Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Black Widow

Black Widow- Iggy Azalea ft Rita Ora

***Flashback. (Sammy's perspective)***

"How come instead of picking girls apart, you just admit the truth?"

I leaned over the bar closer to Trevor. It was a typical Friday night and Trevor was waiting for Lily to get off work so they could hang out. Amber and Lily were closing the shift while I finished the rest of my drink. I should have been wiping down the bar, but someone else would do it.

"I'm not picking them apart. I just don't get the point of committing to one unless I could see myself marrying her." Trevor answered me.

"Uh-huh. I get that. So what was wrong with Ashley?" I asked.

"Her goal in life was to be a housewife. I plan on freelancing eventually. I need my wife to have a steady paycheck for back up." Trevor joked.

I smiled. "Ok. Tonya had a good job."

"And she had claw feet. They hung over her sandals." Trevor pointed out. He made a stupid hand gesture with one hand acting as the sandal. And the other like a claw trying to devour it.

I laughed. "Do you have a foot fetish now?"

"Not at all. But I couldn't love my kids if they had those feet." Trevor smiled.

"Ok. Katie?"

"Dumb...Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. She made Jessica Simpson look like a marine biologist." Trevor laughed.

I laughed harder. When we both stopped laughing, I walked out around the bar to sit by him. He stared down at my cami. I wore it under my work shit, with no bra. I was sure my nipples were visible and he was taking a nice long look.

"All those girls have one thing in common." I said, placing my hand on his shoulder. "They're not Lilypad." I said, making fun his ridiculous nickname for her. How old is too old for nicknames? I seriously hoped they grew out of that soon.

He looked confused, shocked, then amused as he laughed.

"Lily is like a sister to me. That's all."

"Well, I've never seen a brother and sister so into each other." I laughed, running my fingers through his curly locks. His hair was cute, in boyish way. Not my type though.

"There's only one way to test the theory: Come home with me." Trevor said, flashing his adorable grin.

"Ha. Nice try." I said, pulling away from him. "What would that prove?"

"Cause Lily would never date anyone who's been with her friends. She's too..."

"Scared." I supplied. That girl was afraid of offending her own shadow.

"Loyal." Trevor finished. "If we go home tonight, not only will we have a good time, but it would crush any chances of me and Lily and I wouldn't do that if I had feelings for her."

"Go hook up with another one of her friends." I put my hands on my hips, knowing it made my boobs thrust out. Trevor glanced at them, before returning his eyes to my face.

"You're the only one that would matter. Rocky's not an option because my best friend is her ex and Amber is faithful to Will." Trevor sighed, in mock desperation.

Too bad he's not faithful to her...

"And besides, I've been dying to see what you look like naked since the first time I saw you." Trevor finished.

Of course he had. I teased him mercilessly with no intention of following through. He was cute and funny, but the quintessential nice guy. Nice guys didn't finish last with me. They didn't finish at all. At least, not with any help from me.

I smiled at him, seductively. "You can't handle this." I waved him off, finishing my drink.

He grinned and plucked the cherry garnish from my drink. "Maybe not, but a man can try." He tossed the cherry in his mouth. I never noticed how sexy his lips were. Not super full, but just enough to look soft and sensual. A flash of arousal hit me as he openly pursued my body with his eyes.

"Done!" Lily said, coming out to join us. And breaking the spell between us. Amber followed. "You can clock out Sammy."

I left, making sure to sway my ass as I walked away. When I looked back at them, Trevor was still staring. I smiled to myself as I clocked out.

When I returned, they were discussing what they were going to do tonight.

"I'm beat." I announced. "I think I'm just gonna head home." I said, giving Trevor a pointed look.

"Ok." Lily smiled at me. Lily looked at Trevor, hopeful.

"Me too." Trevor added. I smirked, pleased, but not surprised. Pussy beat out whatever activity Lily had planned.

"Aww. I guess I'll just head home too. I think Cam might need me to babysit tomorrow anyway." Lily ranted on about the kid she was babysitting.

I'm not surprised she gets along so well with the kid of the woman her brother is dating. She has the naivety of a kid sometimes. By the way Amber is watching us, even she can pick up on the tension between Trevor and me. Lily is totally unaware.

Trevor walked us all out. He made sure Lily got in her car and drove off before approaching me.

