Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Don't Tell 'Em

Don't Tell 'Em- Jeremih feat. YG

"Where is she?" Jake asked, looking over at Brandon. When he still didn't let me go, I pulled away.

"About to ride the bull." Brandon answered, still staring at me, in disbelief.

"I have to see this!" I said, turning away from them both.

I rushed outside to watch her. Brandon and Jake followed me. We got there just in time. Forrest and his friends were cheering her on. I pulled out my phone and took pictures. She was grinning as she put her arm up, signaling the bull to start. When the bull started, I recorded her. She lasted about 37 seconds before she fell off. We cheered as an attendant helped her up.

I'm so grateful to Jasmine for the distraction. We focused on her, and not what Jake and I were just doing. I was trying to forget all about it, but my body was not cooperating. Forrest walked us out to Brandon's Explorer.

"Next time we're gonna get you up on the bull." Forrest teased.

"Doubtful. I think I'll stick with corn hole." I smiled.

"Have you been out to the stockyards in Fort Worth?" He asked me.

"I haven't. There are still parts of Dallas I haven't been too." I answered.

"Well, we gotta plan for y'all to come out here and visit the stockyards. No mechanical bulls, but you'll get the true western experience." Forrest replied.

"I'm sure I don't want the western experience." Jake butted in.

"Yeah man, weren't we slaves back then?" Brandon cut in.

"Y'all are so stupid." Jasmine laughed.

"Yeah, shut up." I glared at them both.

Forrest smiled. "It's all good. Rachel told me the same thing. She studied African American studies. So yes and no to slavery. It was after slavery was abolished. Unfortunately, slaves didn't know that down here."

"Is Rachel a teacher too?" I asked Forrest.

"No. She's a professional student." Forrest grinned.

"Beauty and brains. She's the complete package. Good thing you already locked her down." Jake told Forrest.

"I know it." He shook hands with Brandon and Jake before hugging me and Jasmine.

"Thanks again for coming out" He turned to me. "I'll text you tomorrow with a link so you can look at or purchase pictures from the mud run."

"Ok. Good night Forrest."



We drove home in silence. I had a thousand thoughts running through my head. And they all came back to stupid Jake. And his kiss. And how I'm going to have to tell Sammy. And what do I tell Sammy? Then I'd have to tell Rocky... if Brandon doesn't tell her. Urgh, of course he's going to tell her. And how do I act around Jake now? And did he really think Rachel was the complete package? He didn't even know her. He was going off looks. Stupid manwhore.

We all made the decision to just crash at Rocky and Brandon's house. Jasmine and I took the guest room while Jake took the couch.

Everyone showered and changed while I washed all the dirty clothes. After I showered, I put the clothes in the dryer. On my way to my old bedroom, I passed Jake sprawled out on the couch. His eyes were closed, so I took the opportunity to devour his shirtless physique.

"Like what you see?" He said, with a little smile.

"I already told you your upper body needs work." I said, embarrassed to be caught.

"So come work me out." He said, suggestively.

"I didn't spend 7 extra years of school to do a trainer's job." I replied.

He closed his eyes."Then go back to bed, little girl."

I sat down on the arm of the couch next to him instead. I knew I was playing with fire. But I felt like I had to defy him. Especially for calling me a little girl.

He sat up. But I didn't flinch. I just watched him, challengingly.

He placed a hand on my knee. Then he slowly inched up, caressing my inner thigh. It took everything not to slap his hand away. I was trying to stay unfazed, but my face is burning up. He smiled at me.

"Eres linda." He murmured, before pulling me into his lap. I would have laughed at the irony of sitting in his lap, like a little girl, but he kissed me, softly. All thoughts went out the window as each kiss grew deeper and more passionate than the last. And I returned every one of his kisses. He moved his hand off my thigh to the straps of my sundress. He pulled the top of my dress to my waist, revealing my breasts. My face burnt harder as he stared at my exposed body.

"You're so cute." He repeated, in English, when he looked up. He kissed me again. I rested my arms on his wide shoulders and pressed against him. Partly because I wanted to feel him, chest to chest, but mostly because I wanted to hide my body. It's bad enough I was doing this with Jake, but we were out in the open. Rocky, Brandon, or Jasmine could walk out and see everything we were doing. I wasn't so far gone that I didn't realize that. I was just too far to stop it. I swear, his kisses were like drugs. And I needed my fix.

