Saturday, May 31, 2014

Scooby Doo, Where Are You?

I know, I know. I said no more flashbacks! But I really wanted to write this scene, so I did. :-)
This is a mini post to how Ethan discovered Lily's love of gummy candies.

"Scooby Dooby Doo, Where are you?
We got some work to do now
Scooby Dooby Doo, Where are you?
We need some help from you now
Come on, Scooby Doo, I see you
pretending you got a sliver
But you're not fooling me,cause I can see
the way you shake and shiver" Scooby Dooby Theme Song


April 2012

"Are you okay?" I asked Ethan, as we sat on the bed in my room watching Family Guy.

It was our tradition. I knew it was a booty call when he called and asked if he could come over when I got off work. I was still a little uneasy about how to act now that we were hooking up. The first time he came over after we made our arrangement, I ended up asking him if he wanted to watch TV in my room. It was how I normally unwind after a night at the bar. Animated adult cartoons weren't really his thing, but he seemed amused by how I knew almost all the lines and laughed so hard I cried. Or snorted. That instantly relaxed me, and him as well, until we were going at it in my bed.

Tonight though, he was super quiet. He stared straight ahead at the TV even though it was a commercial.  Normally by the first commercial break, his arms would be around me and we would be kissing until the show came back on. By the second break, we would be making out and caressing each other over our clothes. I would be ready to turn off the TV, but we never did. We stopped until the end of the show. Anticipation was the best aphrodisiac.

"Can we skip TV tonight?" He said, ignoring my question, but finally looking at me. I couldn't read his expression, but I definitely felt the intensity of his gaze. He'd never looked at me like that before- I had no idea what it meant. I gulped, but nodded. He wasted no time, pulling off my t-shirt to reveal my simple, black bra. As he reached to unclasp it, I looked for the remote. I wanted the room to be dark, as usual.

I didn't have a chance to find it because Ethan removed my bra and shoved me back on the bed. I felt the remote on my back and I reached to grab it. Before I could turn the tv off, Ethan removed his shirt and pants. The sight of his body in the TV light was enough for me to forget about wanting it off.  He pulled off my shorts before positioning himself on top of me. He rubbed me through my panties before he yanked them off of me. As enthusiastic as sex could get between us, he had never been this impatient or rough. I was surprisingly turned on by it and I was so ready for him.

"Where is the condom I left?" He asked, gruffly, obviously as ready as I was. 

"The nightstand." I panted, quickly, nodding towards it next to the bed.

He reached over and opened the drawer. He pulled out a package and stopped. I read the confusion on his face before I looked at his hand. I wanted to die of embarrassment when I saw a Scooby Doo fruit snack package instead of a condom. I tried to snatch it from him, but he was too quick.

"EJ picked them out!" I blurted, feeling my face heat up as I threw EJ under the bus. He burst out laughing. 

"Doesn't explain why they're in here..." he finally stated through his laughter.

"Um, I like gummy bears. They're my favorite candy. It's like nostalgia for me." I defended myself. I was obsessed with ANY gummy candy. They were my addiction.

"I can understand gummy bears. Baby, these are not gummy bears." He chuckled, sitting up on his knees.

I blushed deeper, my face had to be a deep red. Not only at him destroying my weak defense, but him calling me baby. That was a first. "So? Same thing. They're gummy and they taste better." I huffed out, willing my face to cool.

He opened the package and I watched, thinking he was going to eat one to see how much better they tasted than gummy bears. Instead, he placed one on my nipple. I was so distracted by the fruit snacks, I forgot I was completely naked. Ethan obviously didn't. He placed another fruit snack on my other nipple, my stomach, two on my navel, and between my legs. My frazzled mind was trying to make sense of his actions when he put his mouth on my candy covered nipple. He swirled his tongue around the candy, until he finally bit it into his mouth, grazing my nipple with his teeth. I gasped, heat spreading all over my body as the throb between my legs was now a rapid pulsing. 

I watched him chew and swallow the fruit snack. "You're right. They do taste better." He said, before moving his mouth to my other nipple. 

"Urm...Ahh..." I wasn't sure if I was going to agree with him or just encourage him to keep going as he sucked the fruit snack and my nipple into his mouth. I lost all ability to speak as he worked his way down my body, eating the candies the same way he did the first. By the time he got to the last one, settling his face between my thighs, my whole body was burning up and I was desperate for release. I cried out in shock and pleasure as he licked his way up before sucking the candy in his mouth. I bucked up against him, unable to stop my hips from gyrating up into his face

"Please, please, please!" I cried, not quite sure what I was begging for. Ethan obviously knew, because he gripped my hips forcefully to still me before his mouth found my clitoris and he sucked greedily on me.

