Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Hungry Eyes (Trevor's POV)

"With these hungry eyes
One look at you and I can't disguise
I've got hungry eyes
I feel the magic between you and I"- Hungry Eyes by Eric Carmen

 Trevor's (POV)

***Flashback (College Years)***

"I should have been born on the 80's" Lily declared, as she sat up on my twin bed, in my room, in the apartment I shared with Bilal and Donovan. We were in the middle of watching an "I Love the 80's" marathon.

"You were. 88, same year as me." I grinned at her, popping her with a pillow. She automatically turned red. She was so easy to embarrass.

"I meant, like late 70's. So I could have been a teen during the 80s." She corrected herself.

"Why? The music?" I asked her, propping up on my pillow so I could face her.

"Partly. And so I could be the loner, cute girl that the popular guy falls in love with and we could ride off in the sunset to "Hungry Eyes" Lily sighed.

"You don't wanna be born back then. You wanna be in a John Hughes movie. That song sucks. I can name 5 that are better." I said.

She cocked her head to the side, her short hair brushing her shoulder. I hated that Rocky talked her into the haircut. It was so prissy and structured. So unlike Lily. It should be like it was before, free and untamed. That's how she really was, when she wasn't second guessing or censoring herself.

"Name 'em." She challenged me.

I opened my mouth to rattle them off, when my phone rang. It was Lizzie. The last girl whose bed I talked my way into. Man, I loved college. Where were the girls at when I was in high school looking to score? Oh right, college.

"Hold that thought." I grinned as I answered it. I spoke to Lizzie about her plans for the night. She was going to a party and wanted me to take her. Sounded cool, so I told her I would pick her up in a few hours. When I was getting off the phone, I noticed Lily packing up her thing.

"Where are you going?" I asked her as she gathered her things.

"Back to the dorm. You have plans right?" She said, not looking at me as she picked up her backpack.

 I hated it when she acted like that. I thought she was getting over her crush. Sometimes she acted like it didn't faze her when I went out with other girls, other times she got all moody, like now.

"I have time for one more show." I stated, trying to appease her.

"Naw. I have some studying to do. Besides, you don't wanna get Barbie upset." She joked with me, smiling. There's my girl.

"I'll have you know, she's a red head."

"My apologies. Raggedy Ann." She smirked.

I got up, with a pillow, ready to attack. She read my motions and ran for the door, giggling. I chased her out to the living room.

J-Mike, my friend that graduated and was in town for a week, looked up at us.

"Well hello there. Have we met?" He asked Lily, looking her over.

"Yeah. J-Mike. It's me, Lily." She said, through her teeth. She hated J-Mike. He was a bigger flirt than me. That's how we became friends. Wingmen unite.

His eyes widen. "Lily? How the fuck are you?"

"Fantastic. In a rush. Gotta go." She said. She gave me a smile before rushing out.

"Wow man. She looks good. How many pounds did she lose before you started hitting that?" He laughed at me.


"I'm not hitting nothing. Don't talk about her like that." I warned him.

He threw his hands up in surrender."Alright, my bad."

I went into the kitchen to grab a beer. I was gonna need it for a night with Lizzie and her friends.

"So who is hitting it?" J-Mike asked me. I looked over at him. "Just asking. If no one is, I got next."

"Not happening. She hates you. And I told her you were gay." I said, as someone knocked on the door.

"If you don't want nobody else hitting it, you better start. Lily's looking all types of sexy now." J-Mike yelled, walking to the bathroom. I flicked him off and opened the front door. Lily was at the door.

"What'd you forget?" I smiled at her.

"My bag." She said, quickly, her face was beet red as she scurried past me into the apartment.

"Did you run all the way back?" I called after her, grinning.

She shook her head and headed to my room.

A few moments later, I heard her scream. I rushed back to my room. Just in time to see Lily throwing my shoe at J-Mike. A naked J-Mike, wearing just a sock over his cock. She missed when he dodged out the way, laughing. He came back to the doorway, dancing and thrusting his hips around.

"Get the fuck outta here! I don't wanna see your shortcomings!" She yelled at him.

 That just encouraged him to dance more. I pushed him out the way and grabbed Lily's hand.

"You're sick man. Get help."  I laughed at him, before pulling Lily out the room.

"What the fuck is wrong with him?" Lily exclaimed as I walked her out.

I just laughed.

I hung out with Lizzie and her friends for a couple of hours. When she started in on the "what are we?" speech, I left. I was nowhere close to ready to settle down and especially not with her. On my way back to my apartment, I called Lily.

"No, I do not wanna be your designated driver." She said instead of hello.

"I don't need one. Wanna hang out?" I asked.

"I don't wanna go to a party." She moaned.

"I know. I was thinking club Wal-Mart."

"Come pick me up!"

I knew she wouldn't say no to that. That was one of our favorite activities, late night Wal-Mart trips on the weekend. If you've never been, you have to go. No telling what you would see. Especially one close to campus.

