Saturday, November 3, 2018

Father Figure

"Because all I ever wanted
It's in your eyes, baby
And love can't lie, no
(Greet me with the eyes of a child)
My love is always tellin' me so
(Heaven is a kiss and a smile)
Just hold on, hold on
I won't let you go, my baby
I will be your father figure
Put your tiny hand in mine
I will be your preacher teacher
Anything you have in mind, baby
I will be your father figure
I have had enough of crime
(So I am gonna love you)
'Til the end of time" Father Figure by George Michael

Me: Happy Monday. May the force be with you!

Ethan: I still can't believe you fell asleep during the movie last night.

Me: I can. I probably would still be knocked out if you hadn't woke me up. Star Wars is like my Nyquil.

Ethan: We'll try again some other time. I'll call you tonight.

Me: ok. Ttyl

I put my phone away before getting ready to go to the store to shop for my groceries for the week. As I was shopping, I got a text from Forrest. He let me know he was heading to Shreveport and was planning to spend some time with his dad. I thought about calling him to see how he was doing, but I just sent him back a text that said to let me know when he made it. I was tempted to check on Rocky, but she hadn't reached out to me so I let it go and finished shopping.

When I got into work, Dr. Fahri was in the team lead office. I barley got logged in on a tablet before he asked me to watch the floor and send Dr. Clayton in. I did what he asked, giving Dr. Clayton a questioning look which he ignored before joining Dr. Fahri in the office. I did a quick walk around the center, greeting and checking on everyone before I pulled Q aside.

"Ok, so I'm definitely picking up on the vibe between Dr. Clayton and Dr. Fahri now." I commented.

"I think it's more than that now." Q commented.

"What do you mean?"

"As someone who recently left their job, I get that vibe from him."

I frowned, the thought of Dr. Clayton leaving inconceivable. It was his 19th year with the clinic. I really hoped he wasn't letting this pettiness with Dr. Fahri force him out. After Dr. Fahri left, I approached Dr. Clayton, asking if everything was ok. He assured me it was, and changed the subject.

On the way home, I talked to Ethan about it. He advised me that until Dr. Clayton put in his notice, I shouldn't be concerned about it. He told me I should hope for the best, that maybe the two of them were hashing out their problems, but prepare for the worst. The worst for me would be losing Dr. Clayton, but Ethan made me start thinking about being the morning team lead. Not only did he suggest I negotiate a bigger salary, but also start taking notes of who I should recommend for my role.

After I felt better about the drama at my work, we made plans to hang out Wednesday with EJ and Justine. He told me he would pick us up after EJ's basketball practice. When I got home, I told Ethan goodnight and got off the phone.

When Wednesday finally arrived, I got up and decided to spend some time at the gym.
Dino was at the front of the gym when I got there. She didn't greet me, but I waved and asked if she wanted to be sparring partners. She turned me down and hightailed it out the gym. I watched her leave, a little confused, but went about my work out.

After my workout, I called Forrest to check on him. He said he was settled in at his dad's place and doing good. Again, he didn't bring Rocky up so I didn't either. I told him the phone works both ways and I expected to hear from him or I would be taking a trip to Louisiana to talk to him, after I kicked his butt. He promised he would call and let me go.

On my break, I made plans to meet up with Monica on Sunday. Her husband Trent was going to be out of town so she was doing a day party with some of her friends. When I asked her if Uriel was coming, she said no and told me she wouldn't set me up like that. I agreed to come and sent a group text to my friends that I knew didn't have father's day plans to see of they wanted to join. Sammy, Amanda and Staci all agreed and we planned to met there on Sunday.

After I got off work, I rushed home to get ready for my outing with Ethan and EJ. I changed into skinny jeans and a black tank top before I grabbed Justine's leash and clipped it on her collar. When Ethan arrived, I met him at the door with a hug before we got in his truck.

"Hey EJ! How was practice?" I smiled at him as I got in the front after putting Justine in the backseat with EJ.

"It was alright." He shrugged as we took off.

"Just alright?"

When he shrugged again, I looked at Ethan.

"His coach had him practicing setting screens when he wanted to handle the ball." Ethan started.

"You stole the ball like 50 times last Saturday. Every time you steal the ball, just drive it to the basket. Show off your handling skills then." I hyped him.

"It was only 8 times." EJ corrected me. "And coach wants me to set the play up."

"By passing to his son?" I quipped.

Ethan gave me a sideways glance before answering."I don't think if you have an open lane your coach would want you to give up an easy layup. If you can lay it up, take it. If not, set up a play." Ethan told him, diplomatically. I smiled at him; that was much better than the advise of ignoring his coach and his ball hog son that I wanted to give.

"Ok dad."

"And when you make that lay up, look at your coach and go "Balling!!!" I sang, making the universal jump shot hand motion.

