Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Stolen Dance

“Coldest winter for me
No sun is shining anymore
The only thing I feel is pain
Caused by absence of you
Suspense is controlling my mind
I cannot find the way out of here
I want you by my side
So that I never feel alone again
And I want you
We can bring it on the floor
You’ve never danced like this before
We don’t talk about it
Dancin' on do the boogie all night long
Stoned in paradise, shouldn’t talk about it” Stolen Dance by Milky Chance

I returned to the table just before dinner was served. After eating, Amber and I lingered over coffee and dessert. Deborah set up the kids at a table together with coloring books and stickers to keep them entertained after dinner. Will was chatting with a guy with Robbie on his lap when Amber and I decided to get another drink.

"How are you holding up?" Amber asked as we walked to the bar.

"I'm great." I said, truthfully. I was done worrying about what Jake needed to tell me. In the grand scheme of things, what could he possibly have to say? We weren't together and the only thing I wanted from him was a friendship. Nothing he could say would be devastating for me.

"If you say so." Amber smiled.

"I do" I said, confidently.

Amber got champagne and I stuck with amaretto, this time with a splash of cranberry juice.

"Can I have everyone's attention for a minute?" We looked up and saw Ethan's dad on the microphone on the side of the room where the DJ equipment was set up.

"My kids don't know this, but I'm not right all the time." He began.

"Secret’s been out dad!" Brandon shouted out to him. Everyone laughed at him.

"In regards to you, I was right every time." Mr. Carter joked back.

"With my dad, God rest his soul, he demanded hard work and discipline. I hated him for it growing up, but I respected him later on in life. I didn't want to raise my kids with an iron fist, but I wanted them to have the same respect for me and for themselves. It was a balancing act I didn't always master." Mr. Carter explained. "But with Ethan, my middle child, there was no need for discipline or making him a hard worker. He was such a perfectionist coming up he would put himself on punishment if he fell short of his goals."

"I never told you this son, but you scared the hell out of me." The room erupted with laughter. "I'm serious. He was my father all over again in his mannerisms and attitude; there were a couple times I felt like he was parenting himself." Mr. Carter laughed.

"As he got older, had a son of his own, I tried to pass on some advice. Mostly to lighten up; not be so stubborn and uncompromising. I've told him perfection is not a realistic goal and he had to stop pushing himself towards it. Well son, I want to apologize and say that's not always right. There's a time and a place. That stubbornness and relentlessness are why we all are here tonight celebrating your success. Your mother and I are so proud of you." He stopped and smiled as everyone began to applaud. "Now this is the time to lighten up and enjoy this moment. You worked hard and you deserve it son!" He finished, smiling proudly at his son.

I smiled as Ethan stood up and walked over and gave his dad a hug as everyone cheered. It was so freaking sweet and heartwarming.

We started to make our way back to the table, when Reggie played “Celebration” by Kool and The Gang. I smiled as Mr. Carter dragged Mrs. Carter out on the floor to dance. Brandon followed suit, pulling Rocky out too. Many couples and singles joined them out on the floor to dance. I grabbed Amber's hand and forced her to dance with me. We danced together for that song. I had every intention of returning her back to the table, but Reggie mixed in Bruno Mars' "Uptown Funk". Amber and I danced wildly to one of my favorite songs right now. It was on high rotation on my workout playlist.

After the song ended and blended effortlessly into another dance song, I asked her, "Wanna dance with Will? I’ll get Robbie."

"Later. I should go check on them though." She smiled before heading off. The reason she left so quickly tapped me on my shoulder. I turned to see Jake.

"Wanna dance?" He asked.

"Yes." I said, moving towards him.

We danced, separately, but together. I focused on the room and not on Jake. I smiled as I watched Mr. Carter and Brandon try to out-dance each other. Surprisingly, Mr. Carter was keeping up.

"I wish my dad was that cool." I smiled, nodding at them.

Jake took a look and laughed. "Me too."

"What are you talking about? He is. He named his boat the party animal and pulled a 30 year old woman." I grinned at him.

"And that makes him cool why?"

"Because I said so. If I would have met him first-" I teased Jake.

"Not even close too funny."

I just laughed harder. It finally broke the ice between us and we danced closer. I didn't even realize the gap had closed between us until a slower song came on. All Jake had to do was put his arm around my waist as we danced to the slower beat.

I couldn't help but feel set up as I listened to the song.

I want you by my side
So that I never feel alone again
They've always been so kind
But now they've brought you away from me
I hope they didn't get your mind
Your heart is too strong, anyway
We need to fetch back the time
They have stolen from us

"So what did you wanna talk to me about?" I asked, looking up at him as we swayed to the music.

