Sunday, September 28, 2014

Luck Be A Lady

"A lady doesn't leave her escort
It isn't fair. It isn't nice.
A lady doesn't wander all over the room
And blow on some other guy's dice
Lets keep the party polite
Never get out of my sight
Stick with me baby, I'm the fella you came in with.
Luck be lady tonight." Luck Be A Lady by Frank Sinatra 

Jake called me when they arrived in Vegas Thursday. I told him to live it up and enjoy his time without me. He responded by saying he was counting down the seconds until I got there. Judging by the pictures, he wasn't desperately awaiting my arrival like he claimed, but I was glad he was having fun. I couldn't wait to join in.

Friday went by soooo slowly. Jordan and I looked through my Facebook to see all the pictures they posted of the Luxor and the whole group hanging by the pool with drinks. Rocky texted me a picture of the steak and seafood dinner she had with Brandon. I texted her back that they looked really good together, but the food looked better!

I already had a game plan to ensure no drama, fights, or misunderstandings. My plan was to be the perfect girlfriend to Jake. I was going to stick by his side, cater to him and show him he had no reason to ever doubt my loyalty or feelings for him. He would never have to fear me cheating on him. I hoped that would help with his trust issues. He was willing to work with me. I didn't mind working with him now that I knew what the issue was.

My plan also erased the uncomfortable feeling about being around everyone. Once they saw how good we were together, they would get over whatever misconceptions they had about me. As long as they saw we were in a committed relationship, that's what mattered to me. And my behavior would definitely show that!

I ducked out of the clinic as soon as my last appointment was over. I didn't even bring my work bag. I left it in the car so I would have no reason to pass by Sandra's office. I left with my patient and rushed home.

I took a 5 minute shower, changed into a maxi dress and cardigan, then called a cab. I double checked to make sure I had everything I needed in my 3 bags. I had a rolling luggage bag, a matching carry on bag and my purse. I wasn't checking in any bags. I was trying to save time and money.

When the cab arrived, I threw my things in the trunk and hopped in. We barely beat the traffic. I could tell it was already starting to get heavy. I thanked the driver, paid and tipped him before heading to my gate.

35 minutes later, I was at my terminal. I found an  empty seat and pulled out my phone. I had missed calls from Jasmine and Jake. I called Jake back first.

"Hey Cariño. Did you get off on time?" Jake questioned.

"I did. I'm at the airport right now."

"Give Jasmine a call. They should be there soon."

"She was my next call babe."

"Ok. Call me before you board."

"Will do."

After I got off the phone, I called Jasmine. She informed me they were waiting at the TSA check. I told her where she could find me at our terminal. 15 minutes later, they were joining me. After we said hello, we headed to a bar. I requested wine. I wanted to sleep on the plane ride so I would be well rested for the night. When Reggie left to retrieve our drinks, Jasmine turned to me.

"So you and Jake ok?" She asked.

"Yeah. No thanks to you. What did you tell him? He thought I didn't want to come."

"I stretched the truth a little and said you were debating coming,.. Only because he thought y'all were cool." Jasmine replied.

"We were. Everyone else is making a big deal of it." I countered.

"Lily, we couldn't even talk about it without you looking ready to cry. I love y'all together. I love my brother, but don't be afraid to call him out on his bullshit. You don't deserve to pay for what that bitch put him through." Jasmine finished before Reggie came back.

I drank two glasses of wine before I settled my bill and we headed back to the terminal. I called Jake as we were boarding. I told him I would call when we arrived. By the time the plane was ascending, I was knocked out.

I slept through majority of our flight. Vegas was two hours behind our time, so it was still early in the evening when we arrived. I tried to call Jake, but he didn't answer. I texted him while we waited to get off the plane.

We hurried to the baggage claim to retrieve their bag. While they waited, I went to the bathroom. I was debating grabbing something to eat. I hadn't eaten since breakfast, but food left my mind when I saw Jake standing with Jasmine and Reggie. I rushed right over. He smiled at me as I hugged him. I realized it had only been a day, but I was so excited to see him.

"What are you doing here? I thought we were meeting at the hotel?" I asked him.

"I didn't wanna wait any more seconds."

I grinned and kissed him.

"Awww, how cute!" Jasmine cheered.

