Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Cater 2 You

Cater 2 You- Destiny's Child

I spent the rest of the weekend enjoying the thunderstorms with Jake. He told me about his family and shopping with his sisters. He had 3. 1 older and 2 younger. His older sister Julissa was married with 2 kids and lived in Prosper, a city close to McKinney. Jasmine lived in Irving with her boyfriend. And Jocelyn still lived at home with her daughter.

Their mother got remarried and Jocelyn was her only child with her current husband. Jake told me about growing up and how his step dad tried to spoil them all, but his real father never allowed it with his children. So Jocelyn was the only one spoiled rotten. Now his step dad was regretting giving into all her wants but couldn't make Jocelyn fend for herself because of her daughter Isabella. Isabella's dad passed away from a drug overdose.

Jake said he tried to talk to her numerous times, but she lived in her own little world. Where everyone owes her everything. Jake said she was one of the reasons he didn't like hanging out with his family as much. There was always drama surrounding her and Jake didn't like to be around it.

He told me that he was afraid it was rubbing off on Isabella.

"She's adorable, but she's so bad. She threw a tantrum in the middle of the store cause I refused to buy her another pair of shoes. I bought two for Maryann and Isaac. And she felt like she needed two." Jake explained.

"That's just kid behavior. They want what other kids want. They think everything should be fair." I reasoned.

"Life's not fair. Good lesson for her to learn."

"At 4?" I grinned. "I just learned that, like last weekend."

"Besides that, she's too old to be screaming and crying like that. It was embarrassing. I wanted to take her to the car but Jocelyn bought her candy to calm her down. She got rewarded for acting bad."

I nodded but didn't say anything. I probably would have done the same thing...

We moved on and ordered dinner from Chili's. He braved the weather to go pick it up. Over dinner, I opened up to him about my family drama. About my mom. And my adoptive dad. And my aunt's family.

"Would you have preferred if you lived with your mom's side of the family?" Jake asked.

"I don't think so. I feel like I wouldn't be who I am without my brother and dad. I wouldn't trade them for anything. I wish I would have known my mom's side though. My aunt is brutally honest. I needed that growing up."

"I think you turned out ok." Jake winked at me. I smiled. "You and your cousin look so much alike. In one of her pictures of y'all together, y'all look like sisters."

I beamed. "You think so? She's so pretty."

"I know so and you're beautiful." Jake commented.

I left late Sunday night so I didn't have to deal with Sammy. At least Trevor got the point and stopped calling and texting.

Monday during my lunch, I made plans to hang out Amber. I knew she took the day off work to get her kids registered for school and I wanted to get the Kinect to them so they could have it before school started. After work, I headed straight to her house. It was a 30 minute drive.

She came to the door, holding her 3 year old son Robbie.

"Hey little man." I said, taking him from Amber. I kissed him on the cheek and followed Amber into the house.

"Krista, April. Say hello to Lily." Amber coached them as they sat at their table.

"Hi Miss Lily." They both greeted me before returning back to their pictures.

"Hey girls. What are y'all doing?"

"Coloring while momma cooks." Krista, the oldest at 8 answered.

"Cool. Can I join y'all?"I asked.

They both nodded. We colored and I watched Robbie play with blocks on the floor while Amber finished. I helped clear the table when dinner was ready. I don't think Amber sat down once while they were eating. She efficiently handled every one of their needs while I helped out as much as she would let me. I was in awe. And kinda frightened. When did she relax and eat?

"After they go to bed. Will gets home around 9pm so we try to have dinner together before we go to bed." Amber explained, as we cleaned the table. The girls went to pick out a movie to watch. I wanted to set up the Kinect, but Amber wanted to make sure Will would be okay with it.

"That might be why you're struggling to lose weight. Eating before bed." I stated.

"I know but it's one of the few times we get to be together. Just us." Amber explained.

I nodded. The girls came running back with A Goofy Movie VHS.

