Thursday, September 4, 2014

Wicked Games

What a wicked game you played to make me feel this way
What a wicked thing to do to let me dream of you
What a wicked thing to say you never felt this way
What a wicked thing to do to make me dream of you- Wicked Game by Chris Isaak

When we returned in the house, Amber, Will and their kids made it. I gave the kids a group hug before leading them into the kitchen to make their plates so they could join EJ eating. I forced Amber to leave the kids alone and go get a drink with Will.

Rocky and I made their plates with Krista's and April's instruction. Robbie referred to his sisters about what he wanted by pointing things out to them.

"Use your words." Will told Robbie, firmly. Robbie just hid behind his sister. "We're thinking about setting him up with a speech therapist." Will explained to Ethan. I rolled my eyes, but bit my tongue and took the kids in the dining room.

"He might not need that. Brandon was the same way. My parents would have to ask Brandon questions through me. I think it's just younger sibling habit." Ethan was explaining to Will when I came back. "Enjoy the quiet while you can. When Brandon started talking, it never stopped."

"That's right. I had to get attention away from the perfect son somehow." Brandon said.

"That's messed up. I thought the youngest got all the attention." Rocky laughed.

"Not when the oldest was their favorite." Brandon said.

"Get over it." Ethan said simply.

We laughed at them. The doorbell rang and I left to go get it. I smiled when I saw Trevor and Bilal.

"Hey. T-Rev." I said, giving him a hug as they stepped in the house. " Hey Bilal!!!" I exclaimed, loudly. I was happy to see him, but I also wanted to give Rocky a heads up.

"Think she heard you?" Trevor said, as I pulled back.

"Let's hope." I grinned. He smiled too. I was glad we were returning back to normal. I didn't want it to be awkward between us.

"Am I under dressed?" Bilal asked, looking me over as we walked through the den, dining room, then into the kitchen.

"No. I'm overdressed." I said, sending Jake a look. Jake looked at me and smiled.

Trevor gave me a weird look but said nothing.

Trevor and Bilal made the rounds. I smiled as I watched Rocky and Bilal hug briefly.

"So Lily, next time you invite Rocky's ex over, can you run it by me first?" Brandon said when he approached Rocky and me after Trevor and Bilal went to get drinks and food.

I was in shock, for a moment, but I quickly recovered.

"Sure. Sorry about that." I said, shooting Rocky a glance. She just stared back at me.

"No problem. Just a warning would be nice." Brandon finished.

Rocky gave me a grateful look, before downing the rest of her Crown and Coke.

"C'mere Lily." Jake called to me from the living room. He had the shoe box. I forgot to put on the shoes. I walked over and open the lid.

 "These are cute, but I can't wear them."

"Do I need to leave?" He threatened, with a smile.

"Not falling for that one again. But when have you ever seen me in heels?" I told him.

Amber looked into the shoe box. "Nice. Too bad she can't walk in them."

"You can't walk in heels?" Jake asked, surprised.

"No!" Rocky, Amber, and Trevor answered for me.

"You can all suck it!" I exclaimed.

"Suck what?" April asked.

 EJ laughed as the kids carried their plates to the trash. Ethan and Will both looked at me with disapproving looks. Of course they would get along. Urgh.

"Lemons. So they can make crazy faces like this." Trevor answered for me, making pucker faces at them. The girls laughed at him. I gave him a thankful smile.

"EJ. Why don't you turn on Kinect Sports?" I suggested.

"Ok!" He said, enthusiastically. He and the other kids raced into the den.

"But seriously, you've worn heels before. The pink ones." Jake brought up.

"Yeah, and that whole situation with Philip was partly because I couldn't walk in heels. He originally grabbed me cause I stumbled in them." I said.

"What situation with Philip?" Trevor asked. I explained what happened and how I was wearing the pink heels when Philip grabbed the door and made me trip.

Trevor looked upset, but just nodded.

"They were like 2 inches." Jake shook his head.

"You're like 2 inches." I countered.

"Ohhhhh!" Brandon grinned. "You gonna let her talk about you like that?"

"She knows better. We can measure. I don't care." Jake suggested, wrapping an arm around me. I laughed.

"Should we start a game?" Ethan asked.

"Sure. I have a game we can play that people can join in when they get here." Rocky said, heading to the living room.

