Saturday, August 2, 2014

All About That Bass

***Please excuse the errors. I was planning on just splitting Monday's really long weekend recap into 2 post for a bonus today. But then I heard this song. And rewrote the entire post!***

All About That Bass- Meghan Trainor

Rocky: Ladies, Amber decided we are going to Winstar Saturday. We will be having a spa day, followed by drinks at the pool, and dinner and gambling in the evening. Please pack accordingly. We will be leaving for Oklahoma at 12:00pm on Saturday from my house. Please be on time, or you will be left!

I smiled as I read the text as I left work Friday afternoon. Rocky already asked me if I could drive Amber's Pathfinder the hour to Oklahoma. I agreed. Jake had me in such a great mood, I probably would have agreed to anything. But we were all set for our weekend trip.

Jake and I met up after he got off from work so we could go to the mall. He needed a new Rangers shirt because his only one had Nelson Cruz on the back, and he was no longer on the team. I needed a new bathing suit and I wanted a new outfit for the casino. All the girls decided to match and wear black and white with a pop of red.

Shopping with Jake was interesting, to say the least. I guess I was just used to shopping with my brother and Trevor. They grabbed what they needed and left. Jake was a browser. He liked to look in every store, and every department. Even for stuff he didn't need. He had bought us both sunglasses, and a pair of shorts for himself before he even looked at Rangers shirts.

Even though I was 'a get it and go' type of girl, I was having fun teasing and bantering with him. Until he started shopping for me. He pointed out skimpy swimsuits, and told me how hot I would look in them. He snuck in different items of clothes in the dressing room when I tried on clothes.

 It was super embarrassing when he dragged me into Victoria's Secret. At first, I refused to come in. But he started holding up lingerie and asking me (loudly) if I liked it and what size I wore. My cheeks were burning when I stomped in the store. I pleaded with him for us to leave. He said we would, after he found what he wanted.

"Miss?" I turned when I felt someone tapping me on the shoulder. It was a little older lady.

"I've been married for 22 years. When he stops wanting to see you in sexy clothing, that's when you know there's a problem." She smiled at us.

It was on the tip of my tongue to tell her Jake was my drag queen, cross dressing cousin, when Jake wrapped his arm around me.

"Thank you. Your husband's a lucky man to have held on to you for so long." He smiled at her.

She freaking giggled and nodded before leaving us. Apparently, no woman can resist his charm.

We finally left without buying anything. Jake found a shirt at a sporting goods store. And I went into a little boutique and bought 2 new bikinis. While looking for an outfit for the casino, Jake picked out a monochrome leather panel bodycon black and white dress.

I looked it over. "No"

"CariƱo, you'll look so sexy in this."

"There's such a thing as too sexy. It's called trashy"

"How would you know that if you haven't tried it on, little girl?"

"I know. It's not my style at all. I'm not that kinda girl." I tried to explain to him. I liked looking good, but not drawing attention to myself. A dress like that screamed 'look at me, look at me!'

"Why are you being weird about this? I've seen you wear sexy clothes. Like those gold pants last weekend and shorter dresses than this."

Seriously, I was getting annoyed. Why was he being weird about this? And for the most part, I didn't like the reaction I got in those pants at all.

"Like I said, it's not me. Sammy bought those pants by the way. Maybe you shoulda went shopping with her."

He just walked off. I shrugged. Oh well, at least he left it alone. I continued shopping and found a cute black one shoulder dress. It flared out at the waist. I bought red peep toes lace up booties for my pop of red. My white blazer would finish the look.

We ate at the food court and the dress incident was forgotten.

Or so I thought.

 He dropped me off at my apartment and didn't try to come up. I didn't invite him either. He just helped me with my bags and left.

When Sammy came home, I was in the process of packing.

"Hey. Surprised your home. How's Phillip?"

"Annoying! Too clingy. I need some space." Sammy sighed, flopping on my bed. She eyed my bags.