"Not right now. I just wanna hold you until I have to stop." He said, gazing into my eyes, wantingly.

I looked away from him then but didn't back away. It didn't stop my heart from feeling like it was ready to bust out of my chest.

All I wanted was to be friends...friends...friends. No, all I needed was to be friends. I wanted more; especially while being reminded how good his body felt against mine...

"Stage name." I blurted out the first thing I could think of to distract me from how perfect our bodies fit and moved together.

"What?" He asked, confused.

"Lilypad is a stage name Trevor came up with. His best friend was in a band. We have no musical abilities, other than rapping. So we figured we'd be rappers with stage names. Mine was Lilypad: Hop on a beat like a frog on a Lilypad."

He smiled at me. "And you made fun of J-Money, Lilypad?"

"Whatever. Trevor came up with that. He and my brother are the only ones that I let call me that." I smiled.

"That's fine. I'd rather call you mi CariƱo."

I pulled away from him then. That pet name stirred up way too many memories. I couldn't help remembering how many times he called me that; filling my heart with glee and my body with desire.

"I have to go... bathroom. Yeah, bathroom. Bye." I said, ignoring Jake's confused face as I turned and left the room.

I did go to the bathroom. After I washed my hands, collected myself and tried to put my game face back on, I went back to the party. I found Rocky standing by her table, talking to a guy I recognized as Ethan's and Brandon's uncle.

When he left, Rocky turned to me.

"You and Jake were looking pretty comfortable out there." She teased me, grinning wildly. Her eyes had taken on a slant: First sign of drunk face.

"How much have you had to drink?" I said, ignoring her question.

"I had to keep up with Brandon or I would kill him." She laughed. "You're driving home tonight. We can plan Thanksgiving since Brandon invited his family over too."

"No problem." I said, grinning. I couldn't wait to hear that sober conversation in the morning.

"Ready to get beat on the dance floor?" Rocky danced around.

"Why don't we give Amber and Will a break first?" I suggested. I needed a valid excuse to not be on the dance floor right now. I didn't even look to see where Jake went.

"Fine." Rocky groaned. "I'll get the girls from Amber. You get Robbie from Will."

"Yes Ma'am." I saluted her before I took off. Will was standing with Robbie in a group where Ethan was.

"Hey." I greeted them with a smile. I held out my arms for Robbie. "I'm taking over kid duty so you can handle dance duty with your wife." I told Will.

"Where is she?" Will asked. I pointed her out a table with Rocky and the girls.

"Thanks." Will said, gratefully as I took Robbie. When he left I turned to Ethan.

"I haven't seen you on dance duty."

"You won't. I'm gonna let my dad and brother handle that." Ethan said.

I looked out on the floor. True enough, Mr. Carter and Brandon where leading the kids in jumping wildly to Kris Kross "Jump". I laughed.

"Come on. It's not even dancing. Just jumping around." I said.

"No, I think I'll pass. It's a partner thing. Can't be seen jumping around in public." He smirked.

"I don't know about that. First impressions you know. My cousin thought you were a robot." I argued.


"Yep." Robbie started playing with my hair so I turned my attention to him, saying "Robot! Robot!" in a robotic voice while he giggled. Ethan just shook his head at me.

"You wanna come "jump jump" with me?" I sang to Robbie, jumping up and down. He let out a squeal of laughter when I jumped, so I did it again. He laughed so hard, drool started to fall from his mouth. Ethan and I both laughed at him. Ethan wiped his mouth off with a napkin from the bar. He handed me a couple extra napkins.

"Thank you." I smiled. "Let's go!"

"See you later." Ethan told me.

"Only if it's on the dance floor." I teased, before joining Rocky, Brandon, Mr. Carter and the kids on the floor. We jumped around and sang along to the classic song. Robbie clung on to me, laughing as we all jumped up and down. Reggie played "Wobble" by V.I.C next, and pretty much everyone danced the wobble together. I was able to do it while holding Robbie. I felt a little disappointed when Ethan didn't join, but not really surprised.

After the song, Amber and Will came to retrieve the kids. They were getting ready to leave. I pouted but gave them all a hug and told them I would babysit next weekend so they could get a date night.

 Amber quickly agreed. After walking them out, I came back inside.

Rocky immediately called me out to the dance floor. "You can forfeit anytime!" She exclaimed.

"Never! We still need a judge." I pointed out, laughing.

"I have one!" Rocky said, grabbing Mr. Carter's arm.

"No way. So biased!" I argued.

"No. Why would I be biased against my future daughters in law?" Mr. Carter smiled.

"Brandon really doesn't get both of us." I joked, grinning.

Mr. Carter just gave me a knowing look before Beyonce's "Get Me Bodied" came on.

