Thursday, August 14, 2014

California King Bed

California King Bed- Rihanna 

Saturday morning, I woke up early and went for a run with my dad. We spoke briefly while we stretched. He asked how I was doing. I responded positively. Then he asked about Jenna and how I felt about her.

"Even if I didn't like her, which I do, I would get over it because she's good for Cam and he loves her. She's not going anywhere." I said, protectively.

My dad nodded. "I see that. This is the first woman he's ever willingly let me meet."

I knew that. It wasn't a shock. Growing up, my brother hated my dad. He couldn't get out of the house fast enough. The only reason he would come back was for me. When I moved to Texas for school, he came back a handful of times. My dad should be grateful for Jenna. I wholeheartedly believed she was the reason he was here.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he proposed to her." I informed him.

"I believe you." He said, thoughtfully. "I would like to meet anyone you date. Before you decide to marry them." My dad said, suddenly.

"Fuck dad. " I blurted out, shocked, putting on my headphones. "Let me get a boyfriend first."

"Language." My dad said, sternly, before we took off.

When we got back, Cam and Jenna were up making breakfast together. I headed upstairs to shower and change. I called my aunt before heading back to the kitchen.


"Good morning aunt Patty"

"Lily! What a pleasant surprise. Good morning." My aunt answered, politely. Too politely.

"Did Bianca tell you I'm back in town for the weekend?"

"She might have mentioned it." My aunt said, noncommittally.

"I would love to see you while I'm here. I'm leaving Sunday." I explained.

"You know where I live." She said.

"Ok. I'll give you a call before I head over." I replied.

"Ok. See you soon."

I got off the phone, feeling like that was the calm before the storm. My aunt was very opinionated and had no trouble butting into other people's lives. At first, I welcomed it. I never had to worry about secrets with her. What you see is what you get. But now, I know I had it coming for my behavior. She wasn't above pointing out that she was right and others were wrong. No matter the situation. I expected an "I told you so" at the very least.

I headed downstairs wearing a razorback tank and jean shorts over a cute vintage polka dot bikini top and high waist boyshort bottoms. Another thing Jake picked out. I adored this pick right away and bought it. I just had yet to wear it. I figured if we went to the beach, I would send him a picture. Or if not, I would snap chat him from our swimming pool.

"So what's the plan for the day?" I asked Jenna and Cam as we ate breakfast.

"The beach after breakfast. Jenna wants an awful tourist one..." Cam started.

"That's right!" Jenna smiled, excitedly.

"And a tour of our neighborhood. Then, meeting up with some friends at a bar." Cam finished.

"Which friends?" I asked.

"Doug, Matt, and a few others from my class."

"Ok. I'm gonna follow you to the beach. While y'all are touring the neighborhood, I'm gonna hang out with my aunt. My cousin Bianca and I might meet up with you at the bar." I explained.

"Ok." My brother agreed.

We left for the beach shortly after that. It was crowded, but that was to be expected at a tourist beach on a Saturday with perfect weather.

We found a little spot and stripped down to our swim clothing. Jenna and Cam headed straight for the water while I pulled out my phone. I saw I had a missed call from Rocky. I just cleared it. I scrolled through my new messages, answering a few from Amber, Forrest and Jordan. They asked if I made it safely.

I then took a picture of the beach. I took multiple shots to get the perfect one. I was laying down on a towel and the photo contained a clean shot of the shoreline and my body in the bikini. I captioned it 'Wish you were here' before I sent it to Jake.

He replied back a little while later

Jake: Me too Carino. But then we'd probably get arrested for public indecency."

Me: Sex on the beach? How cliche.

Jake: Not a cliche. More like a tradition.

Me: OH.... so this is something you engage in every time you're at the beach?

Jake: ...You're right. It's a cliche. We can make it a tradition.

I smiled and sent him a smiley emoji.

I decided to give Bianca a call. I knew she left her schedule free for me today. I just wanted to see if she was up and about.

"Hello?" She answered, groggily.

"Good morning Bianca!!!" I said cheerfully.

"'s so early." She whined.

"It's almost afternoon!"

"Still too early."

"Well I'm going to be at your mom's house in a few hours. So give me a call when you're up."