He broke off our kiss and laid me back against the arm of the couch. One hand crept between my thighs while he placed little kisses all over my face. He pulled my panties down and off. We both groaned when he pressed a finger inside of me.

"How long has it been for you?" He asked, moving his finger inside of my tight flesh.

"None of your business..." I grunted, as he explored me, moving his finger in and out.

 Truthfully, it's been a little more than a year since I had sex. But he really didn't need to know that.

He laughed. I quickly put my hand over his mouth. I looked over my shoulder. I could've sworn I heard something...

"Paranoid little girl? Don't wanna get caught?" Jake said, grinning at me.


"Good." He said, before kissing down my body. He trailed kisses down my chest, stomach, navel, stopping between my thighs.

Any paranoia I had faded away with the first touch of his mouth on me. His skilled mouth and tongue made me forget everything but pleasure. Pleasure ripped through me as he held me against his mouth. I arched my back, as my body tensed. I bit my lip, to stifle my cries when he moved his mouth to my clitoris and sucked. I threw my head back and came.

He finally pulled back as the last spasm coursed through my body. I looked down at him, panting. He looked up at me, hungrily.

"Go to bed Lily." He said, gruffly.

I didn't test him this time. I pulled my dress up and hurried as fast as my tired legs could take me to my old room/the guest room. I felt so awkward jumping in bed with Jasmine after what I just did with her brother. I laid down in the opposite direction of her. The events of the day hit me hard, and I passed out quickly.


I woke up the next morning, sore all over. I heard movement out in the kitchen. I took a deep breath, and got ready to face the music. I deserved whatever Rocky was getting ready to tell me about myself. Especially after what happened on her couch last night...

When I stepped into the kitchen, it was Brandon, not Rocky. No lie, I was relieved.

"Hey..." I said softly, as to not wake up Jake. He was still sleeping on the couch.

"Hey." Brandon said, pulling out a huge skillet.

"Where's Rocky?" I asked.

"Went to the store to pick up a few things for breakfast." Brandon answered.

"So did you tell her what you saw last night?" I continued.

"No. What did I see last night?"


"Nothing?" Brandon stopped to raise an eyebrow at me.

"Exactly. Nothing."

"Didn't look like nothing."

"That's the funny thing about interpretations. Like I could interpret you freak dancing with that girl last night as trying to conceive a kid with her." I threw out there.

I heard a chuckle from the couch that alerted me that Jake was awake. Jake sat up, and gave me a heated look before heading to the bathroom.

Damn, why does he have to be so hot?...

"All jokes aside, I'm not going tell Rocky." Brandon said, breaking up my dirty thoughts. "But you are putting me in a bad spot. Not just with Rocky. But with Ethan too. I suggest you think about it before you start up anything with Jake."

"First of all, Ethan and I are just friends. I doubt he would care. Second, and most importantly, ew. I'm not starting up anything with Jake. I'm not trying to be another notch on his bed post."

"Bed post is so high school. There's an app for that." Jake returned back to the kitchen. At least he's wearing a shirt right now. I could focus on the disgusting-ness of his comment. And not how good he felt against me last night...

"Gross. You will never have to worry about me being on it." I said, trying to convince him and myself.

"That's ok. I'll fulfill my roommate fantasy another time. Maybe for my birthday. I'm thinking Vegas." Jake said, changing the subject. And officially dismissing me.

 A part of me is upset, but honestly, it's better this way. Apparently, I don't have the strength to resist him if he decided to continue to pursue me. At least I got off last night. He could go fuck himself. Literally.

Rocky came back with coffee supplies and assorted danishes to go with the breakfast scramble Brandon made. Jasmine woke up at the smell of coffee and we ate and relaxed.

Things are normal between Jake and me. We're doing our bantering back and forth. I can't help sneaking little glances when he's not looking. The memories of last night keep playing in my head...

"Lily!" Rocky said, as I was zoning out. Jake had just laughed at something Brandon said and rubbed his hair. I was remembering how good his hair felt tickling my thighs...


"I was asking if you had pictures from yesterday." Rocky repeated, looking at me like I was crazy.

"Oh yeah. I was thinking if Forrest said he was going to text or email. Let me check my phone." I played it off, pulling out my phone.

