Monday, December 8, 2014

My Love

"Now, if I wrote you a love note
And made you smile with every word I wrote,
would that make you want to change your scene
And wanna be the one on my team?
See, what's the point of waiting anymore?
Cause girl I've never been more sure
This ring here represents my heart
And everything that you've been waiting for 

I can see us holding hands
Walking on the beach, our toes in the sand
I can see us on the countryside
Sitting on the grass, laying side by side
You could be my baby, let me make you my lady
Girl, you amaze me
Ain't gotta do nothing crazy
See, all I want you to do is be my love" My Love by Justin Timberlake

"Full on sprint! Last one, 30 more seconds!" I coached, encouragingly. 

Amber huffed, but she pushed through, her brown ponytail flopping around wildly as she ran up then down the stairs at my apartment. I did calf raises as I timed her, testing the strength of my injured ankle. It throbbed but didn't hurt as bad.

"Time!" I called, pausing and letting her rest. She exhaled deeply and collapsed on the floor. “Great job." I told her, grabbing a water bottle. I handed it to her before sitting on the floor across from her.

"That's all?" She panted, surprised.

"Yeah. Circuit training is about endurance and high intensity. As long as you do your reps at 100%, the workouts should last only 30 minutes." I informed her as we stretched.

"And here I was thinking you were just punishing me..." Amber started.

I gave her a weak smile. "I thought about it."

"I deserve it. I'm so sorry Lily..."

I cut her off. "I know you're sorry, but I'm more concerned about how it won't happen again. I don't want you to feel like you have to defend Will-"

"Lily-" Amber interrupted me.

"Just hear me out." I stopped her.

When she nodded, I continued.

"I know how it feels to have to defend your relationship, so I don't want to put you in that position. I just need our friendship to be our friendship. You know I'm always here for you. I just want that same treatment." I explained.

"You're right. I'm sorry. I get caught up in making my family work, that it takes precedence over everything. That's not fair to you."

"It's not fair to you either. I understand having a relationship is work, but you shouldn't be the only one doing it." I commented. She frowned, and I sighed.

"Regardless of that, I feel like I'm friends with you, independently of you being a wife and mother. I get that's a part of who you are, but there's more to you. I feel like that person is gone, and I miss her. I guess that's why I don't really like Will. I respect that he's your husband as long as he respects our friendship as well." I reasoned.

"Oh, he will. We already had that talk." She said, confidently.

I smiled. "Good. Just one more thing and we'll be cool."


"What does Rocky have planned for my birthday?" I asked her.

Amber broke out in a wide smile. "One word: Amazing!"

I couldn't get Amber to give me any hints to what we were doing or even who all was coming, but I was growing increasingly excited about it. The only damper on my spirit was telling Jake I had plans on Wednesday. It ended up not being a big deal. He just offered to take me to lunch. I agreed, and we planned to meet up on my birthday on my lunch.

I sat at Chuy's, smiling and responding to all the happy birthday messages on Facebook as I waited for Jake. I was laughing at a birthday collage Trevor posted on my page. He had to conspire with Bianca; he had rare baby pictures that I knew only my aunt had. In the middle, he had a picture he took of me from last weekend, wearing his birthday hat, smiling widely at the camera. 

He captioned it: Happy Birthday to the best friend a guy can have. #Countdown #10MoreDays#8YearsAndCounting

The collage was so cute, it almost made me forget I hadn't heard from him all day. The comments had me laughing.

Cameron: This makes me feel old... Happy Birthday Sis. 

Amber: Happy Birthday LILY!!!! #TurnUpTonight #RockYourBody #Don'tHoldTheWall

Sammy: *Meme*
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILY! #SexyBack #Senorita

Bianca: Happy B'day Cuz! Love you! We'll Celebrate Cali style when you come out here!

Jenna: Happy Birthday! Make it a great one Sis!

Rocky: Awwww, look at those chubby cheeks. I just wanna pinch them!!! #WayBackWednesday #Happy Birthday #MyLove

Forrest: #Beautiful Happy Birthday Lily! Don't turn up too much and hurt yourself... again. 

