Sunday, August 3, 2014

Get Lucky

Get Lucky- Daft Punk

"Can we step outside to talk Sammy?" I said, flustered. Amber and Gigi looked shocked, Becca looked disgusted, Peyton and Rocky looked confused and Jackie looked like she was loving this.

"Lily! Lighten up! I'm just kidding!" Sammy laughed. "Well, kinda. I wouldn't call him my ex. We were just hooking up." Sammy added.

"It's hard for me to lighten up when I don't believe you're ok with Jake and me." I countered.

"I'm fine with it. I feel like I deserve a dress since we were hooking up too. But you'll just have to tell me what you did to get one." Sammy retorted. Jackie snickered, and Sammy smiled.

"It's cause we're not just hooking up." I admitted to her.

"You're joking?!?" Sammy exclaimed, incredulously.


"Lily, don't do this to yourself. Just because your heart is in your vagina doesn't mean he wants to be your boyfriend. Jake is not the dating type." Sammy stated.

"Well since you said you were ok with Jake and me, that'll be up to me to find out." I said, ending the conversation.

Now I see why Jake wanted me to form my own opinion on him. And everything we said and did to this point contradicted what Sammy said. I don't need to defend our relationship. I know what Jake and I have. I turned to the other girls. "Can we go eat now?"

Amber gave me a look I couldn't decipher before walking out with Sammy and Jackie. Everyone else followed. Rocky hung back with me behind the girls.

"You ok?" She asked.

"Fan-fucking-tastic." I said, sarcastically. Rocky chuckled.

"I don't get her. If she has a problem with it, she should've said something. Like last night. Not in front of every-fucking-one." I vented.

"I hear ya." Rocky nodded.

"She made me look like a backstabbing hoe. When she was the one that was like go for it!"

"You're not. Backstabbing hoes don't have hearts. Especially not in their vagina." Rocky said, smartly.

"I know? What the fuck was that? Cause I don't sleep around, I have issues?" I grinned. I wanted to be mad, but Rocky was making me see the absurdity of the situation. It made me smile.

"Just don't feed into it. She likes the attention. Don't give it to her and she'll move on." Rocky suggested. I nodded.

We all got in the elevator together. Sammy watched me. I ignored her.

"Are you mad at me? I really don't wanna fight over a guy. I told you that. I'm just looking out for you." Sammy said.

"Nope. Just hungry. And thanks, I appreciate that." I said, as the elevator descended. I was hungry, the rest was a lie.

"Can I just say, I think y'all are both being mature about the whole situation." Jackie butted in. I turned to look at her. "I'm for real. I love the hoes over bros attitude." Everyone chuckled at that.

"Seriously though, Rocky wouldn't even try to set me up with Ethan because of you Lily. I'm so glad that's not an issue anymore." Jackie finished.

I glared at her. She would make this about her. And her and Ethan? I could never see that happening. I couldn't even see them having a conversation.

"It's ok, right Lily?" Jackie asked, challengingly.

The elevator dinged as we reached the lobby.

"Sure, good luck with that." I said, full of attitude. Jackie smiled at me.

When the elevator doors opened, I rushed out. There were 2 guys standing right outside the door. I barely missed colliding into them.

"Excuse me." I said, dodging them and walking towards the hallway. Rocky caught up to me.

"Lily, don't worry about Jackie. I'll shut down anything she tries-"

"Rocky. It's ok. Really. Besides, we both know Ethan would never go for her. Maybe the rejection would do her some good." I said, as we walked through the hotel lobby, heading to the casino. I pushed down all the feelings of rage and hurt I felt. Especially that little bit of doubt that maybe Ethan would go for her...


"I really don't wanna talk about it anymore. This is girls weekend. No boys. Remember?" I pleaded. I didn't want to think about this. Ever.

Rocky nodded and we made our way through the casino. It was full of cigarette smoke and people, but the decor was phenomenal. The casino was divided into separate city themes. The cities were Paris, Beijing, Rome, Madrid, London, Vienna, Cairo and New York City. There are hand-painted frescoes, arches, statues and so many other little touches that are modeled after each city.

In the Madrid section, we stopped at the water fountain to take pictures. A guy was nice enough to take a picture of all of us. Then we formed little groups to take pictures of each other. I needed to send a picture to Jake. We haven't spoken or texted since Friday night. I know he's busy with EJ, and this was a no boys weekend, but at the very least he should know he was right about the dress. Without me actually having to admit it.

