Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Heroes (We Could Be)

"All we're looking for is love and a little light
Love and a little light
(We could be)
All we're looking for is love and a little light
Love and a little light
We could be heroes
We could be heroes
Me and you
We could be" Heroes (We Could Be) by Alesso feat. Tove Lo
Friday morning after Christmas, I woke up early and made breakfast for Bianca, her roommate Liz and me. Her other roommate Gayle went home for the holidays, so it was just us three. Liz and I were watching the news, eating breakfast sandwiches, when Bianca finally stumbled out her room.
"Good morning B!" I greeted her, cheerfully.
"Go to hell and take your loud ass phone with you." She grumbled, tossing my phone at me.
I laughed as I caught it and looked down at it.
No missed calls or texts...
"Did you go through my phone, B?" I asked Bianca as she poured a cup of coffee.
"Sure did. Don't make your birthday your password and keep it on silent when I'm trying to sleep." She confessed.
"And B stands for bitch." I mumbled, looking through my phone, trying to see why it was going off.
Liz laughed at us and Bianca flopped on the couch next to me.
"Who's Gabriel?" Bianca asked me.
I rolled my eyes. "Just some guy I know through Rachel." I frowned at my phone. No texts or missed calls from an unknown number. "He doesn't have my number and I don't have his."
"Facebook. He messaged you."
"Really? You were in my Facebook too?" I said, opening up my Facebook.
I had new notifications. I was tagged in a bunch of Christmas posts from my friends showing off gifts. I bypassed them for my messages. The app pulled up and I had a thread with Gabriel from this morning.
Gabriel- Coke or Pepsi?
Me- ???
Gabriel- Just pick one. It's a get to know you game.
I put my phone down and glared at Bianca.
"Why did you message him back?"
"He's hot." Bianca answered, like I was stupid for even asking.
"What kinda hot?" Liz asked, excitedly.
"Superhero." Bianca answered her.
"Nice." Liz nodded at me.
"What does that even mean?" I said, confused.
"There are different levels of hotness. Nerdy hot is unconventionally attractive. Pedestrian is average or common. Superhero hot is extraordinary. It surpasses all of those. The most special and rarest of hot." Bianca explained.
"Is this what they're teaching y'all in school?" I shook my head, getting up to put away my plate.
"No, that's life experience." Bianca said, following me. "You don't give up superhero hot for pedestrian."
I narrowed my eyes at her. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, you should start dating again. There is life after Jake. Live it up."
"What makes you think I'm thinking about Jake?" I really hadn't been. He hadn't responded to my note or gift, but that was ok. I said my truth. He could do what he needed with it.
"He gave you the bracelet right?"
"Wrong." I said. I attached Justine's leash before I looked back up and Bianca. "Jake is superhero hot though! We didn't work out, but you can't take that away from him."
"No... He's hot, but not super hero hot. Nothing about his features are special or extraordinary. I see guys just as hot as him all the time." Bianca debated me.
I smirked. "Lucky you. So what makes Gabriel super hero hot? Blue eyes, dark hair, pretty common features."
"It's how those features are put together." Bianca said.
I shrugged. "Agree to disagree."
"I'll be the tie breaker." Liz volunteered. I grabbed my phone and showed her pictures of both guys.
"I see both points." Liz responded, flipping through the pictures.
"You're supposed to be tie breaker!" Bianca shook her head.
"I just wanted to see hot guys." Liz laughed.
Bianca and I both laughed with her. I peaked at my phone.
"Anyway, you should be dating. More specifically, Gabriel." Bianca exclaimed.
I smiled. "I'm not interested. You can reach out to him, since he’s your superhero."
"Don't tempt me." Bianca warned, "I'll do it!"
"Go for it!" I grinned, before taking Justine out for a walk.
When I came back, I took a shower and got ready for the pictures. I decided I would take the picture with Bianca, but no family portrait. It was just too weird.
When I came out the shower, Bianca was lounging on the bed, playing on her phone.
"Don't you need to be getting ready?" I asked her.
"I'm going. I just got caught up with Gabriel." She grinned.
"You did not!" I laughed, pulling out jeans and a t-shirt.
"I did too! He's cool, and I told you so about Trevor." She said, in a sing-song voice.
I stopped to stare at her.
"Yep. Gabriel wanted to hang out with you while neither one of you wanted a relationship or until you got together with Trevor. He told me all about your birthday."
"What a creep." I frowned, turning to finish getting dressed.
"Yeah you are! Why didn't you tell me? Are you two together? He gave you the bracelet? Are you in love?" Bianca interrogated me.
"Calm down. He gave me the bracelet; we're seeing where things go. That's all" I answered her.
Bianca laughed. "I told you! I told you! Thank you very much!!! I just have one more question..."
"What?" I sighed. This is why I didn't want to tell her.
"How right was I? How amazing am I?"