"Y'all have a VHS player?" I asked, surprised.

"Yes. Will found one at a yard sell. It came with a ton of Disney movies for 10 dollars. Will was able to fix it up. They love it." Amber explained.

I hadn't seen the movie in forever, but all the songs came back to me. We were singing and dancing to the songs while Amber cleaned the kitchen. The girls were good dancers. I made a mental note to buy a dancing game on the Kinect for them.

Amber eventually joined us. After their movie, it was time to get ready for bed. I asked if we could watch one more movie, but Amber said no. Will liked them in bed when he came home.

After they were in bed, we sat down on the couch and chatted.

"Have you talked to Sammy?" I asked.

"I have. And you need to too." Amber answered.

"I tried. She's being really defensive."

"And so are you. Do you have feelings for Trevor?" Amber asked

"I haven't had feelings for Trevor since college. And even if I did, what does that have to do with Sammy? She knows I have feeling for Jake. That's why she is upset." I explained.

"Like I said, you need to talk to her."

"We'll see." I shrugged. "As soon as you talk to Will about being an ass." I suggested.

Amber rolled her eyes. "What now?"

"We can't play the Kinect until we run it by him. They need to be in bed when he gets home. Blah Blah Blah." I listed.

Amber smiled. "Compromise. You and Jake will get to the point where you disagree and there's no wrong or right. And you're gonna have to compromise."

"Whatever." I said, rolling my eyes. Amber just gave me a smile.

When Will came home, I said hello and got ready to go. He was polite, but that didn't mean I cared for him. Amber might be able to forgive and forget everything he put her through and I forgave him too, but I never forget.

When I got home, I called Jake. I complained about Amber's submissive behavior. Jake laughed at me.

"It works for them. Why knock it?" Jake asked.

"Cause it works for him. He gets exactly what he wants. Kids taken care off, food on the table, he's freaking king of the castle." I said, exasperated.

"Ok..." Jake said.

"Ok...And what does she get?"

"Some women get pleasure taking care of their man. Just because you and Rocky like busting balls-"

"Shut up. I do not." I gasped.

Jake laughed. "It's ok. I'll deal with it. As long as you're submissive in bed, I'm straight."

I laughed.

"But honestly, if Amber is happy, what's the big deal?" Jake asked.

"He just doesn't deserve her." I admitted.

"And what has he done..." Jake started. I was ready to spill out a list of the shit he pulled, "...since they've been married that says he doesn't?"

I had no response. From everything I heard since they got married, he's been on the up and up. He's worked as a manager over the tech guys at Best Buy for the last 3 years, he got them in a house, and supported her going back to school.

"Just give him another chance. For Amber's sake." Jake said when I was silent. I agreed and we said goodnight.


I was off Tuesday, so I slept in. When I emerged from my room, Sammy was gone. I don't even know if she came home. I texted her.

Me: Can we talk please? It seems like it's long overdue.

I made breakfast and ate with no response. I sighed and texted Jake.

Me: Hey. How's work going?

Jake: It's going. How are you?

Me: Annoyed. Sammy's avoiding me like I did something wrong.

Jake: I'm sorry. Would planning our next date help you feel better?

Me: Yes! Today?

Jake: Sure. I should be able to get outta here around 4.

Me: Ok. Come pick me up when you get off.

I decided I wanted to make dinner for Jake. Classic submissive wifey behavior. I wanted to show him I could cater to him as well and not just in the bedroom. I decided to make it extra special and planned a dinner of steak, shrimp cocktail, twice baked potatoes (since he didn't get a chance to try it the first time!) and asparagus. I went to the store and bought the ingredients as well as his favorite beer and a cheesecake.

I stopped at a lingerie store for something new and sexy to wear under my dress. I found something even better. A white lace apron style baby doll with a matching lace boyshorts. It has a pink trim. It screamed submissive housewife. I got the naughty idea to wear that instead of the dress. With a new pair of pink heels.