I had Rocky take a picture of me solo. Sammy said something to Jackie and they both laughed. Maybe I was being paranoid, but I couldn't help but think it was about me. I ignored them and focused on looking pleasant and happy. I thought about how Jake calls me his sweetheart. And a grin spread across my face. Rocky snapped the picture, and I looked it over. Not to toot my own horn, but I looked amazing.

I sent it to Jake as we walked to the Paris gaming section. That was where we had reservations at Capisce Ristorante Italiano. We were seated right away in the restaurant, so I put my phone back in my purse.

By the time we worked through wine and appetizers, everyone was in a great mood. Over an antipasto of Italian cheeses, meats, olives and toast points, fried calamari, and red wine we talked and laughed with each other.

 I even laughed as Jackie told us about her daughter stealing her clothes. We all toasted Sammy's new job and Amber told us how school was going. She was a LVN but was going for her RN. Gigi was a photographer at a children's studio. She kept us laughing with some of the parents more crazy requests (like a 1 year old boy having a Harley-Davidson party and his parents covering him with fake tattoos). Becca managed an Ultra and Peyton worked as a regional manager of Bed, Bath and Beyond, so they shared the pains of retail. And Rocky and I shared a few work stories as well.

When our dinner finally came, we were silent for the most part unless we were sharing food. It was delicious. I order seafood crepes. They were stuffed with shrimp and scallops with a lobster cream and bechamel sauce. I wanted to lick my plate it was that good.

I tried some of Sammy's ricotta gnocchi Bolognese and Rocky's prime tenderloin with crab and grilled asparagus, covered in hollandaise sauce. It was all outstanding.

Amber got chicken mushroom lasagna, Becca got shrimp capellini, Jackie got surf and turf with a lobster tail, Gigi got chicken alfredo and Peyton got chicken parmigiana.

After dinner, we are too stuffed for dessert. We decided to walk off our meal and try our luck at some slots.

So I'm definitely not a gambler. We spent about an hour checking out the casino and playing slots. I just didn't get a thrill. Maybe because it was all luck and no skill, I felt like it was a waste of money. I did win $50 on the Sex and the City Slot (thanks Miranda!), but I lost it on the Willy Wonka game. I figured I would do much better at table games, like blackjack, but the tables looked like a rough crowd. I didn't wanna stand up there looking stupid when I didn't know how or when to bet.

We passed a long line to get into Mist, a night club at the casino. Peyton, Becca, Sammy and Jackie stood in line while we bought the tickets they needed to get in. We decided just to buy 4 and let them go to the club. After we dropped off their tickets, we continued to explore.

We found a skyline lounge in the New York City area. It was a cute little piano bar area. We decided to sit down, have a few drinks and enjoy the music.

I went to the bar and order us martinis while the girls held down a table for us. I carefully brought all four drinks over. Rocky and Gigi were smoking a cigar when I got back.

"Where did you get those from?" I asked, sitting with them.

"Me...would you like one?" An older guy sitting across from us asked.

Gigi shrugged. "We figured we might as well. All the second hand smoke is getting us anyway."

"I'll just share. Thanks." I smiled at him. Rocky hands me her's and I take a drag. Yeah, another thing I don't get enjoyment out of. I handed it back to her.

We made small talk with the guy before he decided to try his luck on a poker table. He invited Gigi with him to watch him play.

"I think she's looking for a sugar daddy." Amber grinned.

I laughed. "He was cute."

"Your guy is pretty cute too," Amber said.

"I don't have a guy. Yet. And we're not supposed to be talking about boys." I stated, taking a sip of my martini.

"We have a 30 minute exception. I need to check on my kiddos anyway." Amber announced.

We all pulled out our phones.

I had 3 texts.

Trevor: Hope y'all are having fun. Don't let Becca get too wasted :-)

Ethan: Let me know how y'all are liking it out there.

Jake: You look beautiful. I'm waiting for my thank you.

I texted them back in order.

Me: Too late T-Rev!

Me: It's amazing Ethan. Thank you so much for the cabana. It was perfection!

Me: I didn't say thank you, did I? Thanks babe.

Jake responded right away.

Jake: You're welcome.  How come me being right means you're an hour away looking sexy as hell?

Me: Cause when I'm wrong, everyone loses.

Jake: LOL when you get back to Dallas, wear whatever you want, and come to my place.

Me: Sounds like a win/win to me.

I put my phone away and waited for Amber and Rocky to finish their conversations.

"So, when did you and Jake start hooking up? And why do you feel like it's more than that?" Amber asked.

I explained to them the events of the last 2 weeks. Rocky gave me a look when I told them about our little hookup on her couch.

"I knew I heard something. I was this close to coming out there!" Rocky exclaimed.