"Ok." She disconnected before I could say anything else.

I eventually got up and splashed around in the water too. After a couple hours, we packed up our things and headed to the outdoor showers to wash up and change. We then walked to a nearby favorite taco stand. We pigged out on surf and turf burritos and chips with salsa and guacamole.

After lunch, I left them to meet up with my mom's side of the family. I gave my aunt a call like I'd promised before I headed over. I straightened my clothes and played with my hair in the car outside of her house. I was startled by someone tapping on my window.

"Come on and face the wrath of my mother. You're stalling and that just giving her more time to think of what you did wrong." My cousin said loudly so I could hear her through the closed window. I hopped out from the car excitedly and rushed to give her a huge hug. She laughed and hugged me back.

I swear, I think she grew taller. She already had a few inches on me. She's tall and thin and sometimes I doubt that we're related, but we are. We share genes. A fact that I tell myself every time I see her gorgeous face and long flowing brunette locks:

"B, I missed you so much." I said, when we finally let each other go.

"I missed you too Lily. Why else would I be over here on my last Saturday before classes start?" Bianca smiled.

Bianca was studying fashion design. If her mom Patricia would have known making Bianca sew and tailor her own clothes instead of buying new clothes would cause her to develop a love of clothes and fashion, she would have trashed the sewing machine. Patricia thought it was one on those majors that you get out of college and can't get a job with. While I agreed with my aunt, I couldn't deny my cousin's talent nor passion. So instead of discouraging her, I encouraged her to minor in merchandising. Just so she could have that to fall back on.

"Oh hush slacker. You didn't even take any summer classes." I teased her, as we walked up to the house.

When we entered the house, I was greeted by the smell of fresh flowers that my aunt adored. Her backyard was full of plants, flowers and her small garden. She worked as a supervisor of a call center, but her passion was her gardening. I never cared much for flowers, but the smell now brought me comfort.

"Ma! Someone here to see you!" Bianca grinned at me. I flicked her on the arm. My aunt finally emerged from the kitchen, with a smile on her face. I walked over to her and gave her a hug.

"It's so nice to have you back." My aunt said sincerely as she held me.

"It's good to be back. Thank you for having me." I responded.

"Always. Wherever I'm at, you're welcomed."

I smiled, happily.

We went into the kitchen. Over unsweetened iced tea and sugar cookies we caught up. They told me the latest gossip about the family. How my aunt's oldest child, her son Bennett Jr, was doing in Tucson with his wife and 3 boys. Her oldest daughter, Brittany, had just let another guy move in with her and her kids. Apparently, my aunt didn't care for the guy and told that to both the guy and her daughter. Bianca showed me some of the work she's been doing at her internship in the wardrobe department at a theme park. I caught them up on my apartment and job situation. I also invited them to brunch.

"And you have to make something. I don't even care what it is! If you don't mind, I'll spend the night so I can help cook." I offered

My aunt was a master in the kitchen. She made something as simple as tea and cookies into a culinary affair. Her sugar cookies were more like tea cakes they were so light and fluffy. I got addicted to them when she made them for Christmas. I thanked her profusely for making them last night. I know how much time and effort went into them. I didn't think I drank unsweetened tea until I tried her tea. She added mint straight out of her garden and fresh squeezed limes to give it an amazing taste. I made sure to continue learning from her after I moved out. I would call her all the time for meal ideas and recipes. I missed that these last months.

"Of course. Food network had a hashbrown quiche I thought looked interesting. We should make that." She replied.

I nodded, enthusiastically.

So... you haven't mentioned a man in your life." My aunt commented. I took a deep breath.

"Because there's not one. At least, not the one you're thinking." I admitted.

"I'm sorry to hear that pumpkin." She said. I studied her. I wasn't expecting sympathy about it. At least not from her.

"May I ask what happened?" She continued.

"I told him I had feelings for him. He told me I was too inconsistent and that we should just be friends. I didn't tell him about the miscarriage."

Now it was my aunt's turn to be surprised. Probably a mixture of surprise that I didn't tell him and that I actually referred to my miscarriage. We alluded to it, danced all around it when she asked me how I was doing. But never did we speak directly about it.

