Tuesday, August 12, 2014

It Never Rains (in Southern California)

It Never Rains (In Southern California) - Tony! Toni! Tone!

The weather in California last weekend was beautiful. Clear skies, mild heat, cool nights; overall the perfect weather you'd imagine when visiting California. I decided I was going to mirror that in my mood. I can't predict what was going to happen between Jake and me. I didn't know how I was going to handle Rocky and Trevor. I couldn't stop whatever lectures or criticisms I was going to receive from my dad and my aunt's reception of me after months of silence was completely up to her. But I knew I could control my reactions. And that was exactly what I was going to do. I let my emotions get the best of me all the time. I was not going to let that happen this weekend. Ultimately, I was there to get my stuff, and spend some time with my family. Everything else was taking a backseat.

We arrived mid morning at the airport. My dad was already waiting for us at the baggage claim. I spotted him first, and tapped Cam. I headed over to him.

"Hi dad." I said, reaching over to give him a hug.

"Lily, what did you do to your hair?" My dad said, temporarily shocked. He quickly recovered, and hugged me back.

"I dyed it. What do you think?" I asked him. He looked exactly the same. I didn't expect him to change. He was so routined. And he already started his assessment of me.

"I guess I'll have to get used to it." He said, neutrally.

I smiled. It was strangely comforting to know he would continue to be the same. It used to frustrate me but now I like knowing what to expect from him. Even if it was hating my new hair style.

"I felt the same way." Cam said, stepping up next to give dad a hug. I think that shocked my dad more than my hair color. Jenna and I shared a smile as they embraced.

"Good to see you dad." Cam said.

"Good to see you too son." My dad replied.

Cam introduced Jenna to our dad. While they made getting to know you small talk, I looked out for the bags.

When our bags finally showed up, we grabbed them then headed to my dad's vehicle. He was driving a Nissan Pathfinder. It had to be a recent purchase. He didn't have it when I moved back to Dallas.

"I was deciding what car you two could drive. I know Lily drove the Altima for a while. So you can take the Pathfinder." My dad explained to my brother.

It wasn't completely crazy he bought a car for one weekend. One of his business investments was a Nissan dealership. He traded or upgraded frequently.

"I wasn't planning on doing much going out. Jenna wants to go to the beach. I don't know about Lily, but I just wanted to relax. " Cam replied.

"After I pack, I just want to see my aunt. Besides that, I have nothing planned." I shrugged.

"Well, it's been so long since the two of you been home together, I would like to spend time with you all. So why don't you two relax and Lily can pack today. We can go out for dinner tonight, and Saturday can be your own day. Sunday, I would love it if you all joined me for brunch before you take off." My dad planned out for us.

I rolled my eyes at Jenna who was sitting in the backseat with me. She gave me a reassuring smile.

"Sounds good to me." Cam agreed.


"Sounds fabulous!" I said, over dramatically.

Jenna grinned at me and Cam shook his head. My dad lips twitched in amusement or annoyance, I couldn't tell but he ignored me.

When we arrived, we went on a tour of the house. It was interesting seeing the house through a stranger's eyes. I listened intently to my dad. My dad pointed out prized artwork and furniture Cam's mom picked out. He explained different things he loved about the house when he first purchased it right before getting married. And my brother added stories about the trouble we used to cause.

We both laughed at Cam's stories. Jenna ohhed and awwed over the house. She asked all the right question and complimented my dad's choices. Funny how perception changed things. Growing up, I felt like this house was something to escape. I didn't think of how much thought and care went into the furnishings and renovations and how many good memories were here.

After the tour, we all went in the kitchen for a lunch of grilled chicken and salad.

"I'm so hungry!" I exclaimed, when we dug into our food.

"Did you eat breakfast?" My dad asked, concerned.

"Yeah. But that was a long time ago. Time difference in all." I said.

