Tuesday, July 1, 2014


"Sorry"- Naya Rivera

"That insecure jealous bitch!" Sammy declared, at the bar. Dave and Buster's was closing and she was waiting to close her shift. I was on my second cherry vodka sour and just showed her the message Karen sent me Saturday night.

"That's what I thought." I laughed. "I don't know how to respond."

"I got this. Write: Bitch, I backed off for two years. I was in a whole 'nother state. If you couldn't get a connection, it's your fucking problem. I ain't going any fucking where! Save yourself the embarrassment and back off! Or get dumped. Your choice bitch!" Sammy stated.

I burst out laughing. "That's too much. Rocky thinks I shouldn't write back at all."

"Rocky is lame. You know she would respond. Unless you have sexy pictures of you and Ethan. Then I would just post them. Do you have any?"

"No!" I said. She's so crazy. After I finished my drink, I took my phone and composed a message.


As you know, I just moved back from California. I adore EJ, so it was very hard being away from him for 2 years. I intend to take every opportunity to make up for that lost time. I will let Ethan know my intentions. And the ball will be completely in his court.

You're welcome,


I showed it to Sammy. She cracked up laughing.

"One more thing!" Sammy laughed, grabbing my phone from me. She typed on it. I looked at it when she handed it back.

P.S. You might want to speak with Ethan about your problems with connecting. He might be able to share some insight to how we were able to bond so strongly.

That definitely left no doubt that I was talking about Ethan. I sent the message before I backed down.


On Monday, I still had no response from Karen. I didn't know how to feel about that. I was going to have to talk with Ethan now. I pretty much threatened Karen that I would. And I did finally see where Rocky was coming from.

I didn't tell Rocky that though. Things between us are strained. Normally when Rocky was upset at me, she would just call me out. And I would apologize and we would move on. But she was just giving me the cold shoulder. Not ignoring me. Just being cold.

I'm not going to apologize. I knew I probably should considering I threw her and Brandon's problems in her face. I just felt like she was always so quick to tear me down when I always defended her. I would have had her back if anybody came at her like Karen came at me. I couldn't just let it go that she didn't take my side.

I was getting ready to leave work on Monday. I literally just put my bag in my car, when I heard a horn honking. I looked up, startled. I was surprised to see Darren, my 17 year old, recent reformed, trouble making patient, pulling up. It was not his appointment day.

"Hey. Don't leave!" Darren called out.

I waited for him to park before he jogged over to me.

"Can we change my workout from Wednesday to today? My athletic trainer is gonna be going out of town for the holiday. If you check me out now, I'll only miss one day since y'all and my school will be closed Friday." Darren explained.

"Ok..." I said.

Honestly, I'm a little annoyed. Not only am I anxious to check if Karen responded to my message yet, but I need to go home and call Ethan. My 4th of July plans were shaky till I talked to him. I couldn't care less about his athletic trainer's plans. But more importantly, Darren should have called. If he would have showed up 5 minutes later, I would have been gone.

I explained that to Darren.

"That's my bad. I figured we could try to catch you. If not, we woulda just went back to the training room at the school." I looked at the man who walked up to us, talking to me.

He is GORGEOUS. He's bald, but his clean cut face made it look youthful. And made it impossible not to focus on his full lips. If that wasn't tempting enough, his green eyes we're mesmerizing. His skin is maybe a shade darker than mine. I have no idea what races blended to create this vision in front of me, but the end result was perfection.

"I'm sorry. Who are you?" I said, focusing on the inconvenience, not his dangerously good looks.

"Forrest. Forrest Sullivan. Darren's athletic trainer." He said, sticking out his hand.

I shook it. Wow. I wish the coaches at my school were this hot. I probably would have played a sport...

"Nice to meet you. I'm Lily Harris." I turned to lead them to the clinic.

"Darren, I have no idea why you would rather be at the training room with me instead of up here with her." Coach Sullivan said, loudly to Darren so I would hear. I hid my smile.

"I don't know. You're the one that said she sounded like a control freak in her email." Darren replied just as loud.

I blushed. Yeah, the email Derek wrote was intense. But I didn't really write it!

"Hot girls can be whatever they want. You haven't learn that yet?" Coach Sullivan responded.

"Imma tell your fiance." Darren threatened.

I smiled and shook my head as we walked into the fitness room. I got Darren set up stretching before heading to Derek's office.

On the way, I was surprised to see Jordan walking through the fitness center. I said goodbye to her before I left. She normally stayed in the surgical center, unless she was hanging with me.

"Hey. What are you doing back?" Jordan asked me.

"Last minute appointment. What are you doing?"

"Just killing some time. I'm meeting my boyfriend for dinner. He's running late, as usual." She said, annoyed.

"Ohh. Is Derek still here?"

Jordan shrugged. "How should I know? Is that your last minute appointment?" She said, eyeing Coach Sullivan with interest.

"Kinda. And stop staring!" I hissed at her as Coach Sullivan caught us staring. "You have a boyfriend. And he's engaged."

"Just because you're on a diet, doesn't mean you can't check out the buffet." Jordan said, still staring.