Rachel: Happy Birthday Lily! See you tonight! #TakeBackTheNight

Trevor: You are old @Cam 
Texas style beats Cali style @Bianca
I wanna pinch them too... @Rocky

I was laughing so hard at Trevor's comment, I didn't even notice Jake approaching my table.

"What's so funny?" He asked me, as I rose to give him a hug.

After I sat down, I showed him the post. Jake shook his head but smiled.

"Happy birthday." Jake said, handing over an envelope.

"Thank you." I took the card from him as the waiter came to take our order.

"Do you feel older?" He asked me after the waiter left.

"Yes, I woke up wiser and more mature. Can you tell?" I grinned.

"No." Jake answered quickly. I laughed

"So your present is in the card." Jake told me.

"Ok." I said, excitedly, as I opened up the envelope. I read the front of the card:

Once in a while, someone very special comes along and makes the world a little more wonderful...

I was smiling as I opened it.

Someone special like you. Happy Birthday.

Jake signed the card simply 'Love, Jake.'
I looked up at Jake, still smiling. "Thank you Jake. This is so sweet."

He nodded, still watching my reaction. I looked back in the card. There was a folded up piece of paper so I opened it. It was information for a ski lodge in California. I looked up, confused.

"What is this?"

"What I really want to give you for your birthday. A birthday trip."

My heart soared, and then dropped. God, it was a sweet and thoughtful gift. I loved it, even though I knew I couldn't accept it. The images of us making love in front of a fire were stuck in my mind. It was so tempting...

"I can't-" I started, not knowing how to finish.

Thankfully, Jake nodded understandingly. "I figured. I just couldn't help thinking about Vegas and what you said you wanted."

"I can't believe you remembered that." I shook my head.

"It was our last weekend together. I remember everything." Jake confessed. "That weekend is when I finally realized how stupid I was acting. After that, we had no problems-"

"Yeah, but I also held my tongue and promised myself to be a good girlfriend to you that weekend." I admitted.

The waiter brought our food and Jake looked down at it. I did the same, even though I wasn't hungry anymore.

When he didn't speak, I did.

"Jake, I'm sorry-"

"Don't be."

"But I am. I feel like you're taking the blame for our relationship falling apart. It wasn't just you. I wasn't ready for a relationship either." I said, apologetically.

"I'm ready now." Jake looked up at me.

"I'm still not." I told him.

He nodded and I began to pick at my food.

"So... what did you hold back on in Vegas?" Jake asked me, taking a bite of his taco.

"You asked so my birthday lunch can be as awkward as possible?" I said, sarcastically.

Jake grinned. "I mean might as well."

"Basically anytime Omar opened his mouth." I said, taking a bite of my enchiladas.

"For example?"

"His birthday speech for you. I swear he looked right at me when he said you'd upgrade next year." I started.

Jake laughed. "Paranoid. What else?"

I chewed my next bite and thought about it.

"Ummm, his comment about Malik and me eating together."


"It doesn't sound like much, but paired with him calling me a homie hopper-"

"He called you what?" Jake asked, surprised.

"Not to my face, but Sammy heard him call me that at Oktoberfest."

Jake frowned. "I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"I didn't tell you, so don't worry about it. And please let it go. I don't need you taking any more punches for me."

"Nah, I'm gonna get him where it really hurts: his child."

I laughed. "You're awful."

Jake laughed too. "It won't be that bad... maybe just teach him his first curse word, give him his first beer."

"I guess since y'all are like family, that makes you the creepy uncle." I joked.

"I'm cool with that."

We had a good time after that. He explained to me the origins of "Homie Hopper". Apparently, it was a nickname assigned to Omar's first love after she hooked up with Ethan.

"Ohmygosh, is that way he hated me from the start? Ethan?!?!" I exclaimed.

"He claims no, but I think it had a lot to do with it." Jake said.

The mention of Ethan affected me, I can't lie, but I pushed any emotion away. I was through with him. I did need to get in touch with Megan so I could see how EJ was doing...

"Of course it does! I should have known something was up. To know me is to love me!" I declared.

Jake gave me a sexy grin. "Apparently." 

I blushed. 