"Don't do that." Ethan smiled back at me.

"Balling?" EJ smiled.

"Yeah. Like the song and dance." When EJ looked confused, I turned to Ethan. "Help me out Ethan."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." He chuckled.

"Yes you do. That song was huge. I didn't even play basketball but I shouted out balling. I know you know that song E-quator"

"Equator?" EJ piped up.

"Oh yeah. That was your dad's nickname when he played basketball. Hottest place on earth." I revealed with a smile.

EJ laughed. "That pretty lame dad."

"I agree." I grinned.

"Are you going to play that song no one has heard before?" Ethan asked me.

I played the song and we spent the rest of the drive making a basketball play list and coming up with EJ's nickname until we arrived at a deck park located in the heart of Downtown Dallas. They were a lot of people around the huge park that feature a great lawn, pavilion, botanical garden, walking trails, dog park, children’s park and splash pad. We found a parking spot and walked to the great lawn.

"Can we get ice cream dad?" EJ asked as we past a line of trucks as we walked around, aimlessly.

"Did you eat dinner yet?" Ethan asked me, grabbing the leash from EJ.

"No, but I'll just grab something from a food truck."

Ethan led us to the line of food trucks. We walked down once, viewing all their offerings. Once we figured out what we wanted, we split up.  Justine, EJ and I went to Coolhaus for ice cream and Ethan went to a taco truck.  EJ got a smores ice cream sandwich, I got myself a soda float and with EJ suggestion, we got Ethan an Affogato. Once we got our food and drinks, we found a little table to sit down and eat. After he devoured his ice cream, EJ ran to play at the children area.

"How's your drink?" I asked Ethan with a grin. He took a sip and thanked EJ earlier for picking it out for him, but hadn't drank anymore

"Terrible." He grimaced at the ice cream floating in the coffee. "What made you think I would like this?"  

"EJ said you liked coffee." I said, innocently.

"With half and half, not a scoop of coffee ice cream." He said, dryly. 

"I told EJ that might be over kill, but he said you really like coffee." I giggled before taking a bite of my taco. We ate in companionable silence as we watched EJ play in the splash pad with a few other kids.

"This park is pretty cool." I said.

"This entire area used to be a concrete hole over the freeway. The engineering and construction was very cool." Ethan explained.

"I was talking more about the playground and food trucks, but that too." I smiled, pulling off a piece of my tempura shrimp taco to share with him. "What made you interested in studying architecture?"

"My grandfather. He worked his way up to a construction manager and wanted to open his own construction or general contracting business. He used to compliment my drawings, and lego buildings. He would say how I would come work for him once he had his business started. Watching him is what made me interested, even though he never got his business up and running." He explained, holding his brisket street taco out for me to take a bite.

"Were you really close to your grandfather?" I said, after chewing.

"Very. My mom and dad both worked, so I spent a lot of time with him, especially during the summer. We were close until he passed away during my second year of college." Ethan answered.

"I'm sorry for your loss. Is he the reason you want your own business?"

"Partially. Mainly so I could hire minority and small businesses like the one he wanted to open."

"Oh.... Ok. Can't you do that as a partner?" I questioned.

"There are 4 other people who get a say in the decisions that I make."

"And you want to be the head honcho?"

"Yes. That's actually what I want my title to be." He dead panned as I grinned.

I remembered him telling me it was too risky to start his own company with EJ. I wondered if he wanted more kids in the future. I opened my mouth to ask, but stopped myself, rethinking how that question could come off. We hadn't officially been together for a week: was it too soon to be asking about kids?

"What's on your mind?" He asked me.

"I was just-rethinking my question." I admitted.

"You don't have to do that with me. Ask." He urged me.

"You mentioned before you didn't want to start your business until EJ was older. Hypothetically speaking, do you want more kids in the future?" I spoke frankly.

"Yes and no." He smiled at me when I pursed my lips. "Hypothetically speaking, if I were to get married in the next 5 years, more kids would definitely be an option." He answered.

"Why not after 5 years?"

"EJ would be 15, 16- preparing to go to college. I wouldn't want to start all over again."

"I understand." I nodded, thinking about where I hoped to be in the next 5 years and if I would be ready to start a family. I could definitely see it: Basketball games, park outings, another kid or two...

"Ok, let me have your drink." I asked, changing the subject and my train of thought. I tried a slip... Then another.

"Ohmygosh, I'm never drinking coffee without ice cream again!" I declared as I sucked it down.

After we finished, we called EJ before walking over to the dog park. We let Justine off the leash before we found a spot on an empty bench inside the gated area to watch her. She chased around other dogs up a hill and through jumping waters.

"I can't believe she went in the water." I shook my head as I got in the back seat with her. I didn't want to subject EJ to her jumping her wet body on him as we rode to my house. "She's going to give me a hard time tonight when I give her a bath."

