Saturday, May 31, 2014


"I'm covering my ears like a kid
When your words mean nothing, I go la la la
I'm turning off the volume when you speak
'Cause if my heart can't stop it,
I'll find a way to block it, I go
La la, la la la la la na na na na na
La la na na, la la la la la na na na na na,
I'll find a way to block it, I go
La la na na, la la la la la na na na na na,
La la na na, la la la la la na na na na na" LaLaLa by Naughty Boy ft Sam Smith

"Why are you stressing about this? It's a soccer game. Just put on short shorts and a cute top." Sammy said from my bed.

We were in my room hanging out before EJ's game. She normally would not be up this early on a Saturday, but she had a last minute hair appointment and wanted to show me her new look. She was growing it back out, so she decided to go to her natural brown, with auburn highlights. I thought, and told her, it looked great. I wanted to agree with her about the outfit, especially considering it was outdoor and freaking Texas, but since my talk with Rocky, I was second guessing myself.

"There are going to be kids around. I don't wanna be dressed too revealing."

"Shorts and a tank? Too revealing?" Sammy asked, confused.

I explained to her what happened in the cabin and the lecture Rocky gave me. Sammy scoffed. "If you got it, flaunt it! She's just jealous Lily. She's used to being the hot one and can't handle you stealing the attention, especially from her boyfriend."

WTF? First of all, the hot one? What is this, Romy and Michele? She's Mary and I'm the Rhoda? Rocky doesn't think like that. Even if she does, I don't. She can be the Mary. I decided on basketball shorts and a t-shirt. Sammy shook her head.

"I only want Ethan's attention and he liked me in outfits like this." I shrugged. 

"Speaking of Ethan, how was the sex last weekend?" Sammy smirked at me. 

I left out the details of my fight with my brother. I told her Ethan and I didn't get to have sex due to my brother's visit, but he consoled me and we made out.

"He has to really like you if he found you attractive in that. You betta hop on his dick before someone else does." She grimaced at my outfit one last time before leaving to get some more sleep before she had to work.

I changed and put on tennis shoes while I waited for Brandon. Her words haunted me, but I put them out my mind. Ethan would never cheat so if he was seeing someone, there was no way he would be kissing me or letting me dry hump him. I had my head phones on, listening to Sam Smith and daydreaming about "real" humping Ethan when Brandon lifted the earpiece off my ear. "You ready?"

"I am." I said, I blushed, standing up. On the drive over, we talked about music. I noticed that things weren't weird around him. I had been a little guarded with him since the cabin incident, so I was surprised it was not awkward at all. He hadn't heard of Sam Smith before, and I told him he's one of my favorite artists right now. I had already fell in love with his music. I like him as a person even more after he came out this week.

 "Rocky has the same taste in music as my dad. I just can't with her." Brandon commented. I laughed, it's so true. She's old school, R&B soul all the way. Many arguments got started over our differences in music. We blasted the radio as he drove.

As luck would have it, "LaLaLa" came on as we pulled up to the fields. When Brandon knows it, I informed him that the vocals are Sam Smith. We sat in the car, singing the rest of the song when we saw Rocky approaching his Explorer.

Brandon rolled down the window. Rocky gave him a look of exasperation. "Are y'all planning to watch the game from the car?" She asked him. She had to go into work this morning, so she was dressed business casually in slacks and a blouse.

"We got some time babe. Come jam with us." Brandon bobbed his head to the music before singing to her. I joined in before looking back at Rocky. She was not amused. I hopped out the car and Brandon quickly followed. We walked in silence to the field. It rained off and on all week, so it was hot and humid and wrecking havoc on my hair. I tied it up in a bun to control the waves and get some air on my neck.

When we got there, I immediately looked for Ethan. I saw him standing on the sideline watching the boys warm up with another guy. He looked cool and comfortable in cargo shorts, Nikes, a red team shirt, and sunglasses. Brandon left us to join him and I followed Rocky to the stands. She chose to sit behind Megan.

"Hey you two." Megan said, cheerfully. "Dave, you know Racqelle. This is her friend Lily."

"Hey, nice to meet you." He said, politely. His arm was resting around Megan's waist. I smiled and returned his greeting. The game was about to start, so I turned my attention back to the field. Ethan and Brandon continue to stand, watching the game with other parents.

"Men." Megan groaned and shook her head. She was smiling as she watched Ethan coach EJ from the sideline. I thought it was so cute even if the coaching wasn't helping. All the kids had to be constantly reminded to stay in position and not try to chase after the ball.

What was not cute is the woman standing beside Ethan, cheering her son on. She was wearing jean shorts and the team shirt as well. My curves would have made the outfit inappropriate, but it look chic and casual on her short, petite frame. She kept jumping up and down and grabbing Ethan's arm anytime anything happens. How annoying. At the period break, Megan and Dave headed to the concession stand to get some water.

"So is that her boyfriend?" I asked Rocky, turning to her immediately after they left.

"Yep. They've been dating off and on for a while. I believe it's serious this time." Rocky supplied.

"Oh." I said simply. "Think it's weird how she just introduced me as your friend?"

Rocky cut her eyes at me for a moment before responding. "How else should she have introduced you? As EJ's babysitter when she was cheating or Ethan's rebound from her?"