We walked around Wal-Mart, mostly people watching and picking up random items. That's why Lily was one of my best friends. I don't know anyone else who I could have fun with just hanging out in a Wal-Mart at night.

"Oooo! I have a great idea to get J-Mike back!" She said, excitedly. She bent over and looked through socks.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

"Wait a second." She grinned deviously.

She bent over at the waist to look at some girl socks. Two guys stopped in their tracks while walking down the aisle to stare at her. When they caught me watching them, they shrugged and kept moving. I looked over at Lily. Even the basketball shorts she was wearing couldn't hide the shape of her butt. Couldn't blame the guys for looking...

Lily pulled up a bag of socks, snapping me out of it. I blamed Raggedy Ann, er, Lizzie, for my x-rated thoughts.

"We replace J-Mike's clothes with these!" She said, holding up a bag of pink frilly socks. Size extra small. I laughed.

"You are a genius. Let's go."

We went back to my apartment and set our plan in motion. I took it a step further and gave his clothes a bubble bath. We went to my room, waiting for him to come home. We laid in my bed, laughing about what we did. I pulled out my laptop to play some music.

I played "True Colors", "Take on Me", "I Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore", and "Waiting For A Girl Like You".

"Ok..." Lily yawned. "What's number 5?" She asked, sleepily.

"Wait for it..." I said, playing the last song. "Lovesong" came on.

Lily grinned and turned towards me. "Love it."

I put my arm around her. "I knew you would."

"Trevor!!!! What the fuck dude!" I woke up to J-Mike yelling and Lily shaking me.

We both started laughing when J-Mike pounded on the locked door.

"I thought you liked wearing socks!" I yelled at him.

"I'm gonna kick your ass!" J-Mike shouted, jiggling the door knob.

I grinned at Lily. "Got my back?"




Sunday as I drove back to Dallas from Austin, I remembered the prank Lily and I played on J-Mike. Considering Lily broke into my apartment and stole a shirt, I figured replacing her work clothes with socks would be appropriate. And hilarious. Especially when she had to be at work Monday. I couldn't wait to get her back.

I rang the doorbell and knocked on the door of her apartment. I saw her car parked, so I would have to be creative about getting into her room without her noticing. When no-one answered the door, I unlocked the door and let myself in. Maybe she was with Rocky or Sammy.  I smiled to myself as I crept up the stairs with an empty duffle bag and a bag of socks. I opened up Lily's door and was surprised to find her still in bed.

My surprise turned to concern when I heard her crying. The prank forgotten, I dropped my stuff and went to the side of the bed. She hid her face from me but not quick enough for me to miss the tears falling from her red eyes and trailing down her face. She looked in complete despair. My heart ached for her.

"Lilypad... what's wrong?" I asked, trying to pull the cover off her head.

"Leave me alone Trevor." She said into the pillow

I got in bed with her, on top of the comforter.

"You know I'm not going to do that. What's wrong?" I asked again.

"I ended things with Jake." That's brought on a fresh round of tears. And confusion from me. I thought she already did.

"Is this a delayed reaction?" I joked, with a little smile. She revealed her face to glare at me.

"For good. I met up with him yesterday. He explained everything. I kept waiting for this " Ah-Ha" moment, where I knew what to do and it all made sense, but it never came." She sobbed. "How could I go back to him if I don't even know what's best for me? I'm so fucked up."

"No you're not." I said, stroking the tears off her face. "Sometimes the heart wants what it wants." I replied.

"Fuck my heart." She responded.

I smiled. I knew that feeling too. I was feeling it then and there. There was a time I could lay beside her and think nothing of it. Now, I literally had to remind myself she was crying over another guy and saw me as a brother. It worked, but it still don't stop me from noticing how even with her tear stained face and her hair tangled all over her head, she was so beautiful to me.

Fuck my heart.

I sat up. "I'm gonna call Rocky."

"No. Please don't. I don't wanna talk to her." She said, quickly sitting up. She was still wearing my shirt. It looked right on her...

"Ok. I'm gonna go get movies, and snacks." I announced, jumping out of the bed. I had to get out of there. "Report to the living room in 30 minutes."

She wiped her face as she stood up. She looked confused by the bag I brought in. When she noticed the socks, she looked up at me with a little smirk.

"Weak T-Rev. Just weak." She shook her head at me.

"Just surrender and we'll call this off."

"Never." She said, before disappearing to the bathroom.

I left and returned with an arsenal of junk food and the movie "Dirty Dancing." We ate and watched the movie. Before baby could not be put in a corner, Lily was leaning against me asleep. She must have had a rough night. I wish she would have called me. I would have came back. Cat would have to wait...

My thoughts we're interrupted by the front door opening. I looked up and saw Sammy walk in. She was wearing last night's make-up, her hair pulled back and shorts with a tank. She was holding multiple shopping bags. She looked at me in disgust.

"Wow. Didn't wait long, did you T-Rev?" She sneered, before heading to the stairs.