Yes, I knew I couldn't walk in heels, but I planned to have dinner ready for him. And would have it set up so it would require very little walking. And the heels were only 2 inches.

I went home, super excited to put my plan in motion. I made the potatoes and seasoned the steaks and asparagus. I was searing the steaks when I got a text from Jake.

Jake- Headed home. Gonna shower and change. I should be there in 45 minutes.

I finished the steaks and put them in the oven to stay warm. I raced upstairs to get dressed. I put on the lingerie. I straightened my hair. I did my make-up light, with a pink lip. I grabbed my heels and went downstairs. I was pulling out the shrimp cocktail when the doorbell rang.

Fuck. That wasn't even 30 minutes. 

"Just a second." I hollered. I grabbed a beer from the refrigerator and slid on my shoes. I walked carefully to the front door. And opened it. The sexy smile on my face turned to a frown.


His eyes roamed over my body, before he looked past me. "Where the fuck is Sammy?" He exclaimed.

"Not here." I sputtered, embarrassed and confused. The last time I saw him was at our housewarming. Last time Sammy spoke about him was when she was telling me she was ending it because he was too clingy. Were they still even dating?

"Can I come in and see for myself?" He said.

I looked at him crazy. "I'm in the middle of something. So no. I'll tell her you stopped by." I said, moving to close the door.

He put his hand up to stop the door as I tried to close it. That force made me stumble in my heels and he gripped my arm tightly to steady me. He pulled me up so I faced him.

"You tell that bitch-"

"Get your fucking hands off her!" I looked away from Philip to see Jake. He was striding towards us with a look of pure fury on his face.

Philip let me go. "No disrespect bro."

"Too late for that shit." Jake growled. He looked at my arm where Philip grabbed me.

"{Get inside. Lock the door. Call Sammy. Open the door for me only. Understand?} " Jake demanded.

I nodded and did as he said. I grabbed my phone and called Sammy. She didn't answer.

A few minutes later, I heard knocking on the door.

I walked to the door and looked through the peephole. I saw it was Jake. I opened the door.

"I told you to open the door only for me." He said, harshly. He looked me over disapprovingly.

"I did." I defended myself.

"How did you know?" He interrogated me.

"The peephole."

"Did you use the peephole when you answered the door for him in that?" He asked, angrily.

I shook my head, ashamed. "No. I thought it was you. You said you'd be here in 45 minutes-" I started.

"I was here in 30." He cut me off. "Did you call Sammy?"

I nodded quickly. "No answer. I'm going to text-"

He didn't even let me finish as he pulled out his phone. He pressed a button. Next thing I know, he's speaking in Spanish, rapidly with Sammy. I understood motherfucker and tattoo and money, but that's all. He was talking too fast.

Of course she would answer for him. And what? Did he have that bitch on speed dial? I felt rage build up in me. How dare she not answer me! How dare he talk to me like that. Fuck this!

I stood up and kicked off my heels. That got Jake's attention and he took a breath and looked at me. His eyes darkened when he looked me over again. I stomped up to my room. I ripped of the lingerie and pulled on basketball shorts and a t-shirt. I scrubbed the make up off my face and pulled my hair up in a bun. When I stomped down the stairs, Jake was off the phone. He was watching me, warily.

"Where is she?" I asked, pissed.

"On her way."

"Good. You need to go." I said, turning away and walking to the kitchen. He followed me.

"Why?" He asked.

I took my time answering him. I pulled the steak and potatoes out the oven. I let them hit the counter with a slam. I took pleasure when he winced. I grabbed the shrimp cocktail and put it back in the refrigerator. I pulled the beers out the freezer. I popped one open and drank half of the bottle in a few gulps. Jake was watching my every move. He looked remorseful now, but it was too late.