Jake grabbed my hand and led us to the exit. We piled into a taxi van. Jake told the driver the location before filling us in on the plans for the night. Apparently Omar set up reservations for dinner at a restaurant at the casino resort. Afterwards, Jake wanted to gamble. We had about an hour and a half before dinner.

I couldn't wait to explore the resort, so Jake and I left Jasmine and Reggie to check in while we went to our room. I took in the decor on the way. The Egyptian theme was very well done. The elevator ride was an experience itself. Since the hotel was a pyramid, it traveled up the slanted sides at an angle. It felt like we were going sideways. It was so cool.

When we got to our floor, I stopped to look over the balcony. It was like I was overlooking an alternative Egyptian universe, just with flashing lights and slot machines. I adored it.

"Ohmigosh. I'm so excited!" I gushed to Jake. He gave me a smile.

"Come check out the room." He said, waving me over. I followed him. He pulled out the hotel key and opened the door.

I walked in and was immediately surprised. It was a different room then the one he showed me online. It was bigger, with a separate living area including a wet bar and a breakfast nook. The view from the window included the strip and a great view of the surrounding hotels. The bedroom had a king bed and the same view as the living room. Even the bathroom was impressive, with a separate shower and bath and dual vanity.

"Jake, this is not the same room, but it's so nice!" I smiled.

"Birthday upgrade." He revealed, watching me as I stood in the window.

"The view was amazing last night, right?" I asked Jake. I was sure it would be at night with the hotels, casinos and airport lit up.

"It's better right now." He informed me as he walked over to me.

"Really? Even without the strippers?" I teased him. He wrapped his arms around me.

"There were no strippers here last night." He said, before kissing me on my neck.

"That's not what I heard..." I shuddered, as his lips sent sparks all over my body.

"You heard wrong." He turned me around so I was facing him and leaned his forehead against mine.

"Thank you for coming Lily and for putting up with me. I promise from now on I'm gonna be worthy of being your boyfriend."

I pulled my head back to look up into his eyes. "Jake, you already are. There's no place I'd rather be than right here with you."

He leaned in to kiss me. His kiss started of sweet and gentle, but intensified as we held each other closer. The only thing that stopped our make out was my stomach growling.

Jake pulled away. "I'm guessing there is another place you'd rather be. Anywhere with food?" He grinned.

"Shut up! I worked through my lunch today. I only had time for wine at the airport." I told him.

"Get dressed. I'll go get you something to snack on."


He left and I jumped in the shower. I hurried out when I heard the room phone ringing. It was Jasmine, asking if I wanted to get dressed with her. I told her I already took a shower and she replied she could come to our room. I told her to give me five minutes and I would call her back.

I texted Jake to make sure he was ok with that. When he replied that he was, I called her and Rocky to see if everyone wanted to get dressed together. Jasmine told me she would call Kelly and Tanya, Jake's cousin's girlfriend, to see if they wanted to join. 10 minutes later, Jasmine, Rocky, and Brandon had made it over.

I guessed Rocky was right about Brandon needing to relax. He actually greeted me with a genuine smile and hug. It was before Jake returned with a slice of pizza from the food court, so I knew it wasn't for Jake's benefit.

Brandon cocked an eyebrow at me after Jake surrendered the slice of pizza. "You know we're getting dressed to go eat right?"

"Yeah, but I'm hungry now." I informed him, taking a hearty bite of the pepperoni pizza.

"Who said something about you showing your inner fat kid?" Rocky mused.

"Whatever... Where are we going to eat anyway?" I asked Jake, changing the subject. Forrest made that comment, but I didn't wanna talk about him around Jake.

"I'm not sure." Jake answered. There was a knock at the door and he went to go answer it. Kelly and Omar joined us in the living area.

"What restaurant are we going to?" Jake asked Omar.

"Tacos and Tequila." Omar answered.

I grinned at Jake. "Typical. Are we going to wear sombreros and dance in a circle too?" I joked.

Jake laughed while Omar turned to me.

"You do know the guy you're dating is Mexican?" He asked me.

I gave Omar a fake, sugary sweet smile. "I sure do. I even brought a pinata for his birthday."

Everyone laughed but Omar.

"She's joking Omar." Jake smiled.

When the boys left, we got glammed up for the night. Jasmine helped everyone with their hair. Rocky even talked to her about setting up a hair appointment cause she was ready for something different.