"Keep the shoes. You're gonna start practicing" Jake told me.

"Whatever." I said, smiling, before taking the shoes to the guest room.

The first game of the night was "Who am I?". One person got up and picked an envelope. Inside, Rocky had a name badge with a famous person's name on it. Rocky showed everyone but the person who picked the envelope. Then the name tag was stuck on the person's back. That person then had to go around the room and asked each person a yes or no question to figure out who their person was.

Since I played before and Rocky couldn't play because she wrote the name tags, I went first. Everyone grabbed food and drinks and sat around the living room. I picked an envelope and handed it to Rocky.

I waited for her to put the name tag on my back. I started in the kitchen with Bilal.

"Am I a man?"


"So I'm a woman?"

"Duh." Trevor answered.

"Yeah, well you've tricked me before. I don't trust you." I smiled, and he laughed.

"Am I white?"

"No." Rocky answered.


"Yes" Will answered.


"No." Amber said.


"No" Ethan shook his head.

"I'm a real person? Not fictional or animated?"

"Yes." Brandon responded

"Am I on TV?"

"All the time, especially on the news." Jake said.

"What's your guess? And stop trying to cheat Jake. Yes or no answers only!" Rocky asked.

Fuck, I had no idea.

The doorbell rang. "Yes! More questions!"

 Rocky went to answer the door.

I smiled happily when they returned. "Forrest, Rachel, this is everyone! Come play with us!"

"Hey everyone." Forrest greeted us. Rachel smiled and waved. "What are we playing?"

"Who am I? Lily, turn around."

I did.

"She's gonna ask y'all yes or no questions to guess who she is." Rocky explained.

"Am I a news broadcaster?"

"No." They answered together.


"One more." Rocky laughed.


"I think she's wrote a book. Or she will." Forrest looked at Rachel.

"She wrote a few already. The last one was called "American Grown". Rachel responded.

"Hey! Too much information!" Rocky said.

"I still don't know. I need a hint." I protested.

"There is no hint that I could give you that won't give it away." Rocky said.

"I have one." Jake said. "Ethan dated her."

Ethan looked as confused as I felt. "What?!?"

"Just think about it." Jake said.

The only person I knew of was fucking Karen. Her name still pissed me off thinking about how much shade she threw at me on 4th of July...

Then it hit me.

I cracked up laughing. Jake joined me. I doubled over I was laughing so hard.

"Michelle Obama." I answered, between my laughs.

"Finally!" Trevor smiled.

"How did you get that?" Amber asked.

"How did I date her?" Ethan asked, turning around to face me from the couch.

"Karen and her campaign against obesity. We might have called her first lady behind your back." I explained, trying to control my laughs. I failed when everyone laughed too. Ethan shook his head.

"You can suck lemons." He smiled at me.

I hugged him from behind the couch. "No hard feelings?"

He rubbed the arm I threw around him. "Not at all."

I quickly pulled away when I noticed Jake watching us intently. I smiled at him, before heading his way. I planned to sit beside him, but he pulled me in his lap instead.

Brandon went next. He got Channing Tatum. Brandon asked if he was a male, actor, and if he had a movie out this year. When he asked Rocky if he did comedy movies, she answered saying "I think. I can watch his movies on mute. He's so magical." Brandon knew right away it was Channing Tatum.

"Cheaters" I pointed at them.

"You had more clues than that!" Brandon waved me off.

Peyton and Chris showed up between rounds. They joined right in.

"Did you invite Becca?" I heard Peyton ask Trevor. He shook his head no. I was confused. Why would he invite her?

I didn't think about it long. Jake was up. He easily got his. He found out his name tag was a female, singer/rapper and actress. When Brandon answered "My future baby momma does it all", Jake knew it was Nicki Minaj.

"Her butt is so fake." Jackie announced, as she came in with her daughter Ressa. Ressa had a guy friend with her.

Jackie planted herself right next to Ethan. I missed the next couple of rounds so I could greet Ressa and her friend Matt. I helped them get food and drinks and set them up in the dining room. Ressa asked if they could go outside. I told her to ask her mom. When Jackie said yes, I turned on the patio light and they went out. I checked on the younger kids.

"Hey guys. How are y'all doing?" I asked them.

"Good. They wanna play the dance game. Can I get some popcorn?" EJ asked.

"Of course."

