
Looking back, I realized I should have put the flashbacks in chronological order. Since I didn't, here is a timeline of the events that's happened before Lily moved back.

December 2011

  •  While babysitting Megan's son EJ so she can go on a date with her brother Cam, Lily has to take EJ to the hospital. At the hospital, Ethan, EJ's dad, shows up. Lily and her brother Cam finds out that Megan has been living a double life. Pretending to be a single mom while she's really engaged and cheating on Ethan.
  •  Megan and Ethan breaks up. Cam breaks up with Megan as well. Lily still keeps in contact with EJ. 

January 2012

  • Ethan lets Lily babysit EJ again.
  • Ethan and Lily become friendly

February 2012

  •  Ethan and Lily start to hang out without EJ as friends.

March 2012

  • Ethan kisses Lily for the first time
  • Lily and Ethan become friends with benefits

May 2012

  •  Cam finds out about Lily and Ethan 
  •  Cam confronts Lily about Ethan 

June 2012

  •  Ethan confesses he has feelings for Lily 
  •  Lily breaks it off and moves to Califronia 

April 2014

  •  Lily moves back to Dallas 


  1. Hi there Janay, this is Sandy, and I write another blog called www.poetsandheartbreakers.com, I've been trying to find a way to contact you, I figured you will get my comment on this page!
    First, just want to say respect girl! I really like your blog and in my head it runs like a book. The characters, the story line, everything is set for it to be a movie (and I like the character list with the actors you attached to the character guide haha).
    I just made a 'blogs I frequent' page, and I've added you to mine. I was wondering whether you'd give mine a look and if you'd like to put it on your reader list too!
    All the best,

  2. Just did it! I acutually just started following your blog. I just needed to add it to my list. My kiddos are going back to school in 2 weeks, so I'll actually have reading time to get all caught up on your blog soon!
    Thank you for the comment and for reading.

  3. Thanks so much Janay! That's great to hear, I'm really honored that other bloggers would read mine :) I think we can all learn from each other! Let's keep in touch! (michnad89@gmail.com) Sandy

  4. This time line seems to only focus on ethan, kinda seems like he is the end game (hope not lol) could it just be that it is an old time line

    1. Yeah based on this looks like Ethan is the leading man

  5. Any chance this can be updated? I think it'll help reacquaint me with the broad strokes on some of Lily's story that I've forgotten...