"Your place or mine?" He asked, with a grin.

"Mine. So you can make the drive home afterwards." I said, flirtatious.

He got in his car and followed me.

He didn't go home till Sunday night. I had sex for a lot of reasons. Because he was hot. To seduce a guy. Because he was my boyfriend. To get what I wanted. And my favorite, I was drunk. All reasons why I had sex in the past, but never have I done it to prove a point.

Which we proved the first time. I knew no one but me was on his mind the first time we fucked. We continued because it was fun. It's never been just fun for me, but Trevor kept me smiling and laughing.

I loved how much I turned him on. He was willing to try anything and everything once. Sometimes twice. And he never made me feel dirty about it. He always treated me well. Even after we'd fucked like porn stars, he'd kiss me on the forehead and wished me a good night or morning before he left.

Lily eventually found out about us. One day, she just asked me if we were hooking up and I told her the truth. She didn't make a big deal out of it. She just nodded and let it go. At the New Year's Eve Party that year, we went public when we made out at the end of the countdown. Trevor gave Lily a peck on the cheek, before I tongued him down. At first, I was afraid he would push me off in front of Lily and his friends, but he just grabbed my ass and sucked my tongue in his mouth.

After that, we were inseparable. He wasn't my type at all. I liked sexy, fun, smooth, player types that I could pursue and conquer. Trevor was none of those. Well, he was hiding a sexy body underneath his clothes, but his pick up lines included quotes from the guys from Jersey Shore. But every time he sent me that "DTF?" text, I responded "hell yes."

 He had me stuck. I should have been living it up, pursuing any guy I wanted. But I just wanted to spend my time with Trevor. And not just sexually. We had so much fun together with our crew.

 Everything was great until Lily started fucking Ethan.

She had less time to hang with us. Trevor would always question her absence. I swore to secrecy, so I made up school excuses. Or babysitting. Anything. Until I had too much to drink and got sick of Trevor asking questions all the damn time.

I got drunk on gator punch at Razzoo's with Lily. I barely made it to Trevor's place but I did. I passed out in his bed while he undressed me. I woke up in the morning with his hard on nestled between my ass.

I woke him up with my mouth on his dick before I jumped on top and fucked him to ecstasy.

"Where did you go last night? You were wasted." Trevor grinned when I rolled off him.

"You shoulda saw Lily. She got fucked up." I giggled, stretching out.

"What!?! How'd she get home?" Trevor, exclaimed.

I pouted. "I got here okay."

"Lily doesn't drink like that. I can't believe y'all didn't call me. I would have drove y'all home." He said, reaching to grab his phone.

"She had a ride home." I said.


"No. Ethan." I said, matter of factly.

I knew I swore to Lily. I knew I was being a bitch. But I needed to see how he would act. I had to know how he felt about Lily.

"You saw Ethan out drinking?" Trevor asked, confused.

"No. We met up with them."

"Why?" Trevor asked.

"Cause Ethan and Lily are fucking." I said. Bam. There it is. I sat up to watch his reaction.

Trevor sat up too and smiled. "Stop playing."

"I'm not. Think about it. She's always busy, extra happy, spending all that time babysitting..."

"Sammy, stop lying. It's not funny. She wouldn't do that to Cam." Trevor said.

"Do what to Cam? Sleep with the guy whose fiancee he was fucking? She would. She is." I stated.

"She's not stupid. She wouldn't let him use her like that. She's too smart." Trevor said, hopping out of the bed.

"I've seen a lot smarter girls go dumb over dick. She's letting him. It's not using. It's called hate fucking. When you let all your aggression and anger out in sex. He's doing that to her. Probably as we speak. And she's loving it- " I explained, trying to push his buttons. It worked.

"Shut up Sammy! She's not a slut like you. She would never do that. Get the fuck out!" He erupted.

I gathered my things as he got dressed. At least I knew how he felt about me. He followed me out the apartment. He jumped in his car and sped off. I knew he was headed to Rocky and Lily's place. I just had to wait for this to blow up in my face.

But it didn't. I felt bad for Lily, but I never told her I was the reason Trevor found out. I just moved on. I acted like it didn't faze me, like his words didn't hurt. He apologized. I accepted it. Lily left for California, so our crew officially disbanded.

