Saturday, July 5, 2014

Burnin' Up

*In honor of Independence that so many men and women fought for, I'm exercising my freedom and posting a bonus post. Enjoy!

"Burnin' Up"- Faith Evans

On the drive to McKinney, I'm blasting my July 4th inspired playlist. American Woman by Lenny Kravitz is playing. I'm singing and dancing along.

I have no nerves at all. I didn't stress about my clothes like last time. I love my outfit. I'm wearing a bright blue blouse, the front tucked into white shorts. I tied an American flag bandanna like a headband across my forehead over the beach wave curls I put in my hair. I got my nails done in a red and white striped pattern. I spent forever curling my lashes perfectly. I put on brown liner, gold shimmer eye shadow and pink gloss. I finished my look with red hi-top converses.

I feel like I've mastered the flirty/sporty look. Exactly what I was going for. I wanted to dress ready, like he told me to be on Facebook. Our conversation on Facebook gave me the extra boost of confidence I needed.

Obviously, Ethan and Karen aren't as solid as I thought. He was definitely open to hearing what I have to say. And I know it's Facebook, but I know he was flirting with me. And quite frankly, even if he wasn't, I'm still ready to tell him. I feel like I've already been rejected once. No matter what, at least I put myself completely out there. Today would be the end of the back and forth. Either we were going to be together or not. And that actually gave me comfort.

Navigation got me to the house with no problems. I see Brandon's car parked out front, so I know I'm in the right place. I get my crock pot with the bbq beans out first and walk up the steps to the front door. I ring the doorbell.

"Lily!" Brandon opens the door after a few moments, letting me in.

"Hey! Happy 4th of July." I said cheerfully.

"Back at ya." He said smiling, "I'll get the rest of your stuff. Kitchen is straight ahead."

I followed his directions to the kitchen. The house is amazing. When I first walk in, there's a sitting room to the right. A formal dining area is decorated with red, white and blue decor. I kept going straight ahead, I walked into a huge open kitchen. There are glass patio doors and windows letting in the sunshine and providing a beautiful view of the backyard and pool. There's a breakfast nook and across from that is the family room. There's a brown sectional and a huge flat screen TV. There are framed photos everywhere. It looks so homey and comfortable.

Mrs. Carter came inside through the sliding patio door. She smiled at me.

"Welcome! Happy Independence day!" She greeted me.

"Hi! Happy Independence day." I repeated, looking for a good place to set the crock pot.

"Right over here." She directed me to the counter.

"Thanks." I said, setting down the crock pot and plugging it in. "You have a beautiful home."

"Thank you so much. Took a while, but I've finally got it exactly how I want it." Mrs. Carter said, proudly.

"For now. She's always coming up with some new project." Her husband commented, joining us.

"Hush you. It gives you something to do besides harassing me." Mrs. Carter teased.

I smiled at them. Brandon came into the kitchen, carrying the cobs of corn wrapped in foil and the fruit tarts sitting on top. He set them on the counter. Mrs. Carter took the fruit tarts.

"I'm going to take this to the refrigerator in the garage. Brandon, make sure Lily gets a drink." Mrs. Carter called.

"You see the cooler right?" Brandon asked.

I nodded.

"Boy, that's not what your mom told you go do. Go get her a drink." Mr. Carter told him.

Brandon exaggerated a sigh, as he went to get me a drink. I told him water was fine.

"Did you see the beans dad? She's trying to challenge your throne." Brandon commented.

"We'll see about that." Mr. Carter said, but winked at me so I knew that he was just playing.

"Is the grill still on? The corn needs to go on for a few minutes." I asked them.

"Sure is. In fact, I came in to grab a pan for Ethan..."

"I'll take it." I volunteered, eagerly. I took the pan from Mr. Carter as Brandon gives me a knowing look.

"Make sure you introduce her to the family too." Mr. Carter instructed.

Brandon did exactly that. He took the empty pan and the corn and led me outside. I unlocked the gate that surrounds the entire pool and walked through. After setting the food on a table, Brandon follows me. He introduces me to his half sister from his dad's previous marriage, Tami, and her kids and husband. I meet some of his aunts, uncles, and cousins as well. Everyone is friendly to me. EJ is in the pool, swimming with the other kids, so I just wave to him.