After Jake paid, he walked me to my car, which he parked next to. He went into his backseat before giving me a hug.

"Happy birthday Lily." He said, hugging me tight. He held me, long and hard. I held on to him too. It was one of the few times our bodies connected and I felt peace instead of longing or regret.

When we finally pulled away, he handed me a box. I looked at it. It was the upgraded version of my old phone, the Samsung Galaxy S5.

"Just in case you wanna come back on team Android." Jake smiled.

I smiled back. "Thank you Jake." I said, pulling him in for one more hug.

The rest of my day at work flew by. My co-workers all pitched in and got me a card with a Visa gift card inside. After work, Jordan took me out to spend it on a new outfit.

"Trust me." Jordan teased me as we shopped and I asked for clues about what to wear.

"How can I pick something out if I have no idea what we're doing... is it dancing?" I moaned, remembering some of the comments on Facebook.

"Cry me a river, cause I'm not telling. Just look cute, but comfortable!" Jordan said.

I chose and Jordan approved a new white fitted blazer and comfortable boots. I already had a nude crop top and high waisted black pencil skirt I was going to wear with it at home. 

I went to my apartment where Sammy, Amber, Rocky, and Rachel were waiting for me (I never got the key from Sammy)

I was working on a glass of wine, singing and dancing along to "Suit and Tie" by Justin Timberlake while Sammy straightened my hair, when it finally hit me.

I literally screamed. "Are we going to see Justin Timberlake?!?"

"It's about damn time." Rocky grinned, as everyone laughed.

I squealed excitedly as I wiggled in my chair. My hair and make-up were forgotten. I couldn't stay still! I was bursting with exuberance. Sammy was a pro, and I looked amazing as she finished my look with my birthday tiara. I really didn't care. I was so ready for the concert!!!

We carpooled over to the park and ride station of the Dart Rail. We then got on the Dart Train to the American Airlines Center in Dallas. I took a selfie with Rocky who set the whole thing up months ago.

I posted it on Facebook and captioned it:

My favorite person in the world right now! Justin Timberlake for my BIRTHDAY! #MyLove #UntilTheEndOfTime 

I posted a quick thank you for everyone else who wished me a happy birthday before putting my phone away. Justin was getting all of my attention tonight.

He deserved every bit of it; from the opening performance to the last bow. There was no opening act or surprise guest, just him and his band and they rocked it out!!! Everyone was up on their feet the entire show! I didn't dare leave, not even during the intermission. Luckily, it was my birthday and my girls keep me supplied with twist margaritas or water, which I desperately needed. I was going hoarse from yelling and screaming and singing along. I had a great time with my friends, and everyone at the arena. Nothing like the power of Justin to bring a room full of strangers together. 

I was worn out by the time the concert ended, but in the absolute best way. Like great sex and your body has sensory overload.  You're exhausted, but you're too frenzied to sleep... Ok, I never had a problem sleeping after sex, but whatever. I was too pumped up to be tired. We all felt the same. We decided to grab some food at Whataburger on the way home and we entertained the late night crew with our renditions of the songs Justin Timberlake didn't perform. 

One of the managers even entertained us with Justin-like moves. I was running low on memory on my phone, thanks to all the videos and pictures I took, but I made sure to get a picture with the manager: he was awesome and he gave me free food for my birthday!

Rocky dropped me off at my apartment and after thanking the girls for what I thought was the best birthday surprise of my life, I went inside.

I was sadly mistaken when I saw Trevor in my apartment, with a beautiful dog playing at his feet. The dog's coat had a bluish tint and he/she had no tail, but I was already in love.

"Happy Birthday." Trevor grinned at me as I made my way over to him. I bent over and let the dog smell me before I leaned in to pet him or her. 

"Trevor..." I said, hoarsely. Emotions overtook me and tears were falling down my face before I even read the little note that was attached to the dog's collar.

My Love!!!