"I can help you." Ethan offered, looking at me in his rear view mirror.

"No." I shook my head. "I got it. Thanks for inviting us."

"Yeah, thanks dad." EJ said.

When we got back to my place, I gave EJ a brief hug before Ethan walked me and Justine to the door.

"What do you have planned this weekend?" I asked him as we approached my door.

"EJ's game on Saturday. Not sure about Sunday; We normally go fishing with my dad, but since Brandon's going to have Ace, we'll probably watch the final game at his place." He informed me.

"Brandon's going to have Ace? At his place?" I asked, eyes wide.

"Apparently." Ethan confirmed.

"Ok." I nodded, before asking, "So we can hang out Saturday night?"

"Yes. I'll plan something after the game." He offered.

"No. You're always planning stuff. I appreciate it, but let me plan our next date."

"Ok." He said before we hugged goodbye. I tilted my head to receive a kiss, but he just looked at my lips, regrettably.

"EJ." He said, glancing at his truck, and stepping back.

"Oh... You don't want him to know about us?" I asked, confused.

"Not until I tell him." Ethan said, hesitantly.

I nodded understandably, even though I didn't really understand. We just all hung out together, when did we tell him? Justine strained on the leash, and I knew this wasn't a good time to get into it. "Ok. I'll see you Saturday."

I went inside and wrestled Justine into the bath before taking a shower myself. The next morning, I decided to treat Ethan with a homemade meal and a massage for our date. I figured it would be the perfect date to cater to him, get him full and relaxed and talk to him about telling EJ about us. I was obsessing over what to cook him when Amber called me.

"Hey, what's up?" I answered brightly.

"I don't know. You tell me. Are you dating Ethan?"

"Who told you that?" I asked, caught off by her accusing tone.

"Will. Ethan told him y'all were together and he just told me. I told him there was no way!" She said.

I grinned at how Ethan followed through with telling Will about us, then frowned at Amber's words. "There is a way. We are dating."

"Why?" She bemoaned.

"Why?" I asked, confused by her question and tone.

"Yes why? Why would you want to date him? Why would you put yourself though that again?"

"Technically, it's the first time and I want to date him because I like him." I responded.

"I don't understand Lily-"

"You don't have to. I need a recipe off my phone. I have to go." I said, before saying goodbye.

I didn't think I could make Amber understand even if I tried. I barely understood it myself. I just knew that his texts and calls filled me with joy. His smile lite up the darkest parts of me. Being in his arms made me feel safe and desired. I was trying to enjoy the feeling, not explain or defend it to others.

After another 30 minutes, I decided to keep dinner simple with pasta, salad, stuffed mushrooms and garlic bread. As I put the grocery list together, I called Jenna for the recipe for her Bolognese sauce.

"Of course Lily. I'll text it to you right now." She agreed.

"Text her what?" I heard my brother in the background.

"None of your business!" Jenna replied, smartly.

"I'm mad at her. Don't tell her anything."

They bickered playfully for a while before I asked Jenna to put me on speaker phone.

"You mad bro?" 

"Yeah. Thanks for making me look bad with your father's day gift." Cam said, sarcastically.

I sent my dad a framed collage of pictures of our family. In the center was a picture of me, my brother, Jenna and Beatrice surrounding my dad in a picture in front of my bar. Inscribed in the wood frame was the quote:

The quality of a father can be seen in the goals, dreams and aspirations he sets not only for himself, but for his family.

"It's not a contest!" Jenna exclaimed to him. 

"Yeah. I'm sure dad will love yet another bottle of fancy cognac." I taunted.

My dad had a special made wet bar that he keep stock with fancy expensive alcohol that he only opened for guest that he liked or was trying to impress. Once he was in the Airforce, my brother always gifted him with something for his collection. It's something they shared so I never gifted him with alcohol, even though it was an safe, easy gift.

"I told you she was trying to outdo me." Cam declared.

"I really wasn't." I laughed. "If it makes you feel better, I really got it made for me. When I saw father's day shit at the store, I made another one for him."

"That does make me feel better. I'll feel even better when I tell him the truth." Cam revealed.

"You better not punk! I told you that in confidence!" I exclaimed.

"Sure you did. What were you calling my wife for?" He asked.

"A recipe, nosy ass." I answered.

"Which one, big mouth?"

"Bolognese sauce. Now give Jenna back her phone so she can text it to me." I demanded.

"Bolognese sauce? You trying to impress someone?" Cam pressed.

"No!" I exclaimed. "Why do I have to be impressing someone? Maybe I just have a taste for it?" I backed up.

"Because I know you. You're impatient: if you had a taste for it, you would have brought it or gone out to eat. So who are you cooking it for?" Cam interrogated me.

I took a deep breath, equal parts of wanting to get this over with and curious about his reaction. "Ethan. We're dating." I said simply.