Rocky and I put on the Bebe dresses we bought at the mall. Rocky had her hair in upright pinned curls that fell to her neck. It looked amazing with her subtle, fresh faced make-up and sexy yellow dress. I wore my hair straight, all pushed over one side of my shoulder with my bangs swept over my forehead. I wanted to make sure my hair didn't cover up the cut out back of the dress. My make-up was more dramatic featuring gold shimmer and coral pink lipstick.

Jasmine wore her Express dress. Her make-up looked amazing with fake lashes and bold red lipstick. Her hair was in thick, wild, sexy curls.

Kelly wore a navy blue jumpsuit that her breasts looked amazing in. Even I couldn't help looking. Her make-up was the most dramatic, with thick dark liner and wine red lips. It looked stunning with her black hair flowing in waves like a dark curtain framing her face.

We got looks from both men and women as we made our way down to the lobby. The only person's attention I wanted was Jake's. Warmth spread throughout my body at his heated glaze. He looked me over twice from the top of my head to the point of the heels he bought me before he stood from the lounger he was sitting on.

He looked a sexy mixture of casual but dressy in dark khakis and a forest green v-neck shirt.

"Cariño, you look so beautiful." He said, as I settled by his side.

I smiled at the surprised quality in his tone.

"Sounds like you had doubts..."

"Not at all. You just look better than I could imagine."

"Good answer." I said, kissing him on the cheek." You look good too."

Malik and Colton were already at the restaurant. When Frankie and Tonya showed up, we made our way over there too.

We were seated right away at a large table. It was a good thing Omar made reservations because it was crowded, but I wasn't giving him any kudos.

"What are you getting?" Jake asked me, as I perused the menu.

"Tacos and tequila." I answered.

Jake laughed at me. "For real..."

I laughed too. "I am! Just trying to figure out which ones. I didn't realize there was so many types of tequila."

"Let's do a flight." Jake suggested.

"What is that?" I asked him.

"You'll see."

A flight ended up being a tower of different tequila shots. I was sure there were differences in the flavor, but by my 4th sample shot, I couldn't tell the fucking difference.

Everyone took shots. Our table was growing more loud and obnoxious, but in a fun way (I hoped). Eventually, we went around the table and all toasted the birthday boy.

Malik started it off. "Happy birthday man! I would wish you happiness and love and success and shit, but looking around this table, I know you got it!"

"I wish you more happiness, love, success and shit." Colton followed up. I laughed at him.

"To the last year of your 20s! Time to turn up!" Brandon said in his Kevin Hart voice. We all busted up laughing.

"Turn it down. You're too damn old primo!" Frankie grinned. Jake laughed harder.

"Happy birthday big brother." Jasmine smiled at him. "And you're only as old as you feel!"

"And how you act. Here's to growing the fuck up." Rocky toasted, with a wry smile on her face. To everyone else, it seemed playful, but I could tell by the look in her eyes, she was dead serious.

"Ouch!" Rocky exclaimed when I "accidentally" stepped on her toe. She glared at me.

"My bad." I smiled.

"As someone who has grown up with you, I just wanna say I'm proud of you." Omar started. "You've been my best friend since the 2nd grade. We've seen so many different people come and go, but we're still best friends. More than that, we're family. That means we stick together no matter what." Omar went on.

Jake nodded at him. I literally had to focus on my tacos sitting in front of me to keep from rolling my eyes. Come on dude. I knew we had been drinking, but fuck! Just say happy birthday and keep it fucking moving.

"We came so far together. I feel like we made it man! So I do wanna wish you a happy birthday. And happiness, success, love. But wisdom too. So come next year, we'll be right here. Maybe upgraded, but right here." Omar finally finished. I could have sworn he eyeballed me on that last sentence... I wanted to ask him what the fuck he meant by that, but I bit my tongue, again. I was afraid my tongue was going to bleed!

"What da?.." Rocky muttered under her breath as Jake and Omar took a shot together. She looked at Brandon and me."What the fuck is this? Started from the bottom now we're here? Drake looking ass-"

"Rocky!" I interrupted her, holding my laughter. Barely. Brandon didn't. He laughed out loud. Rocky joined him.