"Well, why not?" Bianca cut in. My aunt gathered up our plates and cups and took them to the sink.

"Because, the time to tell him would have been when it happened. It's too late now." I explained.

"You shouldn't have had to go through that alone. Of course you're gonna be inconsistent." Bianca argued.

"I didn't go through it alone. I had you guys. And there's another guy now." I smiled, shyly, thinking of Jake.

"I like him already if just talking about him makes you smile like that." Bianca grinned.

"Yeah, he knows everything and he hasn't run for the hills. I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop." I smiled when I said it, but it's the truth.

"Why look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank that is in your eye?" My aunt asked from the sink.

I looked at Bianca. She just shrugged and mouthed 'crazy'.

"That's the bible. Focus on your own shortcomings before trying to point out someone else's. If you look for negativity, you're always going to find it. Better yourself Lily."

I nodded.

"Ma, not everything relates back to the bible." Bianca rolled her eyes. I looked at her surprised. Talking back didn't happen when she lived with her mom.

"Believe what you need to honey. I just know life is too hard not to have something to believe in." Patty finished.

"Alright ma. I'm going take Lily out. Call me if you need anything from the store." Bianca announced, standing up.

We left shortly afterwards. We spent the evening shopping and catching up. We took her purchases to her apartment. She has 2 roommates that I met. We then got ready to meet up with Cam and Jenna at the bar. We hung out with them, drank a few drinks before calling it a night. I drove us back to my aunt's house. Bianca offered to take the guest room, so I could sleep in her old room, but I declined. I slept in the guest room. The room that was mine when I stayed with them. And I slept through the night with no problems.

The next morning, I woke up, threw on the sundress I bought while shopping with Bianca, and headed to the kitchen. My aunt was already up, scrolling through the tablet Bianca and I bought her for her birthday. It took a week to get all her recipes on it but she loved having them all at her fingertips.

"What's that smell?" I asked, joining her.

"Bread. Jalapeno cheddar and cinnamon raisin." Patricia answered.

"Mmmm, come back to Dallas with me." I pleaded, smiling.

"You went 4 months without speaking to me. I would be stranded out there if we ever disagreed again." Patty said, shaking her head.

I winced. "I'm sorry Patty. When me and my dad disagreed, it was always his way. It took me a long time to finally stand up for myself. Since you didn't agree with me and I didn't want to fight you about it, I just cut you off but you didn't deserve that. And I'm very sorry." I explained.

"It's ok Lily. I'm used to dealing with my kids. No matter what I tell them, they always need me. So they can't just cut me off." Patty smiled.

"I need you too. I mean, I know I'm not one of your kids, but still-" I flushed, not sure how to finish that statement.

"I love you too Lilian. I'm so happy you reached out to me. One of my biggest regrets was not fighting to keep you or to stay in your life. Every time I came to visit, you would cry for your mom. You associated her with me. So I couldn't come without disappointing you. So I stopped coming. But I prayed for you every day. Seeing you now, I know my prayers were answered." Patty said, tears welling in her eyes.

I smiled and gave her a hug. "I understand."

Patty wiped her eyes and cleared her throat. "Now come on. Let's get cooking!"

An hour and a half later, the bread, hashbrown quiches and rice pudding were done. We cleaned up and headed to my dad's house. Brittany, Patty's oldest daughter, showed up with her boyfriend and two kids. They followed me to my dad's house. My dad was expecting us at 10, so we were a little late. Our flight wasn't till this evening but my dad was particular about being on time.

"Lily, you're late." My dad declared, as we walked into the kitchen.

"Have you ate yet Carlos?" Patty answered for me, stepping in the kitchen.

"Of course not. We were waiting for you." My dad answered.

"Then looks like we're right on time." Patty declared. I hid my snicker behind my hand that was over my mouth.

"We're set up outside. Please, follow me." My dad announced. We followed him out to the outdoor living space. It was like a courtyard, with a huge mineral pool in the middle. There was a long table set up with dinnerware and a lounge area with a TV as well. That's were Jenna and Cam were until they saw us come out. They walked over to join us. Everyone but Patricia looked shocked at the lavish surroundings. The kids eyed the pool eagerly. I told them to bring their swimming suits. Bianca couldn't keep her eyes still as she took in everything. Brittany was still staring at the house. Her boyfriend was staring at the bar area. Even I was gasping at the buffet set up with attendants waiting to serve.