 He followed me to the kitchen. He went and talked to Ethan while I popped the popcorn.

"Hey EJ. I like your shoes. What size do you wear? I think I can fit in them!" Jackie cooed over him.

"Your feet are too big." EJ answered her. I snickered.

"What's so funny?" Trevor asked me.

"Nothing." I noticed it was Bilal's turn. "Are you and Becca back together?" I asked.

"No. We've been talking. I told her the truth about you and Sammy. I thought it would help her move on, but she's being surprisingly understanding about it." Trevor explained.

"Do you wanna get back together with her?" I asked.

"I don't know." He answered honestly. Interesting. I didn't know how I felt about that.

The microwave beeped. I called EJ over.

"What do you want on your popcorn?" I asked.

He came over to look at all the extra items I had sitting out. Flavored powders, candies, chocolate, caramel sauce, nuts, raisins and butter spray.

"M&Ms?" He asked.

"Yep. You've never had popcorn and chocolate before?" I asked.

He shook his head no.

"Ethan, I'm calling CPS on you." I announced.

"For what?" He asked, looking over at us.

"Depriving this child of chocolate and popcorn." I said, putting a little in a cup and handing it to EJ. When he tried it and liked it, I gave him more.

"You're eating again?" Ethan asked EJ.

EJ nodded.

"That game is a workout." I told Ethan, before getting EJ a drink.

"What do you say EJ?" Ethan asked.

"I don't like you like you." EJ replied. Ethan and I laughed.

"No. Thank you." Ethan corrected.

"Thank you Lily."

"You're welcome." I smiled at him.

After everyone had a turn on who am I?, we split up into women versus men for Battle of the Sexes. Thanks mostly to Rachel, we crushed the guys.

Normally, Rocky was the queen of trivia games, but she was drinking. A lot. And the more she drank, the more attention she gave to Bilal. I could tell Bilal and Brandon both noticed it. Bilal was amused, but ultimately ignored it. Brandon was getting increasingly agitated. When the game was over, I pulled Rocky to the bathroom. I grabbed a bottle water and toast points on the way.

I took her drink from her and poured it down the sink. I handed her the water. "No more alcohol. You are staring at Bilal like you're a starving man and he's a steak. And Brandon is noticing."

"I can't help it. He looks so good. And happy. He has a 9 to 5 and he's happy and looks good." Rocky muttered as I stuffed bread into her mouth.

"And you have a boyfriend. With a 9 to 5. Who got that job to make you happy. And who you love." I reminded her.

"You're right. I wanna marry Brandon." She said, swallowing her mouthful of bread.

"That's right."

"Then you can marry Ethan and we can be sisters!" She exclaimed, laughing.

"Drink and shut it." I said, forcing her to drink water. When we finally left the bathroom, EJ was waiting. I moved aside to let him in.

The majority of the people were now playing Texas hold 'em. Forrest was the dealer. I was glad to see him and Jake talking and getting along. I smiled at him when I came back out. Jackie was still planted on Ethan's side. Rocky did the same with Brandon. Chris and Peyton were eating in the kitchen. Bilal and Trevor were waiting for us to come out to tell us they were leaving. When I hugged Bilal goodbye, I whispered "thank you" in his ear.  He just nodded. Amber and Rachel were watching the kids play the dance game in the den. After I walked Trevor and Bilal out, I joined them.

Dance Central 2 was so much fun. I loved it. Amber, Rachel, and I took turns competing with the girls. Rachel was an amazing dancer. It was like she was amazing at everything and I couldn't even be mad at her for it cause she was so sweet and humble about it. Amber went and got the girls popcorn when they got tired.

Rachel and I stayed and danced some more. We danced to Willow Smith " Whip my Hair", Daddy Yankees "Impacto", Sir Mix-a-Lots "Baby got Back" and Usher's "DJ got Us Falling in Love". The others came in to watch when they heard the music. I was exhausted after the fourth straight dance with Rachel, but we had to do one more for a tie breaker.

"Cariño I wanna see some Rihanna moves." Jake commented.

"You wanna see your girl get beat on some Rihanna moves?" Forrest asked him.

"Your girl is all winded. $20 says mine wins." Jake bet.

"Y'all are ridiculous." I smiled, going to Rihanna's "Rude Boy". Rachel just laughed.

"Dad?" EJ asked Ethan when they came into the den. "Can I ask you a question now?"