Rocky was chatting with Tami. She looked relaxed and cute in a blue and white romper and I told her so. She smiled and thanked me. Wasn't much, but it was better than her being cold like she had been all week.

My stomach kinda dropped when I saw a shirtless Jake wrapping a towel around a pretty young woman. After drying off, they come over. Jake introduced her as his sister Jasmine. He has 3 sisters. One older and 2 younger. She's the second to youngest, at 23 years old, and proud to inform me she's his favorite. Only because she doesn't have any kids. I laughed at that. She seems really cool.

Brandon then led me to the grill. We had to walk out of the gated pool entrance to the back of the house. There is another patio area as well as a huge backyard. The patio has an outdoor table and a massive grill, which Ethan is standing over. The patio is covered, there is even a ceiling fan. But it's still freaking hot. Especially by the grill. Ethan looks sooo sexy in a red striped polo and board shorts, manning the grill expertly.

"Special delivery!" Brandon called, as we approached him.

"About time..." Ethan said, turning to face us. I smiled at him when he met my eye.

Brandon held out the pan as Ethan put the hot dogs and sausages on it.

"How's your 4th going so far?" I asked Ethan.

"A lot better once I can get away from the grill." He said to me.

"She brought you more food." Brandon chuckled, before leaving us so he could take the food inside.

"It's quick. Just corn." I said, handing him the water bottle Brandon gave me.

"Thanks." He said, twisting off the cap. I put the corn on the grill to keep from staring at his lips as he chugged the water.

"So, how'd you get stuck on the grill?" I asked him.

"If you want something done right, do it yourself."

I laughed. "Poor Ethan. You're just so perfect at everything. Must be exhausting."

"You have no idea." He smirked at me.

I grabbed the tongs. "Are you gonna school me on the grill too?"

"I can... I see you're ready for some basketball. Nice shoes." He smiled.

I looked up at him. "Thanks."

He stared at me for a couple seconds.

"What?" I said, anxious. My heart is fluttering. I know the look he's giving me very well. The last time I saw it was Memorial Day weekend, when he was holding me still against his erection...

"Nothing. Your eyes. Every time I see you, they change colors on me." He said.

"Yeah...they tend to match my clothes. I know it's creepy."

"Not at all." Ethan said, in a way that left no room for disagreement. I feel myself blushing when he takes a step towards me.

"C'mere..." He said, softly.

"Yes?" I breathed, taking a step towards him.

"Touch your chin."


"Touch your chin." He repeated.

"No. You touch your chin."

He grabbed my hand, and brought my fingers to my chin. "I'm giving you a grilling lesson. Feel that?" I felt something alright.

"Yep. My mandible." I said, my voice sounded breathless to me.

"Not the bone. Just the feel." He explained. I nodded. "That feeling is the same as meat cooked rare. Right here," He continued, pressing our fingers against my nose. "That's medium. And this is well done." He finished, rubbing my forehead.

"Good to know... You didn't put charcoal on my face did you?" I asked, jokingly. It's so tense between us. So I did what I do in tense situations: try to joke myself out of it.

"No. You're fine." He said, dropping our hands from my face, but still holding my fingers. I bite my lower lip before I can stop myself. His eyes glanced at my lips, before pulling me to him. I closed the gap and kissed him. His lips are hot and sweet. I instantly press my body against his, fueling the fire between us. I know what I thought about Cam and Jenna and being too hot to be right up under someone. But I feel like I can burn as long as Ethan is holding me...

The sound of someone clearing their throat broke us apart. We both looked up to see Ethan's dad. I blushed ferociously.

"How much longer for the food?" Mr. Carter asked. I stare at Ethan's shoes to avoid eye contact.

"Just a few more minutes. The kids can start getting out the pool." Ethan replied, calmly.

"Alright. Don't burn up the food out here." Mr. Carter said, smiling, before leaving.

I groaned "I'm so embarrassed."

"Don't be. He's seen worst. Especially with Brandon. Why don't you join everyone else? I got this."