"Dad, who's all coming?" I asked him.

"Just us. I thought just family would be nice today." My dad answered. "And what a lovely family you have Patricia. These are your grandchildren?"

"Yes. I have 3 more in Tucson with my son. These are my daughters Brittany and Bianca. Addison and Adrian are Brittany's children. That's her friend Gregory" Patty introduced everyone.

"This is my son Cameron and his girlfriend Jenna." My dad introduced them.

"Nice to meet you Patricia." My brother started, stepping up to shake my aunt's hand.

"None of that." She said, giving him a hug. "You don't remember me?"

My brother shook his head.

"When I would come to visit your sister, she would cry and cry and cry. You would never say anything, but you always made sure to be right next to her and you would stare at me with the fiercest little look on your face. You were no older than 9 at the time." Patricia explained.
Jenna and I laughed, while Cam looked embarrassed.

"I'm sorry." He apologized sheepishly.

"Don't be. That was one of the few things that gave me comfort leaving her." Patty shot my father a look before continuing. "I knew that you would look after her."

My brother nodded, smiling at me, before greeting everyone else. Afterwards, we made our plates and sat down to eat. It was so weird how not awkward it was. It really was like family. I guess, in a weird kinda way, it was family.

After I said goodbye to my aunt and cousins, I pulled my dad aside.

"Patty wanted to raise me. Why didn't you let her? I mean, after you found out I wasn't yours." I asked.

"The DNA wasn't to prove you were my daughter. It was to keep your mother away. I took care of you since the moment I found out you were coming into this world. That made you mine. Not a piece of paper." My dad dismissed me.

In that moment, I finally understood. My dad didn't keep a tight reign on me because he thought I needed it because of my parents. It was just his way. He did the same with Cam. Cam rebelled and I caved because I thought I owed him that for taking me in but he treated us exactly the same. He would have treated me the same if it was proven I was his daughter.

 I decided Patricia was right. Life was hard. It wasn't always fair. Sometimes it was suffering and pain, but we all have to believe in something.

I decided to believe in people. More specifically, the people I loved. That didn't mean they wouldn't disappoint me or let me down, just that they'll never intentionally hurt me. I needed to be able to trust again and trust that if things did go bad, I would be able to pull myself up. I think that's what my aunt meant when she said being happy with myself and making self improvements was important. I wanted to be content with myself, so that anyone can add happiness to my life but never completely take it away.

I thought about this on the plane ride to Dallas. By the time my brother dropped me off at Jake's apartment, I was 100% sure of what I wanted.

I knocked on the door, excitedly.

He answered the door and pulled me in his arms. I hugged him back and returned his kiss when he pressed his lips against mine. When he tried to pull away, I held him tighter and deepened our kisses. When he finally broke free, I removed my dress.

"Lily-" His eyes roamed over my body.

"Jake, I need you." I interrupted him.

I needed to know if this was real. If the attraction was still there after everything I told him.

"What do you need Carino?" He asked me, raspily.

"You." I responded, relieved and nervous about the dark glint in his eyes.

"I'm right here..." He teased, trailing his finger down between my breasts, over my stomach and stopping at the top of my thong.

"Inside of me." I clarified, shyly.

That must have been what he wanted to hear cause he crushed his lips into mine. He led me to the bedroom. He undressed and put on a condom quickly. He positioned himself on top of me on the bed. Then, he positioned himself inside me.

It was just as intense as I remembered. His lips never left mine as he thrust into me. We clung to each other as we orgasmed.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I asked, when we caught our breath. He stiffened. He then watched me for a agonizing moment.

"Should I have written another note? Check yes or no at the bottom" I joked.

He didn't laugh.

"Lily, can we hold off on that? For right now. I have something to tell you." Jake said, nervously.

My heart stopped.

