Monday, December 15, 2014

Bulletproof Outro

"I won't let you in again
The messages I tried to send
My information's just not going in
I'm burning bridges shore to shore
I break away from something more
I'm not turned off to love until it's cheap
Been there, done that, messed around
I'm having fun, don't put me down
I'll never let you sweep me off my feet
This time baby,
I'll be, bulletproof." Bulletproof by La Roux

When we got downstairs to the hotel lobby, I saw Rachel and Forrest's group waiting at the entrance of Club 8.

"Hey! Thanks for coming!" I greeted them, loudly.

Blake did a double take when he saw me. "Wow, you look good!"

"Just good?" I said, with a teasing smile as I hugged him.

"Gorgeous!" He corrected.

"Thank you." I laughed. I acknowledged Serena and Gabriel with a nod. Serena was her normal, standoff-ish self, but I gave her a huge smile and complimented her black dress. I understood her being protective of Rachel and possessive of Blake. Been there, done that with my friends. I excused her bitchiness.

"How did Darren look last night?" I asked Forrest after I hugged him and Rachel.

"They were all over him, but it opened up our wide receivers. Championship is next week!" Forrest informed me.

"Are you going?" I asked Rachel.

"Yes, let's plan to go together." Rachel smiled at me.

Trevor came and retrieved us when it was time to go in. A VIP hostess led us to our section. The club itself was already crowded and the light show paired with the music would have put me in a festive mood if I wasn't already determined to have a great time.

Our section consisted of two tables across from each other surrounded by leather couches. Each table had glasses, ice, juices, and a bottle of champagne already set out. A cocktail waitress came by and took our bottle orders. Trevor sat by me as we decided on Grey Goose and Bacardi Rum. As soon as the waitress left, I stood up and got my brother's attention.

"Come meet Forrest! He's getting married next year too!" I said, leaving Trevor's side to lead Cam and Jenna to the other table.

Rocky, Peyton, Chris and Forrest's group sat at the other table when the couches by the first table filled up. Q, Yolanda, Heather and Kendall headed to the dance floor. I motioned for Jordan to follow me. This would be the perfect time to surround Derek with marriage minded guys.

Forrest and Rachel were chatting with Rocky when I introduced them to Cam and Jenna, adding, "They just got engaged! They're getting married sometime next year too!"

"Congratulations." Forrest said, standing up to shake my brother's hand.

"Thank you. You too." Cam returned. When we all sat down, Forrest asked him, "Have y'all set a date yet?"

I sat back, satisfied. Now that they were conversing about wedding plans and other couple shit, my work was done. I smiled happily as Amber, Sammy, Corey, Lamar and Patrick joined our table.

Unfortunately, my eyes wandered straight to Trevor after that. He was talking to Bilal and Cat directly across from me, but Amelia occupied the seat I just to the left of Trevor. She noticed me watching and smiled, sweetly. I glared at her. The waitress blocked my vision of her as she set down the alcohol. I poured myself a cranberry and vodka right away.

Trying to force Amelia and Trevor out of my mind, I danced around to the mix of Justin Timberlake's "TKO."

"It sounds so much better live." I bragged to Amber. She laughed.

"I know right!" She agreed.

"I'm still pissed off we didn't go!" Patrick said, giving Lamar a pointed look.

Lamar shrugged. "I sat through the On The Run tour for you. Be happy for that."

"You wanted to see Jay Z live!" Patrick countered.

"Not with Beyonce!" Lamar argued.

That led to a playful discussion of the worst concerts we've been to.

"Sam Smith-" Derek started.

The girls all hissed and booed at him.

"His music is ok!" Derek said quickly. "Why does he always look like he's in pain when he sings?" Derek asked, looking at Jordan in mock pain.

"Because he is! His album was all about unrequited love!" Jordan replied.

No wonder I loved his album so much...

"Remember when we went to that EDM festival, for your ex? Who was playing that she wanted to see?" Blake asked Gabriel.

