine explained.

"Do you think living with me is what's best for you?"

"Yes and no. Owning a house would be what's best. Paying to own and not rent makes more sense. I'm just not ready to make that commitment with Jocelyn yet. I thought I could give her until June to show me her true self." Jasmine said.

"So you're testing her?" I said, tilting my head to the side.

"Something like that." She smiled.

"Exactly like that." I nodded.

"Maybe, but not only that. It'll give me some time to save and look for a better job, you know?" Jasmine continued.

"I think that's a great idea. My offer definitely still stands-" I was cut off by my phone ringing. I picked it up when I saw it was Rachel. I told her where we were at. I hung up and turned to Jasmine.

"We'll work out the details, but I'm all for it!" I smiled. Jasmine smiled too.


Rachel arrived and we stood up and made our way to the designated meeting spot. When we arrived, Rocky was already there.

"I thought this was the meeting spot." Rocky snapped, eyeing us suspiciously.

"Yep, we just saw each other in the parking lot." I grinned, giving her a hug.

"Mmhmm, you're full of shit." She said before greeting the other girls.

We stood and chatted while we waited for Jordan. She finally showed up.

"Sorry I'm late. I had to buy a few more supplies for that cabin this weekend." Jordan apologized.

We then started our dress hunt. While we shopped, Rachel told us how she waited until the last minute to plan her Valentine's date with Forrest, and was now struggling to put something together.

"Wait a second. I'm super confused. I haven't planned anything for Trevor. I just got him a gift. Is it my job?" I asked, confused. All the girls were putting things together. I thought that was the guy's job...

"Y'all should talk about that." Jordan shook her head at me.

"Forrest and my idea of date nights are so different, we take turn planning dates. It's my turn, but I've been so busy, it slipped my mind." Rachel lamented.

I looked at Rocky.

She shrugged. "I just wanted to do something for my man."

I nodded and turned back to Rachel. "I know something Forrest wants, and it's super easy..."

I explained to her Forrest and my conversation after the Philip and Jake fiasco.

"He said to suggest the apron lingerie and fondue idea with you when we're closer friends." I finished.

Jasmine kinda chuckled at me, but stopped.

"What?" I asked her.

"Nothing." Jasmine smiled, shaking her head.

"Tell me!"

"No wonder you and my brother were such as mess." Jasmine finally said.

"I know!" I agreed. I turned to Rachel. "And I'm aware how that conversation could have blurred the lines of friendship with Forrest. I'm sorry. My only excuse was that it was before our talk and I didn't realize how inappropriate I was being." I explained.

Rachel waved me off. "At least now I have a plan, so thank you." She said, shortly.

I couldn't tell if she was being sarcastic or not.

"First rule of being roommates, no sketchy dudes allowed." I told Jasmine, trying to lightening the mood.

"Agreed." Jasmine laughed.

"Y'all are moving in together?" Rocky asked.

I nodded. "Yes." I held up a dress to show Jasmine. She shook her head no.

"When? Are you starting a new lease?" Rocky interrogated us.

"We're going to work out the details later, but definitely no new lease." I said.

"I really just want something temporary so I can make permanent decisions." Jasmine explained.

"Why not just stay with your parents until then?" Rachel asked.

"Because I feel like I'm trapped in a cage. I need my own space. I feel pathetic living with my dad."
Jasmine said.

"I understand. I felt the same way." I commented.

"How does Trevor feel about it?" Jordan asked.

Jasmine shot me a concerned look.

"He's completely fine with it. He actually suggested it." I reassured her.

"Really?" Jasmine said disbelief in her voice.

"Really." I smiled. "I will warn you, we're kinda disgustingly all over each other but I promise we'll contain it in my room after you move in." I promised as we took our selections in the fitting room.

"Another rule!" Jasmine called to me, still searching the clothes as we left.

"It'll probably be over when Jasmine moves in, once the newness fades off." Jordan said as we went into separated fitting rooms.

"I doubt it." I contradicted her. "Who knows, come June we might be moving in together." I shrugged.

"Lily, it's way too soon to be thinking like that. You are going to freak him out." Jordan said, over the fitting room wall.

"I don't think so. Trevor is not like that. I told him the other day I loved coming home to him. We were practically inseparable on the weekends when he was in Austin." I told her when I stepped out of the dressing room. I examined myself in the mirror. I loved the multicolored sequin dress.

