Tuesday, October 28, 2014

All My Ex's Live In Texas

"I remember that old Frio river
Where I learned to swim
And it brings to mind another time
Where I wore my welcome thin
By transcendental meditation
I go there each night
But I always come back to myself
Long before daylight
All my ex's live in Texas
And Texas is the place I'd dearly love to be
But all my ex's live in Texas
And therefore I reside in Tennessee"- All My Ex's Live In Texas by George Strait

Monday morning at work, I met our newest addition to the team. His name is Robbie and apparently at one point and time worked with Sandra, my boss, in Arizona. He jumped right in, taking one of my patients from me, so I had my Tuesday off day back. Jordan and I went out to lunch Monday to celebrate.

"You can use that Tuesday to help me pack..." Jordan hinted to me.

"You're moving in with Derek?" I asked.

"I am! I decided to go for it. I always thought I would wait until I was at least engaged, but maybe this is the next step."

"Absolutely. My brother is proposing to his girlfriend and they live together. I think it's practical to live together first." I agreed.

"How long have they lived together?"

"About a year." I replied.

"Oh..." Jordan said, disappointed. "I don't wanna wait that long. Shouldn't you know after 3 months?"

I laughed. "Cam and Jenna moved in together really fast, so that's why he waited. I guess it depends on the couple."

"I just feel like what's the wait? We're both where we wanna be career wise. We both want kids. Derek is older than me, he should be begging me to get married, not the other way around."

"He does hang out with single guys. Y'all need to hang out with my friends. Everyone I know is coupled up, married, or has kids." I told her.

I thought about Omar and Kelly having a baby. I saw it on Jake's Facebook. I like Kelly, so I sent her a message of congratulations. She responded and friend requested me. I accepted it. I had no ill will towards Omar anymore. Jordan told me in the beginning there should only be two people in a relationship. Any problems I had with Jake were on Jake and me. That didn't mean I didn't hope the baby got his/her personality from Kelly...

"True. See if you can get some of them to hang tonight to watch the Cowboy's game with us." Jordan suggested, excitedly.

I grinned. "I know just the person!"

On our way back, Jordan drove so I could text Forrest to invite him. I outlined the plan to him in the text. By the time I got off work, he responded saying he would meet us there.

I went home, showered and changed into a Robert Griffin III Redskin T-shirt and jeans. I put my hair back up in a high ponytail and headed out the door.

We were meeting at Q's girlfriend's Yolanda job Twin Peaks again to watch the game. When I arrived there, Forrest text me to let me know he was on his way. I went inside and made my way to the group. This time it was Q, his girlfriend, Kendal, one of his roommates Seth, Heather, Steven, Jordan and Derek.

I greeted everyone and took an empty seat beside Kendal so that when Forrest sat next to me, he would be next to Derek.

"That shirt is offensive." Kendal pointed at my jersey shirt.

"Let me guess, Cowboy's fan?" I said.

"Yes, but I'm also part Native American." Kendal informed me.

"Really? What tribe?" Heather asked him.

"Apache on my dad's side. I'm highly offended Lily. Take off your shirt." He deadpanned.

"Not happening." I told him over his roommate Seth's laughs.

"I can report you to HR." He threatened.

"Do it. I'm sure they would love to hear about your suggestion that I need to take off my shirt." I threatened back.

"I don't think Ann wants to hear any of that." Derek smiled.

"I agree." I nodded.

"I don't. I'm still offended." Kendal repeated.

I smiled at Forrest as he made his way over. I stood up to give him a hug. I introduced him to everyone before he sat down next to me.

"Your grandfather lives on a reserve right?" I asked Forrest.

"Sure does. Never leaves." Forrest responded.

"What do you think about the name Redskins?" I questioned him.

"I don't think about. People give words too much power." He answered.

I smirked at Kendal.

"Words have power if they have years of history behind them." Kendal argued, heatedly.

Forrest looked at me, then Kendal. "You're right, but you gotta look at intentions. The only intention the Redskins should have tonight is losing." Forrest said.

"Hell yeah!" Steven cheered, raising up his beer and officially ending that conversation. I shared my menu with Forrest. Kendal looked a little put out, but Heather quickly got his attention.

We were collaborating on our snacks when Jordan asked Forrest, "You said your grandfather doesn't leave the reservation. Will he for the wedding?"

Forrest looked up. "I hope so."

"You're engaged?" Seth asked Forrest, looking between us.

I shook my head while Forrest nodded. "He is..." I said, nudging Forrest.

Jordan used that as an opportunity to drill Forrest about getting engaged. Forrest knew the plan, so he played along.

"So what do you predict for the final score?" Derek asked Forrest, cutting of the wedding and marriage talk.

