Monday, November 3, 2014

Heads Will Roll

"Looking glass
Take the past
Shut your eyes
You realize
Glitter on the wet streets
Silver over everything
The glitter's all wet
You're all chrome
You're all chrome
Off, off, off with your head
Dance, dance, dance 'til you're dead" Heads Will Roll by Yeah Yeah Yeahs

"You sure you don't wanna drive me to work?" I asked Bianca, shaking her by her shoulders Friday morning.

"Umm..." was her only response.

"I'm not gonna get off until like 4. I can't even keep up with Sammy's schedule, so no telling when she gets home. I stocked up on food so help yourself to anything. There are a couple places within walking distance, but I know you don't like physical activity of any kind-" I went on and on and on until she finally opened her eyes.

"Lily! I'm fine! Thanks to you, I won't be awake until you get home. Go away. Now." She demanded, before burrowing back under the covers.

I smiled at her before leaving her alone. She was normally easy going, except when she first woke up. Bianca wasn't hungover, she just liked her sleep. The night before, Bianca and I both only had one drink. She was never a big drinker and I needed all my senses when it came to Jake.

He sat across from me, next to Brandon, looking completely cool while I struggled to remain neutral. It wasn't helpful that Bianca decided to entertain the table with my antics from when I was living in California; which consisted of embarrassing stories of my cluelessness of living on my own for the first time.

It was in good fun, and I really didn't mind. I loved that Bianca got along with everyone so well. I had to constantly remind myself not to get drawn into Jake's smile, locked into lingering glances or distracted by his freaking dimples. I couldn't help thinking of the first time we came here together and how much fun we had sharing food, listening to music and watching other's drunk actions. I had to counter those thoughts with everything that went wrong. It was like a war raging inside of me.

Friday morning, I focused my attention on my situation at work. I planned on confronting Heather about talking about me to Kendal. When I got in, I found out she didn't work on Friday. I had to put that incident out of my mind as well. I focused on getting through my day so I could enjoy Halloween with Bianca and my friends.

We were meeting Trevor, Brandon, Rocky, Jackie, Peyton and Chris at McFadden's, a bar that hosted a Halloween party every year. Brandon found out about it from some co-workers, so we were going for the first time. Not going to lie, I was relieved when Jake told me he had plans with his friends. I was all for us being friends, but it was harder after his confession. I wasn't ready to deal with how he still felt and what it meant to me yet. I just knew it would be impossible for us to be friends if he was hoping for more. I did not want to lead him on if I wasn't 100% sure what I wanted. Knowing how he felt and being around him would be dangerous until I figured that out.

I put everything out of my mind for the weekend. I was showing my cousin a good time. I wanted to enjoy my limited time with her, not stress over everything.

I stopped by a Halloween store before I headed to my apartment. It was super crowded, but I found and bought a simple black wig. When I got home, Bianca had reorganized my closet. She loved going through people's closet like she was on "What Not To Wear". She had a pile of questionable choices she wanted me to get rid of. I put them aside and took a shower.

I came out and started on my make-up while Bianca showered. I found a tutorial for my make up on YouTube. It featured black eye liner, fake lashes, blue shadow and red lips. It looked super heavy on my face, but appropriate for a kick ass ninja. It took forever, but I was happy with the results.

Bianca came out and finished her makeup in 15 minutes and looked fresh faced and cute, just like Ariana Grande. She teased her hair up in a high ponytail, slipped on her dress and boots and was ready to go. I put on my costume and accessories. At least my hair was simple; I put on the wig and a blue headband and I was done. We went downstairs and took pictures in front of our mirror on the wall.

I was hoping Sammy would show up before Trevor came to pick us up, but she didn't. She did have her masquerade party to work. I thought she would get ready here so I could invite her to hang out with us later at Blake's party. Since Bianca wanted to go, I decided we would. Trevor offered to accompany and drive us.

I laughed when we joined Trevor in his car.

"Real original and current." I said, looking him over in his all black ensemble and scream mask.

"Bet you can't guess what movie it's from?" Trevor grinned, taking off the mask to drive.

"Scream. Haven't even seen it and I know that." Bianca answered from the backseat in a high pitched voice. Trevor and I both laughed at her Ariana Grande impression.

"It's a classic, how have you not seen it?" Trevor laughed.

"Not a movie buff." Bianca answered in the same voice.

"Are you talking like that the whole night?" I asked.

"What do you mean? This is just how I talk."

"You're gonna break character. By the way, you're wrong. It's not Scream." Trevor told us.

