Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Ain't Worried About Nothin'

Ain't Worried About Nothin'- French Montana

Cam: Found tickets for the beginning of August. Sound good?

Me: Sounds great. Book 'em

I closed my texts and put my phone down. I'm a mixture of relieved and anxious. So that was finally done. I'm going back to California in August. When I was talking to my brother before he left the housewarming party, I told him I needed to start looking for tickets. I know I need to close that chapter of my life as well. For good. Getting closure from Ethan started that process. Cam shocked me by saying he wanted to visit dad too, so that he can meet Jenna.

I'm anxious about going back. Not so much because of my dad. He's gonna be so pleased that Cam is coming home too. And I'm sure between my dad, Cam, and Jenna, they already speculate about what's going on with me anyway. I'm more nervous about seeing my Aunt Patricia.

I didn't live with my Aunt Patricia (from my maternal side of the family) very long. I lied and said it was because it was too hard knowing the truth about my mom. But my aunt knew that wasn't the truth. She confronted me about it right before I moved back to Dallas. That's why I haven't spoken to her since.

I kept in touch with my cousin, her daughter, Bianca. She's younger than me, 21 now, but we became close when I stayed in California. I know I'm going to visit them while I'm in town. And I'm going to have to tell my Aunt Patricia that she was right...

I pushed those thoughts out of my mind as I finished making two omelets for breakfast. It's my off day and I already went for a swim at the pool. It was a nice change from running. Sammy closed at the bar last night, so I decided to make breakfast for us. Besides, if I cooked, she had to clean.

We set up "house rules" on Sunday while we cleaned up from the party. Pretty much the basics. Clean up after yourself, sharing laundry duties, (if she washed, I would fold), and having people over and overnight guest (always give the other person a heads up). It really doesn't seem like it's going to be a problem.

As far as what Jake told me about Sammy, I let it go in one ear and out the other. I believed Jake when he said he was truthful. I have no reason not to. But with Sammy, I feel like she's my friend and she's never done anything treacherous to me. So at the end of the day, I'm not going to judge her based off of Jake's dealings with her. So far so good. It's week two of living with each other and it's going smoothly.

As we ate breakfast, I asked if she's looked into any classes.

"Not really. I have a new lead on a job!"

 Sammy proceeded to tell me about a guy that contacted her on Instagram. He ran a bartending business called the Honey B's. They worked private parties for the Dallas's elite. He told Sammy she would be a perfect fit.

"Is this guy legit?" I asked.

"Yes. Go look it up. He has a web page, Facebook page and everything." Sammy said, excitedly.

After we ate, I pulled up my laptop. He was on Facebook. And it did link to his webpage. It looked legit enough. But I was curious how the benefits, pay and hours would work.

"I haven't had an interview yet. He's going to get in touch with me...Who is that?" Sammy asked, as I clicked back to my news feed.

"That's Forrest. He's the athletic trainer of one of the guys I'm rehabbing at work." I explained.

"He's hot!"

"He's engaged."

"What does his fiancee look like?" She asked.

"Just as gorgeous." I said, clicking on his profile pic. It was them, on the beach, smiling happily at whoever took the picture.

"She's a stuck up bitch." Sammy declared.

I laughed at her. "You got that from one picture?"

"A picture tells a thousand words. Look at her cover up, sunglasses, shoes and bags. Dolce and Gabbana, Louis Vuitton, Coach." She pointed out.


"Now how is he able to afford that on a teacher's salary? Either she's the bread winner or a trust fund kid. Either way, it screams rich bitch."

I shook my head. "Now what does it say about you that you can pick out all those brands?"

"I'm an aspiring rich bitch!"

Wow. Not sure how liking or being able to afford designer clothes made you anything, but that's Sammy.

"You think bartending is going to get you there?" I laughed.

"Not at Dave and Buster's. But as a Honey B? Yes! I can picture it now. Meeting an older, handsome, CEO type..." Sammy daydreamed.

Well, as least she has a goal.

She talked me into going to the pool with her. I was wearing a tank and shorts but she told me to put on a swimsuit. When I told her I wasn't planning on getting back in the water, she 'pshed' me.