"It should be a massacre, especially with the Redskin having a rookie quarterback." Forrest answered.

"A massacre involving Cowboys and Redskins. Great choice of words." Kendal stated. Forrest ignored his comment and focused on the game.

By half-time, it was nothing close to a massacre. I was surprised that Washington was keeping up with the Dallas. It was a really good game. Cowboy fans were frustrated. They believed this game would be a cake walk at home. The rookie quarter back was looking better and better as the game went on.

Forrest excused himself at half-time to call Rachel. I went to bathroom with Jordan.

"So?..." I asked Jordan when she came out the stall.

"You saw how fast he changed the subject?" She said, over the running water.

"He might have been focused on the game. Let them bond, then Forrest will get the information, he'll give it to me and I'll give it to you!" I plotted.

"You're a little too into this..."  Jordan grinned.

"Yeah, I might have too much time on my hands." I chuckled.

"Kendal might want some of that time..." Jordan teased as we walked out.

"Ummm, no." I said, shaking my head.

Heather zipped passed us to the restroom. She didn't even acknowledge us.

"Too much beer?" Jordan said.


Forrest was at the table when we returned.

"How's Rachel?"

"She's good. What happened between you and Blake?" He asked me.

"Denny's. Then I went home."

"That's it?"

"Why do you ask?" I said, suspiciously.

"He wouldn't tell me what happened. Just that y'all had a 'great time'".

"Sure. Over pancakes. That's all."

"Rachel just has it in her head that y'all would make a great couple."

"Does she know about his MO?"

"Yes. She thinks you can be the one to change him."

"Noooo.... I'm out of the relationship business, not trying to get into the business of changing people. I'm good."

He smiled at me. "That's the smartest thing I've ever heard you say."

I laughed. "Whatever Forrest."

"Have you been back to that bar Memphis?" Q asked me.

"I haven't. I'm planning on it. My cousin is coming into town so I'm gonna take her." I said.

"Let us know." Q nodded.

Everyone returned to the table and we watched the second half of the game. It was a freaking nail bitter. Especially when Romo got hurt. Romo came back to the game, and it went into overtime. I was so fired up when the Redskins came out and got a field goal. When the Cowboys couldn't score, I freaked out, super excited Redskins won.

"Congratulations. What are y'all? 3-5 now?" Kendal taunted me as we walked out.

"1-0 against the Cowboys, so you can suck it!!! Suck it, suck it, SUCK IT!!!" I exclaimed back.

"Calm down Lily." Forrest laughed at me. "It was a hard lost. You're gonna piss people off."

"What? No more we dem boys?" I sang, tauntingly, dancing around as we walked to my car.

"Alright. Dem boys are gonna retaliate."

"You're not gonna defend me?" I grinned.

"Nope. I might join 'em." Forrest admitted.

"Boy is right. A man would defend a woman." A said, folding my arms.

"His woman, yes. Some woman dissing his team? Nahh.." Forrest laughed.

I joined in. I kicked at him, before getting in my car and going home.


Tuesday morning, I got up and got to work deep cleaning the apartment. I cleaned my room first cause that was where Bianca would be sleeping when she came to visit. I moved to the living room, den, and dining room. I vacuumed, dusted and wiped down everything. Once the town home smelled like Windex and fresh linen disinfectant, I changed clothes and pulled out my laptop.

Bianca emailed me her itinerary, so I saved it. I also found a recipe for stuffed bell peppers. I made a list of ingredients and went to the store. I drove to the store and bought the ingredients I needed plus things I knew Bianca liked. I loaded up the trunk and drove home.

I brought in all the bags and put the groceries away. Afterwards, I got to work on dinner. I docked my phone on the speaker Jake gave us for our house warming. I decided to continue to listen to the country playlist Blake sent me.

It actually wasn't that bad. There was one song by George Strait that made me smile.

When I put the peppers in the oven and set the timer, I heard a knock on my door. I walked to the door and peaked through the peephole. I was shocked to see Ethan. I straightened the white tank and black leggings I was wearing. I pulled my fingers through my hair as I opened door.

"Hey. This is a surprise." I said with a smile.

"Guess we both were in for surprises today." Ethan answered, cryptically.

"Ok... come in." I invited him, moving to let him in.

I locked the door and turned to him.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Megan informed me that EJ will be taking drum lessons." Ethan started.


"No. Not ok. I told you to stay out of this. I asked you not to go against me on this." Ethan reminded me.

"No. You didn't ask. You told me and I didn't. The only thing I did was post a article on Facebook. I wanted you to read it and make a decision. That's all." I corrected him.

"If that's all, why is EJ having lessons here?" Ethan interrogated me.

"That's news to me. When was this decided?" I said exasperated.