"Hint?" I asked, questioningly.

"I'm gonna slash and gash, cut another hole in your ass. Spill blood on the walls and play tennis with your balls. If the phone rings, don't answer the call" Trevor rapped, making himself laugh.

I was cracking up laughing with him by the 2nd line. "Scary Movie!" I exclaimed. "Oh my gosh, I haven't seen that movie in forever. Have you seen it B?"

"Bits in pieces of the whole franchise. The 5th one was so stupid." She replied, still in character.

"The franchise is garbage. The first one was the funniest."

I nodded in agreement.

We arrived at the bar and secured a table on the patio. After ordering drinks; cocktails for me and Bianca, beer for designated driver Trevor; I called Rocky. She answered and I told her we were on the patio. She informed me they were at the bar and would meet us out there.

5 minutes later, their group joined us. Brandon, Rocky, Peyton and Chris dressed up together; the girls were dressed as cops and the guys were dressed as prisoners. Jackie was dressed as Nicki Minaj, complete with a pink wig, crazy makeup and a wild colored body suit. I introduced everyone to my cousin and we ordered a round of shots.

"Why didn't y'all dress up?" Trevor asked Brandon and Chris, jokingly.

"Shut up Trevor." Chris said as we laughed.

"Lily, I love your costume!" Rocky complimented me.

"Thank you. Bianca made it."

"Really? You make clothes?" Jackie asked.

"She's a designer." I informed her, proudly.

"That's what I'm studying." Bianca corrected me.

"Whatever." I smiled, before we ordered another round of drinks. We were chatting and drinking when Jackie announced, "I wanna dance!"

She gave Rocky a look. Rocky turned to look at me. I looked over at Bianca.

"Do you wanna dance?" I asked her.

"Nah. I'm just gonna chill." Bianca answered.

I looked at Trevor. "Wanna dance?"

He quickly nodded and we got up and followed Brandon, Rocky, and Jackie to the dance floor.

I danced with Trevor through 3 songs straight. I was having so much fun. I lost myself in the music and the energy. Music always had the power to affect my mood. Dancing was a great release of everything.

Have to admit, I liked the looks I was getting from guys as I moved to the music. I was not sure if it was the alcohol or just the costume, but I definitely enjoyed playing the role of sexy femme fatale. Especially knowing all I had to do was grind on Trevor to get a guy to back off.

I was doing just that when a guy in a zombie costume was staring me down. Adam, one of Brandon's co-worker came over to pull Brandon and Rocky away.

Trevor pulled away from me too.

"Let's take a break." Trevor said, loudly in my ear. Jackie was dancing with a sexy Jack Sparrow and wanted to stay on the dance floor, so we left her.

 I led him to the patio to check on Bianca. She was chatting with Peyton and some other girl that looked vaguely familiar. I grabbed Bianca and dragged her to the bar with Trevor and me.

We met Rocky, Brandon and Adam at the bar. A woman dressed as cat woman was talking animatedly to Brandon.

"I don't wanna offend you and get written up again." She said, with a smirk.

Brandon laughed. "Let it go Alexis. We're off the clock. Besides, you know I didn't want to the first time."

"But you did it." She pointed out.

"Will a shot get you to forgive me?" Brandon asked.

"It's a start." She smiled.

While Brandon moved down to try to flag down the bartender, I assessed this girl. She was pretty, slender, light skin with dark hair. I looked over at Rocky.

"Do we need to play good cop/bad cop? You can play cool girlfriend while I interrogate the shit outta her?" I whisper yelled in her ear.

Rocky shook her head. "No Lily. By the way, I don't know if you're trying to be discreet, but you're loud."

Sure enough, when I looked over, the girl was narrowing her eyes at me.

Whoops. Maybe it wasn't a whisper yell.

I grabbed a shot that Brandon ordered, downed it, and flashed Alexis a huge smile. "Hi. I'm Lily, Brandon's girlfriend's best friend."

Alexis rolled her eyes. "Of course. I've heard so much about you."

"Really? I've heard nothing about you." I replied, while Bianca and Trevor drank their shots quickly to hide their smiles.

"Let's go dance Lily." Rocky grabbed my arm. I looked at Trevor and Bianca.

"I'm gonna sit this one out." Trevor told me.

"I'll join you." Bianca volunteered.

I nodded, knowing she was in good hands.

"Do you wanna know what that was about?" Rocky asked me, as we made our way back to floor.

