Sunday, June 15, 2014

#Selfie (outro)

#Selfie (outro)- The Chainsmokers

I spent the next hour that Friday night going over the possible scenarios to why they would be out. Together. Taking pictures.

Maybe he ran into her randomly.

...Maybe he wants to fuck her randomly!

Maybe they were at a team meeting.

...Maybe they were are at a pre-fucking meeting!!

Maybe EJ and her son had a play date together.

...Maybe Ethan and Karen are together!!! FUCK!

Panicking, I looked through Karen's Facebook page. It offered no insight. I could only see a limited amount of things because she is not my friend on Facebook. I saw posts that included Ethan. A lot of soccer related stuff. Not surprising. Karen acted like... well, your typical soccer mom at EJ's soccer game. The new picture she posted was the only thing not related to the boys. I can only see their faces, so I don't know if it's a close up or a selfie.


I felt sick to my stomach thinking about every time I saw her touch him. Why was I so quick to write it off as being friendly? Was it intimate? Did he encourage it? Fuck. I spent too much energy on being upset with Rocky. I wasn't even paying attention.

I got up and drank 3 glasses of water. Then, I took a shot of Brandon's Crown and went back to bed. The drinks and the stress of the day finally caught up to me, cause I fell asleep relatively quickly.


I woke up early Saturday morning, thanks to my nerves and full bladder. I really needed to talk to someone about this. I'm desperate, but not enough so to wake up Rocky and risk her wrath. I know she's working on her attitude. Not trying to cause her to relapse.

I throw on some jeans and a t-shirt and head to Chick-fil-A. After securing a couple chicken biscuits and coffees, I headed to the one person I knew who would hear me out and give me good advice.

I banged on the door. After a minute of continuing knocking, the door opened.

"Lily? Is everything ok?" Trevor asked, squinting and rubbing his eyes in the bright light.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I brought breakfast." I gestured to the bags.

He looked confused for a moment. "Um, if you're fine, I'll catch up with you later..."

"Why? Cause you wanna go to sleep? Sleep later. I need-"

"Trevor??" A woman's voice calls out.

"Give me a sec." He called back to her.

A feeling of deja vu washed over me as I heard the scene play out in front of me. But I quickly snapped out of it. I shoved the bags in his hand.

"Sorry for interrupting." I said, turning to flee down his apartments stairs.

"Lily. Wait. You sure you're ok?" He asked, searching my face.

"Yep. Nothing I can't handle. Bye T-Rev." I said, leaving.

If I wasn't so freaked out by the picture of Ethan and Karen, I would be freaking out about the new girl Trevor was seeing. I would be pestering him for information about how he felt about her. But I'm much more concerned about my potential love life then whatever going on in Trevor's.

I headed to Sammy's next. This time I called before knocking on her door. I would hate to interrupt anyone else's morning after. Especially her and Jake.

"Hello..." She answered.

"Hey. I have an Ethan emergency."


"Can I come over?"


"Ok. I'm at the door."

After a moment, Sammy opens the door wearing nothing but a sheet.

"You coulda got dressed." I commented, stepping through the door.

"What? With you at the door? With an Ethan emergency? Never." She answered, sarcastically.

I ignored her. After she threw on some clothes, I showed her the saved images I took of all of Ethan and Karen's interactions on Facebook.

She sat on the couch and went through them. She studied the picture that I discovered last night. She asked me to explain their behavior at EJ's game. I did.

"Ok. She's definitely into him. Did he seem interested in her?"

"I don't know..."

"Was he joking with her? Touching her back? Leaning in to listen to her? Checking her out?" Sammy questioned me.

"I don't think so. They were just talking. Like normal. Just like he would talk to me." I groaned.

Sammy sighed. "You're giving me nothing." I looked down, frustrated with myself. "You know what? It doesn't matter."

"Yes it does! I'm meeting him Sunday! What am I supposed to do?" I said, looking up.

"Look, you have two options. The first one is to pretend like you didn't see it. Then you continue as planned and see if he still wants to get together with you. Then what was going on between them doesn't matter."

That seemed impossible. I can't just ignore a woman he has constant contact with. Even if we do start to date, I would wanna know what happened between them.

"What's option two?"

"Sleep with him."

"What?" I said, outraged.

"Hear me out. He kissed you right? At the very least he's still attracted to you. If he's not dating her, then you're staking your claim. If he is, then you're forcing him to choose. And all you gotta do is make sure you're the better choice."

"I can't do that. I want it to be more than sex, remember? And Ethan's not a cheater. If he is dating her, I don't wanna make him one." I explained.

"It started off as just sex last time. That's not how it ended. And if he is dating her, he's already a cheater, sweetie." Sammy said. "If it makes you feel better, you're so much cuter than her. He would be crazy not to pick you."