It didn't matter anyway. The crew had been fucked up after I told Trevor about Lily and Ethan. Rocky tried to get in touch with me, but I didn't want to see Trevor, so I ignored her attempts. I tried to move on to the next one but sex just felt like a chore for me again. I didn't hear from Trevor til he came back from his visit to California. He came into Dave and Buster's.

"How's Lily?" I asked.

"I don't know. I don't even know who the fuck I just saw. That wasn't Lily. She cut off her brother,  she's living with her dad, eating non-stop. She's gonna get fat and insecure and miserable all over again." Trevor moaned. "And it's all my fault."

I poured him a drink. I drank too. By the end of the night, we were betting how much weight she was gonna gain. We laughed to mask our guilt and pain. Mine for telling Trevor. His for telling Cam. We ended up going home together that night.

Afterwards, he was getting ready to leave. I stopped him.

"Trevor? Do you think about us? And what we're doing? I mean, this is fun right? And I like you. We should just be together." I said, finally admitting my feelings to myself and to him.

"Of course I thought about it. You're sexy and fun." I grinned when he said that. "But you were right. I didn't know until she left. Lily is it for me." Trevor announced.

The smile fell off my face. My blood ran cold. "She'll never forgive you."

"Yes she will. It's just a matter of when. I'm willing to wait."

"Not for this." I gestured between us.

"Maybe not. But she's my heart, my future. I have to try." Trevor said. He kissed me on the forehead and left.

I sat in the bed and told myself he wasn't worth shit and that I could do better. It was easy to lie after that. Lying to myself made it so much easier to lie to everyone else. I was lying anyway, every time I saw Trevor, I pretended like it didn't hurt.


***Present(Back to Lily)***

"I'm the one who told him he had feelings for you. He always denied but I knew it. And I have feelings for him anyway." Sammy sniffed.

It was the first thing she said to me. I held her as she cried. I've never seen her cry like this. I've seen tears of frustration, anger and beer tears, but never tears of a broken heart. It made me cry with her. She explained the sordid tale to me. She was right. I was blissfully unaware. I couldn't believe she told Trevor about Ethan. I thought it was just bad fucking luck Trevor showing up. A part of me was upset, but I let it go. Especially after knowing the depth of feelings she had for Trevor.

"He slept with me to prove he didn't have feelings for you. Then he told me he did after I told him I had feelings for him." Sammy finished, sniffling.

Fuck. My head hurt. This was more fucking complicated then I imagined. Part of me wished it was about Jake. I didn't know how to fix this.

"Do you have feelings for Trevor?" She asked, softly.

"I used to. I felt the same way. That we were meant to be. That I would always love him." I started. She shrank into herself. "But now since I met Jake, I know it was just a phase. Jake knows me better than anyone now. He knows things I would never tell Trevor because he's safe. Trevor makes me feel comfort. But Jake makes me feel... everything. And even when I'm pissed at him, I don't want him to leave me." I explained.

"I didn't know it was that serious between you two." Sammy said to the floor.

"Yeah. It's hard. Maybe I don't know him. I'm already insecure and scared because he's been with my beautiful, fun loving roommate but I can't walk away from him either." I confessed.

"I'm sorry for the things I said about him. I don't know him, so I can't judge." Sammy finally looked up at me. "Maybe we should make them off limits. Trevor for you. Jake for me."

"Does it count if you've already been with mine?".

"No...have you ever been with Trevor?"

I shook my head. "Never."

Sammy sighed. "Well, effective right now, they're off limits."

"Do we shake on it?" I grinned.

"How bout drink to it?"

"Works for me." I got up and grabbed a couple of beers, tequila and shot glasses.

I sat cross legged on the ground across from her and poured us shots.

"So what happened Friday night with y'all?" I asked.

She drank her shot. "A stupid mistake. He came over,  he wanted to talk to you. I rubbed it in his face that you were out with Jake. He rubbed it in my face that I couldn't keep a boyfriend. We ended up drinking and fucking, but you walked in on that part." Sammy explained, chasing the shot with her beer.

"You know what I think? I think Trevor only wanted us when we were a challenge. I crushed on him hard while in college. He never gave me a second glance. As soon as you gave into him, he bailed. That kid has major commitment issues." I finished, sipping my shot.

"He wouldn't with you." Sammy replied, emotionless.