I was physically taken aback as I shift away from her. That was brutally honest, even for her. "I don't know; maybe as Ethan's friend considering everything. Do you think he knows about-"

"It doens't matter." She scolded, interrupting me. "That's the past. It doesn't affect their relationship, so why should he? Don't even think about bringing it up. It just makes you seem petty and childish." 

I don't even respond. I knew not to bring it up. I wasn't stupid. Feeling criticized and annoyed, I pulled out my phone and texted Trevor.

Me: Whatcha doing? Wanna come rescue me?

I pretended to be occupied with my phone until the end of the break. I silently willed Trevor to text me back. I had no intention of spending any more time with Rocky if she's going to continue to talk down to me. Brandon, Megan and Dave joined us in the stands. The game was back on when my phone beeped, indicating a text.

Trevor: You know I can't resist a damsel in distress. What will I be slaying today? Evil witch? Dragon? Savage beast?

Me: all of the above-ROCKY.

Trevor: lol ok. Let's skip the whole slaying thing. Send me the address and I'll just sneak you outta there.

I smiled and sent him the address. When the game was over (EJ's team wins 2-1), Megan headed down the bleachers to stand with the other parents at the end of the game meeting. After it was over, drinks and snacks are handed out to the kids. I joined them to congratulate EJ.

"Great game EJ!" I said, bending down to give him a hug. He smiled at me before grabbing his juice box and running around with a teammate. While Rocky went to chat with Megan, I looked over at Ethan.

"So you're one of those parents huh?" I teased.

"I don't know what you mean." He said, with a curious glance.

"Yeah you do. Coaching from the sideline, yelling, getting into brawls after the game." I mockingly accused him.

"It has never gotten that bad. Although I understand the impulse now." He answered, smirking at me. I chuckled, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear that got loose from my had to be limp and damp bun. I felt sticky and sweaty, but his eyes were trained on my ear and neck in a way that made me feel both keenly aware and slightly aroused.  

Sticky and sweaty indeed...

"I have extra treat bags!!!" My non PG thoughts were interrupted by the woman that was grabbing Ethan earlier. She was handing out treat bags to the siblings of the players, then she looked at Ethan. "Anybody want one?"

"No thanks Karen" Ethan answered her. After I shook my head no, Ethan faced me. "You sure? They have fruit snacks in them."

I smiled, both tickled that he remembered my love of any gummy candy and aroused all over again. He discovered my love of gummy candies during one of our late night tryst. He was reaching into my nightstand to find a pack of condoms he left. He pulled out a package of my secret stash of Scooby Doo fruit snacks instead. I couldn't help recalling where he teasingly ate the fruit snacks off of me that night.

 I laughed, pushing away those thoughts. "I don't eat them anymore."

"Really?" Ethan asked, surprised.

"Really. I went on a binge when I moved to California. I had to detox and swear them off. Not trying to fall off the wagon here." I explained. He laughed at me. God, I love making him laugh.

"Are you bringing EJ to CiCi's pizza?" Karen asked Ethan.

"EJ, do you wanna get some pizza?" Ethan called to him.


"Ok. Go ask your mom." We followed him as he raced over to where his mom was standing with Dave, Rocky and Brandon. Megan said yes to going out to eat.

"Bye EJ. I'll see you later." I told him before he headed off.

"You're not coming?" He frowned at me.

"No, I have plans but I'll see you soon, ok?" He nodded and left with his mom. I turned to say goodbye to Ethan, but Karen had him in a conversation. I waved, but before I could say anything, Rocky turned to me.

"Let's go Lily. If you had plans, you should have drove. I'll drop you off at the house." Rocky announced.

"Not necessary." I said, calmly. "I have a ride. Trevor should be here already"

Rocky was not fooled by my nonchalant attitude. "You called Trevor?"

"No, I told you I had plans." I said bye to everyone before heading to the parking lot. I saw Trevor's Honda Civic right away. I breathed a sigh of relief as I headed towards it. I hopped in the car, smiling.

"So what's the plan?" I asked him excitedly.

"I thought saving you from the witch/dragon/beast hybrid was the plan." He grinned at me.

"Well, mission accomplished."

"I was debating heading to Austin. Bilal has a gig tonight and I haven't been in a while." Trevor explained.

I think this over. Austin is like 3 hours away. I was on call, but I remember Derek telling me most weekend appointments were made during the week. But still, I really shouldn't. Besides, I would have to stop and get clothes and chance another encounter with Rocky. I was really not in the mood. When I explained this to Trevor, he laughed.

"C'mon! Your boss gave you a pass to make plans. We just made a great escape, I think we can handle something as simple as finding some clothes."

I chuckled, but had no argument. "Austin, here we come!" I announced.


  1. I think Sammy may be right.... Rocky is becoming a little bit green with envy... I am surprised and intrigued that she is so jealous... or at least that it seems to be....

    1. Very strange when Sammy is the voice of reasoning... but Lily has to see things for herself.

  2. Yeah Rocky might need to rake in the crazy especially if she's the one being weird. Brandon & Lily are still just being normal & no weird akwardness it seems Rocky is being petty. Im glad Lily plans on moving out already. Also love ur blog. Im normally just a silent reader but Rocky's attitude toward Lily is childish.

    1. Thank you for reading, and for the comment!
      Time and a live in boyfriend can change people. Apparently not for the better.

  3. What is Rocky's deal? Her attitude stinks.

    1. She's living up to her nickname, thats for sure. Hopefully not permanently.