"Trying to get rid of me huh?" I said.

"Mostly trying not to burn your corn. You're distracting me."

I giggled. "Ok"

"You still owe me a talk. Don't forget." He said seriously.

"Definitely." I said, walking off. I turned back around, pleased that he was watching me as I walked away. "And a beat down on the basketball court. Don't forget that." I called over my shoulder.

He smiled at me before I headed back to the pool.

After everyone got dried off and dressed, we went inside and started making plates and getting drink. The kids went first. They were going to sit in the second dining room while the adults sat in the sitting room and formal dining room area. I went and sat on the couch in the sitting room with lemonade. Ethan came in a short time later with the corn. He gave me a little smile. I felt the heat rising to my cheeks.

Afterwards, Ethan sat down next to me as we waited to make our plates. I planned to wait with him so we could make our plates together. But Mrs. Carter insisted because Rocky and I are guests, we make our plates after the kids.

"So you took my advice and talked to Ethan?" Rocky asked me quietly as we made our plates.

"I'm going to." I tell her, joyfully.

"Good." She nodded.

After we made our plates, Rocky sat at the dining room table. I take my plate and go sit next to Ethan. He set up TV trays in front of the couches.

"Ohmigosh. Everything looks so good."

"Told you." Ethan said.

"I'm mad at you. I coulda been eating like this years ago."

"The only thing I could have invited you to was Christmas or New Years. Those were awkward enough that year."

"Whatever. Still coulda brought me a plate." I mumbled.

Ethan smiled.

Jake sat down next to us with his plate.

It wasn't necessary, but I scooted down closer to Ethan so he had plenty of room. Besides, I figured his sister would join us.

"Where'd Jasmine go?" I asked him, after I looked around for his sister.

"Talking to her boyfriend. They're going to meet up later."

"Awww, I need to talk to her alone. Get some dirt on you."

"Ask away. I'm an open book."

I laughed and leaned forward to bite a rib. My hair, on the side Jake was sitting on, fell forward too. Dangerously close to falling in my plate. Jake noticed this, and quickly pulled my hair back, stroking it so it rested behind my shoulder.

"Thanks." I smiled, gratefully.

"No problem." He smiled back at me.

Ethan then wrapped his arm around my waist, and looked at Jake.

"Why didn't you invite Sammy?" Ethan asked him.

"Good question." I added, focusing on Jake. And not Ethan's fingers caressing me gently on my side.

"Cause I didn't want to. Hanging out with her last night was enough." Jake shrugged.

The doorbell rang. Ethan excused himself to go get it. I turned to look at Jake.

"What happened?"

"She got drunk. Sloppy drunk. I don't have the patience for that."

I nodded. I looked up when Ethan came back. I'm sure my mouth was wide open as I see Karen and Joel following him.

"Bathroom is to the left." Ethan pointed out to them. When they leave, he looks at me.

"Can I talk to you for a second?"

I stood up and followed him outside. I'm literally speechless.

What the fuck was she doing here?!?

"I'm sorry. I didn't think she would just show up. Just bear with me. We are still going to talk." Ethan said.

I nodded, still lost for words.

Are you surprised Karen showed up? How do you think Lily/ Ethan should handle it? 


  1. Whaaaaaaat?!?! Oh no.....

  2. No!!!): can't wait till next post!

  3. I read this twice it was such a good post! Terrible timing, Karen!

  4. Of course Karen shows up! She's. It going to let him be free to be with lily! I gotta say she's a smart woman. Ethan needs to grow some balls and tell her he wants to be with lily. Can't wait for next post :). -luita

    1. Smart, devious, whichever lol. We'll see what happens.

  5. Of course Karen just showed up, she knew Lily would be there !

  6. Of course age did. Thing is, she's more invested in it than him, and desperate to hold on to what she thinks is there.

  7. I think Ethan is finally realizing his feeling for Lily haven't changed.. I think he got a little jealous with Jake fixing Lilys hair when it almost got in her food.. I can't believe Karen just showed up but maybe she'll look like an idiot and Ethan will Dump her! I can't wait to read more!!