"You went shopping? Why didn't you invite me?" Sammy frowned.

"I just needed a few things for the trip tomorrow. Got some cute bikinis." I told her.

She went through my bags. "Ohhh, I like this!!!"

She held up the black and white dress I snapped at Jake about. I sighed, ready to call him up to go off, when Sammy pulled out the receipt. She read the back.

You look sexy in jeans and a t-shirt, so you are that kinda girl. Try it on

Sammy narrowed her eyes at me.

"Who bought you this?" She asked.

I took the note from her. "Jake..."

"... You've been spending the night with him?" She exclaimed, shocked.

"Yeah. Who else would it be?" I replied.

"I don't know. It's not like you told me y'all were sleeping together now." She snapped.

"Is it a problem?" I asked.

"Of course not..." she answered, quickly. "Just surprised y'all are having sleepovers and he's buying you dresses."

"It was just this one. And believe me, this one is going back." I said, pulling out my phone.

"Hello?" Jake answered.

"It's going back."

"Try it on first."

"I'm not."

"Just for me. Try it on."

"I appreciate the gesture, but I'm taking it back." I responded.

Jake sighed. "You know, at first I thought it was kinda cute how you have no idea how sexy you are. Not such much right now. Do whatever you want Lily."

He got off the phone after that. Sammy looked at me questioningly.

I took the dress from her and went to the bathroom to try it on.

It was sexy, not trashy. And I kinda loved it. It came down longer than I thought, a few inches above my knees. It was tight, but it hugged my curves nicely. I went back into my room. Sammy was gone. I peeled the dress off and packed it.

I didn't tell Jake that he was right.


Saturday, everyone showed up at Rocky house on time. Amber, Sammy, and Gigi rode in the car with me. While Jackie, Peyton and Becca rode with Rocky. Amber's cousin couldn't make it. I turned down the music and we caught up on the drive.

When we arrived at Winstar, we were all shocked by how nice it was. None of us expected anything so luxurious at a casino in Oklahoma. It was freaking huge. We were all excited to see our rooms and start exploring. It was too early to check in, so we went to the spa.

Everyone picked the treatments they wanted. I decided on a full face waxing, mani and pedi. Me, Rocky and Jackie finished up early, so we checked in at the hotel. We learned Ethan was able to reserve a Cabana by the pool for us. From 5 to 10. We met up with the other girls and went to our rooms to drop off our bags and got changed to head to the pool.

It was super crowded, so we were all grateful for the Cabana. It was right by one of the pools and the bar. We drank margaritas and munched on fruit while we swam and sunned.

"Lily, that's such a cute suit!" Jackie commented, sitting at the edge of my patio chair. I put my sunglasses on the top of my head.

"Thanks. Yours looks good too!" She was wearing a white string bikini. I'd imagine you'd see everything if she went swimming, but maybe that's why she wasn't.

"So how have you been girl?" Jackie asked.

"Good. Just working. How bout you? How's Resa?" Resa was her 13 year old daughter.

"We've been good. Same old same old." Jackie nodded to the music blasting.

"Lily! Come to the deep pool with me!" Amber called.

"Sure." I said, sitting up.

"Lily, I've been meaning to ask you. How are you and Ethan?" Jackie asked.

"We're fine." I said, simply.

"Oh, I'm just saying. This is pretty nice." She gestured to the Cabana "think he's trying to win you over?"

"No. We're just friend. Besides, he did it for Rocky, not me." I said, curtly, before leaving her to go swim with Amber. I was honestly surprised she even asked. Jackie was all about herself. That's why I brought up her daughter. You would never know she had one based on her attitude and behavior.

"You gotta give me your diet secret." Amber said, as we found an empty spot against the wall of the pool.

"I don't diet. I just work off what I eat."

"Well I need your workout plan. I still need to work off my weight from my three kids." She joked, patting her stomach.