"Megan texted me about it today." He informed me.

"Sounds like you should be talking to her." I sighed.

"This all started with you. You buying him drums when I was against it. You setting up lessons when I said not to. That's why I'm talking to you." Ethan countered.

"Ok. I bought the drum because I knew he liked them. Maybe I shouldn't have, but you never said not to. You said he didn't need any more toys at his house. It's not, it's here! A person offered to give him lesson. That's all. I respected your decision, even if I didn't agree with it."

"It's not for you to agree. You are not his parent Lily."

"I know that." I said, softly.

I took a deep breath, looking up at the ceiling, trying to calm myself. I couldn't look at him right now. This was such bullshit. Why did drama always follow me?

I finally looked at Ethan. He was staring at me with a focused look on his face. Before anything else could be said, my phone alarm went off, signaling the food was done.

"Excuse me." I said, leaving for the kitchen.

I took a moment to collect myself. I couldn't help thinking if this was what our lives would have been if I had our baby. I had to admit, while I was unsure of what would have happened if my baby would have made it, I dreamed of it bringing Ethan and I together. I realized that might not have been the case...

I pulled the peppers out the oven. They looked and smelled amazing. I stuck my head out in the living room.

"Do you wanna eat?" I asked.

"What?" He asked, bewildered.


He just looked at me.

I shrugged. "Ok. I'm gonna eat."

I made a plate and went out to the living room. I grabbed a tv tray and set up on the couch. Eventually, Ethan joined me with a plate. I shared my tv tray with him.

We ate in silence. After we were finished, he looked at me.

"That was good. Thanks." He said, picking up our plates.

"No problem." I said.

After he came back from putting the plates away, I started again.

"Ethan, I'm sorry if you felt like I went against you." I said, turning to him on the couch. "I do think you're being unreasonable and stubborn, but it's not my call. It's up to you and Megan. I love EJ, but more importantly, I know how it feels to have a dad that just... pushes-"

"You say that like it's a bad thing Lily. You're successful." Ethan stopped me.

"At what price? I also had very little self esteem, confidence and self awareness. All A's, a degree, and a doctorate, and I still struggle with those. Like you said, most of my relationships are drama." I pointed out.

Ethan just thought about it, but didn't say anything.

"So yes, I get it. EJ needs to learn responsibility, but that's not the only thing he needs to learn. I'm not saying he needs to learn the drums. I just don't understand why it's not an option." I finished.

Ethan nodded. "Fine. I wanna meet this guy. Then maybe once a week. If his grades slip, it's over."


Ethan sighed.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Nothing. It's surreal. I never imagined we would be having a conversation like this when we meet." Ethan shook his head.

"Yeah. I kinda hero worshipped you back then. I felt like you could do no wrong." I smiled.

"When did that change?" He smirked.

I laughed as the front door opened. Sammy came in and looked at us on the couch. Her eyes went wide.

"Uh, hey."

"Hey." I said.

"Hey, I better get going." Ethan said, standing up. I walked him out the door.

He stopped when I closed the front door. We stood in front of the townhouse. "There was a time when I imagined us together, as a family. Back then when you thought I was perfect. " Ethan confessed.

I nodded. "I imagined it too." I admitted. Especially when I found out about our baby. This would be the perfect time to tell him....

...But I didn't. Too much time had passed. I was ready to let that go. Finally.

"But then I realized I can barely manage myself. I couldn't deal with a relationship or kid. I still have some growing up to do. Maybe I might take some drum lessons." I added.

Ethan chuckled. "I guess it's a good thing we're staying friends. I might look into some lessons too."

I smiled and waved as he left.

"What was that about?" Sammy asked me, excitedly when I came back into the apartment.

I felt at peace with our conversation and didn't need Sammy's spin on it. Besides, she could never understand how I felt about Ethan without knowing the whole story, so I told her nothing.

"Basically, I need to move to Tennessee." I responded.


  1. I think regardless of why Lily does or does not do Ethan needs to deal with Megan if there is a conflict in their parenting decisions. It makes him seem immature...but I'm glad Lily has some peace when it comes to Ethan FINALLY & that she recognized she didn't *need* Sammy's input! Good on her!