"Yes?" Ethan said

"Are you and Lily getting married?"

I froze. Everyone turned to look at Ethan and EJ. But not me, I stared at Jake.

"No." Ethan said simply.

"Racqelle and Lily were talking about it." EJ continued.

Cold dread ran down my spine in anticipation of Jake's reaction, but Jake didn't even look at me. He just left through the patio to the back driveway.

I chased after him, the game forgotten. Ressa and Matt broke apart from each other. I ignored them and followed Jake.

"Jake... stop!" I called after him.

"For what Lily? Why am I even here?" He asked, stopping at his car.

"Jake, just listen for a second. It wasn't like that." I pleaded with him.

"No. I'm done listening. I'm done with this." He said, opening up his door. He slammed the car door and took off.

I wouldn't, I couldn't, accept that. I turned around and went back in the house.


I don't even know who called my name. I ignored everyone and everything as I rushed to the guest room. I grabbed my purse and headed to the front door. Thankfully, I parked on the street so I wasn't blocked in. I hopped in my car, barefoot and drove to Jake's apartment. I sighed with relief when I pulled into a parking spot next to his car.

I went to his apartment and knocked on the door. Over and over again until he finally opened the door.

"You need to leave." Jake started.

"No. I need to talk to you."

"I'm all talked out."

"Then listen. Jake, I'm sorry. What EJ heard was a joke."

"Is this a joke to you? Am I a joke to you?" Jake asked, angrily.

"No. Absolutely not." I replied.

"I can't tell. You're either incredibly immature or you don't take us seriously. So which is it?" He asked.

"Neither Jake. I want to be with you. I love you." I told him.

"Don't say words you don't understand." Jake said.

"I do Jake. Your dad said we have to want the same things. I want us to be together. I see a future with you." I replied.

"That's what you say, but your actions don't show that-"Jake started.

"Give me a chance to show you. Just let me show you." I pleaded, interrupting him.

 When he just stood there, I wrapped my arms around his neck. I pressed kiss after kiss to his lips until he finally reacted. He grabbed me on my hips firmly and pulled me into his apartment. He crushed his lips into mine, finally kissing me back.


  1. I'm starting to like Jake less and less with each post. He is becoming very controling of Lily, dictating what she wears and who she talks to. Also if anything is done that he doesn't approve of he just runs away and won't give her the chance to explain herself. Lily needs to stand up for herself because if she lets this behaviour continue they will end up with a very unhealthy relationship.
    Love the blog though, great writing!

    1. I agree. He's the one who is being childish and insecure. And don't forget controlling! Dang!

  2. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252
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    \f0\fs26 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
    \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 Choosing what she wears over the weekend was a deal they made before the weekend started so I don't think too much of it....\
    But I think they need to have a heart to heart...about Cara....otherwise he seems absolutely bat shit crazy..vs insecure & hurting...since he probably fell a lot harder for Lily a lot faster than he expected I don't think he realizes the Cara situation is still a big deal for him & I don't think he's healed enough to be the best Jake he can be for Lily...if Lily is willing to stick around they can get it sorted together but she needs to be given the option to stay or go by being fully informed..

    1. Whoops! Page froze so I copy pasted the comment & it did that 0-o

  3. Love the post, from all the things that I thought was gonna happen this was a surprise. I think people take it the wrong way when Jake wants her to dress he just want for her not to be ashamed of her body and know that he loves her body he's trying to bring home out of her comfort zone. And he's not immature for leaving the way he did if that was me I would have done the same thing Jake knowns the history between them and it didn't help that she told Ethan about the misunderstanding with Jordan and then he finds out from him that she called him. It's the llittle things that Lily does that make Jake question her commitment to the relationship hopefully everything works out between them love them together


  4. They do need to talk about Jake's control issues though. I don't see Lily being the immature one in this. and not taking them seriously? he gets irritated with every thing she does. How she dresses, how she acts, who she talks to. I'm sorry but he was her FIRST call with that stuff with Jordan, and he blew her off, so she asked Ethan because he's logical with his work ethic. He gets irritated with her for it and says he wants to be the one she runs to. she should have said I did, you blew me off. She lets Jake run too much of the show because she's afraid of losing him. He has some major issues, and she needs to address them. Because he's going to ruin it.