"Because Sammy and I are gonna have it out when she gets here. And having you here, the reason why we are fighting, is not going to help the situation." I said, putting the bottle back to my lips.

"I'll just go up the street. And when it's over, just give me a call and I'll come back."



"No. I don't even wanna talk to you right now. So I'm sure I'm not gonna wanna see you." I said icily.

"Give me a call later?"

I just stared at him.


"I'll think about it."

"What does that mean?" Jake asked.

"It means I don't wanna fight with you. And I don't wanna lie to you either. I don't know if I'm gonna want to talk to you later. So I might not call." I explained.

"Just give me a call when you are ready to talk." Jake said, softly.

When I didn't respond, he just sighed and left. I stared down at the counter, contemplating how things ended up so badly. I finally heard the front door open.

The answer to my question walked into the kitchen. And I let her fucking have it.

"What the fuck Sammy?!? Did you get my fucking text?"

"Yes. I just didn't wanna argue with you." She said. At least she was being honest, but I was too fucking mad to care.

"Well, I didn't want your ex fuck buddy's hands on me! So I guess I'm not going to be the only one who did things I didn't wanna do today."

Sammy's eyes widen. "That bitch put his hands on you? In front of Jake?"

"Jake got here when he grabbed my arm, but let's talk about Jake. Since you can answer his call after you ignored mine. Obviously you're more concerned for him than you are for me."

She fidgeted. "That's not true."

"It's not? Cause things didn't start falling apart until you learned he had feelings for me." I said.

Sammy scoffed. "Why should I be surprised? Everyone has feelings for you."

"Just admit it. Jake is the problem. A big fucking problem because I have feelings for him now." I said, crossing my arms.

"I don't give a fuck about you and Jake. I told you it was not like that between us!" Sammy declared.

"So why are you acting like this? You didn't start until you saw that Jake treated me differently than you!" I asked, frustrated.

"Everyone acts like you're so perfect. Fucking perfect Lilypad. You can do no fucking wrong. You've had everything handed to you. You are a selfish, insecure, immature, spoiled brat. And I'm the only one that can see it! I'm sick of it." She yelled.

I was shocked. I couldn't believe she thought that about me. Tears welled up in my eyes as her words embedded into my skin. One word stuck out though. And it resonated in my head, like a bell ringing out.


Fucking Trevor.

"Sammy... is this about Trevor?" I accused her.

Her face morphed from anger to sadness. She crumbled to the floor. I rushed to her and wrapped my arms around her as she cried.

Spanish to English

Ve adentro. Cierra la puerta. Llama Sammy. Abrir la puerta para mí sólo. Comprendí?- Get inside. Lock the door. Call Sammy. Open the door for me only. Understand?

So apparently Google translate sucks lol. From now on, if I don't know how to say it, Spanish will be in {Brackets}


  1. Why is it the earlier you post the more irritated I am.... now I have to wait until Thursday/Friday..... URGH..... LOL... I love how she put Jake in his place too.... I just hope she calls him...

    1. Can you tell I get anxious for y'alls reactions? Lol

  2. All these hot blooded people! They're so combustible I love it. I hope Jake and Lily can have a date do over and talk things out. And hey maybe Sammy and Trevor are what each other needs right now... If Lily truly doesn't have feelings for him any more (which I think is true)

    1. I love it too! And I totally get it because I'm Hispanic and that's the way we are, we blow up we scream and then we get over it.
      I feel for Sammy, I get it she has feelings for Trevor and all he can see is lily. But hey that's not Lilly's fault. I don't know if I want Sammy to get together with Trevor though, he's kind of a jerk. I don't like the way he's been acting lately. I think there's hope for lily & Sammy's friendship.
      PS: no more making steak & twice baked potatoes because she always ends up fighting with jake after she makes that hahaha

    2. I'm Hispanic, my husband is not. He says I'm "passionate" about certain things. Lol.

    3. Lol I love the way your husband put that. "Passionate". I'm going start using that too!

      And the next post will definitely get into the Sammy/Trevor dynamic. Them working out is a possibility.