 Rocky didn't have to grab my arm for me to know this was our dance battle song. We watched the video a ton of times in college. We always playfully debated who got to be Beyonce while the other had to be Kelly or worse Michelle. We had the moves down!

We had a blast trying to outdo each other's on the moves. I was so glad I was wearing flats and a loose dress. Only the real Beyonce can dance like that in skin tight dresses and heels! So while Rocky might have killed me on the Naomi Cambell model walk section of the song, I dominated the old skool dance, busting out the butterfly just like Beyonce did in the video.

I was having so much fun, I didn't care about the small crowd that gather to watch us battle. At the end of the song, Rocky and I laughed, hugging each other. I caught Jake's eyes before turning to Mr. Carter.

"Well?" Rocky started, breathlessly.

"Who won?" I asked, catching my breath.

"The winner is... me!" Mr. Carter announced. Everyone in hearing range booed and hissed.

Mr. Carter gave us both a hug. "Can't make me choose between my future daughters."

"Tie?" I shrugged to Rocky, trying to change the subject, especially with Jake right there. I avoided looking his direction. Knowing him, he probably already left.

"For now." Rocky smiled. I laughed as Brandon pulled her in for a disgusting, inappropriate kiss. I looked away from them, only for my eyes to meet Jake's again. I didn't look away and neither did he. He approached me, hesitantly. That was definitely a first; seeing him unsure.

"Wanna get a drink and talk?" He asked.

I nodded. We went to the bar. I got water and he got Patron on ice.

We walked out to the main entrance of the country club. When he headed for the door, I stopped.

"Are we going outside? Cause I need my sweater." I asked.

He looked around. He saw a little sitting area next to a huge window on the way to the exit. We made our way over there instead.

When we sat, he took a gulp of his drink and started. "You don't wanna fix us, do you?"

"Is this about what Mr. Carter said? Cause it's not-"

"No, of course he would want you as a daughter in law. Who wouldn't?" He cut me off, sighing. "I know everything that went wrong between us. I didn't even realize how much until the list, but I know now. Nothing was unfixable. We could have fixed it back then, we can still fix it now. If that's what you want."

I just shook my head no.

"I don't get that Lily. Did you really care about me? Trevor had years of chances. Ethan put you through so much with the baby and you still wanted to be with him. Why won't you give me just one more chance?"

"I know it sounds cliche or like a line, but I'm working on myself. I don't know what I want. I do know that Ethan and Trevor both only know the sides of me I want them to see. I know you love the real me just like I love the real you. I just need to be alone right now." I explained.

"What do you want from me Lily? Should I just not date and wait for you to be ready?" Jake questioned me.

I shook my head. "I'm not asking you to do that."

"You kinda are when you tell me not to date certain people."

"I apologize. That was selfish of me. I stand by Alexis being a bitch, but you have every right to date her."

Urgh, I hated every word I just said, but I meant them.

He just nodded. "So... thanks for the talk friend."

"Anytime pal."

"Wanna spend the night with me?" Jake asked me, with a small, cocky grin as he stood.

"Friends don't spend the night." I said, standing up.

"No? I heard Trevor does all the time." Jake replied.

"Correction: friends that have seen each other naked don't spend the night." I clarified.

Jake nodded. "Now I can't be jealous of him. At least I've seen you naked."

I flushed as I headed back to the party. I stopped when I noticed he stopped following.

"Are you coming back?"

"No. I'm gonna leave. Party should be wrapping up soon." He replied.

I walked back to him and gave him a long hug.

"Will I see you on Thanksgiving?" I asked.

"At least for a few hours. Moral support for Brandon."

"So you've heard about Mama Smith?"

"Anyone who raised Rocky has to be a force to be reckoned with." Jake grinned.

I laughed. "That's one way to put it."

We pulled back and with one last look, I turned and left. I stopped by the coat check to get my cardigan. Sitting by the front door opening and closing, letting in a draft, gave me a chill. I also wanted to send subliminal messages to Rocky and Brandon that it was time to go. A couple of things Jake said just didn't sit right with me...

I walked back into the party. I saw Rocky and Brandon cuddled up at a table with Megan, Dave, the Carters and EJ.

"There you are. Ethan was looking for you!" Brandon exclaimed with a smile.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"He walked some people out. He should be back soon." Brandon answered.

Like on cue, Ethan returned back into the room. He saw me and headed my way.

"Do you have a minute?" He asked me.

I nodded and stood. The moment we walked across the floor, "Mr. Roboto" by the Styx played.

I looked over at Reggie. The way he was watching us let me know it was planned. I smiled and put my arms around Ethan's neck to dance. He stiffened, but placed his hands on my waist. We danced, stiffly and awkwardly for the first part of the song.