"Sure. Blame the time difference." Cam teased. Everyone laughed but my dad. He looked me over cautiously.

After a pleasant lunch, Cam, Jenna, and my dad sat in the living room and talked while I went in to my room to start packing. I was finishing up my clothes when my brother came in.

"Why does dad think you had an eating disorder?" He asked.

"What?" I asked, feigning surprise.

Cam nodded. "He just lectured me about teasing you about the way you eat."

"You know how he is." I said, casually, hoping to blow this conversation off. "It's pointless trying to argue with him when he has made up his mind about something. So I didn't." I explained.

Cam accepted that. "How it's going in here?"

"Good. I think everything's gonna fit. I'm gonna donate a lot of this." I answered.

"So I was talking about the brunch with dad. We think you should invite your aunt and her family." Cam stated.

"Really? Dad thinks I should?" I asked.

"He agreed to it." My brother answered.

"Ok. I'll ask."

After we brought down everything I wanted to donate, we got ready to go out to dinner. I wore my black one shoulder dress I brought but didn't wear to the casino. I straightened my hair and applied light make-up and slipped on some strappy sandals.

When I came downstairs, Jenna and Cam were waiting. Jenna wore a gorgeous cream colored shift dress with her curls pinned up in a messy bun. She looked stunning. My brother wore a matching off white striped dress shirt with khaki pants. They were sitting on the couch together, Jenna was talking and Cam had his head down, laughing at what she said. They looked so beautiful and happy together. I pulled out my phone and took a picture of them. When they heard the camera shutter sound, they looked up.

"Lily, you look beautiful." Jenna smiled.

"Yeah sis. You clean up nice." Cam agreed.

"You both look disgusting. All in love and shit." I said, showing them the picture.

They both laughed. "Can you send that picture to me?" Jenna asked.

"Of course." I was sending the picture to her when my dad emerged. He was smartly dressed in a Brooks Brothers navy blue suit.

"Where are we going dad? Are we under dressed?" I asked.

"No. You look great. Lily, I know you have a blazer. Cameron, you can borrow one of my jackets." My dad answered.

"I have another dress-" Jenna started.

"Nonsense. You look radiant." My dad, complimented her.

 I didn't say anything as I went to the garage. In my donation box, I dug out a black blazer. When I returned, Cam hadn't changed. I gave him an evil eye.

"I didn't want Jenna to feel uncomfortable." Cam winked at me. When my dad led us out to his car, I kicked Cam in the calves.

Dinner was at an upscale American and French fusion restaurant that specialized in seafood. We had dinner in a private room with some of dad's friends and business associates. Obviously, my dad had already planned this. I wonder what he would have done if we had plans. But I didn't dwell on it. The night was cool and peaceful, so I was going to imitate the night.

And I did. After greeting everyone, shaking hands with the husbands and getting pulled into hugs with the wives, we sat down to order. For the most part, the conversation consisted of dad bragging about us. So all we had to do was nod and smile and agree when necessary.

"We've missed you Lily. I still can't believe you move back to Dallas. You had such a great job and opportunities here." Beatrice said, pouting. She was the general manger of a bakery my dad was an investor in. It was a poor kept secret that she and my dad were dating.

"She has great opportunities in Dallas as well." Cam replied.

"Oh, of course she does. I just hate that she had to start all over in Dallas. She had almost 2 years here." Beatrice cleaned up.

"Experience is experience as far as the medical field goes. It's actually beneficial to have different experiences. And the price of living is so much more reasonable in Dallas." I countered, as my first course of chowda was set in front of me.

"I bet if you would have stayed at the hospital, money wouldn't have been an issue." Tom Reynolds' wife Cathy said. Mr. Reynolds was one of my father's closest friends. He was retired from working in the office end of the baseball team my dad played for. He helped my dad transition to the business man he is today.

"I'm sure money was never an issue. She just doesn't want to pay more for something she can get cheaper elsewhere. She is her father's daughter." Mr. Reynolds defended me, giving me a smile.