"I wanna know why Jackie is freak dancing with that guy if she's talking to Malik." I said, watching Jackie grind all over the same guy we left her with.

Rocky sighed. "Let's go."

After pulling Jackie away from that guy, we danced with each other. We used nonverbal communication to convey if the guy dancing on us was cute enough to be doing so. Squinting up the nose meant "run", shrug of the shoulders meant "he's alright. You can do better', and wide eyes meant "Marry him and have his babies."

A person started dancing on Jackie from behind. He or she was in a Saw mask, but Rocky and I grinned at each other before we gave Jackie the wide eyes. She ground her ass harder on the person before turning to look at him. She yelped in surprise before sending us a dirty glance. Rocky and I could barely contain ourselves as we busted up laughing.

I was holding my stomach, laughing when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned to see Bianca. Her pale face wiped the smile off my lips.

"What's up?"

"We need to go. Now."

I knew it was serious cause she was out of her Ariana Grande voice.

"Why?" I asked, confused.

"A crazy bitch dressed up as Alice in fucking Wonderland just threw a drink on Trevor." She explained.

"What? Where is he?" I exclaimed, shocked.


I told Rocky we were leaving before I hauled ass outside.

I saw Trevor right away, standing beside his car, shirtless, wiping his face on his shirt.

I ran over to him.

"What happened?" I said, pulling his shirt away to look him over. He looked ok, just upset. And wet.

"Becca." He said, simply. "Bianca told her she was your cousin and Becca flipped out."

"She was coming off like a jealous ex-girlfriend. I thought that would calm her down." Bianca added. "Do you have a problem with her?"

"I do now. Where the fuck is she?!?" I exclaimed, turning to head back in the bar.

"Lily stop-" Trevor said, grabbing me.

"You stop. I'm gonna kick her ass!" I declared, walking towards the bar. Trevor bear hugged me to keep me from going back inside. I struggled in his arms, visualizing pulling every hair out of her stupid head! I was almost free when his eyes met mine.

"She thought she was protecting her from me. You know why." Trevor said.

I stared into his calming blue eyes. I got lost in them. They were pleading with me to calm down and to let it go. So I did. His eyes had that effect on me. Fucking mesmerizing. I couldn't deny him when he gave me that look. Thankfully, he didn't give me that look often. He only let me go after I relaxed in his arms. He turned around and went back to his car.

"Lily, what the hell?" Bianca asked.

"It's complicated." I waved her off. I wasn't trying to get into the saga of Trevor and me. Not tonight. It was supposed to be fun and drama free.

I followed him to car. Bianca followed me too.

"If you don't mind one pit stop, then we'll head to Fort Worth." Trevor said, throwing his wet shirt in the trunk.

"We don't have to." Bianca said, quickly.

"Yeah. We can go back to my place and watch movies." I suggested.

"No way. We can do that anytime. C'mon, a drink in the face is nothing considering it's Halloween." Trevor grinned at us.

Bianca laughed and I grinned too before we hopped back in his car. Too bad a drink in the face was just a start to the drama that unfolded the rest of the weekend.


  1. I love Lily and Trevor I feel like the time might not be right but they will get their moment... I hope!

  2. I think you meant the guys dressed up as inmates, not intimates... lol... at least I hope that's what you meant.

    1. Inmates!! Definitely not intimates. Thanks for pointing that out. I changed it to prisoners lol

    2. Although dudes dressed as bras would be hilarious!

  3. I'm having mind blank. Why does Becca hate Lily?

    1. She was upset about Lily because Trevor told her the truth as far as him using her to try to get over Lily. Not sure if she hates Lily...

  4. Eee! I totally squealed out loud (happily) when I read the seen of Trevor holding lily and their little stare down. Felt like I was watching a show great writing.

  5. Argh! I'm so torn! I really want her to give Jake a second chance, but then you write a scene like this one! And I can just feel the chemistry between Trevor & Lily! I still don't like what Trevor did to Sammy, I know she's an adult and she knew what she was getting herself into, but still he's a man and he disrespected her. Would he really be different with Lily? Only one way to find out ;-)
    Can't wait to read tomorrow's post!

    1. I see what your saying to a point but (I went back to read and double check) Sammy knew Trevor wanted to be with lily when she started fooling around with him and they both knew it was just sex. Plus when he called her a slut it was only because she was saying rude things about lily and in the heat of the moment he got mad and said that, not excusing just saying we all know how rude and catty Sammy can be. Plus he apologized to lily and said he never meant for Sammy to get in the middle of them