      And Lily was trying to do a do-over of the first dinner. It just turned out worst lol

    4. I love it too. He's calm so we somehow balance each other. Lol.

      I just have to say that I love this blog. I read each post more than once just because I like it that much.

  3. If you're going to try to incorporate Spanish can you at least do it correctly? Whatever translator tool you're using is awful...

    1. You are so rude! Hahaha But yeah google translate sucks because it translates word by word, not ideas

    2. I'm only going to incorporate what I know! Unless I can get a translator. Any volunteers?

    3. Yes, I'll help you. Luita

    4. Thank you Luita.

      I actually don't mind being corrected through comments. I can always go back and edit. But if it takes away from the post or its super awful to read, I can use the brackets or maybe send you the post early to translate. Whichever better for y'all.


    5. Just keep the Spanish, I understand what you are trying to say, I know a lot of second generation Hispanics whose Spanish is not perfect so I figured that's what you were going for.
      I would've said "ve adentro cierra la puerta. Llama a Sammy. Abre la puerta solo para mi. Comprendes?"
      So you your version wasn't too far off.

  4. Poor Sammy. She's all about Trevor and he's all about Lily! What a mess.
    -Nicole M.

    1. Possibly. Thankfully they're talking so they can clean it up!

  5. Did Lily hugely overreact to Jake or did I misread something!?

    1. Maybe some of her frustration with Sammy was transferred to Jake? I am hoping she will come to her senses after the Sammy breakdown and head over to Jakes :) I just hope he don't do anything stupid in the meantime.

    2. She had a good reason to be mad, he didn't need to treat her like a child. And I get that he was angry at the situation not at her, but he needs to calm down.

    3. I don't think she overreacted at all. When she went to his house following him being a no show at the dinner at Cam's, he was all but ready to put her out. But I do think he was just reacting to what just happened. He just took it out on the wrong person. Hopefully they can patch things up quickly.

    4. All good theories and possibilities. Lily frustrations will be explained. There was alot of "passion" flying around that townhome. :-)

  6. Jake acted like she egged Peter on. The way she was dressed and such. He was probably scared for her and turned it into anger.

    She needs to deal with trevor. What a dick if he's saying that kind of shit. And Sammy is just the type to be won over by a poor Trevor. Wants to comfort him. And she probably likes him and all he can talk about is lily

    1. Not getting what you mean above comment. It never implied trevor said anything other then maybe lilypad being perfect. Sammy is the one who called her selfish and immature. Seems that lily and Jake where disagreeing some on kids and marriage, which happens just seems like the more they talk and less about sex they aren't always in sync. Of course They dont have to agree exactly though

    2. It implied that Trevor has been talking to Sammy and feeding her ideas. She called her "perfect Lilypad" - and she said "fucking Trevor" so it did imply that maybe Trevor has been talking smack to Sammy about Lily. And since he has been a dick lately and he likes her apparently, the implication is there.

      Yes they disagreed on how to deal with kids, but that didn't seem like an argument. She was mad at the way he treated her after that Peter guy showed up. Like she asked for it. That's why she's upset with him. And I would be too.

    3. The next post will address a lot of points brought up in you all's comments. Besides Jake and Lily being in sync. That will just have to wait and see :-)

    4. Still not seeing how trevor said mean things, it's obvious sammy has feelings for trevor and she sees he likes lily so she said all those things out of jealousy. We shall see though no clue what's in store next

    5. I think Trevor has been talking to Sammy, not talking bad about lily but same conversations he's had with Rocky about Lilly's choice of men in her life. And that's how Sammy could tell he has feelings for lily. And yes he has his lilypad up on a pedestal and no girl can compare and if I were Sammy I would be pissed too if the guy I was in love with did that. And after lily caught them together he was probably more worried about Lily's feelings than Sammy's. So yeah I can see where Sammy's anger comes from and I feel for her.