"I'm not either. But we are going to drink and look good and tan!" Sammy informed me.

I smiled and went to retrieve my one piece swimsuit. I know, it's pathetic. I'm from California and own two swimsuits. I never liked going to the beach. I felt uncomfortable in any swimsuit. And even at the swimming pool at my house, I just wore shorts and a top to swim. My blue swimsuit is wet from the swim I already took.

When I came out with the swimsuit on, Sammy grimaced.

"Hell no. Burn that thing."

"Look, you and Rocky can suck it. Besides, this is my only other swimsuit."

"That should tell you something. When do Rocky and I ever agree? On anything?" Sammy called as she climbed the stairs. After a moment, she threw down a blue, sparkly string bikini.

"Sammy... a string bikini? You don't have another one?" I asked.

"I do, but you can adjust the strings, so it'll fit you. Just go put it on."

I do as I'm told and put it on. I took a deep breath and looked in the mirror. I can do this. I can be this girl. Put on a bikini without insecurities. Rock blonde hair. Hang out by the pool, on a week day, drinking. Cool. Casual. Simple. I don't have a worry in the world. Especially not worried about my family, my past or sorta, kinda ex-boyfriend...

We head out to the pool, sunglasses on and cooler in tow. When I went to the pool this morning, it was empty. Now a few people were swimming in the pool or lounging on the sundeck.

Sammy narrowed in on two guys that just got out the pool. One black, one white, both cute. She put her sunglasses on her head and headed their way.

"Do you two mind if we join you?" Sammy said, flipping her hair and giving them a smile.

The black guy checked us both out, before putting his sunglasses back on. "Sure. Gotta tell you though, you're barking up the wrong tree."

When Sammy and I just looked at each other, the other guy grabbed his hand. "We're together. And while y'all are cute, we're not switching teams."

I couldn't help laughing. Sammy looked a little embarrassed, but sat down anyway. I followed her lead.

"Oh well. Just my luck. The hottest guys out here are together." She smiled.

They both laughed as we got settled in. We introduced ourselves. The first guy that spoke to us is Lamar. His boyfriend's name is Patrick.

"So we're both off today. How are y'all able to be relaxing on a Tuesday?" Sammy asked, popping open the cooler.

"You can't tell? We're sick. We both had to call in." Patrick laughed. We offered to share our beers and wine coolers.

"Y'all keep a stocked supply huh?" Lamar asked me.

"Well, yeah. We met because we bartended together. And these are leftover from our housewarming." I answered.

"When did you two move in?" Patrick asked.

"Last Tuesday."

They then educated us on general information about the apartment complex, stuff the leasing staff never tells you. You know, who's incompetent in the office and who to talk to when we need maintenance work. And problem neighbors.

They then filled us in about the city of Addison itself. The first thing they told us about are the festivals we have to go to at Addison Circle. I told them I went to Kaboom Town for the first time this year. They explained there is a free concert series going on every Saturday this summer. And Oktoberfest coming up in September. Or how there are events going on all the time at Vitruvian Park that is nearby; Like Thursday's live music nights or Saturday's salsa dancing.

They then told us about "restaurant row". It's a street that's filled with restaurant, bars and lounges. They rattled off places we have to try. I'm getting hungry just talking about it.

Sammy and I made plans to go get lunch soon. We asked them what they recommended.

"Hold off. Wait till 4 and y'all can join us at Chuy's. Trust me. It'll be worth the wait." Lamar promised. We agreed, and spent the next hour or so swimming, drinking and taking photos of each other. We went ahead and became Facebook friends as well. Around 2:30, we all headed back to our apartments to shower and get dressed.

I picked out a flirty, pink halter crop top and dark ripped jeans. I paired my nude wedges with my outfit. Since our two male companions have already seen me in a bikini, I didn't feel weird about showing off my stomach. Besides, I don't have to worry about being inappropriate or them getting the wrong idea if I dress up. Quite frankly, I'm not worried about anything but food. I'm STARVING!