"Weekends and living together are two different things. Trust me, I know." Jordan said, stepping out in a cute sweater dress.

"I like that!" I gushed.

"I don't. It's boring."

"I'll take it!" I said.

"I'm serious though Lily. Don't rush things just because you're in a honeymoon phase." Jordan lectured.

"I'm not, but I don't think Trevor and I fall under regular dating rules. We've been friends for 8 years.
It's not a "honeymoon phase". We know and understand each other. It's not just new, it's right." I pointed out to her.

"Ok..." Jordan said, but she didn't sound convinced.

Rocky came out from a fitting room, in a killer dress.

"Lily, you are killing that dress." She complimented me.

"I was just about to say the same to you. I think we found our Bitter's Ball dresses." I beamed.

"I thought you wanted this one." Jordan said.

"I do, for my date with Trevor." I smiled.

"What date?" She smiled back, before heading back to the fitting room.

I rolled my eyes at her.

We purchased our dresses and kept shopping for the other girls.

Jordan found a dress at Express and Jasmine found her dress at H&M. We talked Rachel into a white dress, telling her she should wear nothing but white dresses until she got married, a la Kim Kardashian's 2nd engagement.

Rocky pulled me to the side as we were leaving.

"Don't listen to Jordan. Do what's right for you."

"I plan on it. I don't know why she's being so negative. I know she liked Jake better, but she needs to get over it." I said.

"She sounds salty if you ask me."

"Whatever it is, I'm not worried about it. I know what Trevor and I have. I don't need to convince her or anyone else."

Rocky nodded. "One more thing: I'm bringing Ethan to the Bitter's ball."

"Really? How did you get him to agree with that?" I asked.

Rocky smirked. "I have my ways."

I smiled. "Okay. Why did you?"

"Serena. I think they'll make a good match." Rocky informed me. She studied me. "Is that a problem?"

"No." I said, truthfully. "Kinda salty I didn't think of it myself!"

When I got home, Trevor wasn't there so is started cooking dinner. I was stuffing chicken breast with butter and parsley when Trevor came back. I smiled as I looked at his haircut. Gone were the curls with the shorter length.

"What'd I tell you about having dinner on my table when I get home woman?" He joked, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"What'd I tell you about cutting your hair?" I teased him back, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"I go back to work Monday. It's easier shorter." He explained.

"True. Maybe I'll cut my hair too." I said, breading the chicken. I knew how much he hated when I cut my hair in college.

"You better not. I like it wild and untamed. It suits you."

"I think curls suit you."

"Not the work me." He sighed. I put the chicken in the oven and turned to him.

"How are you feeling going back to work?" I asked, thinking about how my brother said he hated his job.

"Like the end of a vacation."

"It doesn't have to be a vacation." I suggested, trying to be supportive, even though I didn't agree.

"Well, it is for now. I'll see what'll happen with the website and go from there."


"Speaking of the website, Kenji called me. He's surprising Cat this weekend in Austin. He wants to meet with me."

"That's cool." I said, focusing on putting a salad together and not my disappointment at not spending Valentine's together.

"I'm going to leave tomorrow morning and be back for Valentine's Day." Trevor smiled at me.

"It's not important. We don't even have plans." I shrugged, trying to be calm about it. I was secretly thrilled.

"Says who?" Trevor asked me, with a wink.

"Even if we did, I understand you need to take care of the website. Any ideas what Kenji wants to talk about?" I asked.

"None at all."

While the food was cooking, I took him to my room and I showed him my dresses. I also took a picture of the one I was wearing to the party and sent it to Kendal. Then I told him about Jasmine moving in.

"Just make sure y'all talk out everything. Maybe even get a contract." He grinned at me.

"Look who's talking!" I said, kicking him in the butt. He grabbed my leg and tackled me to the bed.

We rolled around, playing until we started kissing.

"Trevor... stop."

"You still don't mean it." He murmured against my neck.

"I don't, but I have to. Only because of the food." I smiled, rubbing his shorter hair.

"I'm insulted. You putting food over this..." he said, running his finger down my body.

"You know it's a compliment that they're even in the same category."

He laughed and pulled me up from the bed. We went downstairs and I checked on the chicken Kiev. I turned the oven off and grabbed the salad out the refrigerator.