"I just know how much her father misses having his children around." Beatrice said, making eyes at my dad.


"I'm done with my kids. I'm waiting for grandkids." My dad smiled.

The second course was brought out. I looked down into my duck breast with eggplant purée. I was waiting for sadness to overcome me, but it didn't. I didn't want to talk about grandchildren, but the regret and pain I normally felt didn't come.

"Then you better start working on Cameron moving back." Mr Reynolds announced, looking over at the happy couple. Cam had been affectionate to Jenna all night. Cam looked like he was trying to stay cool, while Jenna smiled and blushed.

"I don't know about that. Lily's been home 4 months and she already has a guy trying to win her over." Cam announced, putting the attention back on me.

I looked up at Cam, surprised.

"Really?" Dad said, eyeing me before looking back to Cam.

"Yes, I just met him. I told him he already had a strike against him." Cam replied.

"Why? What did he do?" Doug Reynolds, the Reynolds' son around Cam's age, asked.

I was dying inside. God, not this again.

"Nothing really." My brother lied. "Just didn't introduce himself to me and announce his intentions."

The table laughed at him. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"He said the only intention he could have right now was to get to know her better. If she would give him a chance." Cam finished.

I blushed. I was a mixture of thrilled and surprised.

"And that my dear, is the secret to any long lasting relationship. Make him feel like his lucky you even gave him a chance. Then, lucky that you stayed with him." Beatrice smiled at me.

The women all laughed at that.

After dessert of a wonderful Crème Fraîche, Sable Breton topped with shaved truffles, we piled up in the car. I wished everyone a good night and went to my room. I texted Jake.

Me: Hey babe. We made it.

I was supposed to call him when I made it. I wish I could say I honestly forgot, but I didn't. I purposely didn't think about it. I knew he might not respond. It was later in Dallas, so he might be out or sleep. Or annoyed that I didn't listen to him.

I changed out of my dress and into shorts and a tank top. I was brushing my teeth when my phone beeped. I rushed over to it. Toothbrush still in my mouth.

Jake: Good to hear. That was a long ass flight if you just got there. How many layovers did you have?

I grinned. At least he wasn't being an ass about it. At least I didn't think he was...

Me: None. We took the scenic route around the world.

Jake: You think you can take a direct flight on your way back to me?

Warmth spread all over my body.

Me: We'll see. No promises

I finished brushing my teeth and went to bed. With a smile on my face.


  1. Awe, I love Lily and Jake their the sweetest... Can't wait to see what's to come!! I love your blog!!

    1. Thank you! Looks like their both finally coming to realize their feelings for each other.

  2. Jake seem like a really cool guy. I'm really happy that Lily have someone like him in her corner.

    1. I know. She's already starting to heal. Let's hope she verbalize to him her feelings

  3. Not gonna lie, Lily is driving me a little crazy with not just being direct with Jake! But it could just be because I really want to see them together.

    New Beginning, New Adventures

    1. Lily was ready to admit it, til the whole dinner disaster. Lets hope she gets over that soon!

  4. Seriously, how sweet is jake??? I'm totally #TeamJake! I hope Lily gives him a real chance.

    1. Jake really wants that too. He wanted her to open up to him so that they can get closer. Let's hope Lily's done pulling away

  5. I'm #TeamJake too!! I want more!

  6. I hope Jake knocks her up lol i know that was random but she is really good with kids, and it seems like that void needs to be filled! I wonder what Ethan is going to think when he finds out about them too!!!!!


    1. Ya, Ethan finding out should be interesting. Love the blog!

  7. I hope Jake is just as open and honest with her as he demands her be with him. It's a little one sided right now in my opinion

  8. THIS. He better bring some skeletons out of his own closet too lol

  9. I wish there was a post everyday I get so impatient to see what's next! Haha damn you for making me addicted to this blog :P
