Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas Darling (Intro)


"Greeting cards have all been sent
The Christmas rush is through
But I still have one wish to make
A special one for you
Merry Christmas, darling
We're apart, that's true
But I can dream
And in my dreams
I'm Christmasing with you"- Merry Christmas Darling (The Carpenters Version

I spent the morning of Christmas Eve working out the final arrangement for flying with Justine. I could tell it was going to be a pain, but there was no way I was spending Christmas without her. Once I figured that out, I packed our bags. I was barely able to keep it all carry ons.

After I finished, I took a shower, washed and dried my hair, then got dressed. I kept it simple in a white sweater, jeans, and my snowflake jewelry. I stopped by Starbucks on my way to Megan's house. I dropped off EJ's gift with her and Dave. I just missed EJ, he left with Megan's parents to go to the movies. I wished them a merry Christmas and headed to Amber's house.

"Hey girl! Merry Christmas!" Amber greeted me. She was already covered in flour and was wearing an elf apron.

"Hey, Merry Christmas." I grinned, carrying in the presents. I got the girls princess dress up costumes, Robbie a play laptop and Wipe Out XBox game for them to share. I got Amber gift cards to the movie theater and the Cheesecake factory and a promise to babysit when she wanted to use them. I looked around the room, contemplating where to put it.

"Or happy holidays, I guess. Still a little confused how it works over here." I added.

Amber rolled her eyes. "We don't put up a tree, nor do we teach the kids this was when Jesus was born. We just say it's a day of giving and family." Amber explained.

Will's mom was a Jehovah's Witness. He stopped practicing after his mother refused an organ transplant that could have saved her life due to religious beliefs. While he didn't go to church, he still held on to the beliefs he was raised with. Don't ask me how that works; I have no desire to get into Will's head.

"Hey girls." I smiled at them as they came out their room. "Where's your brother?" I asked them as I gave them both a hug.

"Sleep!" They answered, simultaneously.

"Still?" I asked.

"No, they've been up since 6. Still on school time." Amber answered. "Come on girls, if you wanna help with the cookies."

I joined them and helped roll out sugar cookie dough. The girls cut out gingerbread men, stars, snowmen, and hearts. I helped them wash up as the cookies baked and Amber cleaned the kitchen. By the time I came back with Krista and April, Robbie was awake and Amber had frosting and sprinkles sitting out.

We decorated all the cookies and loaded up half of them to take to her work. We stopped at McDonald's for lunch first. Amber worked at a retirement home and made cookies to take up there. It was so adorable watching the kids interact with her co-workers and patients.

"We're going miss y'all so much here next year!" Her boss Joyce said, giving Amber a hug.

"I have to pass the RN certification first. Don't jinx me." Amber smiled.

"You're going be great. Have you thought about where you wanna work?" Fallon, a co-worker asked her.

They talked about her options and working around Will's schedule when I got a text from my brother.

Cam: Are you spending the night over here?

Me: If I can bring Justine...

Cam: ok, y'all can share the couch.

Me: Lol. Ok. Be over there later.

After hanging out at her work for a little bit, we went back to her house. Will's car was out front, so after I helped her with the kids, I gave them all a hug and left.

I went to my apartment and picked up Justine and my bags before I headed to my brother's place. Jeanna and Cam were already there. They were eating pizza and debating over which movie to watch: Christmas Carol  or A Christmas Story.

"Tie breaker: Home Alone." I said, sitting on the couch and grabbing a slice of pizza.

Home Alone was one of my favorite Christmas movies. The first time I saw it was with Trevor. I wasn't a big movie person until I met him. The only thing worse than going to the movies alone was going with my dad or pity outings with my brother. I had no TV in my room growing up, so I was more into music and hiding out in my room.

When Trevor would reference movies, I had no idea what he was talking about. He corrected that, one movie at a time. Those movie nights were the highlight of my weeks in college. There was something so special about him sharing his favorite movies with me. Most of my all-nighters consisted of leaning in close to Trevor, watching his favorite movies on a portable DVD player. It was the sweetest torture. It was the most intimate experience to me, but meant nothing to him.

"Lily, do you want a drink?" Jenna asked me, breaking me out of my thoughts. She grabbed the glasses off the table and headed to the kitchen.

"No." I answered. I looked around the living room. Two glasses, movies, they even had a blanket on the couch with the fireplace going. I felt my face heat up.

"Guys, I'm totally the third wheel here. I'm gonna go and I'll come back later tonight." I said.

Cam just studied me. "We're just watching movies. If I didn't want you here, I wouldn't have asked."

I blushed harder at my misinterpretation of the evening.

"What he meant to say is that we would love it if you stayed. We want to spend time with you." Jenna returned, with a glass for me and another pizza. "We even ordered your favorite pizza."

I gave Jenna a grateful smile. "If you insist."

I sat back and watched the movie. I took a deep breath and relaxed. I tried to push away my nerves about Trevor reading the letter I wrote him, but now it was making me over think things. Or maybe I was just missing Trevor. Before my anger masked how much I was going to miss him. I was feeling it now. I wish I was with him watching corny Christmas movies. Regardless, our future was entirely in his court. After he read the letter. Urgh, I was full of dread and anticipation for Christmas.

I ended up watching all three movies before I finally crashed on the couch.

***Merry Christmas Darling Outro posting soon.***

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