Monday, July 21, 2014

That's My Kind of Night

Mini-bonus post. Enjoy!

That's My Kind of Night- Luke Bryan

Fun ended up being an indoor/outdoor bar called Landmark Bar and Kitchen. We followed Forrest and his group of friends to the bar. Driving up to it, we saw a huge mechanical bull on the outside. I automatically knew this was going to be an interesting night.

This part of the night was only for the participants of the run. It was a group of 14 of us, but we were able to find a large table outdoors with attached benches. We ordered drinks. Thanks to Brandon driving, he's the designated driver for the night. We start off the night with a round of signature shots before going off to explore.

Outside, there are corn hole games, Foosball tables, and of course, the mechanical bull. Inside there are skee-ball games, a wall of retro arcade games, oversized Connect Four and Jenga. Jasmine grabbed me and we headed for the danced floor. The DJ was playing top 40 mixture of country, pop and some rock. Jake and Brandon joined us and we were all dancing together till some girls started dancing on the guys.

Jasmine and I just continued to dance with each other till I felt someone dancing on me. I turned to see Forrest. We continued dancing. I tried not to notice how freaking sexy he looked dancing against me.

After the song ended, Forrest leaned into my ear. "We got a corn hole table. Come play with us."

I nodded and told Jasmine over the music. She waved me off and kept dancing. As I left, I watched both Jake and Brandon on the dance floor. Brandon had some young, sloppy girl grinding her ass all over him. I glared at him, willing him to look up. Jake noticed me first, and tapped Brandon on the shoulder. Jake said something to Brandon to make him look my way. He sheepishly took a step back from the girl while Jake laughed. I turned and followed Forrest to the outdoor bar.

I never played corn hole before in my life. But the rules were explained to me and it seemed simple enough. They made it a drinking game. For every point scored against you, you had to take a drink. And on the tables sat two fish bowls of trashcan punch.

Forrest goes first. 3 of his bags end up on the board, one on the floor. Giving us 3 points and an automatic drink. Blake, his friend on the opposing team, goes next. 1 on the floor, 2 on the board, and one holer, a term for when it went in the hole. I learned it when they all screamed HOLER. They gave them 5 points. Meaning they scored 2, so we had to take 3 drinks, while they only took 1.

When it was my turn, all my bags landed on the board. Ashley, (the girl I was going against) only got one on the board.

We easily crushed them. Me and Forrest hugged as we celebrated and trash talked. Well, I mostly trash talked, but in my defense, they scored 11 points, so I was 11+ sips deep in trashcan punch.

"Y'all gotta split up!" Ashley demanded.

I laughed. "You gotta keep your bags on the board."

Everyone laughed when she turned red.

"Sit down babe. Just rest for a minute." Blake told Ashley. "Lily, come be on my team."

"No. I recruited her. You go recruit your own!" Forrest laughed.

I saw Jake talking at the table with girl who looked like a country Barbie: orange tan, long blonde hair, boobs outs.

"Jake!!! Come play with us!!!" I called to him.

"No...he needs a girl." Forrest replied.

"Don't be sexist!" I said to Forrest. I smiled when Jake made his way over.

"Yeah, don't be sexist." Blake grinned.

"Do you know how to play?" I asked him.

"Nope." He said, sitting down next to me.

"Want me to talk you through it?" Blake asked.

"Nope, just play."

Blake and Forrest started the game. They tied, so no one got points. When Jake saw it was a drinking game, he ordered a drink. He wasn't into community drinks. I snickered when he said that.

"You probably caught more diseases by talking to that skank." I told him, as we stood to take our places.

Forrest chuckled when he heard me. I went first, and Jake proceeded to spend the entire game just knocking my bags off the board. He doesn't even care about points. He just wanted me not to score. I grew increasingly frustrated with him. I have no choice but to go for holers, which is not happening for me the more I drink.

"You're not playing right!" I snapped at him when the score is 17-14 them.

"Sure I am. It's called defense." Jake laughed.

"Well stop!" I pouted.

"Whatever you like."

Next round, he went for straight points. And got to 21 before us to win.

Forrest and I were gracious and told them congratulations. Forrest and Blake then head to the bar for last call. Jake gave me a cocky grin. I returned it.

"You know you lost right?" Jake rubbed in.