"3OH!3" Gabriel said, shaking his head.

"My God they were awful!..." Blake declared.

"I don't know them..." Serena said, confused.

"They had one popular song." Gabriel told her. "I don't remember how it went-"

"Shush girl! Shut your lips! Do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips!" I chanted over the music. That line from their song is what stood out in my mind.

Gabriel laughed. "That's it."

"They weren't that awful. They had a few more songs too." I smiled.

"Then you had a bunch of kids tweaking out on drugs. I hate electronic music to this day." Blake stated.

"You hate everything that's not country Blake." Serena laughed with him.

"That's right! Everything else all sounds the same." Blake agreed.

"Corey likes country too!" Sammy ousted him.

"I listen to everything. I like rock. Nowadays, most rock musicians fall into the country category." Corey explained.

"Don't be ashamed. Not everybody wants to hear sex, money, drugs." Blake declared.

I laughed at his passionate argument. I caught Gabriel watching me before he laughed at Blake too.

"I hear that. That's why I like the old hip hop and R&B that I grew up listening too." Forrest added.

"Yeah, like Keith Sweat?" Rachel cracked.

"At least it was subtle, not like today" Rocky agreed with a smirk.

"Those songs were just as bad! I remembered my dad freaking out on me cause I was singing Ginuwine's "Pony"!"

I explained how I was singing it while I washed the dishes. In my youth, I didn't understand the meaning of the lyrics "If you're horny, let's do it. Ride it. My pony." My dad heard me and lost it.

"Remember that Cam?" I asked my brother. He nodded as I continued. "He cursed at me in Spanish, then switched to English and was like: "What are you singing? Where did you hear that?!?" I said, in my gruff impersonation of my dad's voice. "He took my stereo away from me and sent me to room. Cam just gave me his clock radio and I looked up the lyrics when he was at work to see what it meant." I finished telling the story while everyone laughed at me.

"You never were the same right?" Blake asked me.

"Nope. My dad made such a big deal out of it, I had to know. I've been a sexual deviant ever since." I finished.

"Put that on the list of things I don't need to know about my sister..." Cam muttered while everyone laughed again.

"What don't you wanna know?" Trevor asked, smiling as he joined us.

"My sexual deviancy." I answered, with no other explanation.

"Ok... subject change." Trevor said. "Notice how everyone separated themselves: Austin over there, Dallas over here."

"I saw that too." Corey nodded.

"Aren't you sitting on the wrong side then?" I asked him, tilting my head at him.

"No. I'm anti-segregation." Trevor joked.

I snickered in my drink. "Liar. You're just like John Mayer: Your dick is a white supremacist."

Gabriel laughed into his drink when he heard me. I gave him a smile.

"How much have you had to drink Lily?" Trevor asked, blowing off my insult. That infuriated me.

"Not enough." I said, standing. "Shots at the bar?" I asked them, turning away for Trevor.

"There's plenty of alcohol here." Trevor pointed out.

"Not what I want." I said, turning to glare at him. He didn't engage with me; he just watched me, concerned.

Sammy, Corey, Amber, Patrick, Gabriel, Blake and I made our way to the bar. We ordered a round of shots, drank them and paired off to go on the dance floor.

"Dance with me?" Blake asked me.

I shook my head. "Go dance with Serena!"

"The birthday girl should be dancing." Blake told me.

"You are so right." I turned to Gabriel. "Dance with me?" I asked.

"I don't dance." He denied.

"Can't." Blake smiled, holding his hand out for me.

I gave Gabriel what I hoped was a seductive smile.

"It's my birthday. You can't say no. Besides, guys don't have to know how to dance, just how to get danced on." I pleaded, grabbing his arm.

He nodded, and I smiled as I led him to the dance floor. Just like I said, he watched as I danced on him. I was having a great time, dancing around him and singing/rapping along to the music.