"So I didn't mean robot as a compliment. They're cool and all, but not to hang with-" I started, teasingly.

"Were you ever going to tell me?" He asked, suddenly.

"Tell you what?"

"About my baby. Our baby. Were you ever going to tell me?"

Cold dread snaked up my spine, leaving me frozen in place.

***Bonus Post "Mr. Roboto" with Ethan's POV coming Wed/Thurs***



    1. Me too! My heart is pounding! !! Can't wait for Ethans point of view!

    2. I got a few request for Ethan POV. I knew if I ended it like this, I had to do it :-)

  2. Agh!! How'd he find out?? I don't see Bianca saying anything...and Jake and Rocky are the only other 2 that know. I'm dying Janay!! Great post (as always!).

    1. I think after she was talking about how ethan was walking people out, he probably over heard jake say it

    2. AND...how would Jake know how often Trevor is spending the night? And what list? Did I miss something?? I feel like I need to go back and reread the last few posts! Or are these the same things that also struck Lily as odd?

    3. Yeah, wondering if Sammy the brat that she is is telling jake Trevor is spending the night, jen

    4. Sammy is involved. She got drunk on the night of some party that Rocky didn't invite her too because Jake would be there, and she wrote a list of why she didn't want to get back with him. Every little thing, so she could focus on that to get over him.
      Sammy is the only one who knew about the list, and is the only one that could mention Trevor. Sammy is doing shit.


    5. There was a post on Instagram about Trevor spending the night! Very interested about the convo between Ethan and lily!!!

    6. Maybe instagram explains the picture of Trevor sleeping but Sammy is behind the list I bet. Really glad she didn't cave into jake

    7. A lot of great theories; They will be answered by Friday!

  3. Great post, go away jake though haha.
    Excited to hear what happens next I think she is going to feel a lot better once the story is out there and no longer holding it in

    1. Hopefully. At least there won’t be any more skeletons in the closet!

  4. Ohhhh myyyyy godddd!!!! I can't wait for the next post!!

    1. Me too! Love getting into Ethan’s head. He is very much based off someone I know…

  5. Oh shit....I think he overheard Jake & Lily talking.....

  6. Noooo I really wanted jake and lily back again.

  7. He definitely found out trevor was spending the night Cuz lily posted it on instagram

    1. He does know what her bed looks like, doesn't he?

  8. Def think Sammy is involved.

    Arghh... I still want to see how good Jake and Lily could be together!!!

    1. Maybe good as friends? Lily will need better ones if Sammy was involved.

    2. Yes I only want/think her and Jake would be better together as just friends

  9. First of all, this is what I like about Jake. He's direct right away he asked her "you don't want to fix us" I like that about him, I'm glad they had that talk, it needed to happen. And I totally agree with him, their problems could be fixed, but she doesn't want to. So, whatever..... Next! Hahaha
    I laughed so hard when he asked "wanna spend the night with me?" Really Jake really? She just told you she doesn't want to be with you. I remember in high school after I told this guy I didn't want to be his gf he still asked if we could make out, such a guy thing to do! Hahaha
    I totally love reading the comments, it didn't even occur to me that he knows about "the list" and Trevor spending the night. Sammy is such a snitch! Why is she talking to him now? I thought she hated him.
    How did Ethan find out? Was it because he overheard Jake?!?!? Can't wait to read more!
    Thank you janay!!!! I love this post!

    1. Oh Jake. I think we've all had that talk before... either receiving it or giving it lol.

      You’re welcome too! I'm glad you enjoyed the post and the comments. I was afraid it might be getting too soap opera-y

      Answers/Drama?? to come :-)

  10. Still hoping Lily ends up with Jake!!

    Sammy probably had something to do with Jake knowing about the list. Lily ended up falling asleep drunk and Sammy probably went to that party. As for Ethan, he was outside the same time Jake and Lily were talking. He overheard for sure

  11. My heart was racing at the end as if it was me that had to do the explaining. I feel like lilly is raising Trevor's hopes up just a tiny bit - drama will happen between them. Jake and lilly will be good but not now...it's too soon. Lilly needs time and space to be her and sort herself out. I don't see her with Ethan - he wouldn't even dance at his party! Too boring for lilly.

  12. Yassss!
    This is getting so good again. I hate now Lily treats jake now :( it feels so dismissive. I can't wait to find out how Ethan found out... He probably did hear when Jake was talking to Lily considering he set up the robot song then when it came on he was acting all stiff. Things changed from the time he went to go walk people outside.
    So goood

  13. Ugh, Jake is just some sweet talker that says the right things and the right times. Still #TeamEthan