  2. Last line of the song is "that's why I hang my hat in Tennessee" :) sorry, George strait fan here!!!!


  3. i like this post, follows her restart resolution- Glad she's finally at peace with the whole Ethan thing

  4. I'm glad she's over getting Sammy's input. I don't like that she would consider inserting herself in Forrest and Rachel's relationship. I get that she considers him to be a good friend, but Rachel was there first, and she should respect his relationship more than she does. You can maintain a close friendship with a guy while respecting and/or including his significant other. For instance, she could have invited Rachel along. She could have not insisted on sitting next to Forrest. She could have used her own menu. As someone with many beloved guy friends, I've learned a thing or two about staying close without stepping on their SO's toes. All it takes is a little bit of boundaries and a bit of effort to include and/or getting to know their SO. Lily seems to have some major boundary issues that are the main cause of her drama, and in all honesty, I wouldn't want to deal with someone like her around my boyfriend. It would just cause so much awkwardness.
    AND, for the record, I think the way that Rachel is handling it might not be perfect, but it's pretty damn good. Trying to set her up with guys she thinks are cute (whether or not it's a great idea) might be a little pushy, but shows she's still trying to include Lily. Some girls would just edge her out, whereas Rachel is trying to find ways to include her while getting to know her better (the wedding thing) and giving incentive for better boundaries (Blake). But in all honesty, I think Lily needs to shape up ASAP. No one would tolerate some new gal pal of their fiance or boyfriend getting all up in things like that. I mean, snapchatting sexy outfits, come on!

    1. I agree things like sharing menu and always sitsitting close is a little too much. Lily needs to work on how she treats guys who are taken

    2. I agree with you. She's so naive some times. I think they guys at the table thought she was dating Forrest and were surprised when they heard he's engaged. This is the kind of thing she did while dating Jake, that's why I think she encouraged most of his behavior with her actions.
      Yes, I'm still bitter they broke up, but part of me hopes he can find a mature woman who will know how to deal with him, and keep him from trying to "control" her. I wouldn't do half of the things Lily does while in a relationship and with guys who are in a relationship. But I still love Lily!

    3. I'm going to politely disagree anon. NO ONE encourages controlling behaviour. And she shouldn't have to KEEP him from controlling her and knowing how to deal with him. He should be mature enough to do that himself.

      That said, she has a lot of maturing to do herself. Half the things she does I have done in the past. And I learned in my 20s where to draw lines. That's why mistakes are made. To learn from them. she will learn. but no woman should have to know how to keep their boyfriend from trying to control them. That comes off as a bit manipulative to me. Sorry if I offend. I don't mean to and I hope you kind of see what I'm trying to say.


    4. I'm the Anon 7:20 am. I definitely wasn't saying that I think she was at fault for Jake's behavior. I think he was emotionally and mentally abusive. I was just stating that her interactions with Forrest are ridiculously inappropriate. Entirely separate from the Jake situation. We all grow and learn, but if I remember correctly this is something that has been pointed out to her repeatedly, by multiple people.
      And who EVER thinks that sending sexy outfit photos is just a platonic friend thing to a friend of whichever sex you're into who's taken? It wasn't like she was asking for input, she was just showing. I don't understand how someone could ever just 'miss' that one. Not knowing how to respect personal space, fine. I was raised in a touchy feely culture and still get confused with American distance at times. This stuff isn't that.

    5. I completely agree that she definitely needs to learn boundaries. Especially after being told that she does cross lines. The snapchat thing is way inappropriate and some of her interactions with Trevor (facebook) but I do think Jake's reaction was a bit over the top by not speaking to her for days.. However I may say that but put in that position I may have reacted the same way.
      I was raised touchy feel too. But that is crossing the line by a couple miles.


    6. Just for clarification which I should have done it the beginning was mention I was disagreeing with the anon poster at 10:27.


  5. I think it may have something to do with her lack of esteem, confidence and self awareness. She tries to hard with people to gain their approval and get them to like her. and I dont think she would have minded if Rachel came with Forrest. She was trying to surround Jordan with taken couples. The reason she wanted to sit beside him was to get the wedding conversation going. I agree the menu sharing and such was a bit boundary treading, but her intentions weren't to flirt with Forrest, they were to get Jordan Derreck and Forrest talking. I don't think she realizes she does it. In fact, I believe she admitted that to Jake at some point. She didn't realize she crossed lines. She's learning at least.


  6. Saying you realize an issue and actually doing something about it are two different things. She acknowledged she doesn't behave appropriately with men when SHE is in a relationship, but seems completely unaware of how she treats men who are in relationships. Also, the defensiveness she had when it was suggested that Rachel was uncomfortable of her relationship with Forrest... She even suggested going to Forrest with her suspicions. That is INSANELY inappropriate. The right action, if she thinks Rachel isn't so happy with her and Forrest's interactions, is to go to Rachel and clear the air. Show your friend's fiance some respect. I know that if I were in Rachel's shoes, I'd really appreciate and respect someone coming to me and saying "hey, I feel like things have been a little off with us. Is there anything I've done?". Not going behind her back and playing games to be the top woman in Forrest's life. I don't care whether or not she's romantically interested, her actions speak to playing a power game that she shouldn't.
