Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Waking Up in Vegas

Don't be a baby
Remember what you told me
Shut up and put your money where your mouth is
That's what you get for waking up in Vegas
Get up and shake the glitter off your clothes now
That's what you get for waking up in Vegas- Waking Up in Vegas by Katy Perry 


"Jake..." I groaned, burrowing into the bed. "Phone."

"It's my birthday..." He murmured.

"Not till Tuesday. And it's on your side." I debated him.

He reached over, groaning, and answered it.

I stretched out in the big, comfortable bed. My body was aching, but each ache reminded me of how much fun I had with Jake last night. My body throbbed with pleasure just thinking about it.

The night before, Jake fondled me from behind as we looked over the Vegas strip from the window in the bedroom. When he started to unhook my dress, I tried to relocate us to the bed, but he held me in place and removed it.  He kissed me all over my body before propping me against the window. I moaned when he put on a condom and pushed inside of me. He didn't take me to the bed until he was ready to change positions. We stayed up late exploring new positions; hence why we both were exhausted, sore and unwilling to leave the comfort of bed.

I tuned out his conversation as I snuggled in the bed. I was *this* close to falling back asleep, when the covers were pulled off of me.


I curled up, glaring at him as the cold air from the ac blasted my naked body.

"Wake up. Time for breakfast."

"Fuck Breakfast." I declared, reaching for the comforter.

"Alright, I bought all day passes. So I guess it's OK if you wanna skip breakfast and unlimited mimosas. I'm sure lunch will be just as good." Jake commented, throwing the covers on me.

I groaned and sat up. I was not missing breakfast nor unlimited mimosas!

After we washed up and changed, we went to the buffet. Brandon, Rocky, Omar and Kelly were already there. After making our plates, we joined them. I told Rocky and Brandon about our gambling adventure the night before.

Rocky and Brandon ended up walking the strip. They spent 10 dollars at every casino they passed. They broke even and spent the rest of the night at a bar before heading back.

Rocky informed me of a mini shopping mall she found on the strip that she wanted to go back to. I looked at Jake.

"What's the plan for the day?" I asked.

"If you wanna go shopping, that's fine. We have that dance show tonight. Omar set us up for classes at the Motor Speedway." Jake told me.

"Classes?" I asked, excitedly.

"Racing school. We can drive Ferraris or Lamborghinis." Jake explained.

"We figured you girls could have a spa day or something." Omar butted in.

Honestly, racing exotic cars sounded so much more fun than a spa day that I could do at home.

Rocky watched me, expectantly.

"I thought your actual birthday was guys only sausage fest day. On the boat." I questioned.

"I decided to make that everyone included. That way y'all can make food." Jake smiled at me.

"Well, as fun as that sounds, I can't. I have to be at work." I said, regretfully.

Jake looked at me confused. "Since when do you work on Tuesdays?"

"Since 3 therapists left and I can't fit all my patients in 4 days." I replied.

Jake frowned up. "We'll figure Tuesday out. What do you wanna do today?"

"I wanna go shopping." I said. I figured I'd let them have their day.

After that was figured out, we enjoyed breakfast. Jasmine and Reggie joined us. They were planning to do their own thing that day but we're just as excited about the Jabbawockeez as I was. No one knew where Colton and Malik were, but they were planning on going to race cars as well. Frankie and Tonya were going too. I was more than a little pissed that Tonya was going on the guy's outing, but I already made my decision.

We went our separate ways. The boys (and Tonya!) left for the driving school while Kelly, Rocky and I set off on our own adventure. Our only plan was to do some shopping and just see where the day took us.

After taking pictures outside the Luxor (in front of the sphinx of course) we walked the strip. We documented our trip, stopping to take a ton of pictures on the way. I actually had a great time with Kelly. She was so fun and silly. I guess opposites do attract cause Omar had no sense of humor at all.

We found a mini mall and did some window shopping. Rocky bought herself an insanely expensive Dolce Bag. I ended up finding an Alpina watch for Jake's birthday. Kelly assured me he would love it. Apparently his dad bought him one for his 21st birthday. It was stolen and he never replaced it. I decided to buy him one, upgraded of course and maybe stick it in a pinata just to spite Omar.

On the way back to the hotel, we saw the New York, New York roller coaster and stopped to ride it. We then jumped on the tram to head back to the hotel. I gave Jake a call to see what they were up to, but I got no response. I didn't feel too bad after Rocky couldn't get in touch with Brandon.

"Good. Now I can go to the room and get a nap." Rocky decided.

"Good idea!" Kelly replied. "I'm exhausted all the time lately."

I nodded, but I wasn't tired at all. I decided I would stay up and explore the hotel.

We got off the tram and walked to the Luxor.

"This was really fun Lily. You look really nice today. I just wanted you to know how much I enjoy our time together." Rocky said.