"You're my hero Bianca. Everything I wished I could be. I can fly higher than an eagle. You are the wind beneath my wings." I said, sarcastically.
"I know, say it with feelings next time." Bianca smiled.
She got dressed in the cream linen shorts and navy lace trimmed tank she picked out for the family pictures. She designed an interesting blazer that was cream colored with lace sleeves. It had a blue trim and tied everything together nicely. The blue and cream dress she bought me almost made me change my mind about the family picture, but I decided to wear it at my brother's engagement party.
"I get it." Bianca nodded as we drove to the studio. I just explained how out of place I felt about being in their picture. "Mom is not going to be happy, but she'll get over it."
My aunt Patty was not getting over it. We were the last to arrive. Brittany and her kids where dressed in navy and beige. Benjamin and his family wore navy and black. My aunt Patty looked glamorous in a navy pants suit with gold jewelry. She was looking at me, disapprovingly.
"Why aren't you dressed?" She asked me.
"I'm just going to take the picture with Bianca." I replied.
"You need to take a picture with the family."
"It's your immediate family, not extended. I feel out of place." I explained.
"Family is family-"
"Mom, they're ready for us." Benjamin called.
"We can take pictures at your house if you want. I didn't bring the dress anyway."
She didn't say anything, she just turned away. I watched as the photographer posed everyone. It was hard getting all the kids focused and smiling, but I saw that they got a few good shots. The grandkids went next. That was even harder than the shot with everyone. I was hoping they got at least one with all the kids staring at the camera.
Brittany's kids were the youngest, meaning they had the least amount of patience, so they took their picture with their mom first.
"Where is her boyfriend?" I asked Bianca as we walked to a changing room.
"Work." Bianca said with air quotes. "Mom didn't want him in the pictures anyway."
I laughed and we changed into the onesies Bianca designed. They were a royal blue complete with footies and a white fur trimmed hoods. We got laughs as we walked back out into the studio. Benjamin and his family were posing for pictures when we rejoined them.
We stood by Patty. She didn't acknowledge us so I knew she was upset. I was sorry if I hurt her feelings, but I couldn't help how I felt.
Bianca and I struck pose after pose when it was our turn. We laughed at each other as we posed hoods on and off, lying down, back to back and hugging each other. Even Patty cracked a smile.
Afterwards, we got changed and sat down to look through the film on a computer screen. Since we went last, Bianca and my pictures were first. We laughed at the ridiculous poses. We finally settled on the pose of us lying down on our stomach, propped up on our elbows, feet in the air. We were smiling at the camera, hoods on our head.
"You look like twins." The photographer laughed as she clicked it. We really did look alike with the hoods on and our dark hair framing our faces.
After everyone selected one pose of each group, we paid for our packages and waited for them to print. The only thing that would have to be mailed was a mug of all the grandkids for Patty.
After driving to Bianca's apartment to pick up Justine and my stuff, I drove to Patty's house. I was having leftovers with them then heading to spend quality time with my dad.
Patty had everything heated up, but before I could make a plate, Benjamin told me my great aunt Andrea wanted to speak to me. Patty gave me strange look before I walked out. I joined Andrea in Patty's room. I sat down on the bed in front of her.
"You wanted to talk to me?" I said, with a smile.
"I figured you would want to talk to me. You must have so many questions." Andrea stared. When I just looked at her, confused, she continued.
"About your mother?"
I shook my head. "I don't. I know enough."
Andrea frowned at me. "I don't see how that's possibly true."
"It is. As a kid, I waited for my mom to come rescue me. Then I waited for answers and understanding that never came. Every answer came with another question. It's just an endless cycle. I've come to realize I don't need answers or understanding or to be saved. I'm ok with the way things are." I finished.
"Are you? Everyone should know their history, where they're from."
"My mom is not part of my history. She made the decision not to be." I stated.
"Just like you believed we all did." My aunt Andrea said, bluntly. When my eyes widened, she said. "I can tell you distance yourself. I would feel the same way. Maybe answers would help."
"Maybe when I was a kid, but like I said, decisions were made when I was a kid that I had no say in. I'm an adult now. I can make my own decisions. Regardless of how I feel or felt, it's too late to try to fix the past. Isn't it best to just move forward?" I questioned.
"If that's how you feel, I will respect that." Andrea nodded.
I stood up and we went into the kitchen together. After lunch, Patty seemed in better spirits and gave me a hug before I left.
"Come see us before you go back to Dallas." She said. I smiled and promised I would.
On the way out, Benjamin stopped me.
"You know what I do for a living in Arizona?" He asked.
"Repo cars?" I said, wondering why it mattered.
"That's the goal, but specifically I investigate to find the vehicles. Mom told me you didn't want to find your mother. I still have her file. I'm hoping you change your mind about it."
"Why?" I said, wondering if Andrea said something to him.
He thought about it. He was about to speak twice, before he shrugged.