  1. What an awesome birthday!! Can't wait to see what happens next with Trev. If they aren't together by Christmas I'll be so heartbroken! Lol

  2. Omg that is the best present from Trevor so cute Lilly had an awesome birthday!!

  3. I LOVED this post!

  4. I love your blog but havent commented before but these last couple of post have been AMAZING! Now if only Lily could make up her mind. Im glad shes done w/Ethan at least for now he doesnt deserve her in his life Mr Im ALWAYS Right, makes me wanna chop him in the throat while hes trying to drink something. Jerk! Jake screwed up so he needs to cry a river build a bridge & get over it. Im not team Trevor yet i think he treats her amazing but i feel like if things go south their friendship will be ruined & Rocky willb stuck in the middle. Im more for lily figuring out what she wants & finding someone new.

    1. Thank you so much! For reading and the comment! Lily's getting there as far as making up her mind. She makes me wanna chop her in the throat sometimes lol

  5. Oh my gosh I was hoping back when she mentioned the dog with a note during cams proposal set up that Trevor would remember :) love trevor. Also I know jake fans will disagree but I think it was too far the trip and the phone, he still has jealous tendencies he couldn't handle that Trevor talked her into the iphone.

    1. I really don't think that's what it was.. Lily told him she missed her android and wanted it back. He's obviously trying as hard as he can to win Lily back, there's nothing wrong with that. I think Trevor is reaching too with the dog, that's huge. Both Trevor and Jake are listening very closely to what Lily is saying to win her over.

    2. I think it was a mixture of both he obviously has issues with trevor and he thought he'd get her an android like she liked but also because it was Trevor that talked her into, Jake is too pushy and was also when they were dating

  6. oh!! that looks like an australian cattle dog!!! The sweetest dogs!!!!!

    1. She sure is! Lily's dog is based off of it. More details to come! :-)

  7. I love her birthday surprise. About time her friends did something nice for her. Rocky redeemed herself hahaha
    Jake didn't actually get her the ski lodge trip, right? It was just what he wished he could give her? And maybe giving her an android phone was just to get back at Trevor, but all's fair in love and war. And right now they are both trying to win her over. At least Jake is being more subtle, Trevor actually bad mouths Jake.
    One thing that stood out to me was how Jake thought everything was great in Vegas and it was because Lily was holding everything in. That's the thing in a relationship you shouldn't be afraid to tell each other when something is bothering you. Jake's way wasn't the best, but at least she knew where she stood, he had no idea cause she wouldn't say. Whoever she dates next she needs to be more open about her feelings and not be afraid to speak up when something bothers her.
    At this point I wish Lily would just take time away from both of them. I think that would help her make a decision faster.

    1. Totally agree. Lily was still holding things in... like how she didn't like the fact she wasn't invited to fly with everyone or race the cars. Jake grew on me, and I really wanted her to give him another shot.... Now I think she don't deserve him...Don't love her and Trevor either... I think she still has growing to do and hanging out with anyone person at a time when your this confused is bound to be a recipe for disaster.

  8. I want to throught punch Lilly. If she doesn't want Jake she needs to STOP leading him not right & she would be so mad if it was done to her. & as for Trevor I'm still not a fan of him. I hate when anyone vying to be someone's significant other bad mouths that persons Ex's. It's lame especially for 'men' to do. I'm with Luita I appreciate Jakes subtlty. I personally think she should ask Forrest, he's been the unbiased voice of reason since he came into her life.

    1. Saying he doesn't like the way Jake treated her isn't bad mouthing him. Jake was not a good boyfriend Trevor is a good friend so Jake doesn't have anything to bad mouth about, except for when he got quick with lily on the last post saying how she goes home with Trevor and not him.

  9. I"m really hoping this is a sign of good things to come for Lily and Trevor. Deep down, I think Lily knows she is and maybe always has been ready for a relationship with just seems so much like it could be the real thing, a good thing, it scares her because she never came from that environment...I feel like she's going to continue to feel support and love from Trevor like she's never felt from anyone in her life before. She & Jake really are better off as friends in my opinion.

  10. I have a feeling she and Trehor are going to happen organically.

  11. I'm already impatient for the next post and keep checking back often. Can't wait!

  12. I'm also not so secretly hoping there might be an early post on a bonus post tonight!

  13. Oh my gosh I keep checking haha

    1. You and me both! I've been refreshing ALL DAY!