"What's so funny?" Jake asked, putting his arm around me to pull me closer,

"Nothing. I just wanna say happy birthday. I wish I could make it like your birthday every day. And be your gift. And give you something good to celebrate!" I blurted out, smiling.

"Really cariño? I've listened to your horrible music long enough to know that's a song." Jake grinned.

Kelly smiled. "I thought that sounded familiar."

"Katy Perry." Jasmine laughed.

"Would you rather I sing Las Mañanitas to you?" I asked.

"No babe. Stick to Katy Perry." Jake said quickly.

Everyone laughed as I kissed him on the lips. I flashed a smile to Omar when I pulled away. He just stared at us.

After dinner, which was delicious, we made our way to the casino. Jake wanted to play at the tables. Watching him play wasn't my first choice of entertainment, but I wasn't leaving Jake's side.

Jake surprised me by making me sit at the blackjack table.

"Jake, no. I have no idea how to bet."

"I got that. Just play your hand." He said, standing behind me with his hand resting on my waist.

"How much is that?" I asked, as he placed the bet on the table.

"Don't worry about that." Jake smiled.

"Jake, no! At least use my money." I protested.

"Shut up and play your hand."

Alright then.

I did. And lost.

"I can't focus until I know how much the chips are!" I complained.

Jake then told me the amounts. And I played the next hand. And lost.

"What's your excuse now?" Jake laughed.

"You shut up!"

After a few more hands, I had the betting down and Jake sat beside me and played his own hand. Now that I had the betting down, I was having so much fun. The free drinks while we gambled definitely kept me in high spirits. Even as I lost my money and Omar and Kelly joined us. In between tables, Jake and I planned what we would do if we hit it big.

"I'm gonna buy a plane." He announced to us."Then I'm going to quit my job, learn how to fly it and just go wherever I want. Barbados one week. Then Spain the next." He explained.

"Babe! You can come visit me on the island I'm going to buy!" I said, as we made our way around the casino. We were trying to find a roulette table. Jake had a feeling. He needed to bet his money on odd red.

"An island? Really?" Kelly smiled.

"Yes. Lilyland. Or Lilytopia. Or just Lily's island." I contemplated.

"You don't wanna travel with me?" Jake asked.

"I do, but the island will be our home and investment. So we don't run out of money." I planned out.

"Why isn't his name in the title then?" Omar asked.

"Cause that's douche-y. You can name the plane Jake. THERE IT IS!!!" I exclaimed, excitedly, pointing out the roulette table.

Jake pulled out the rest of his chips.

"Wait!" I said, pulling out my chips too. "You bet red. I'll bet odd."

"No." He laughed. "What if my feeling is wrong?"

"Shhhh!" I said, covering his mouth. "Besides, it's not my money. It's my dad's."

"Your dad gave you money?" Jake asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Yes. He's such a control freak. It's ridiculous. He thinks of the worst case scenarios and then sends me money like it will prevent it from happening."

I placed my money on odd. Jake placed his on red. Kelly and Omar just watched. When the ball landed on red 27, Jake and I both freaked the fuck out.

"No fucking way!" Omar exclaimed, as Jake and I laughed.

"Ohmigod! Is that enough for my island?" I shrieked.

Jake shook his head. "No, but it's a start."

"How did you do that? Birthday luck?" I interrogated Jake.

"Naw. I got lucky before my birthday." Jake said, pulling me close to him. His kissed me passionately on the lips. I almost forgot where we were, until the dealer cut in.

"Are you pressing your luck?" He asked.

"Fuck no!" I exclaimed, pulling away. We quickly pulled our money from the table.

"Ready to go upstairs and get lucky?" Jake whispered in my ear after we gathered our chips.

I flushed. "Whatever you want. It's your birthday."

Jake grinned. " Remember you said that." He turned around to Omar and Kelly. "We're going to our room. See y'all in the morning."

"See ya."


I smiled at them before grabbing Jake's arm as we headed to our room.


  1. Lily saying that she had a "plan" to be the perfect girlfriend made me sad, but it was nice to see Jake behaving himself!