We made our plates and took them to the living room to sit down and eat. I bugged him about telling me what we were doing on Saturday.

"You already told me what you had planned to do on Valentine's Day." Trevor said.

"When?" I said, confused.

"Last year, when I asked you if you wanted to see 50 Shades of Grey together. You told me-"

"I would be spending it with my boyfriend." I smiled, remembering the conversation we had in my brother's kitchen.  At the time, I was trying to convince him of my commitment to Jake.

"You sure that's what you want?" Trevor said, putting down his plate and scooting closer to me.

"That's all I want." I said, throwing my arms around him.

"You mean it this time? Cause I know you didn't mean spending it with me last time." He said, embracing me.

"I mean it! That's what I want. I don't even care what we do!"

"I don't believe you." He smiled.

I kissed him passionately on the lips.

"I almost believe you..." he said against my lips when I pulled back.

I straddled him and kiss him again.

"Ok. I know you want it."

I laughed and kissed him again.

"So 50 Shades of Grey it is?" Trevor asked.



  1. Loving her and trevor!! I also LOVE that he remembered what she said last year. HATE HATE HATE that jasmine is moving in!!!! Jordan is being a brat not everyone needs to date for years before they move in together plus they were friends first. I bet she's having relationship troubles and doesnt like others so happy

  2. I actually like that jasmine is moving in with Lily. I don't see why that would be a problem, Jake knows that Lily is dating Trevor, so I think/hope he doesn't want to get in the middle of that.
    Even if jasmine moving in causes drama I welcome it, things are too happy right now ;-p

    1. That's kind of pessimistic of you, people don't always need drama in their life, constant drama isnt realistic. And I don't like the idea of jasmine moving in not because of Jake but because I've never been a fan of hers she rubs me the wrong way.

    2. Oh I'm sorry I thought this story was fiction. And in most fiction stories there's a little bit of drama every now and then.
      Most romance stories I read there's even drama between couples and they still end up together. And in my real life I get mad at my bf and still love him...... Just saying.....

    3. I've been accused of being soap opera-y, so y'all know I love drama. I like reading and writing about conflicts. It shapes the characters to me and I try to keep it as realistic as possible.

      That being said, of course drama is coming, but that doesn't mean it's between Lily and Trevor. Luita, you correctly guessed some of it in prevous post...

    4. Oh no, I was hoping I was wrong about that, if it is what I think......
      I'm Latina and I love telenovelas and those are full of drama so I'm ok with your soap opera-y writing ways! ;-)

    5. Luita your comment above didn't imply "a little bit of drama" like your second comment and duh it's fiction no need to get so defensive. Fiction stories don't need to have something dramatic then entire time however if you like soap operas that's ridiculously dramatic so I can see where this would be too tame

    6. I didn't find Luita defensive....and I actually agree drama happens in real life. No ones life is rainbow & lollipops & if this blog was solely unicorns shitting rainbows I doubt it would have the following it does! Because that's the fun, it's someone's fictional life so anything can happen! There's relationship drama, there's your friends/family drama, and work drama. Drama doesn't need to mean her & Trevor it would just keep us on our toes if it was!
      & Janay, you make me want to go back to previous posts to see what Luita predicted lol but ain't nobody got time for that! So I'll just impatiently wait!

    7. No one disagrees drama happens in real life but soap opera drama constantly doesn't, and just because people might be in a good relationship doesn't mean their life is rainbows and lollipops , looking forward to reading what Janay has in store including the drama but like other comments I also welcome posts that are happy and drama free as well

  3. Uhhhhhhggggggggggg!!!! Did NOT want jasmine moving in AT ALL. Hate it. lol -_-

  4. I like how things are going and glad it's not overly dramatic and I agree I'm not so sure about jasmine and I don't feel like they have been friends long enough to live together. Love lily and trevor! JJ

  5. I just want to know if she'll send Kendal that pic...that's blurring the lines

  6. I am thinking Kendal is going to hit on Lily..... Kenji is going to ask Trevor to go to Japan... I love the drama,,,, keeps the story interesting :)

    Happy Valentine's Day... Or Single Awareness Day!

  7. hey, i may be in the minority but can we have a blog post focusing on sammy and corey relationship. am so intrigued by their dynamic.