I leaned Lily on the couch and got up to follow her.

"Wait Sammy. It's not what it looks like" I said, chasing her up the stairs.

"I've been on that couch with you, remember? I couldn't care less about what y'all are fucking doing on it." She scoffed.

She slammed the door closed, but I opened it anyway.

After digging in one of the bags, she pulled out some clothes. She looked at me, expectantly.

"I'm trying to get changed."

"So? I've seen it before."

"Never again." She promised, stepping into her bathroom. I sat on the bed, scooting her shopping bags and purse over. In her bag, I saw an open envelope filled with money.

I looked up at her as she came back out in a little dress.

"Why are you here?" She spat, quickly grabbing her purse and bags and throwing them into her closet.

"Lily talked with Jake yesterday. They broke up, again." I explained.

"And here you come to save the day!" Sammy sang, sitting on the bed next to me.

"I came to steal her work clothes. She was in her room, crying her eyes out." I explained. "Why isn't she talking to Rocky? Did she try to call you?"

Sammy sighed, and bounced her knee. That was her nervous tell.

"I don't know why she's mad at Rocky, but I know she was upset with me. I might have told her I would unfriend her if she got back with Jake." Sammy admitted.

I chuckled. "That was dirty, even for you"

Sammy grinned. "Fuck off Trevor."

"I would love to. You gonna stick around? Any events tonight?" I asked her.

"Just Dave and Buster's. I'll call in." Sammy shrugged.

"I didn't realized you were still working there. Every time I go, you're never there." I lied. I haven't been there in a while. I just wanted to see what she would say.

"We must be missing each other. Why are you checking for me?" She accused, putting it back on me. Clever.

"I'm checking for free drinks. I know you're not worrying about money." I continued.

Her leg bounced again. "Why do you say that?"

"Shopping bags, two jobs, obviously they're paying well." I commented.

"You know me. Always on my grind." She said, standing.

I stood too. "Alright Sammy." I said, skeptically. She walked me out the door.

"Call me if you need anything." I said.

"I got Lily. Don't worry." Sammy rolled her eyes.

"Not just Lily, you too." I started. "I know you accepted my apology, but I want us to be friends again, all of us."

"Fine." She sighed. "We're cool."

"Cool enough so that if you're going through anything, you'd come to me?" I asked, remembering the wad of cash in her purse.

"I no longer hate you Trevor, but I'm not gonna depend on you ever again. I'm not Lilypad, I can take care of myself." Sammy folded her arms.

"Alrighty." I nodded, disappointed.

I went to my car and got in. I drove away, hoping that they would take care of each other. In way I couldn't, because there were still too many feelings involved. I was still going to keep my eyes on the both of them.


  1. ugh Sammy probably got herself an escort job. She really should have kust followed Lily's advice and got into college instead...
    As for Lily, sounds like her breakup isnt for good, she just ended it because she was still lost and didnt know what to do.

    1. She said in the previous post deep down she knew it was right, hopefully it is for good

  2. Liked this post a lot, I love how real the story feels with trevor at least to me, who hasn't had the friend in love with you. I like also that he hasn't tried making a move, he also isn't bashing jake

    1. I know! He was actually a really good guy and was there for her. Arghhhh I'm a sucker for best friends falling in love stories. And as much as this post made me like Trevor I can't forget that he called Sammy a slut and that made me mad, because he didn't have a problem having sex with a "slut" but didn't want a relationship with her, I know Sammy is an adult and she knew what she was doing, but he treated her poorly. So basically dang you Janay cause you made me like him with this post, but I don't want to like him! Haha

    2. I like trevor he has his immaturity but he definitely cares about lily. And I believe him when he wants to be there for sammy. He did call her a slot but who hasn't said something they probably shouldn't have, at least he wasn't controlling and mildly abusive like jake was, sammy knew it was casual she knew what she was getting into. As for sammy she alalways has rude things to say especially about lily not the best friend. She needs to find a new guy and quit her job and stop being jealous of lily.

  3. Even again, she's doing it according to what somebody else says.

    1. I disagree. She listened to him and then told him no. that it was the right thing to do. She doesn't know what she wants. She admitted that, and she even said she can't be with Jake when she doesn't know what she wants. Sammy was a bitch to say what she did, but I think Lily's reaction kind of showed that it wouldn't have made a difference. She did it for herself. No matter how much it hurt.


  4. I loved the flashback and the present stories all in one.

  5. What does the last sentence mean? like take care of them or keep an eye on them like something more sexsual ? Sorry my English is not really good :)

    1. Take care of them... but knowing Trevor, he might mean it a little sexually too :-)

    2. Will there be another post today?

    3. Yes. Later this evening. I still have to proof read

    4. Awesome thanks! Your bonus posts have been the highlight of my week so far!

  6. I like Trevor! I think he is the kind of guy friend us girls need. Admittedly he does have his faults but I do have a soft spot for him! :)


    1. Liked this too, trevor has a cute pov