I looked at her, seriously. "Amber, your body is amazing. Not only did you carry and give birth to 3 kids, but 3 healthy incredible kids. Don't ever underestimate that."

"I'm not. But-"

"No buts. Is Will giving you a hard time?" I said. Will is Amber husband. When I met them, they fought and broke up constantly. They got married last year while I was in California. But Sammy and Rocky both said they really changed and had a healthy relationship. I said I would believe it when I see it.

"No. You're giving me a hard time. We used to be the fuck the skinny bitches crew. Now you're one of them."

I laughed. "I'm not skinny! But if you wanna start working out together, I'm down."

"The kids..."

"Not an excuse. Gyms have babysitters. And fact, I'll babysit for you if you'd rather..."

"No, I'll go with you. We'll make a schedule." Amber smiled.

"Cool...lets go dry off and see what's up for dinner." I said.

Amber laughed. "We're talking about me losing weight and you bring up food."

"Think of this as your last hooray." I grinned.

An hour later, we went to our rooms to get dressed and glammed up. I was going to have Sammy do Amber's makeup, but she, Becca, and Jackie were taking shots at the pool bar and were already tipsy. Rocky and I collaborated and the end result was hot. We gave her a Smokey eye, fake lashes and bold red lips. It looked awesome with her caramel skin. She wore a loose, glittery white blouse with red short shorts and black pumps.

Becca and Peyton wore black and red mini dresses, respectively. Becca accessorized her's with a rhinestone covered red belt. Peyton added a black glittery statement necklace. They both wore white sandals.

 Sammy wore a black and white bandage dress with red stilettos. Jackie had on a white tube top dress. Her black was her shoes. Her red was the red bottoms of her shoes. She showed them off proudly. Gigi wore a black and white romper with a red headband pulling her hair back.

Me and Rocky got ready last. Rocky wore a red crop top, with a black blazer and white shorts. I put on the dress Jake brought for me.

Everyone ooo'ed and awww'ed each other as we got together to take pictures.

"Girl, you are killin that dress!" Gigi smiled at me as we posed for a picture with Amber.

"You'll never guess who bought it for her... MY EX!!!" Sammy screeched.

I felt my cheeks burn as everyone turned to look at me.


  1. Wow! Could Sammy be any greener with jealousy? Seriously she told her it was okay to go on with Jake!
    I am loving how Jake is with Lily though.
    Great post!

  2. So when it was just a casual hook-up, it was okay? But now since it's not, Sammy's ticked off?? Come on!

    1. I bet she'll try to pass it off as being mad that Lily didn't tell her, but she's totally pissed that they're together.

      New Beginning, New Adventures

  3. She's mad because he got bored and didn't want more than sex from her. Too bad, Sammy. You gave your blessing.

  4. Sammy is sooooo jealous! Hahaha but I knew it would hapen, because Jake didn't take her seriously. And he's buying stuff for lily already which is acting like a bf, not just a hook up.
    I wish lily would've done a snapchat of her in the dress for jake, that would've made him happy. I really like him, I think he's good for lily, he'll help her gain some confidence.

    1. I know, I was hoping she'd Snap it to him too. So stubborn!

    2. I just think jake is going about it the wrong way... Clearly she has issues regarding men (ie her dad and brother) trying to control her life. Even when they have sex he just gives her orders the entire time. She may be stubborn but I think it makes sense that she would resist all jake was trying to do at the mall

  5. I have a feeling Sammy is that back stabbing type... Just like Jake said. Can you do a post that says what Jake and
    Sammy ended it? I have a feeling something went down.

    1. I agree! Even get a surprise author or something to write the background on what happened between them; kind of an outside perspective...I also have a feeling there is more to this story....

  6. I walk around singing that song all the time. It's so catchy that it gets stuck in my head for days. Seems like Sammy is jealous, but maybe her feelings are just hurt. Hope they can work it out!

  7. I think Sammy is jealous because Jake is more into Lily then he was into Sammy!