"How old did you turn?" Gabriel asked me in my ear as I danced, my back against his front.

"26!" I said, loudly over the music, turning my head so he could hear me.

"What do you do?" He asked.

"I'm an Instagram model." I lied.

Gabriel chuckled. "No, really."

I turned around when I realized he was intent on talking to me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and moved in close.

"You don't believe me?" I exclaimed.

"I doubt a model would have their profile private." Gabriel replied.

"So, you've been stalking me?" I grinned.

"Wouldn't you look into someone that threatened to kill you?" He asked.

I laughed. "You asked for it."

"I didn't think you actually played Mortal Kombat. I thought you were dressing up for a boyfriend. I figured it would go over your head."

"1, I did, one of my favorite games growing up. 2, no boyfriend to dress up for, and 3 nothing goes over my head." I listed.

"I believe you." He said, smiling.

Fuck, he had an amazing smile. Everything about his looks were amazing. If the alcohol wasn't racing through my system, I would have been intimated by his good looks. His dark blue eyes were piercing as they scanned me. I wish I had more alcohol in my system so that his shade of blue eyes did something for me...

I force that thought away and kept dancing to keep my mind off Trevor and his stupid eye color.

 When Brandon showed up, he came and gave me a hug. I excused myself from Gabriel to dance with him and Rocky.  I danced with everyone and was having a blast until Trevor came to dance with me.

"Are you having fun?" He asked, pulling me close even though it was a faster song.

"I am." I answered shortly.

"Good. I thought you were turning into a mean drunk a while ago." Trevor grinned at me, his hands caressing my back as he moved me against him.

"Mmmph." I mummered, trying to seem unfazed by his presence... and smile... and feel... and smell and... oh fuck, it wasn't working. All those feelings I thought were gone came rushing back. I already came to the realization I had feelings for Trevor. I just didn't know how deep they were. I knew now. I wanted him like I did in college. Just as strong, maybe stronger, like it never went away...

I pulled away from him abruptly.

"What's wrong?" He asked me.

"Nothing." I lied. "Just lightheaded. I need to sit down."

"Ok. Go. I'll get you some water." Trevor responded.

I went back to the table. Everyone was up, dancing, drinking or exploring the club. I headed towards Gabriel who was sipping champagne, watching the dance floor.

I joined him watching the dancers too. Blake was an amazing dancer considering he didn't like the style of music. I watched him dancing with Rachel and Serena.

"How well do you know Blake?" Gabriel asked me.

"Not at all. We hung out a little when Rachel tried to force him on me to keep me away from Forrest." I told him, honestly.

"How'd that work out?"

"It didn't. Blake is not my type, at all." I answered.

"No, I meant keeping you away from Forrest?"

"Completely unnecessary. Engaged guys aren't my type either."

"Let me guess. Your type is short hair, blue eyes?" He asked.

I grinned. "Did you really just describe yourself?"

"I fit the description, but not who I was talking about." He trailed off.

I tensed, knowing he was talking about Trevor. I turned away from him and sat down on the couch. Gabriel followed me.

"So what's that story? Is he your ex?"

I shook my head. "No, just friends."

"Potentially more?" He asked.

I shook my head again. Not if he was moving to Austin. Not if he couldn't even tell me about it. Not if was fucking around with evil blonde hair, blue eyed bitches...

"I don't want a relationship." I said, trying to convince him and myself. "Too much work and hardly ever worth it."

"I hear that." He said, handing me a glass of champagne.

"Happy Birthday." Gabriel said simply, as we clinked glasses. I smiled and sipped the sweet, bubbly drink. He had me laughing as he explained how he and Blake met after I asked. I was laughing hard at his fraternity stories when Trevor joined us, with water and bruschetta.

Why did he have to be so sweet? It's maddening.

"You should probably stop drinking if you feel lightheaded." Trevor told me, sitting the food in front of me.

"I think it was all the lights." I said. "But thanks."

"You should still slow down." He said.