I looked at her like she was crazy. What the fuck was her problem? I kept waiting for the punchline, but it didn't come.

"Um, ok. Thanks Rocky. It was fun hanging out with you too..." I thanked her.


We went to our respective rooms. After hiding Jake's gift in my luggage, I left the room. I aimlessly walked the resort. I found a Jabbawockeez's gift shop and purchased a tank top and a mask for the show. I wandered around the casino shops before making my way back to the main entrance. I was debating whether it would be weird to go to the buffet alone when I heard someone call my name. I looked up to see Malik.

"Hey." I greeted him. "So y'all are back?"

"Brandon, Colton and I are. The rest of them went to a car show." Malik answered.

I rolled my eyes. "Of course they did. Cause there are no car shows in Dallas."

Malik laughed. "That's your boyfriend."

"I'm sure it was Omar. He wanted us girls to do a spa day like they don't have spas in Dallas. Where were you headed?" I asked.

"I'm going to the GMG." He said.

"Gambling? Who's all going?" I asked.

"Just me, and I'm not gambling..." he said, shortly.

"Oh ok." I said, embarrassed. I probably shouldn't have asked. It probably sounded weird without Jake joining us. Especially if he thought I was a homie hopper like Omar said...

He looked embarrassed now. "Don't laugh, but I'm actually going to the CSI exhibit. I'm going to school for forensic science. I just wanted to check it out. You're welcomed to come." Malik invited me.

I smiled. "That sounds cool. Let me try to call Jake again. Be right back."

He smiled too. "Sure."

I tried to call Jake on my way back to the room. When I got no answer, I texted him about leaving with Malik.  After I put my purchases away in our room, I checked my phone. After one last call, I shrugged it off and decided to go. I met back up with Malik and we headed to the MGM.

I was so glad I ran into Malik. The exhibit was so much fun. We picked the crime scene where a lady's body was found behind a hotel. We took down our observations and clues while we read through the displays. We actually made the experience more interactive, to the amusement and annoyance of those around us. Malik educated me on real crime scene investigations while I threw out wild theories on what I believed happened. The wilder my theories were, the harder Malik laughed at me. When I took a selfie near the "dead body", he laughed and told me it was time to go.

We went to the food court first and ate at Nathan's Famous Hotdogs. While we were finishing up, Jake finally called me back.

"Where are you?" He asked.

"Still at MGM with Malik. We're about to head back." I told him quickly.

"Ok. I'll see you when y'all get back." He said.

I rushed Malik out so we could hurry back. I knew Malik was Jake's friend, but I didn't know the protocol on this type of situation. That's why I tried to text Jake first.

We went straight to the room when we got to the hotel. Jake, Omar, Frankie, Kelly and Tonya were hanging in the living area, drinking Patrón.

"Hey guys." I said smiling as I joined them. I sat next to Jake on the couch. Malik grabbed a chair. "What kind of car did you drive?" I asked Jake.

"I did laps in a Ferrari and a Lamborghini." Jake said, wrapping his arm around me.

"Wow and you're still in one piece. What about the cars?" I grinned.

"They're fine, but I now decided I want a plane and a Ferrari." Jake answered.

"So I'm going to need to build a race track on Lilytopia?"

"Naw. Street racing is fine with me."

"Did y'all have fun?" Omar asked Malik and me.

"Yeah. Until Lily started taking selfies at the crime scene. She had people looking at us all crazy." Malik grinned.

"Whatever! They were already looking at you crazy! Every time you pointed out how inaccurate the show is." I smirked.

"Whatever to you. Sorry I ruined the exhibit with facts." Malik countered.

"It's a TV show. No one cares about facts." I laughed. I pulled out the picture we took and purchased at the exhibit to show Jake.

"See? Someone gave me a gun." I smiled.

The picture had a CSI background. I was wearing a prop vest over my blouse and denim short shorts. My hair was flipped dramatically to the side as I posed for the camera, the gun pointed straight at it. Malik wore the CSI cap and was posing with handcuffs next to me. We both wore serious expressions on our face.

"Looks like you had fun." Jake said, with a little smile. "Do you wanna grab something to eat?"

"Looks like they already did." Omar said, nodding towards the Nathan's disposals cups we both held.

"I can eat again." I said, quickly.

Jake gave me a full smile. "Of course you can."

"Shut. Up." I smiled at him.


After dinner at the buffet, we went back up to our room to get ready for the Jabbawockeez's show. I excitedly showered and dressed. I stood in the bathroom mirror, teasing my hair into a bouffant ponytail. I smiled at my image when I had it perfect. After I put on my make-up, I closed the door to get dressed. I put on the Jabbawockeez tank tucked into a red high waisted bandage skirt. I stepped out of the bedroom and into the living room.