  5. i loved Jake at the start of their relationship but now I am seeing him as controlling and manipulating with telling her what to wear and then when she says no threatens to leave and then really does till she agrees to put on the dress. I hope she sees it soon and leave him as much as it hurts I know how bad it is to stay in a relationship like that.

    1. I agree, I'm sorry but if you don't like what I'm wearing and threaten to leave... Go for it and stay gone!

  6. I agree, jake is very controlling!

  7. Ugh I hate them together, and for those saying it wasn't immature to run away are wrong, it was a what 7 year old who asked, come on an adult reaction would have been to ask what was going on not running out and then even when lily came outside he had the chance to listen and he ran. Only physical contact made him stop even then there was no discussion. It's been years since cara he was young, he needs to get over it. A relationship can be work but this seems like too much. As far as the clothes I get he wants her to look good but a couple outfits here and there not everything down to the shoes all the time. He threw a fit before they were official about a dress he bought for her. And she shouldn't have to look at him every time she talks to a guy to see his reaction. I get 100% that people need to be careful about staying friends with ex's but she needs to realize she needs to watch her actions not think oh no what's my boyfriend going to think after the fact

  8. Am I the only one who knows what it feels like to be in constant competition with someone's ex? /:
    If you truly love someone, you respect their feelings. I can imagine it's hard enough to put up with Lily's ex on a regular basis, but then you start putting the little things Lily does together with Ethan and it kind of feels like you're putting salt into the wound. If everything between Ethan and Lily is truly light-hearted then you would think Lily would have the idea to put a little distance between her and Ethan for the sake of her and Jake's relationship. I would also hate to be made to feel like a fool in front of all of my friends. I can see where Jake is coming from. Ethan and Lily have quite the intimate past, and Jake knows that... Of course he is insecure. I don't think he's controlling..the clothing thing is weird but obviously Lily enjoys it.

    1. I agree with you too. At forts I thought it was weird the way jake acted, but then I re-read and put myself in his shoes and I understand him. He just found out his gf talks to her ex about issues she won't talk to him about, then he sees them being affectionate towards each other. And to top it off he hears that Lily has made a comment about marrying Ethan?? I would be like heck no! I would probably create drama by staying than leaving though ;)
      Maybe lily is too "innocent" and doesn't notice that she's too friendly with Ethan? And that's why Jake made that comment about her being immature. I wouldn't like it if my bf were that friendly with his ex. Maybe it's a Hispanic thing?
      I hope Ethan opens up to her and tell her where his insecurities are coming from. I feel like they need to have an honest conversation about their feelings so there're no confusions.
      The clothes thing is weird. But I also think that if she didn't want to wear the dress she wouldn't have, just like she didnt wear the shoes.

    2. Lily didn't make the comment, Rocky did, so it was not fair at all to Lily that Jake fully took it out on her. Plus earlier on he shut her out when she got emotional/angry that he didn't show up to the dinner with her brother, Jenna and Trevor, but now he doesn't hold himself to the same standards. He always expects her to come running back to him and I wish she wouldn't anymore. She doesn't deserve a boyfriend who is so quick to judge and condemn, calling her immature when he doesn't even care to discuss the issue at hand like adults.

      Wash your hands clean.

    3. I would be more pissed if my bf was this friendly with his ex than if he was telling me what to wear (and they did have an agreement about that, as weird as it is). Lily is too friendly with Ethan, relies too much on his judgement, is very close to his son, jokes alot with him, touches, hugs, kissses, goes out with him, the list is endless. If your guy did all that with his ex, im sure you will all also be as insecure(maybe more) than Jake. The "are you getting married" is really just what topped it off. Putting myself in Jake's shoes, I would feel very foolish and embarassed if my guy treated his ex the same way Lily is treating Ethan, esoecially in front of ppl. Also, Jake knows that Lily was pregnant with Ethan's baby.

  9. Janay, your posts are getting better and better! I love what you are doing, adding some of the lyrics to the songs! I always go to YouTube and listen to the song you put in title ;)
    I'm not a very visual person, it's hard for me to picture the clothes that you describe I was wondering if you could link up a picture, I've seen it done on "sheer luck and pixie dust" blog. If you can't that's cool just thought I would ask.
    Thank you very much for writing this blog for us!