"Well I'm glad you didn't." I smiled.

"He better not have jacked off on my couch." Rocky fumed.

"Want me and call and ask?" I teased.

"Shut up fool." Rocky said while me and Amber laughed.

"I don't know that much about him. But it sounds like he likes you." Amber stated.

"I know him. And I'd have to agree." Rocky said. I looked at her surprised.

"What? One of the biggest reasons I didn't like Jake was cause I felt like he was a bad influence on Brandon. Every weekend it would be a different girl or different story..." Rocky explained.

"Thanks Rocky. Awesome pep talk."

"Let me finish. When I confronted Brandon about it, he told me to leave it alone. That I didn't understand and Jake's last girlfriend put him through hell. That's why he was detached. The way he's treating you is different from how he treated anyone else. And he knows if he fucks with you, he'll have me to answer to." Rocky finished.

"What kinda stuff did his last girlfriend do?" I asked.

"I don't know. Brandon never told me."

I nodded. "So speaking of Brandon, are y'all getting married?" I asked.

Rocky glared at me. "Where did that come from?" She asked.

"The way you were talking to Forrest about his wedding. Like all starry eyed and shit." I teased.

Amber giggled.

"Not anytime soon. You know I like to think years in advance." Rocky fessed up.

"You think Brandon is ready for that?" I asked. I can't help but think about what Jake said about them being a losing team because of Brandon.

"He better be. We're already living together. He talks about me having his baby all the time." Rocky shared.

"He does?" I said shocked.

"Yeah. Some guys just think that's a turn on for women. The first time Brandon said that, I told him I wanted a ring first." Rocky grinned. "Now he just says it to annoy me."

"It worked on me when Will said it. 3 kids later..." Amber said, in the Sponge Bob announcer voice. I laughed at her.

At 2, we called it a night. Gigi texted Amber to not wait up for her. We figured the other girls would figure it out.

The next morning, we woke up and showered before waking the other girls up for the breakfast brunch buffet. Amber called Gigi. She was already down there. We all scrambled down to join her.

Gigi was saying goodbye to Walter, the older gentleman from the piano bar. He wished us a good morning and left.

"So... spill." Jackie exclaimed.

"Best orgasms of my life. And I got $500!" Gigi shared.

"He paid you?" Sammy exclaimed.

"No. On the poker table." Gigi answered.

"Then breakfast is on you!" Amber declared.

After we stuffed ourselves, we went upstairs and got ready to hit the road. On the drive to Rocky's place, Sammy wanted to ride in the Navigator. That was fine with me. Gigi, Amber and I had too much fun listening to music.

 When "Locked out of Heaven" by Bruno Mars came on, I turned it up and started singing.

"Y'all know Peter wrote this song about me?" I lied, smiling.

"Peter? Who is that?" Gigi asked from the backseat.

"Oh, that's Bruno Mars' name. He likes it when I call him by his government name." I continued.

They both started laughing.

"You're so full of it." Amber laughed, pulling out her phone.

"True story..." I looked over at Amber. She had her phone pointed at me.

"Are you recording?" I asked.

"Yes. Every time someone says true story, they're about to lie their ass off." Amber laughed.

"Anyway, I went and saw him in concert in California. And I swear we made eye contact. Then he invited me backstage, we hung out while he was in town. And he asked me to go on tour with him. I had to say no. But he wrote a lot of songs on his album about me." I lied.

"Is there one called delusional?" Gigi asked.

We all laughed.

When we got to Rocky's house, we all went our separate ways. I took Sammy home. I stayed long enough to change into a tank top dress and packed an overnight bag before I headed to Jake's apartment.

I was so excited to see him, I forgot to call him first. I was at his door when he answered his phone.

"Hey, on your way yet?" Jake asked.

I smiled. "At your door."

He opened it a few moments later. "Why didn't you knock?"

"I don't know." I said, lamely as he ushered me in. I gave him a huge hug and kissed him on the mouth. Hard.

"Mmmm, I missed you too." He said, against my lips. His hands held me at my hips, dipping dangerous low to my butt.

"I know you did." I grinned. He pulled me in again for another kiss. It was incredible and left my knees weak.

 "How was it with EJ yesterday?" I asked, after I caught my breath.

"Exhausting." Jake smiled, "But we had a great time."

"Pictures?" I asked. He pulled away and grabbed his tablet. He handed it to me. I sat on the couch and flipped through the pictures. They looked like they had a blast.

"I have a whole bag of peanuts for you too. For some reason EJ had to have some, even though he doesn't eat them." Jake said.

I bursted out laughing.