  7. I think the Sammy drama fueled Lily's anger towards Jake, especially when he pressed "a button" & it dialed her & she actually answered. & agree with pp about Jake being worried/scared for Lily & it coming off as anger...i can only imagine pulling up to my girls house and another man has his hands on her like that!

    1. Absolutely. I think Lily and Jake was thinking about their own feelings and not each others.

  8. I am wayyy too impatient for the next post. I can't wait to see the result of Jake & Lily's first fight! Bonus! Please?

    1. A bonus post would be about Sammy and Trevor. That's the next post.

      But, that would mean Friday's post I would have to rework. And it can include Jake and Lily...

      Ok. Check back Tomorrow! No comment contest. I'm already loving the feedback.

    2. Oh I'm so nervous for tomorrow, I don't want sammy and trevor together!

  9. I am sure google translate sucks... but please leave the Spanish in :) I think it adds to the story... We can all consider it a Spanish Lesson when corrected...as I can sure use a lesson as the extent of my Spanish begins and ends with Cerveza :)

    1. I agree. I'm all for corrections. I think were working that out.

      Food and swear words was the first thing I learned :-)

  10. Lily please don't mess up what you have with Jake... I'll be so sad, call him or go over there! Sammy is making me not like her at all.. Let her and Trevor be together they act alike!!! Can't wait until the next post!! Give us a bonus :-) can't wait to see how Lily and Jake make up!

    1. Bonus tomorrow!

      Lol funny you think Sammy and Trevor deserve each other. Maybe they can redeem themselves in future post.

    2. I hope I'm having a hard time writing off trevor as easily as lily

  11. I love your blog. It's quickly become one of my favourites. One minor thing though, you always seem to write brought when you mean bought.

    1. Thank you!

      I will definitely go back and correct that.

  12. I love this blog - the length of the posts, the frequency, the story and the charachters. I enjoy it very much and appreciate you taking the time to write for us. I want to give one piece of constructive criticism. You make grammar and spelling mistakes very often, probably in every post I have read so far. I think it takes away from you as a writer, but there is an easy fix for that. I hope that you do not take offense because as I said, this blog is awesome and I love it and literally check for new posts every day. I just wanted to point it out in a positive spirit thats all. Thank you for writing and I can't wait to see how Lily's story develops!

    1. Thank you! I appreciate it.

      I know about the errors. I go back, read post, and see them too. Editing and proofreading will always be a struggle. I would just rather spend my free time writing.

      But i'm going spend more time on it. It won't be perfect, but I promise it will improve.

  13. I love your blog and I have to agree ... passionate is the word for this group of friends/family. I can't wait to see what Sammy has to say for herself. It has to be hard when a guy you like, likes your friend. But I think Sammy has other underlying issues, this can't all be about Lilypad ;)
    Can't wait to hear how things turn out with Jake....that make up sex is going to be PASSIONATE!!

    1. http://isabellasweetlove.blogspot.ca
      if any one wants another blog to read...check me out

  14. I think they all just need to calm the hell down. Lol everybody yells all the time. Can we bring Ethan back who actually thinks things thru, even if it takes him weeks?? LOL

    Really tho, I hate how Jake is so controlling. Maybe she's so
    Attracted to him bc he reminds her of her dad.. You know... Daddy issues.

    1. how is Jake controlling? because when he got to his girls house [& she was in a lingerie outfit on her doorstep with some man holding her arm in a fashion that looks like hes jacking her up cussing] he (jake) got mad and told her to get inside while he dealt with the guy? then when they got inside still hadnt cooled off from the confrontation he just had?

    2. Well if it was the one time he's been aggressive with her I would give him the benefit of the doubt. But it's not. Plus his reaction towards Lily was way overboard. Regardless of whatever happened, there was no reason for him to talk to her like that.
