Monday, June 30, 2014

Despicable Me (mini post)

*That was too easy. Next time It will be 20 comments :-) As promised....

Despicable Me- Pharrell Williams

I quickly scanned the message. OHMIGOD!

"What's wrong?..." Trevor murmured.

Oh shit, did I say that out loud?

"Nothing T-Rev. Go back to sleep."

I hopped outta bed and raced to Rocky's room. I knocked on the door.

"Rocky!" I called.

"What is it Lily?" Rocky called back.

"I need to talk to you. Now!!!" I demanded.

"Can it wait?"

"No!" I then wiggled her doorknob, a warning that I would come in. I stopped when I heard movement on the bed. Rocky finally appeared at the door.

"What?" She said, a silk robe wrapped around her body.

"Read this." I commanded her, handing her my phone.

She cut her eyes at me. "You interrupted me over a Facebook message? From..." she looked down and saw who it was from. Her eyes widened, and she stepped out into the hallway with me.

Obviously, the message distracted her enough to forget she was blocking the view to her room. Cause I saw a very naked Brandon laying on the bed.

"OHMIGOD, cover up!" I said, reaching for the doorknob.

"I told Rocky to let you come in..." he laughed. I quickly closed the door.

Rocky was still reading the message. It read:


It was really nice to meet you today. I felt like I was meeting a legend the way EJ talks about you. After talking to Ethan, I realize that you and EJ bonded at a challenging time for any kid. I'm sure his parents splitting up is one of the reasons he attached to you so strongly. 

I understand it. I really do. When I divorced from my husband, I wished my son and I had someone to lean on. But in a way, I'm glad we didn't. Because that's how we were able to depend on each other, move on and develop healthy relationships.

So I'm asking that you let me establish a connection with EJ as well. As you know, Ethan and I are dating. I'm requesting that you back off so I can have a chance to bond with EJ.

Thank you,


Rocky looked up at me. "I don't believe this is just about EJ."

"It's about Ethan right?" I exclaimed.

"Mmhmm. She called you and Ethan's relationship unhealthy." Rocky said.

"What should I write back?" I said, excitedly. I knew Rocky was the one to help me write something that would cut a bitch down.



"That's right. Ethan should have never dragged her into this." Rocky replied.

"What? Now she's the victim?" I asked, shocked.

"I'm not saying that. I'm saying Ethan and you need to resolve yall's relationship. You're going to do what she should have done: Talk to Ethan."

"And what am I going to say to him? Your girlfriend is being mean to me?" I asked.

"No. This whole situation wouldn't have happened if you would have told him how you really felt. You still need to."

Oh, so this is my fault?

"Tell him the whole truth. Then the ball will be in his court." Rocky finished.

"The whole truth about what?" Trevor asked.

We both looked up to see Trevor approaching us in the hallway.

Rocky sighed. "That she wants to be with Ethan. She always has."

Trevor looked at me confused. "I thought you were trying to get over him?"

"I was. But I think he might still have feelings for me." I answered.


"So???" I repeated.

"He has a girlfriend. Don't be one of those desperate girls chasing after a guy who's in a relationship." He looked at Rocky. "I can't believe you're encouraging her to do that."

How could he say that?!? I looked at Rocky to see if she could believe this. I'm waiting for her to go off on him. Rocky just watched us. I turned back to Trevor.

"I think I'll take advice from someone who's actually had a meaningful, lasting relationship." I snapped at him.

He glared at me, disapprovingly, before pulling out his phone. "I'm out. Good luck with the whole home wrecking thing."

"Thanks Trevor!" I said, fake cheerfully.

Home wrecker? Who says that? Asshole. 

Rocky turned to me when he left. "That was harsh."

"No, that was honest. Him calling me desperate was harsh." I scoffed.

"Don't be naive-" She started.

Oh, now she wants to argue.

 "Save it." I interrupted her. She had nothing to say to Trevor. Nor was she going to help me write back Karen. But she can call me naive? I had no intentions of listening to another lecture, criticism, put down, whatever was coming next after that statement.

 "Go back to Brandon. He gets something outta arguing with you. I don't."

I stomped away. I went to my room and slammed the door as a closed it. Mature? No. Did it make me feel better? A little bit.

I spend an hour trying to write out a response to Karen on Facebook . I give up. I'm going to sleep on it, then confer with Sammy.

On my news feed, I saw Trevor posted a new picture. It was him and Becca drinking Coronaritas.

He captioned the picture:

Getting really wasted and worn out.- At Fox Sports Grill with Becca.

Fucking asshole. Facebook needs a dislike button. I would make a second profile so I could give this picture 2 thumbs down.


  1. Argh!!! Shoulda known Karen would pull some passive aggressive crap. But Rocky's right; Ethan and Lily need to talk. And I think it's pretty clear that Trevor likes Lily...that should make for an interesting complication. I can't believe she hasn't figured that out yet...
    Great post! Thanks!

    1. Thank you for the comment!
      I don't think Lily needs any more complicated. Lets hope for simple.

  2. Thanks for the post u even got one of your silent readers (me) to post......twice. Aww Trevor thought this was his chance until Lily started talking about Ethan again. Im still pro Ethan & Lily however Trevor did the classic try to make Lily jealous move w/the Becca pic post. Smh.

    1. Thank you for both comments!
      Ohh, Trevor. I think all he did was piss her off lol

  3. How petty of Karen!!
    But I have to agree with Rocky & Trevor on some points! Is she doesn't do what Rocky advised then she is being desperate girl Trevor was describing...she needs To go all or nothing with Ethan & to tell him about the message Karen seny

    1. Hopeful Lily will take someone she can get some resolutions.

  4. I think Lily shouldn't said anything anymore to Ethan or Karen it's time to move on you know she ask him out on a date and he drops the bomb on her that he's dating Karen and before that he was giving her mix signals when he kissed her and at the lake and I think what Karen notices at the party is Ethan looking at Lily and ask him about it and that's why she send the message to Lily. But hey that's just my take on it just hoping Lily makes the right decision about that she deserves to be happy

    1. Another commentor said how Lily and Ethan both need to put on their big kids pants. They both need to move on...question is together or separately.

  5. I'm rooting for Lily's relationship with Trev to escalate from best friends into something a little more. I think he was so harsh because he's got a thing for her. It has to be hard being there for someone all the time and doing everything you can to show them you care just to watch them pine over someone who is obviously unsure of his feelings.

  6. Karen is lame, I hope her message makes Ethan mad.. Can't wait to see what will happen