"Just curiosity."
I nodded and left.
I spent the rest of Friday evening hanging out with my dad. He was finalizing the last plans for the engagement party. After I helped confirm a few orders, we made dinner together.
I told him about Christmas with Patty's family and showed him the pictures.
"Beautiful family. Can I have this one?" He asked, holding up the picture of me and Bianca.
"Of course." We continued cooking and I asked my dad, "Do you know why my mother wouldn't talk to her family? I mean, I get not wanting a relationship with me, but her entire family? That's weird right?"
"I stopped trying to figure Paula out a long time ago. They weren't happy when I adopted you. I would assume that's why." He answered flatly.
I could tell by his tone he didn't want to talk about it. I didn't either, but I appreciated him at least trying to answer my question; before he wouldn't even do that.
Jenna and Cam came back from hanging out with Cam's friends. We had dinner together and I talked them into going out with me and Bianca. Bianca wanted to take me out to celebrate my birthday.
They agreed and we met her out a swanky lounge. I met Bianca's boyfriend Rex. I didn't know if that was his real name or not. Didn't really care. He had absolutely no personality or interest in anything going on. When he left to 'check out the scene' I looked at Bianca, asking why she would date a guy like that.
She just shrugged. "He's hot."
"What type?" I grinned
"Pedestrian. Definitely pedestrian." She laughed.
We drank overpriced drinks, chatted and took selfies together for the rest of the night. On the way home, I posted pictures on Facebook. I tagged Bianca and Trevor in them. I captioned them:
You were right @Trevor. Texas style beats Cali style.
Saturday was spent getting ready for the engagement party. It was going to be in the courtyard since the weather was nice. Men had been in and out of the house, setting up tables and decorations. Bianca came over around 4 so we could get ready.
I put on the dress she bought for the pictures and we joined my dad greeting guest. The party was just like I expected: boring. Cam and Jenna looked so happy, I didn't complain. I just sipped champagne and chatted with Bianca. At least she was there to keep my company.
Trevor called me during the party and I answered.
"How's the party?" He asked.
"Lame, just like I expected. Get on Skype so I can show you the courtyard!" I said, excitedly.
"If you had your IPhone we wouldn't have to do that..."
"Just get on!" I commanded him.
He did, and I took him around the courtyard, showing of the outdoor living space.
"Wow, you really are a spoiled brat." He smiled at me.
"Shut up." I laughed. I decided to take him on a tour of the house, MTV Cribs style.
"And this is where the magic happens." I grinned, walking into my room, the last stop on the tour.
"Any magic happening tonight?" He asked. I laid on my bed, then turned to the phone.
"I'm gonna do what I do every night." I said, huskily, in what I was hoping a sexy voice.
Trevor grinned. "What's that?"
"Try to take over the world!" I smiled.
"Alright Brain." Trevor laughed.
"If I'm the Brain, that makes you Pinky!"
We both cracked up laughing.
"Do you need to get back to the party?" Trevor asked me.
"I have some time. How was your Christmas?"
"Good. My granny wasn't as cranky, so everyone had a good time."
I was sure she wasn't. What was there to be cranky about? No Hernandez kid ruining her pure white Tobin Christmas.
"What are you thinking about?" Trevor asked me.
"Huh?" I said, pulling myself from my thoughts.
"You had this evil little smirk on your face. I know you were thinking something you shouldn't be."
I giggled. Busted.
"I told you... plotting on how I can take over the world." I lied.
"I don't think I can be your partner if it makes you smile like that. I might have to stop you."
"You'll never stop me!" I cackled, like an evil villain.
"The bad guy always says that right before they get stopped." Trevor smiled.
"We'll see." I smiled back at him.
There was a knock on my door, followed by Bianca barging in.
"Really? You're gonna bail on me?" Bianca exclaimed. I picked up the phone to show her Trevor. She instantly brightened.
"Hi future cousin in law!" She cooed, hopping on the bed with me and grabbing the phone from me.
I flushed, furiously. "That's not even a thing." I groaned.
"Sure it is." Bianca smiled, turning the phone back to me. "She's embarrassed because she thought about it."
"I'm embarrassed because you're embarrassing." I covered my face.
"Don't mess me up Bianca. I gotta get her to be my girlfriend first." Trevor said.
"You got her already. You're her superhero!" Bianca told him.
I grabbed the phone from her then.
"Alright. We gotta get back to the party." I told Trevor.
"You have to explain that superhero thing to me." Trevor smiled.
"Umm, no. See you tomorrow!" I said.
"See ya."
"I hate you!" I told a giggling Bianca.
"You love me." Bianca laughed.
"We're family! Kiss your cousin!" She said, attacking me. I laughed as I pushed her off me.


  1. Fun post. Seems like there is a lot of unanswered questions regarding her family. Love the chemistry with trevor!

  2. I can not wait until she gets home and see's Trevor.
