Saturday, June 14, 2014

#Selfie (intro)

***I was going to stretch the events that happened this weekend into 3 post for next week, but I decided not to. Not only is it cruel to keep y'all waiting, but it felt weird to use a week of posts to cover one weekend.

So, I'll be posting all three post this weekend. One today, one tomorrow and Monday. Then I'll be taking the rest of the week off. Unless I write flashbacks. But no promises.***

#Selfie (intro)- The Chainsmokers

I got a text back from Ethan Thursday evening.

Ethan: It is. I'm free Sunday. Wanna do brunch? Buttons in Addison?


Ethan: 11am?

Me: Sounds good. See you there!


On Friday morning, I finally heard back from Coach Sullivan. He agreed to take over Darren's rehab on the weekdays he's not at the clinic. I went to Derek's office to show him the email. He said it was fine as long as I got Coach Sullivan to agree that ultimately Darren was my patient. No changes can be made to his routine without my consent.

Derek composed another email from me. It makes me sound like a freaking dictator, but clearly states I'm calling the shots. I send it, and get to work.

At lunch, I used the computer at the nurses' station to check my email. Coach Sullivan agreed, asking me if I needed a copy of the agreement signed in blood.

"Asshole." I muttered to myself, printing it out. I'm not going to let it sour my great mood.

"Uh oh. Who got on your bad side?" A woman in light blue scrubs asked me. She has shoulder length chestnut hair, green eyes, and a smile on her face. Her ID badge says Jordan.

"Sorry. Didn't think anyone was around." I said, guiltily.

"It's ok. We all have those moments. Especially on Fridays. It's like everyone wants to be an ass on Friday. Who has time for that? I mean, I don't even have plans, but I still wanna get outta here." she complained. I laughed.

"So how long have you been with us, Lily?" She asked, handing me my printout.

"About a month. How bout you?" I answered.

"This is my second year. But I didn't encounter any assholes til after 6 months."

"I don't think this counts. This is in relation to a patient, not an actual patient." I smile.

"Oh, ok. That makes it a little better." She smiled.

I really like her. She seems really cool. And I haven't made any new friends at my job. At least not anyone that I would hang out with outside of work. I figured, what the hell. I'm 100% successful in asking people out right now. Might as well go for it.

"Hey, you wanna grab a drink at a bar after work? I don't have any plans either, and my friend is a bartender. You can fill me in on all the assholes around here." I asked, quickly.

"Ummm, I didn't bring a change of clothes..."

"It's just Dave and Busters. But if you're tired, I understand." I finished, not wanting to sound too eager.

"Ohhh, that sounds fun. But you can't change either."

I smiled, relieved. "Deal."

The rest of the day went by smoothly. I informed Darren, when he came in, that his athletic trainer finally got back to me.

"So what did Coach say?" Darren asked me.

"He's ok with us all working together. I'm still planning your rehab, but I'm letting him dictate your schedule over the summer. But that means no skipping days. And if you're not progressing like you should be, then you're back to three days a week with me. Understand?" I explained to him.

"Yes Ma'am" he grinned.


After work, I drove to Dave and Buster's. Jordan followed me in her Jetta. Sammy was working the bar when we got there. We grabbed a couple of empty bar stools and I introduced Jordan to her. Over alcoholic snow cones Sammy made for us (Miami ice for me, strawberry mango for Jordan), we talked about work. She brought me up to date on drama and told me stories of former difficult patients. I listened to her every word and was enjoying her laid back attitude. She then asked me how I was liking it so far.

"It's good. It's so different from a hospital, but I think I'm adjusting ok." I shrugged.

"How are you and Derek getting along?" She asked, taking a sip of her snow cone.

"I haven't had to interact with him much, but I kinda like that."

"Do you see this as a career, or do you wanna go back to a hospital?"

I hadn't really thought of that. I was just so excited about moving back to Texas, I didn't really care about where I worked.