"I knew that reeked of you." Jake smiled at me.

"Maybe he just heard the song." I grinned.

"Speaking of song..." Jake said. Next thing I knew, Bruno Mars blared from Jake's speakers.

"Fucking Amber. Did she put that video on Facebook?" I groaned.

"No. Instagram." He sat on the couch with me. "About 5 minutes after she added the video, she requested to follow me. I think she wanted me to see the video."

"Ya think?" I said, sarcastically.

"So you told your friends about us?" Jake asked.

"No...Sammy did." I explained to him what happened. "So basically, because she didn't get a dress, she made me look bad in front of all our friends." I finished.

"That ain't happen. I'm sorry I even spent time with her." Jake commented.

"What happened between y'all?" I asked.

"I told you. She lies too much."

"I know. But about what? Who ended it?" I asked.

"Little things. Like her work schedule. She would make it seem like I would forget what she told me. But I knew I didn't. When I was finally able to catch her in a lie, I ended it. I just told her I was too old to play games with her." Jake explained.

"What lie did you catch her in?"

"About her lease. She told me y'all were moving in in July. But later, she told me she couldn't afford to break her lease. And you weren't going to let her move in till she could pay half the rent."

I was shocked and confused.

"Why would she lie about that?"

"So I would let her spend the night here. She knew I wasn't going to drive back and forth to Arlington when she was too drunk to drive. So one time, I let her sleep it off here." He explained.

That was so stupid. But it made sense. And it was why she was so surprised Jake would let me sleep over. I sighed.

"What are you thinking?" Jake asked.

"That's so stupid. What's the big deal about sleeping over here?"

He looked embarrassed."I don't let girls sleep over. Ever. The one time I let her was because of that lie."

"Why did you let me spend the night?" I asked, curiously.

He cleared his throat. "I tried to wake you up the first time. You just passed out afterwards."

Hmm, I didn't remember him trying to wake me. I must have passed out. I blushed.

"The second time?..."

He pulled me closer to him. "I wanted breakfast."

I smiled. "Well, you better wake me up tonight, cause I ain't making you anything tomorrow."

"I owe you, remember?" He asked, before pressing his lips against mine.


  1. Hey everyone! I read everyone's comments on the last post.

    About the whole Jake/Sammy saga, this post is pretty much it. The real 'issue' is Jake's ex. The only thing about that backstory is that this blog is through Lily's eyes, and Jake is not going to be opening up about it anytime soon!

    Thank you for reading and commenting!

    1. Well, I hope we get more info at some point. Sounds like she was pretty crazy! I can always go for a good crazy ex story.

      New Beginning, New Adventures

  2. I love how he is with her. He is trying to make her feel special.
    Sammy on the other hand is really being spiteful. I really hope she doesn't go after Ethan and that he doesn't try and make Lily jealous by allowing it to happen.

    1. Oops Jackie wanted Ethan...but either way I hope it doesn't happen!

    2. Jake really is. Lily already called him a romantic manwhore. Maybe she can drop the manwhore title.

      And Lily and Sammy did agree not to go after guys they declared "off limits". Technically, Lily can't get upset if she doesn't speak up

  3. I'm completely obsessed with your blog! Love the way you write.

  4. I knew it! Sammy is just jealous because jake treats her differently. Oh well, sounds like a personal problem!
    I don't think he tried to wake her up that first time, he's just saying that ;p
    I like how things are progressing between them.

    1. Yeah, Sammy's looking out for Lily looks alot like jealously.

      That's an interesting theory. Jake won't admit it though!

  5. Sometimes I wish I could keep reading like a book. You're story and writing is so amazing. Keep it coming, we love it! I can honestly say once a guy finds a girl worth changing up the minor things for he's starting to fall, he'll never admit it but it happens. I just hope they continue to enjoy each other and ignore the haters.

    1. Loved this comment. It is like everything I feel about the blog and about this post's story.
      Thanks so much for another wonderful post.

    2. Agree 100%!
      & i know Lily still has some feelings for Ethan for sure BUT i am loving that she can move on & be happy...I've realized in my past that sometimes what you want isnt what you need & once you get what you need you realize its better than what you wanted in all ways...I really hope they stay strong + that Lily doesnt break his me crazy but i feel for him especially knowing he's had a crazy ex and is now letting Lily in after being guarded for so long

    3. Thank you guys so much! That's so funny that y'all think it sounds like a book. Cause thats exactly what it started as in my head. :-)

      I'm so happy y'all are enjoying Lily's story as much I love sharing it!

  6. Great post! Love this blog. I wish there could be a post everyday.