"Lily. Did you forget something?" Derek asked, as he approached us.

"No sir. I was going to your office to tell you about an appointment change." I explained.

He frowned at me. "Leave a note on my desk. You should have found me as soon as you made the change, instead of fooling around." He said, glancing at Jordan.

"Sorry." I apologized, weakly.

"I'm done for the day. Don't forget to leave me a note." He said, dismissively.

After he left, Jordan turned to me. "See you Wednesday."

She then took off too. I sighed and went to Derek's office, leaving the note.

Afterwards, I joined Coach Sullivan with Darren to go through his rehab.

Looking bad in front of Derek, again, put me in a funky mood. I put off calling Ethan when I got home.


On Tuesday, Sammy and I were able to sign our lease and get the keys to our new apartment. After that, we went furniture shopping. I invited Trevor. I felt bad if I hurt his feelings, but not for what I said. I was hoping that would be an olive branch but he declined.

I was disappointed, but I just texted him and my brother both to drop by and see my new place. My brother Cam texted back right away. He said he will check out my apartment when he and Jenna are in Addison for Kaboom Town on Thursday. I already said I would go with them. It will be my first time meeting Jenna.

After our Ikea trip, (we bought a living room set, washer and dryer, a new bedroom set for me, and dining room set), I texted Ethan.

I was originally planning to go over to his parent's house for the 4th of July. Mrs. Carter still expected me. She already told Brandon to tell me to make the same thing I made for Memorial Day. But after that message from Karen, I wanted to run it by Ethan first. He didn't text me back. He called instead.

"Hey." I answered.

"Of course you're still invited. Why would that change?" He said, getting right to it.

"I don't know. It might be a little weird for Karen."

"It wasn't weird at the birthday party. So why would it be weird now?"

"Um, no reason." I lied.

"So you're really not going to tell me about your chat with Karen on Facebook?" Ethan asked.

Busted. Of course he knew. Karen probably ran right to him.

"I promise, I didn't want to cause any problems, if it did cause problems. Did it cause problems?" I blabbered, nervously.

Ethan cleared his throat. "Yes and no. She gave me an ultimatum. Which I chose not to engage in. She's been ignoring me ever since. I doubt that she'll even come to the BBQ."

"I'm sorry." I said, sincerely. I was sorry... that I'm not sorry! Ha! I've been feeling that way a lot recently...

"Don't be. She shouldn't have contacted you at all. Asking you to back off was completely out of line. I told her that's why you reacted the way you did."

"Part of the reason." I corrected Ethan.

There was a brief pause. "What's the other part of the reason?" Ethan asked.

"I don't want to do this over the phone. But I do need to talk to you." I said.

"Ok." Ethan responded. "So you should be at the BBQ. So we can talk. And my mom can stay off my back about you coming over."

I smiled. "Definitely, I'll see you Friday."

I squealed to myself and did a little shimmy. I wanted call Rocky to share my happiness, but then I remembered she's mad at me. I looked back at my phone. Trevor still hasn't texted me back.

I sighed. I'll focus on Ethan for right now. Rocky and Trevor will come around. They always do.

So do you think Lily has anything to be sorry about? What do you think of her response to Karen?


  1. I think Karen was out of line. Trust the man you're with or you have no business being with him.

    1. Absolutely. Its way to early to be giving ultimatums right.

  2. Nope not in regards to the Facebook reply anyways!The last part Sammy added was a bit snarky but otherwise it was a completely appropriate & pretty neutral response! FINALLY they are going to talk! I hope Lily lays it ALLLL out on the table so Ethan can make an informed decision! But she should at least express her feelings to Rocky as to why she got so upset with her and that should *hopefully* smooth over their fight... Cannot wait for the next post!

    1. That's mainly the reason why Lily has so many complications in her life; she doesn't really express her feelings. Unless its anger. She's getting good at that : -)

  3. I liked her answer to Karen, and I liked what Sammy added its one of those catty things women do that makes us women haha. I still think Ethan has feelings for her but it's scared because he sees her flirting with Trevor. They just need to talk and get it on!
    Your blog is quickly becoming my favorite! Thank you for being consistent with your posting! ~luita

    1. So true. I feel like its acceptable when men fight or compete. Not so much for women. We have to be more creative about it Lol.

      Y'all (readers) keep me consistent. And your comments make me excited to post, just to get feedback. So thank you very much!

  4. I don't think she needs to be sorry about anything. Karen should trust Evan but maybe she knows he isn't over Lily. I hope Lily tells him everything, I don't know if it will change things with them or not but at least she will have it off her chest.

    1. Yeah, Lily needs to express her feelings better. I think we all can agree with that.

  5. I am happy she is planning to open up to Ethan, however, I think Karen may show up and put a wrench in that plan.

    I am starting to worry that she is pushing both Rocky and Trevor away. Rocky may come around,but I don't think Trevor will as easily.

    I loved the response to Karen's msg, but she should have left out Sammy's comment - to me it was immature. In the latest posts I think Lily's immaturity is becoming more obvious, in both work and her personal life. I hope this is temporary in her pursuit of Ethan.