"Did I?" I said, tilting my head.

"Yeah, you did."

"Oh. Guess I got confused cause my goal was to get you away from that girl. So it's a win-win." I smiled.

Jake smiled. "I didn't know you cared, sweetheart."

I rolled my eyes. "I don't."

"I'm gonna go find Jasmine so we can get ready to go. Be right back." Jake told me. I nodded.

 After 5 minutes, I had to go to the restroom. So I did. 10 minutes later I left the bathroom.

On the way back to the patio, I saw Mortal Kombat game. Mortal Kombat was my game. I named my blue Jetta Lady Kitana. I asked if I could join the guy that was playing. He said yes and we played. I won the first battle. He won the second. We were gearing up for the third battle, when I felt someone over my shoulder. I looked up and saw Jake.

"I thought you were going to stay put." He said.

"I was. But then I had to go to the bathroom. Then I saw Mortal Kombat. You know how it is." I explained.

"You're such a nerd." He said.

"My brother actually got me into games. We used to play all the time growing up. Saying that's like calling him a nerd. I'll kick your ass for that. " I answered.

Jake laughed at me.

"You ready?" The guy asked me. I nodded and focused on the game. It was a close battle, but I beat him.

"Best outta 5?" The guy asked over the music, with a smile.

"Nah, we have to go." Jake answered for me.

I let Jake lead me away to a corner of the bar. He put an arm around my waist and pulled me close. I pulled back at the last minute.

"What are you doing?" I asked him, looking into his eyes.

"You know what I'm doing." He grinned.

"Well... stop."

"Why?" He asked, still holding me.

"Too complicated."



"She's not my girl. Never was."


"You never were his..." He replied, stroking my cheek, before cupping my face in his hand. "It's simple. I want you, you want me..."

"I don't want you." I said, defiantly.

"Prove it." He challenged me, before pressing his lips into mine.

They were so smooth and soft as he kissed me gently. I wasn't expecting tenderness from him, and it made me gasp. When my mouth opened, he used that opportunity and slid his tongue inside. I moaned. I couldn't help it. My body responded to him. Even though I didn't want to. He was driving me crazy. His hand was cradling my face, angling me the way he wanted me. His other hand gripped my side as he held me. He didn't press against me or try to increase our contact. He just kissed me, like he could do it all night. And the way he's making me feel, I would let him...

"Jake! I found Jasmine!" Brandon exclaimed. I opened my eyes to see Brandon beside us. When Jake pulled away, Brandon's eyes widened when he saw it was me.


  1. Whoaaaaaaa! Even though I was kind of against her hooking up with him, I'm dying to know what's going to happen next... Daaaaaang. Lol why does someone always have to interrupt when Lily is finally enjoying herself? Lmao
    Also, sooo glad nothing happened with the coach!

    1. In Brandon's defensive, they were in the middle of the bar. And he didnt know it was Lily lol

  2. YES!!!! Oh.My.Gosh. About time something happened with them! & I love the fact that he was so gentle with her...seemed so intimate despite their surroundings. I canNOT wait for the next post!

    1. Was it that obvious it was going to happen? Lol

    2. Not too obvious but I've been hoping!!!

  3. Yay! About time Lily had some fun! Now, she should probably just let Sammy know what's going on, so she doesn't cause any drama when she sees him leaving Lilly's room ;)
    Forrest sure doesn't act like a man who is taken,, but I'm glad nothing happened with him.

  4. I agree about Forrest..if I was his fiancé I would wonder why he was being so friendly to Lily who he recently just met

    1. Such thing as too friendly?

    2. Yes &'s a fine like you walk with the opposite sex when you're taken

  5. I'm still completely ambivalent about Jake, but I'm interested to see where it goes!

    New Beginning, New Adventures

    1. I think Lily feels the same. We'll see what happens :-)

  6. I'm new here, but I loved the use of the present tense and the immediacy it brings to the story. I can't say much about Jake, but the kiss was very tender. I can't wait to hear more :)

    1. Thank you!

      The tense was a huge mistake! I'm glad you liked it....but I have to go back and fix it. I promised I would work on proofreading!

      Thank you for reading and commenting.

    2. Just saw that you wrote this! I can't believe it was a mistake! I liked it :D