I drank the rest of my champagne, defiantly.

"Can you excuse us for a minute?" Trevor asked Gabriel.

"No..." I answered.

"Sure." Gabriel replied, giving me a little smile before leaving.

"What is wrong with you?" Trevor asked me.

"Nothing." I said, looking away from him.

"I know you better than that-"

"Then you should know I don't wanna talk to you!" I exclaimed, standing up.

"So you are mad at me. Why?"

I ignored him, leaving the VIP section and heading towards the exit.

"Lily-" he followed me.

"Will you just leave me alone?" I protested. "I just wanna have one night, completely drama free. Is that possible?"

"It would be if you opened your mouth and talked to me!" Trevor said. I could tell he was getting frustrated, which egged me on.

"I'm so sick of guys thinking they can make me do shit! I do what I want! Right now I don't wanna talk. I don't wanna think. I just wanna have fun. Is that alright with you Trevor?!? Do I have your permission? Cause that's what I'm gonna do whether you like it or not!!!" I yelled at him. People were watching us, but I was too far gone to care.

Trevor nodded. "Fine. Do what you want."

That's exactly what I did for the rest of the night. At last call, I hugged Cam and Jenna goodbye. Everyone else went up to the suite or the buffet that opened. I went up to the suite. I checked my phone and saw I had a text from Jake.

Jake: I won't be able to make it. Have fun.

I giggled. I figured that out hours ago and I didn't need his permission to have fun either.

"I've got something for you." Brandon told me as he and Rocky got ready to leave. Everyone was in the living room playing a hilarious drunk round of Dirty Minds. Apparently, that's all any one had at 2 in the morning after drinking and dancing. I turned around to see him holding a jewelry box.

"Really Brandon? Rocky will kill me if I accept jewelry from you." I told him.

"It's not from me." He said.

I looked at him suspiciously and opened the box. It was a beautiful set in blue topaz, my birthstone.

"Don't shoot the messenger, but I figured jewelry is the least he could do..."

"Ethan?" I asked.

When Brandon nodded, I threw the box across the room, dangerously close to hitting Trevor as he sat next to Amelia. Ok, not next to, but in the same general area. I gave him an evil smile.

"Lily-" Brandon said, shocked as Trevor looked at me. Trevor was shocked too, but he also looked angry and hurt.

"Whatever you're about to say, don't." I cut him off, looking at him menacingly.

Brandon nodded. I turned to Rocky.

"Give Justine a kiss for me!" I told her with a smile.

"Maybe you should come and give her one yourself..." Rocky said, trying to pull me outside the hotel door.

"No, I'll see y'all tomorrow."

"I'm serious Lily. You need to calm down and stop drinking." Rocky started.

"I'm fine. Good night!" I cut her off, going to rejoin the party. My first stop was the bowl of gummy bears. I used them as a garnish for the champagne I was drinking.

That's the last full memory I had of the night. I woke up Sunday morning in a hotel bed, hung over and hurting.

I didn't remember if I had fun the remainder of the night, but I was sure I felt no pain.


  1. Ha, oh man. A wild night. And now I want gummy bears in champagne...

  2. I feel for her, trying to hide your feelings for so long eats you up inside hopefully she talks to Trevor he's a great guy, and I think she's exaggerating the Amelia story

  3. I think she slept with Gabriel....

  4. Ohhhhh nooooo. Hopefully she didn't do anything too bad! Loved the post as usual!

  5. Oh my... I stopped reading blogs in August and just now picked it back up, so now that I am caught up I am sad and wish there was more to read... I was so sad to see Lily and Jake break it off but that was for the best he was crazy... I was really hoping her and Ethan would come together until he didn't hear her out and just thought the worst... Now I am all team Tevor right now I just hope he doesn't turn out to be crazy!!! I am so excited I can't wait to see what is going to happen next and how the night ended when everyone wakes in the morning!!!