"I really don't know. I guess I'll see." I answered, truthfully.

She nodded. "Why have I never thought of putting alcohol in snow cones? This is like the best thing ever. I'm totally going to make these at home." Jordan exclaimed, as she finished her off.

"Where do you get shaved ice from?"

"I have a snow cone maker." Jordan explained.

"Really? I didn't know they made those. I want one."

"Yeah, I have a kiddie one, but it works just fine." She looked around. "I haven't been here in forever. This used to be the hang out spot for my high school."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. The one at the mall. Me and my friends would hang out on the weekends. Try to meet boys. Get into trouble. It was so much fun. What about you?"

"What about me?"

"What were your hangout spots in high school? "

"I didn't really hangout much."

"Strict parents?"

"Something like that." I responded. "But it was fun working here. Never a dull night. "

"I bet you have stories." Jordan smiled.

"You have no idea." I laughed

 "I'm starving. Wanna order some food?"

"Yes. Let's go grab a booth."

Before we left the bar, Sammy informed me she's about to head to the back to start her end of shift paperwork. That normally takes a good 30 minutes, so I pointed out the table we were going to sit at.

We ordered chicken wings, spinach dip, and edamame to share. Since we're having beer foods, we order two Shiners as well. We share drinking stories before the food comes out.

"Thank you for suggesting food. I didn't wanna make it weird by asking if you wanted to grab dinner." I admitted to Jordan.

"Why would that be weird? We're on a date right?" She asked, confused.

Oh fuck.

 I'm frozen in shock before she starts laughing. "Just kidding. I have a boyfriend. I like boys."

"Not funny" I said, but I smiled.

"What about you?" she asked me.

"I like boys too."

She laughed. "No. Are you in a relationship?"

Before I could answer, I see Jake heading our way. I'm surprised because Sammy didn't mention he was coming.

"Hey Jake." I said, giving him a polite smile. "This is my co-worker Jordan, Jordan this is Jake." He greeted us both before sliding in the booth on my side. He helped himself to my edamame and I gave him an incredulous look.

Jordan grinned at me. "So that answers my questions. Jake's your boyfriend?"

"NO!" I blurted out, while Jake choked on his bite of food. "My friend Rocky. The one I told you I'm living with, this is her boyfriend's friend. Who is now dating Sammy."

Jordan smiled as I explained.

"Thanks for finding that so offensive. And I'm not dating Sammy. We're just hanging out." He clarified. "And you have a boyfriend?" He asked, turning to me.

"Not really. Just someone I'm hanging out with. Hopefully it'll be official soon."

I don't wanna say no. Jake and Ethan seemed close too. I didn't want him reporting back to Ethan that I was out acting like I was single and ready to mingle before we have a chance to talk. So I just told him the truth.

"Well, from what I can tell, he'd be an idiot not to make it official soon." Jordan complimented me.

 I smiled. "Thanks."

We made small talk about our jobs. I learned that Jake was a security account manager at an office building in downtown Dallas. He's perfectly nice to us as he asked questions about our jobs. When Sammy clocked out, she and Jake took off. Jordan and I hung out at the bar to finish our drinks and food. We said our goodbyes, trading phone numbers.

When I got home, Rocky and Brandon were out. I knew they were going out with Trevor cause she texted and asked me if I wanted to come. I declined, and decided to watch some of the Rangers game, doing crunches during the commercials. I took a hot bath, and decided to go to bed.

I checked my phone before plugging it into the charger. I saw I had a Facebook notification. Jordan already friend requested me. I accepted it, and take a couple minutes to look through her page. I scrolled through my news feed afterwards.

I stared at my phone, feeling like I just got punched in the gut. I saw Ethan was tagged in a picture with another woman. A woman I recognize.


  1. No Ethan!!!! I can't wait to see what happens!!

  2. Ah I do like this blog a lot. I wonder what will happen with Ethan and this mystery woman!


  3. wow.... what a breath taker. Really didn't see that coming.