  2. Hi, I'm a total addict to fiction blogs. I follow several but this is my first time commenting on any blog. I've really enjoyed this blog. I think your writing is really engaging and you're really considerate about posting frequently for your fans. But this Jake/Lily plot line is giving me a bad taste in my mouth. Many of the commentators seem to agree that the way Jake has behaved is not acceptable and controlling. Yes he has baggage but that's not an excuse for current behavior. It feels like every other post is trying to reassure us that Jake isn't bad by making him act all lovey but that doesn't make up for the shit he is pulling. I just can't tell if this is all a big build up to Lily finally standing up to Jake and shutting him down or if you actually condone this kind of behavior in a relationship. That's the disturbing part. So I mean, good job creating characters that I care so much about but it's becoming very stressful to read. Lily and Jake's relationship doesn't seem healthy. I need Lily to address that more because watching her pretend it's all fine is so sad. As a major side note, I definitely wouldn't want her to end up with Ethan because he was a jerk to. Still can't believe he called her inconsistent after kissing her and then playing nice with his girlfriend right in front of her. Others have said it before in the comments: Lily needs to spend time alone or at least get a brand new start with a new guy. But no matter what, I'll keep coming back to read because I'm super invested in your writing. So keep being an awesome writer but maybe think about what this relationship looks like to your readers.

    1. Thank you for commenting! I appreciate you reading and providing feedback, even when the story line is hard.

      One of the things I said in previous comments was to try to see the relationship through Lily's eyes. Especially it being her first relationship. I stop commenting as much because I don't want to have an opinion or a voice. Just the characters point of view. So I don't condone, support, defend anything. I'm just telling stories.

      With that being said, I repeat, stick with me. Everything is coming full circle soon. If it's too hard to read, come back next week *Hint*hint*wink*wink ;-)

  3. Yeah she shouldn't have to be trying to make this work so hard so early. I don't like jake hope he's not always going to be in the picture

  4. Just on a different note... I think Omar is in love with Jake! He's so jealous of Lily it's a bit lame hahaha

    1. I thought the same thing!!!! He's obsessed!!!

  5. I love this blog and all its character. Noone has to be in love with Jake but people like this are out there. No relationship is perfect.... so write on! !!

  6. I like what Jasmine gold lily "dont be afraid to call him out on his bs". I really do think he's a good guy, he has made some wrong choices, but I wouldn't go as far as to call him abusive. Lily should stand up for herself too and not be afraid when she doesn't like something, not be afraid to be herself. Well, maybe a little more reserved less flirty, she is in a serious relationship after all....... This is new for both of them, they just need to learn boundaries and she needs to learn to set those boundaries also.
    PS: I'm all for women power and all that, but I don't mind "catering" and spoiling my bf, of course I do because I want to and when I want to, so maybe there is nothing wrong with Lily's plan.

    1. Good people can be abusive. He just may not realize how abusive and destructive his attitude and treatment is. Sometimes we get hurt so much by someone that it changes how we look at the world. He could be thinking he's guarding himself and making sure it doesn't happen again. Not realizing what he's doing to lily. Because he's more focused on never hurting like that again.

    2. And because Lily won't actually tell him how it's hurting her. I mean, she's mentioned it here and there, but I don't really feel like she's truly laid out for him just how much it's bothering her. Then again, I'm not entirely sure that Lily understands it. I think, like Janay mentioned, if we're looking at this through Lily's eyes, as her first actual relationship, she may truly believe that this is her fault and she's the one in the wrong. That's what makes me most nervous about it all. I hate that her first real relationship is making her feel like she can't do anything right and like she needs to change her behavior and attitude so much.

    3. I also think.. Wasn't her dad very controlling too? Maybe Lily thinks this is what she's supposed to be ok with. Controlling men in her life. She had to change a lot for her dad, and I believe in the beginning too with Ethan she had to change for him as well.


  7. Aside from Jakes controlling issues whether because of his past or not. I just don't like him I find him whinny and self centered, if he doesn't like something even if he is justified he runs away for days or throws a fit, he rarely calls her by her real name and they never seem to act like friends more like people who are attracted to each other and try hard to get along. Just my opinion. Love the blog because I'm opinionated about it

  8. Hmmmm I am still a weary of Jake...and Omar is such a little shit!!! Do not like him at all.

  9. I liked reading this post. I like all of them, but this especially cuz it reminded me of my trip to Vegas! A bunch of us went in March for my husband's 30th and we stayed at the Luxor too and ate @ T&T! I want to go back!