    Your a amazing writer, it's so awesome you can write all those different people and it's all awesome!!! Keep up the awesome work!!!

  6. It's *never* a good sign when you have a blank space in your memory of a night spent drinking. I can't help but assume she did something she will regret

  7. I think Lily is acting like a brat! Being drama free doesn't mean that you ignore things and get drunk. It's Obviously bothering her to think that Trevor could move to Austin, so she just needs to tell him that. And give him a chance to explain. I don't think it's fair that he didn't tell her and I'm curious to hear his reasoning behind that. So I would confront him about it and not just get drunk and flirt with another guy. She's probably jealous about Amelia, but hey they are not together and she was dating Jake, and he was trying to get over her.
    And Jake is telling her what to do, because he says "have fun"??? Oh yeah that's so awful.... Hahaha
    At this point I kind of wish both guys would find someone else to date, hahaha!!!!

    1. OMG Lily acted like a hot ass mess! I'd be surprised if anyone wanted to hang out w her after those shenanigans lol

    2. I agree Lily was acting like a brat. I think my biggest frustration with Lily is when she is upset she draws her own conclusions and refuses to hear the other person out. She just runs away from everything and never really gives the other person the chance to explain. She has done this with Jake, Ethen, Amber, Rocky, Sammy and now Trevor. The only one she ever listened to their side was Sammy and she found out she had been wrong about her. You would think she would have learned from that and given Trevor a chance to explain. I think Lily is so afraid of getting hurt or rejected by someone she always assumes the worst in them and it gives her the excuse she needs to push them away. I think Trevor is the right person for her right now because he can help her grow and will always be loyal to her I just hope she gives him the chance.

  8. Ohhh please don't let this end badly… Lily was on track to happy and healthy times with Trevor and I was looking forward to it!! Can't wait to find out what you have planned for the next post

  9. Ugh, this post almost had me feeling uncomfortable because it almost felt too much over the edge/unlike Lily. I think that she is so afraid to feel pain/hurt that she's doing everything she can to put up walls and push Trevor away...especially when learning about something like the possibility of him going to Austin (though I wouldn't be surprised knowing Trevor and how much he loves Lily if he has her in mind with whatever his plan is there), and feeling like she's losing control over the situation. I just hope she doesn't do so much/say so much to hurt him that it's irretrievably broken...their potential relationship seems far too strong for that and I really really hope she gives Trevor a chance in general, and a chance to explain before pushing away too hard...about Austin, Bianca, etc. She also does so many things that must mess with his feelings on a crazy level and has to realize that, too. It's so obvious that he just loves & cares about her! I'm selfishly wishing there could be a bonus post because I could just read this every day!!

  10. So did Ethan's gift come with a note? I'm obviously still the lone Ethan supporter. I think they will find their way back to each other, in due time

    1. Not the only one...I believe he will be the end game... I think they balance each other nicely

    2. i totally agree.... I feel like they have a "Ross and Rachel" relationship... I truly feel like they will end up together. Lily just needs to go out and explore right now but she will end up with Ethan. (I hope I am not the only one that thinks that lol)

    3. I agree too! While I hate what Ethan did, I still want the two of them to end up together!

  11. Oh my gawwwwwwwwsh! I hope she didn't do anything she is going to regret... I also wish she would hear Trevor out. As far as she knows he hasn't even decided anything. I think she acted a little too harshly, and obviously compleeeeeetely immaturely. Obviously she has some major feelings for Trevor, but she needs to tear down her walls if she is even going to try to get with him!

    *Sidenote* -You are SO good!! I am so hooked on your story! haha

  12. Ugh Lily seriously?! You can't get mad because you keep turning Trevor down and an incredible opportunity comes up for him...and maybe he didn't tell you yet because he hadn't made up his mind. Is he suppose to wait around on you forever? Taking time out to figure out what you want isn't selfish, but getting mad at him for moving on is.

  13. Am i the only one who saw a post Snow show up on then go away?