***Whew, that was a long post. It had to stop somewhere!

Bonus post contest! 20 comments for a post tomorrow***


  1. Oh come on!! Talk about a cliff hanger. Great post (as always)!

  2. I'm tempted to write 30 comments myself just for the bonus!

  3. I hope she listens to him with as open a mind as he did unless he's seeing someone. Then she should punch him in the throat

  4. Great post! All my needs we're met in It lOl

  5. I really like Jake... I hope he didn't do something stupid like tell Ethan or sleep with Savanagh...

  6. In my head I'm cheering for Jake & Lily.
    I'm proud of Lily for taking the reigns & not letting her past control her
    But I'm nervous about what Jakr has to say! I feel like it'd be about his ex but what if it's not?!
    Bonus, bonus, bonus!

  7. I can't wait for the next post!

  8. Ohhh. I wonder if Jake has a secret child from his last encounter with his ex!!

  9. Love Cam and Jenna...

  10. Amazing post. I reallllly want to the together. Can't wait for the bonus.

  11. Ahh no please dont leave it like that!!

  12. Completely love Jake and Lily, about time she found someone worthy of her.

  13. OMG NOW WHAT?! I'm dying to know what he's going to say lol once again, I'm clearly too invested in this blog lol

  14. Oh my! I wonder what it is. I hope he didn't tell Etan or Rocky or something stupid like that

  15. I have to post because this is my favorite blog. I love Lily, and thought I loved her with Ethan, but now I love her with Jake. I agree with the person who posted... "I hope she listens to him with as open a mind as he did unless he's seeing someone. Then she should punch him in the throat!" But I have a feeling, that Jake wants her to tell Ethan about the miscarriage before they start a relationship... hurry up bonus post! <3 Kim

  16. I starting too like Jake a lot. I feel like I'm betraying Ethan. I don't know why I'm so invested in this blog. I need to remind myself that it's fiction . Great job as always

  17. This is easily my favorite blog. You are such an amazing writer! My favorite thing is probably the fact you go out of your way to include pictures of the characters. Definitely helps the story and the reader! Thank you and I look forward to more and more posts!!

  18. Aw I love Jake! This was good!

  19. sooooo good!!! Hope to see a bonus post!!!

  20. Wow awesome post!

  21. Please do a bonus tomorrow!! I look so forward to your posts and today's was awesome!! Fingers crossed Jake comes around!!

  22. Cliffhanger, I am ready for the next one.

  23. I hate cliffhangers like this one!!! What did Jake do now...

  24. Come on! Don't leave us hanging!!!!

    I think he got another girl pregnant and hasn't told Lily yet

  25. Love jake and lily together!!! I hope he doesn't have something bad to say.

  26. WHAT?! Gosh, its sad how into this story i get! Love the story and the writing! Hoping Jake didn't do something stupid..

  27. You. Are. KILLING ME with this!!!!! I love Jake for Lily I hope this doesn't ruin all the good she did for herself on her trip...

  28. I hope he didn't do something with Sammy or tell Ethan.

  29. Maybe he's going to tell her about his past. If they are going to be something, they have to let go of all the things holding them back.

  30. Great post!! I follow 16 other blogs and yours is my absolute favorite. I love Jake and Lily together and I so hope he has nothing bad to tell her. Poor Lily needs some happiness!

  31. I counted 31, I will add one for good measure. Love the blog. Jake better not have screwed up and like, slept with his ex or Sammy. Though I would not put it past her to seduce her roomie's man.

  32. What!?!? I don't think he did anything bad..... At least I hope not.... Maybe he wants to tell her about his past? Because that would be fair after he made her tell him her past. Can't wait for tomorrow's post!!
    Really like your writing I could tell she was feeling better about the miscarriage by little clues you out there. Great job!

  33. Omg great post but jake better not hurt her!!!

  34. I need to know what he's going to say!!
    Great post, I love your blog!

  35. Great post!!! Can't wait for the bonus (you rock!!!!)

    What happened to the character page? I really liked all those names you put as your characters - helped me visualise the story more!

    1. I was just wondering the same thing...

  36. There's so many things he can say?!?!? I'm going with the ex has made an appearance :s

  37. Gahhhh I can't wait for the Bonus!