I straightened my blonde hair, before putting it up in a high ponytail. I put on some makeup, including foundation, blush, mascara, shimmer on my lids, brown eyeliner and rose gloss. Sunglasses and gold hoops finished my look. I went downstairs and waited for Sammy.

She also must be in a glam mood. Cause she changed into a fitted, short sleeved white mini dress. She put on a full face of makeup, including fake lashes and a bold red lipstick. She's rocking red stilettos that I eyed enviously. I wish I could walk in heels. They make her legs look amazing.

We met up with the guys. They drove over to our apartment. Lamar is a trainer coordinator for a insurance company. He knows he's going to have to answer emails when he gets home for skipping work. So he volunteered to be designated driver.

Patrick works at the same insurance company. He's a recruiter though. He worked there for a year before even meeting Lamar. They met at a company sponsored baseball game. The company blocked out a section of seats that the employees could buy at a discounted rate. At first, they didn't like each other. They eventually grew on one another. And now, 3 years later, they are living together.

They told us all of this on the ride over. I'm a sucker for "how we met" stories. I asked all the right questioned and awww'd at the appropriate moments.

I'm so glad we waited till 4. Not only is there a happy hour, but a fully loaded nacho bar. I ordered a swirl frozen margarita. It was so sweet and cold, I had to remind myself it had alcohol in it. I needed food to combat the alcohol, so I loaded up on the free nachos before heading to our table.

Ha, who am I kidding? Free. Nachos. Two of my favorite things in the world. I had a field day. I felt like I had died and gone to nacho heaven. There were chips, 2 salsas, nacho cheese, beans and taco meat. I definitely could have filled up on nachos alone but I'm glad I didn't. Patrick and I ordered Chicka-chicka Boom-boom enchiladas. It's basically chicken enchiladas with green chilies and Boom Boom sauce. Lamar got a steak burrito and Sammy got a shrimp and cheese chili rellenos. I took pictures of everyone's food before we started to eat. Me and Sammy shared our food and ate enthusiastically. It was delicious.

"Do y'all always eat like this?" Patrick laughed.

"Yes." I responded, the same time Sammy said" NO!"

"Ok, who's lying?" Lamar smiled.

"I don't. Last time I ate was breakfast. That's why I'm starving." Sammy explained.

"I love food. So, yeah." I said, simply.

"How do you stay so toned?" Patrick asked.

"It's my job. I'm a physical therapist." I explained.

"So another question..." Patrick started. "What race are you? Me and Lamar were debating it."

I smiled. "I wish I knew. My mom gave me up for adoption. And I have no idea who my dad is."

"Oh, I'm sorry for asking." Patrick said, sympathetically.

"It's cool. I know my maternal grandmother was French-Canadian. And the first Dominican she ever met ended up being her husband." I shared.

"Awww, that's too cute." Patrick smiled.

"I'm guessing your dad is part black." Lamar smiled.

I laughed. "Do I wanna know why?"

"Ummm, let's just say, body type." Lamar finished.

"Hey! Us Latinas have curves too!!!" Sammy spoke up as we laughed.

"Sure you do!" Patrick nodded at her.

We then returned to our meals. I honestly had a blast. Sammy and I not only made two great new friends, but strengthened our roomy bond. We went home and posted pictures of our day. We tagged each other in all our photos. She posted the pictures of me, her, Lamar and Patrick poolside. She captioned it: 

Lookin' fine from the sideline! #Poolside#OffDay#BoysBeersBikinis

I added the pictures of us at the restaurant; ourselves looking all glamed up and the food. I captioned it:

Taco Tuesday with my new Roomy and neighbors! Thanks Lamar and Patrick for sharing Chuy's with us! Gained at least 5 pounds. #FoodPorn#FormerFatKidProblems

That evening, when we got home from our adventure with Lamar and Patrick, I passed out. The combination of the Texas heat, tex-mex and alcohol knocked me out. I woke up a couple hours later.