Jake was dressed in black relaxed fit jeans and a blue short sleeved button up. He looked so sexy with the top buttons undone. I looked him over as I grabbed my shoes. He watched me from the couch as I put on black booties. I turned to meet his eyes. He had a thoughtful expression on his face, but his eyes looked intense.

"What?" I asked, nervously.

"Nothing." He said, simply.

That made me even more nervous. "What is it? Really?" I asked.

Whatever it was, I wanted to work it out right now. I didn't wanna take the chance of me doing something wrong and getting into a fight in front of everyone. I hoped this wasn't about Malik...

"I was thinking about how sexy you are and how many ways I wanna prove you're mine on this couch." That made my pulse quicken. "But I figured you wouldn't want that since you're ready to go. So I'm planning what I'm going to do to you later on." Jake laid out for me.

I walked over to him and put my hands on his shoulders. "You have nothing to prove. I'm yours. But I can't wait for tonight."

His hand trailed up my leg, stopping as he caressed my butt in my skirt. "Say it again Lily." He demanded, looking me in the eyes.

"I'm yours Jake." I repeated.

Thank God the phone rang, breaking the spell that was casted between us. I was looking forward to this show, but Jake had a way of touching me that made me forget my plans. I didn't want to take that chance.

I left to answer the phone. It was Jasmine, asking where we were meeting. I told her our room. After they came, we left and met Brandon, Rocky, and Malik. The others were going to see Fantasy, a show girl performance. We arrived at the theater and took pictures outside by the display of the life sized Jabbawockeez mannequins and a huge mask. After buying souvenir cups filled with cocktails, we made our way to our seats. One of the Jabbawockeez was already entertaining the crowd as everyone got seated.

Our seats were right in the middle, which turned out to be the best seats. It was an intimate theater, so all the seats were good seats as far as seeing the action. Our seats just weren't too far away nor too close to the stage so we could see the whole show. It was an amazing show!

The choreography and the tricks were the best, but I expected that. Even on the amateur talent show years ago, their dancing was outstanding. What really made the show was the music, the lights, the costumes, the crowd interaction and the humor. I died when they brought up a women from the front row and measured her butt. When "Big booty hoe" started playing, I busted up laughing. That was the only reason I would wanna be up front: crowd participation. But even after the show, they ran through the crowd and hi fived everyone.

We all loved it. Even Jake and he only came because I wanted to see it.

"Gotta admit, that was the best show I've seen in Vegas. Ever." Jake confessed as we walked out the theater.

I grabbed his arm, beaming at him. "I told you babe! They're amazing! So much more than just dancing." I exclaimed.

"I don't know about y'all, but that made me wanna go dancing." Brandon declared.

"Yes!!!" Jasmine and I agreed, enthusiastically. Rocky grinned.

"I know a club on the strip..." Malik offered.

"Let's wait for the others." Jake said.

We all went back to Jake's and my room. While Jake texted the rest of them, Malik pulled up the club on his phone. I went ahead and reserved VIP seating that included bottle service. I spent my winnings, but it would be worth it not to worry about the lines.

"Grambling won the State Fair Classic." I heard Brandon tell Rocky. The State Fair of Texas started this weekend. It was at Fair Park, with the Cotton Ball Stadium right in the middle. The State Fair was famous (or infamous) for a few reasons: being huge, frying everything (fried butter was a hit with Oprah), and football. It hosted a ton of college football games. Including the Red River Rivalry of OU and UT and the State Fair Classic of Grambling and Prairie View A&M.

Rocky looked at his phone. "Awww, look at the kids. They look so cute. Lily, come see!"

"Later." I said, pretending like I was busy on my phone. Ethan graduated from Prairie View and Will, Amber's husband, went to Grambling for a year. I knew those were the kids in the picture. Not going to lie, it was weird they were all hanging out, but Ethan didn't want to be my friend. I wasn't trying to dwell on it. That's why I didn't wanna see the picture right now. I got up instead and made my way to the wet bar. I poured a shot of tequila into a Scarface shot glass Omar brought Jake and drank it down.

"So it's going be that type of night?" Jake asked me, taking my shot glass and pouring one for himself.

"That's right. Turn up!"


And that was the official theme for the rest of the night. Omar and Kelly ended up not joining us. She had too much to drink and was feeling sick. Colton, Frankie and Tonya did and we walked to the club together. We had a minimal wait because we reserved a table. Still too long for Rocky's taste cause I paid for the overpriced bottle service, but well worth it in my opinion. We sat and drank before making our way to the dance floor. I was having so much fun dancing with everyone. The DJ was from another country and was really becoming popular here according to Reggie. It was mostly house music with hip hop and pop mixed in. I was loving the mix. Especially when he played some Maroon5.

When Adam Levine's sexy voice cut over the house beats, I started dancing against Jake, my back against his front.