  10. Hey everyone! I love all the feedback/opinions/comments. I would normally go through them all and reply back hopefully spark a dialogue, but there are more then enough discussions (Jake is very polarizing, huh?)

    A couple things though:

    I think the clothes thing with Jake might be getting misconstrued. The weekend deal was to pick out her clothes. But the whole leaving the party was a joke. In actuality, he just parked in the back.

    And yes Luita. I can definitely link pictures to the clothes. It wont take long at all. But now i have to check up on another blog today. So my job thanks you :-)

  11. I don't like how the author defends jake it's obvious then we should get used to jake whether we like it or not. Also he did leave the party in a fit because of something a little kid said, and that wasn't a joke like the clothes tantrum. He throws fits too much and she is always the one running to him. His insecurities are over kill

    1. My intentions weren't to defend Jake, but to clarify the joke of him "leaving" because of the dress. I know his flaws. I wrote him ;-)

      I also know how the story is going to end and who she ends up with. So it would be pointless of me to steer y'all towards anyone. I want you to keep reading to find out and to keep commenting on who you like and dislike!

    2. Well I might be one of the only ones but I don't like her and jake together, he is too whinny to me and the only time he acts like a man is when he gets territorial with lily. I also don't like lily ' s personality with him, she always having to run to him I like when men chase women. Jake still hasn't told her about his years ago relationship that makes him still insecure so waiting for that wo is me scene to happen. Great writing even if I don't like the main couple together.

  12. I'm still rooting for Lily & Jake to be together ! I think once they talk about Cara then Lily will have more of an understanding of where Jake is coming from of why he had that sort of reaction ! && I still feel like they can grow as couple still since it's still new to the both of them with strong feelings on both sides !

    1. I agree. The clothes thing was just a weekend thing... I don't see it as controlling... but a form of foreplay ;) Tit for tat as it were. If Jake opens up about his past relationship... I think it will help Lily have a greater understanding of Jake's possessiveness...Then she may tone down the friendliness with her friends.... Lily seems to be a touchy feely type of girl, I can see how it can be a sore point with any beau, especially to one who has been cheated on. An innocent hug to one, may not be to someone else.

  13. I love you're blog but I can't stand the excessive use of y'all . I dont think Jake is curdling controlling. Lily clearly has feelings for ethan. He's the one she went to when she had her work problem, she's always around him, is touchy feely with him and now hearing these she and rocky were talking about her marrying him? Poor Jake.

    1. As awkward as it is to read y'all, thats how awkward it is for me to say you all. Definitely a Southern thing. Lol. The first time I went to Seattle for school, people literally laughed everytime said it.

      But when I'm writing, I'll take notice of that and switch it up!

      Thank you!

    2. Don't switch it up! Aren't they in Texas? I doubt many people use "you all" there...

    3. We don't. But if its annoying to you all I will limit it ;-)

  14. They're from Texas. That's how they speak.

  15. It drives me crazy that Lily is always barefoot! Idk why. Lol

    Also, Jake needs to slow his roll. He is really going to make a scene based on something a child said? Ugh. I can't.

    1. Must admit, I love being barefoot. I get comments about it too :-)

  16. Can I say that I absolute love Chris Isaak's "Wicked Games", it is one of my all-time favorite songs! That said, I can understand why Jake would feel insecure. I mean, first he found out that Lily confided in Ethan instead of him, second she was extremely touchy feely with Ethan, third he knows of their history and fourth EJ saying that Rocky and Lily were talking about Ethan and Lily getting married. He was probably hurt and annoyed. If the tables were turned, I'm sure Lily would have been pissed. I think Lily and Jake need to have a heart to heart discussion and clear the air. I love your blog and I'm so glad I finally caught up!!

  17. Sometimes you have to suck it up jake. If you feel like it's not going anywhere,then just let it go. like I said before the last post a few weeks ago"Lily don't need another dad".

  18. Well I finally caught back up!!! I love having a lot to read here, I love Jake and I don't think he is controlling or anything like that I think he has some trust issues because the other girl cheated on him.. I don't think he is really controlling Lily because she told him he could pick out her outfits for the weekend and yes it was a long weekend so Monday counted too!! I want Tervor and Ethan to back off and let Lily and Jake be together for a
    While at least!! I love your writing I can't wait to see what is to come up!! I do think Lily and Jake need to talk about this tho and not just have sex and forget about it!!! Can't wait!

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