Forrest actually tagged me in a post on Facebook that had the link. I used Rocky's laptop to pull up the website so we could look through them together. We laughed and pointed out pictures we wanted. There were a lot of great candid shots. Rocky loved the picture of Jordan, Jasmine and me covered in mud, posing and pouting like models. I checked the boxes of all the photos that we were in so I could pick which ones I wanted to buy.

"Is that Forrest?" Rocky pointed him out. It was a candid shot of all of us hanging in the grass, drinking beer after the race. Forrest and I were sitting down, talking.

I nodded.

"You noticed how fine he is?..." Rocky asked, hinting.

"You should see his fiancee." Jake said, whistling.

Brandon nodded, in agreement.

"How fine was she?" Rocky asked Brandon, folding her arms.

"As fine as you think he is." Brandon countered.

"I think we can all agree they're a fine looking couple." I said, dying for a subject change.

"When's the wedding?" Jake asked me.

"I don't know." I shrugged.

"Oh, I thought it would come up during one of y'all's 2 hour lunches." Jake said.

I ignored Rocky's surprised look and glared at Jake.

"We have business lunches. We talk about my patient's knee." I disputed.

"Poor guy. He must have the most messed up knee in the history of knee injuries." Jake said, sarcastically.

I was saved from having to respond when my phone rang. It was Ethan. I picked up, happy for a way out of that conversation.


"Lily! It's me." EJ's voice came over the line.

"Me?... do I know a me?" I said, pretending.

"No. EJ. EJ Carter." EJ explained.

"Sounds familiar. I do remember a little boy, but I haven't seen him in forever. He went to his grandparent's house and disappeared." I said dramatically.

"No I didn't. I'm right here!"

"I would have to see it to believe it." I smiled.

"Ok. Can I come over?"

"Sure. Let me speak to your dad."

A moment later, Ethan was one the phone.

"Hey. I have something to drop off to you. Can we stop by?"

"Yes. I'm actually at Rocky's and Brandon's. If you wanna meet me here." I answered.

"I'll just catch up with you later at your apartment when I take EJ to his mom's. You'll understand when you see what I'm bringing. "

"That's ok. I can meet you there in like 15 minutes. I need to go home anyway. Relax a little before I have to work tomorrow." I complained.

"Was the run tough?"

"No, it was actually kinda fun. The drinking afterwards was rough." I explained.

"Uh-oh. Did your low alcohol tolerance make you do something crazy?"

"Not at all. My tolerance is building and I didn't do anything I can't repent and forgive myself for." I met Jake's eyes when I said this. He looked away.

"Alright. I'll see you in a few."


I got up and headed to the laundry room. I was folding up everyone's clothes when Rocky joined me.

"So...what's up with this Forrest guy?" She asked, helping me fold.

"Nothing, really. We're just friends. We had lunch once. And it wasn't two hours." I explained.

"Ok." She said. I was shocked she didn't question me further. But I didn't press it. We walked back out to the living and delivered everyone's clothes.

"What did my brother want?" Brandon asked me.

"I don't know. He has something he wants to drop off at my apartment."

"Dick in a box?" Jake asked.

"No!!! He has EJ!" I exclaimed, as they laughed. Well, everyone but Jake. He just shook his head.

"And y'all are just friends?" Jake added.

"Duh." I said, before leaving.

When I arrived at the townhouse, Ethan and EJ were already there. I smiled as I gave EJ a big hug. And then I gave Ethan a hug as well.

The present was from his mom. It was a set of tv stands.

"I can't accept that. It's too much." I said.

"I told her you would say that." He handed me his phone when we were inside. "Talk to her about it."

1 minute on the phone with her, and I was accepting them.

"I think I have mommy issues. She talked me into it." I told Ethan. I let EJ run around and explore the place.

"No, that's just her." Ethan commented.

EJ ran over with the Bop-it Ethan bought me. "Can we play?"

"EJ we gotta get going. So we can eat before I take you to your mom's." Ethan answered.

"Did y'all have plans?" I asked. "We can order food here..."

"Please?!?" EJ pleaded.

"Sure." Ethan relented.

I called Lamar and asked for his recommendations for delivery. He texted me the website to a Chinese placed called Jasmine's. While we waited for our food, we played Bop-it. It was fun. It reminded me of how me and Ethan first hung out. He let me be a part of EJ's life after the whole mess with Cam and Megan, but supervised the visit instead of letting me babysit.