"Oh God!" I screamed out, not remembering to care if Rocky could hear me. I was normally self- conscious and timid enough to stifle and muffle my sounds, but I wasn't tonight. Something in the air, his need and assertiveness caused me to lose all my inhibitions. He swirled and flicked his tongue against me as I writhed against his hold, confused if I wanted him to stop or continue. When he did pull his mouth away, I felt despair and cheated until he continued to rub my clit with his finger as he sat up. He stopped to reach for the night stand again, this time grabbing the condom. I was so close, I didn't want to wait anymore, and I kept grinding up against his pelvis. We both groaned out in exquisite pleasure as his erection rubbed my wet slit. I was so far gone, I wrapped my legs around his waist, trying to guide him into me. I was glad he still had a trace of self control; he quickly tore open the condom and slid it on before plunging inside of me.

Any self control he had was lost as soon as he sank inside me. His strokes were uncoordinated, no rhythm or motion and he didn't pay attention to my spot or my clitoris like he normally did. It didn't matter though. I was so close to climaxing, my whole body was pulsating. His skin pressed so intimately against mine, his wild kisses and his uncontrollable deep thrusts had my head spinning and my body shaking until I finally released, wailing out his name. He pace quickened even more and I held him tighter, locking my arms and legs around him until he shuddered and came too. He collapsed beside me, breathing heavily as he pulled me into his arms. This was another first: post sex cuddling. My body still felt wobbly, and I was struggling to catch my breath, but I basked in his warm embrace as he held me. 

We lay there, in silence for a good 30 minutes before Ethan spoke up. "I had dinner with Megan and her parents tonight." He exhaled, deeply.

I looked up at him, trying to read his expression. Again, nothing, but the severity that was in his eyes earlier that evening was gone. I cuddled close to him, happy that I gave him some kind of relief. "How'd that go?"

"Interesting. At first, it was like nothing changed. Then, her dad pulled me aside and asked me if I could forgive her for what she did. I was shocked. I didn't think she would tell them why we broke up." Ethan explained.

"Oh, you didn't want them to know?" I pondered. If my significant other cheated on me, I would probably tell everyone. Go scorched earth with their infidelities.  

"I didn't want anyone to know. I told my family the truth when they wanted to know who was the Lily that got EJ a Tablet for Christmas." He explained, with a little smile.

I blushed. Probably a little much for a 4 year old, but EJ loved it. "Sorry."

"Don't be. I think talking about it helped me realized it was over. I guess not talking made me feel like we could just move on after the anger went away." Ethan admitted.

"And has it?" I asked him, curiously.

"It has. I told Megan's dad tonight I forgive her. I truly do. I'm not angry anymore but that doesn't mean I want to get back together with her. We fell apart a long time ago. I hate how she went about it, but I understand why we needed to go our separate ways." He confessed.

I nodded understandably as I shivered. Now that the orgasm heat was wearing off, our sweat on my naked skin plus the ceiling fan was making me cold. Ethan covered me with my comforter, tucking me in before leaving the bed to get dress. This was part of the routine too. Afterwards, he would get dressed and leave. Normally, I would be okay with it. In fact, I preferred it. No chance for awkward moments. Tonight though, after him opening up to me and cuddling me, I felt...empty.

"Lily? Is that ok?"

I realized Ethan was speaking to me. I didn't hear a word he said.

"Huh?" I replied.

"It's fine if you don't want me to spend the night-"

"No! I want you to stay." I interrupted him, gleefully. I flushed when he gave me a little smile. "I'm sorry, why did you get dressed?"

"I'm going to the gas station. I need to buy condoms and I'll replace your candy. They probably won't have the Scooby Doo ones." He informed me.

I giggled. "Ok. Anything gummy will work."

"Come here real quick."

When I got to my knees on the bed, the covers still wrapped around me, he hugged me and kissed me gently: It was soulful and sweet. He pulled away and smiled. "I have some fun ideas for peach rings anyway."


  1. I love the flashback sequences, I feel it makes the blog unique and interesting.. ...please keep them in!

    1. I love writing them too. I think i'll keep them as standalone mini post. Just so it doesn't get confusing

  2. First time commenting... i LOVE your flashback scenes!!!!

    1. Thank you for the comment! I love them.
      And I'm glad you love the scenes, cause I'm going to keep writting them.