I grabbed my phone to set my alarm for work in the morning. I was bombarded with Facebook notifications on the new pictures Sammy and I posted. A lot of generic 'That food looks good' or 'y'all are hot' comments. My friends, of course, had to go back and forth through Facebook comments.

Jordan: OH, so that's how you spend your off days?

Jake: Bring me some

Rocky: Bikini?!? : -O

Sammy: I made her throw that other thing out @Rocky.
It wasn't Mexican food. It was tex-mex. It was pretty good tho @Jake

Rocky: thank goodness @Sammy

Jake: I love tex-mex. I get authentic mexican food at home.

Sammy: Lmao@ Jake. Me too!

Trevor: I like the old swimsuit better.

Lamar: I prefer the new one. So hot!!! : -)

Trevor: Lily is like a sister to me...

Lamar: ... key word is *like* a sister. So you know how hottt she is? @Trevor

Patrick: Aren't you supposed to be working?@Lamar. What my BOYFRIEND meant to say, was that Lily conducted herself like a lady. No matter what she wore.

Cam: This is her actual brother. I know she does. That how she was raised.

Trevor: Now I know y'all lying. Lily? A Lady? Lmao.

I laughed at the comments before adding my own.

Me: I'm so glad I slept through this fucking nonsense. Everyone fucking knows I'm the epitome of a lady! @Trevor ;-)

I got ready for bed, washing my face and brushing my teeth. I grabbed my phone to see if anyone responded. I saw I have a Facebook message.

Hey! Nice pics. I like the new look. And the food. Former fat kids unite.

I chucked and responded.

No way. I don't believe it.

A few minutes later, Forrest wrote me back.

Send me your number.

***There are new characters. Every time there are, check out the Character guide! Let me know what you think!

And just wanted to add, the comments on Arianna's Life's Greatest Journey definitely made me go back and add more details to this post. As a foodie and lover of fashion, I just wanna say keep up the great work Arianna!***


  1. A nacho bar would be my heaven. Yum.

    But I think Sammy has no idea what she's getting herself into with that bartending thing.

    New Beginning, New Adventures

    1. I agree. Sammy tends to just leap into things. Hopefully, Lily will be her voice of reasoning

  2. Stop it! Stop it right now, Lily! Don't send him your number! Ahhhh

  3. I'm going to be SO disappointed if she sends him her number...now would be a nice time for an appropriate man to step into her life...even if just for a date, but not Forest.

    1. So dating aside, is it inappropriate to make friends with a guy who's married or enganged or in a relationship?

    2. I worked with a married guy and we were pretty good friends and I confided in him a lot, but I coudnt help feel uncomfortable of our friendship every now and then, so I would bring up his wife and kid in conversation. He is an awesome guy though, he would never cheat on his wife, but I felt I needed that reminder.
      So to answer your question nothing wrong with being friends with someone in a relationship but there have to be boundaries.
      I love your blog and thank you again for being consistent with your posting.

    3. Its my pleasure Luita. I appreciate your opinion and your comments!

      Let's just hope if Lily replies, she'll set boundaries with Forrest.

  4. What is this guy doing?! He told Lily he is engaged and then is all over her like a rash. If he pretends he's unhappy and going to leave his girl to get Lily on his side, it's going to be so damaging to her when it all goes wrong. She will feel so bad.

    1. Lets hope he's not thinking like that. And if he is, Lily doesn't fall for it!

  5. I hope Lily is the bigger person and tells him NO he is engaged.. I can't wait to see what is going to happen!! I love your blog..

    1. So same question, just reversed. Is it ok if you're married/engaged/ in a relationship to make new friends without your significant other?

    2. Making friends is probably ok but he doesn't need her phone number

  6. I just found your blog, I really like it. :)

    1. Thank you! I appreciate your comment, and you reading this blog!

  7. I was doing just fine until you reminded me about Chuy's! The only thing I miss about Dallas is friends and the food!

    1. Lol they built one in Addison this year. I was so mad I've been missing out this whole time!

  8. I think she should keep things strictly professional with Forrest. If a real friendship happens out of their professional one, that's different. Too soon to be asking for her phone and it not mean anything. Just my opinion.