"Don't tell no lie, lie lie lie
You can't deny, ny ny ny
That beast inside, side side side
Yeah yeah yeah"

I sang along with the song while grinding my hips against Jake's groin. He quickly turned me around and wrapped his arms around my waist. I smiled and placed my hands around his neck. I distinctively remember hearing Adam Levine howling over the speakers before I recall nothing but Jake's kiss. It was deep, hungry, almost desperate as he claimed my lips with his. I was breathless when he finally pulled away.

"Can we leave Cariño?" He asked.

Even in the flashing lights of the club, I saw the intensity in his eyes. I nodded, unable to speak. He pointed to the front to Frankie, signaling that we were leaving. When Frankie nodded, Jake took my hand and led the way out the club. I followed closely behind him.

We caught a taxi on the way back. It was way overpriced for the short distance, but I would have paid double just to get to the hotel as fast as possible.

We barely made it to the room. His lips were glued to mine in the elevator and his fingers were already between my legs. I was sure someone was getting a show from the cameras, but I was also sure whoever it was seen worse.

When the elevator door opened, he pulled me out the elevator. He unlocked the door and led me into our room. I turned to close and lock the door. When I turned back around, he trapped me between his body and the door. I melted against him when he pressed his lips against mine. His hands were everywhere as our lips embraced: My thighs, stomach, butt, under my tank, then under my bra. My hands reached between our bodies to unbutton his jeans.

"Bedroom." He groaned, pulling back.

"No." I panted, working on his zipper.

"Condoms." He said.

"I'm on birth control."

Jake lifted my chin so our eyes locked. "Are you sure?"

I nodded, impatiently. "Yes. I need you."

He then lifted my leg up, pushing me against the door. He pushed my skirt higher on my thighs and pulled my panties to the side. In one hard thrust, he was all the way inside of me. I gasped at the feeling of him and nothing else.

"Cada día que pasa te amo más. Estoy enamorada de ti. {Every day I love you more. I'm in love with you.}" He moaned between kisses as he pumped his hips into me.

"I.. love you... too Jake. So... much..." I said, between breaths as he thrust deeper inside me.

He lifted my other leg so he was holding me. I wrapped my arms and legs around him as he carried me to the bed. We spent the rest of the night expressing our love through words and our bodies.


  1. Man I really loved reading this blog in the beginning but ever since jake came into the picture I've been reading and wishing with each new post they would break up. Feels like this post was another one of those, make jake do nothing wrong to try and make everyone like him more. Well I still don't and just because he didn't make a scene about anything this time doesn't make me believe he's all better and working on it. Good writing I just hope jake isn't who she ends up with

    1. I agree and having Lilly text Jake because she wasn't sure of protocol when she wanted to go to the CSI thing was sad. Reading about Jake and Lilly use to be fun, now it's a chore because I feel sad for her and hate Jake's controlling ways.

    2. I don't see the problem with texting your significant other when you're about to head out on a 1-1 outing with his friend. I'd text my husband without thinking twice...especially if he had a friend like Omar who is clearly looking for anything Lily does to twist it into something negative.

    3. Yes but it's not like she texted him to let him know. She texted him because she was scared he would be pissed and wanted permission. I text my boyfriend to let him know what i'm up as well but i know he trusts me enough and don't worry about protocol or pissing him off.

    4. Agree with anon 4:46

    5. Interesting the OP thinks this post served to make readers like Jake. No, he didn't flip out over anything, but it's more important to focus on why he didn't.

  2. I completely agree with the other commentators. At first i like jake but i really really do not like jake. Every post i see i keep hoping that they broke or break up. Please have this toxic relationship end; sooner the better.

  3. I love your blog!!
    I hope you stick to whatever plan you have for lily and aren't swayed to change who she ends up with because of the comments. People are obviously still reading so you keep writing the story however you want! :)

    1. We keep reading but we also keep hoping it will change haha

    2. Thank you!

      There's so many things going on right now, I couldn't change the storyline if I wanted to lol. I am speeding it along a little bit. Jake is so polarizing, I've been toying with a POV bonus for him... but I think everyone can agree that they need to figure their relationship out.

      As far as who she ends up with, that's constantly evolving. Hopefully everyone keeps reading to find out! Who knows.... maybe she hasn't met him yet :-)

    3. I was gonna say the exact same thing. Kudos to you for sticking with your storyline. I've said it once before, and I'll say it again..we as readers don't always have to like the way some things happen, or phases, but it doesn't mean we don't enjoy/appreciate your writing.

      Although I personally don't mind where things are in the story right now..There's a lot of diversity and controversy and that's not a bad thing.

  4. So is Kelly pregnant??

    1. Lol, I had the same idea as you! Maybe the idea of being a dad will pull the stick out of Omar's butt.