I know he was going through a rough patch, but my initial impression of him was that he was so uptight. And thought he was too good to associate with me. I soon learned that he was just reserved. And I really was glad he decided to give me a chance. With EJ. And with him.

After dinner, I said goodbye, hugging them both. It really reinforced the idea that me and Ethan could be friends. And that made me happy. Those happy feelings faltered when Sammy came home.

"Ohmigosh girl! I have so much to tell you!" She exclaimed, flopping on the couch with me.

"I actually have something to tell you too." I said, nervously.

She looked at me. " You first."

"Well, Brandon, Jasmine, Jordan and Jake went to the mud run with me." I started. When she nodded, I continued. "Afterwards, we went out drinking. And one thing lead to another. And... I hooked up with Jake." I spat out.

I held my breath and watched her. At first, she looked confused. Then, in shock. I didn't noticed her facial expressions anymore. I was more concerned about her hand movement. Her right hand balled up into a fist.


  1. When will the next post be? Maybe knowing will stop me from incessantly checking to see if there's an update on Sammy's reaction...
    That aside I feel like I see potential with Lily & Jake if they stopped pretending they didn't actually like eachother.

    1. Posts are Monday, Wednesday & Friday. But she always posts way early like the night before. ;)

    2. Friday's post shows Sammy's reaction.

      There's definitely an attraction there. The potential for what is the question.

  2. I think there's way more to what happened between Sammy and Jake than we know yet. I can't wait for the next post!

    I agree with Anonymous above too. They are driving me nuts with that crap!

    New Beginning, New Adventures

    1. Agreed! Waaaaayyyyy more than what they're letting on!

    2. Jake just said Sammy was dishonest. Maybe Sammy will reveal what she lied about next post.

  3. I think Jake got hurt in the past. To me it seems like he actually likes Lily but is 'scared' to get hurt so is turning up his player attitude & getting sarcastic with her. At least I hope that's the case because I want to see something happen with them...if Sammy let's Lily live anyway

    1. Lol lets hope Sammy and Lily are able to work it out like adults.

      Interesting theory on Jake. Lily will never know unless she gives him a chance

    2. I agree with Anonymous, that's how he sounds!

  4. Is Sammy going to punch her?? I really hope she gets over it, because that would be a terrible living situation. It is weird to hook up with someone your roommate used to hook up with, but it's not like they were bf/gf.
    Both jake & lily just need to get over themselves and give it a try. And who cares about Ethan, he's the one that decided not to date her.

    1. Check back Friday for Sammy reactions. Some girls think sleeping with a guy is 'claiming' them.

      Aww, Lily still cares about Ethan. At the very least, she wants a friendship.

  5. I love it.!!! Jake and Lily totally like each other, but can't admit it, and Sammy better not try to punch her, for what I see Jake is a free agent soo get over it...

    1. However Sammy's feeling, lets hope it doesn't take violence to get her point across.

      Lily definitely trying to fight her attraction. Who knows what Jake is thinking.

  6. I agree about Jake. I think he's liked her for a long time. His comments in this post both about Forrest and Ethan are so jealous it's adorable! I'm still team Ethan though!

    1. Lily admitted she is no good at reading guys. She didn't even see any jealousy in Jake's comments. Ethan and Lily are team friendship. But like another commenter mention, friendship can always lead to more.

  7. Oh my God, I'm pretty new here, but I love the style of drama in this blog right now. It's not too intense (I don't tend to like that), but just enough between each character having different motives and interests to keep you on your toes and making predictions.


    1. Thank you! I actually like the really dramatic blogs. Its so different from my real life, that its fun to read about. But I can't write like that lol

      My motivation for writing are the characters. They pop up in my head and demand I create them. I love developing characters and their personalities.I'm so glad y'all like/love/hate their personalities with me.

  8. I can't wait for Sammy's reaction... And the trp to see Dad.

    Will we be seeing another flashback?

    1. I'm leaning towards yes... when Lily goes to California. But i'm still undecided

    2. Good... will Aunt Patricia make an appearance? I did read she didn't live with her long... I am curious as to if anything happened :)

      Love your blog... it has quickly become my favorite!

    3. She sure will. I'm leaning towards a whole week of post dedicated to California. Basically 2 years, in 3 post. I start writing it this weekend. Wish me luck ;-)
      Thank you!