For some reason, that really didn't make me feel better.


When I get back home, Brandon is at work and Rocky is in her room with her friend Peyton, watching the last season of True Blood.

"Hey. Quick question for you." I said, after saying hello to both of them. "Do you know if Ethan is seeing anyone?"

"I told you he wasn't." Rocky answered.

"I know, but there was a picture on Facebook. Of him and that Karen lady from the game-"

"There were also pictures of you and Trevor in Austin. Anything going on with the two of you?"

"Of course not. This morning I interrupted him with some girl."

"Strawberry Blonde? A little taller than me?" Peyton grinned.

"I don't know. I didn't see her." I said, annoyed. Who freaking cares?

"Well, anyway, that still proves my point. Don't believe everything you see. They might just be good friends." Rocky finished.

When I crossed my arms, she sighed. "I'll listen out, but remember, Brandon and I are staying out of this."

"Thanks Rocky." I say, ingeniously. Some help she was.

"Lily. Come on and watch this with us." Rocky said, when I turn to leave.

"Get caught up with us for the premier next weekend!" Peyton added.

"Fine" I said, before hopping on the bed with them. Here's hoping Joe Manganiello and Ryan Kwanten will be enough to keep me from stressing about Ethan and our brunch.


Sunday morning I'm up at 6 am. I'm still a ball of nerves. I'm surprised I got any sleep at all. I looked at the outfit I set out last night. I decided it was all wrong. I go in my closet and start throwing options into a bag. I grab my nude wedges. Those were the only thing I was 100% sure about.

I'm loading up the car as I call Sammy. On the second try, she answered.


"I'm canceling with Ethan." I declared.

She sighed. "Just come over."

I already bugged her all night about my outfit. I talked her through my wardrobe. We even planned my hair and makeup. I know I'm being ridiculous, but I can't help it. It's bad enough that I have no idea what I'm going to say to Ethan. Or how he will respond. I can't be unsure about my look too.

When I get to Sammy's place, she throws me in the shower. When I come out, wrapped in a towel, she already has a dress laid out on the bed and a bottle of tequila in her hands.

"Drink." She commanded, handing me a shot. I make a face, but do it. I realized I'm in no position to argue with her. She made me take one more shot before she sat me down at her folding table that serves as a dining room table. She then gets started with my hair. After that, she moves to my makeup. An hour later, she pushes me to the bedroom to get dressed.

She picked out an ethereal white lace dress with a scooped neckline and puffed short sleeves. It comes about mid-thigh on me, which is surprising considering Sammy likes her dresses short.

"It was on sale." She shrugged when I made a comment about the dress not being her style. "I knew it was way too big when I bought it. Fits you perfectly." She said, wrapping a thin beige belt around my waist.

I then slipped on my nude wedges. I looked myself over in the mirror as she dug in her jewelry box. I'm shocked at the mirror image staring back at me. My skin looks flawless. My lashes look amazing, long and curled, framing my eyes. The gold shimmer and brown liner Sammy used brings out the amber flecks in my hazel eyes. It looks so soft and natural. My lips are a glossy rose color. My hair frames my face, falling in waves past my shoulders. The dress is modest, but sexy in the way it hugs my curves. And my legs look long and shapely in the wedges.

"Ohmygod Sammy..." I started, truly in awe. I'm overwhelmed. I don't remember the last time I felt so pretty.

"I know. I'm a miracle worker." She said, coming back to place a large gold locket around my neck. "But you're going to have to learn to do what everyone else does..."

"Hire you as my stylist?" I beamed.

"No! Get on YouTube! Find beauty tutorials. And it's way past time for a trip to the hair salon, by the way." She replied.

"Alright." She said, leading me to the door. "Good luck. Call me!"

I promised I would before heading to Button's. Wish me luck guys!

*Happy Father's Day! Special thanks to all the good male role models out there today!

 Like I said, I'm going to try to do a couple flashbacks this week. Anything specific y'all want to know or read about Lily's past? Suggestions are appreciated!*


  1. Urgh... Another day to wait for the Ethan meet.... You really like to keep us in suspense! I guess that's why I keep coming back!!!!

    I'd love to hear about how she didn't find Mom but the a Aunt. Does she still keep in contact with her? I'd also like to hear about the time back in CA. Did she date? Or, did she spend 2 years pining for Ethan?

    1. I know. I know. It really wasn't my intentions, thats why I went ahead and posted them all this weekend instead of all week. Lol

      And the California flashbacks are coming. Not this week, but when Lily makes a trip to California. It'll make more sense after tomorrow's post!

  2. Well I am glad Sammy was able to help make her feel pretty I sure hope that Ethan isn't dating that Karen woman but we will see I can't wait to see how their date goes!!