"We'll never know." I said, standing up. "C'mon. Lets eat."

I set up the table and Sammy joined me.

"You did all this for Jake? Call him. I'll disappear." Sammy offered.

I shook my head. "No. He pretty much ruined it..." I explained to her his attitude and how he got upset with me. I made our plates as I did it.

"Lily, he was just upset. With Philip and with me." Sammy said.

"But you're right. I don't know anything about him. I mean, I'm learning, but this is not the first time he has ordered me around. I can't take it. I really can't." I explained, handing her her plate.

"I know you still wanna be with him. You just gotta show him that you're not gonna put up with that shit." Sammy suggested.

"How do I do that?" I asked.

"Friend me on Facebook and I'll show you." Sammy said. I smiled.

I did. She took a pictures of the food and drinks. She posted the pictures and captioned it.

To my beautiful, fun loving roommate. So glad we're friends again. #DinnerAndDeepTalks #SurfAndTurf #HoesOverBros4Ever

I shook my head. "Ok?"

"That's phase one. Let him sit on that for a couple of days. Then we'll start phase 2." Sammy smiled.

"We need to start the grieving process for you." I said, leaving the table. I came back with the strawberry cheesecake.

"We already cried. Now let's pig out and talk shit about Trevor." I smiled.

"He has no game at all..." Sammy started. We went back and forth while eating and drinking. We laughed so hard we cried.

I didn't know how I was going to proceed with Trevor, but at least I knew my roommate situation was intact. That's was more important to me. I couldn't live somewhere I was uncomfortable.

After a good amount of tequila, we called Philip on speaker phone. Turns out, Sammy took Jackie to get a tattoo redone. Philip thought he was giving the boyfriend discount, only Sammy didn't want him as her boyfriend. He got pissed, and wanted the money for the work. Sammy blew him off.

When Philip picked up, Sammy went off on him. She told him if he ever showed his face around here again, she would get her cousins to burn down his shop. I could barely stop my laughter.

"Whatever bitch. Your roommate's boyfriend already paid me. So it's cool. Watch who you're fucking with next time." He sneered.

"I see who I'm fucking with. A bitch. That's why I didn't want you." She hung up the phone and we laughed out loud.

 After cleaning up, I went to bed. I looked at my phone. The urge to call Jake was strong, especially after learning he paid Philip but I didn't. I was too worn out and tipsy for that conversation. I turned over and went to sleep instead.


  1. :O need update on Jake lol! If I wasn't married already I'd make Jake my official boyfriend since Lily is obviously having trouble taking that step!
    & I'm glad someone made up in this post! I officially like Sammy again! Lol oh ya & Trevor is a douche. The way he's treated Sammy past & present is not painting a nice picture of heart breaks for her

  2. I knew it! I knew Trevor was an idiot! I really dislike him now, I can't believe I wanted him for Lily!
    I can't believe he would use Sammy like that. I hope she gets over him and finds a good guy.

  3. Cannot believe Trevor I really thought he was a good person , what an asswipe he turn out to be. Hoping Lily works things out with Jake I really loved them together. Can't wait for the next post. Love this blog doo much.


  4. Well that sucks, (not the writing) I still want to like trevor for lily but I'm not the writer and you just keep making him look bad I guess soon I'm going to have to accept where you're going with this or I'll always be upset. Don't think sammy is innocent though she started off wanting to sleep with trevor for the wrong reasons we can't just blame trevor. She's still the one calling lily names

    1. I agree with this alternative take on Sammy, although I obviously am not liking Trevor much right now.

      Great post!

    2. I agree, I still don't like Sammy or trust her. And I did REALLY want lily and Trevor together but he just keeps getting worse and worse. Ugh!

  5. Where's Ethan???? I need to know hpw he feels about all this. And if he's going to fight for Lily #still teamethan

  6. I am worried if Lily plays Sammy's games with Jake, he's going to do something they will both regret!

    I agree.... where is Ethan... or Rocky... She has to know something is up as she hasn't been heard from since the Becca Party?

  7. NOOOOO please do not hook Lily and Tervor up I don't think I could possibly handle that... I can't stand him.. I want her with Jake or Ethan... And since Ethan isn't hitting on much now Jake is doing amazing I hope they'll be together for a while at least!!