There was a moment of silence before Cam exhaled sharply. "Fuck."

My heart sank, disappointingly until I heard Jenna cheer loudly with a laugh.

"I told you!!! You're coming with me to Denise's birthday weekend." She squealed excitedly.

"Not the whole weekend. They're all pretentious assholes. Can't we just do dinner and leave?" He pleaded with her.

"Nope. The bet was one weekend of whatever the winner wants. That's what I want, loser!"

"What bet?" I tried to interrupt.

"She told me she wasn't dating her friends. Told dad that too. I'm a loser for believing her lies?" Cam argued.

"You're a loser for not listening to me. I study human behavior, I told you there was something between them, But nooooo.... You didn't want to listen. You thought you knew better than me which makes you a loser." Jenna reamed him as they continued to go back in forth.

"I didn't. I just trusted my lying sister."

"Alright. The liar is getting off the phone. Bye!" I exclaimed.

Jenna laughed. "I told Cam that you seemed more interested in Ethan than Uriel but he didn't believe me. We made a bet and he lost and now he's mad."

"Thanks to you." Cam added, bitterly.

"No, thanks to you betting on my love live. Who does that?" I scoffed.

"I will never do it again. Believe me." Cam promised.

"Besides you losing the bet, what do you think about Ethan and me?" I asked, cautiously.

"I think, if you're happy, I'm happy." Cam stated.



"Even with y'alls past and everything?"

"We squashed that when you first moved back to Texas."

"What happened?" I asked, curious. Neither one of them let on that they had a conversation back then.

"We talked." He answered vaguely. "I'm serious Lily. I want you to be happy. If he makes you happy, that's good enough for me."

"He does." I smiled warmly. "And have fun at your pretentious asshole weekend. You should fit right in." I laughed at him. Jenna joined in and Cam groaned loudly.

Saturday morning, after Justine and I ate and went for a run, I started to cook for dinner with Ethan. I figured I should have the sauce and mushrooms done so when I got to his house after the game, all I would need to do was cook the pasta, put the salad together, and heat everything up.

I finished all my prep for cooking before I packed a bag and the food in my car and headed to Ethan's house. I planned for us to meet at his place so after the game we could head back and have dinner together. As soon as I had everything put away in the kitchen with Ethan's help, I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him the way I wanted to on Wednesday night. He wrapped his arms around my waist, drawing me closer as he kissed me back.

"We should get going." Ethan murmured between kisses.

"Ok." I breathed, still capturing his lips on mine, kissing him deeper.

"Lily-" he groaned, returning my kisses before I finally pulled away.

"Ok. Let's go." I smiled at his face, flushed with desire.

We arrived at the gym and sat beside Megan who was was sitting by Jayden's and Alex's parents. Alex's mom Tatiana was asking Megan if she wanted to order team attire for herself and Ethan, but she declined.

"Can I order that sweatshirt?" I asked, nodding to her Penguin hoodie.

She nodded and turned around, flipping her hair to show off the back. Her last name was stamped across the back. "$17.50."

"What size do you want?" I asked Ethan.

"I don't need one."

"I didn't ask that. Give me a size or I'll pick one." I said flippantly.

He turned away from the court to study me for a moment. "Extra large." He reluctantly said.

"Extra large and a medium hoodie. And 3 t-shirts." I ordered. "2 medium. Same size Ethan?" I asked.

When Ethan gave me a questioning look, I shrugged. "Just in case you think it's too hot for a sweatshirt."


"Justine." I said matter of factly.

"Large." Ethan said.

"You should get the hat too... Just in case." Tatiana grinned at me, jokingly.

"Right. Add it." I smiled. "3."

Ethan said nothing, but shook his head, defeated. I bumped my leg against his and smiled. He smiled back before focusing on the game. It was tied until the last 20 seconds of the game. The coach's son forced a wild jumpshot that was rebounded by the other team. They made a fast break and EJ got called on a foul that caused them to make a game winning free throw. After the game, the coach briefly lectured on with better decisions, they could have won this game. His ball hog son glared at EJ. When I saw how visible upset EJ was,  I crossed my arms, livid.

Ethan placed his hand on the small of my back, reassuringly and I fixed my face. EJ joined us after the team meeting and Ethan gave him a fist pound, saying he played a great game. I seconded him, running down his stats and saying "balling!" He didn't look convinced, but at least he smiled. Megan handed out invitations to EJ birthday party at Great Wolf Lodge to his teammates as they grabbed their after the game snacks.

When we got back to Ethan house, I headed into the kitchen and started to get dinner ready. Ethan followed me into the kitchen, asking if he could do anything to help.

"No. I want you to relax. This is your date slash father's day gift until your penguin hoodie comes." I grinned.

"I told you I didn't want one." He said as he washed and dried his hands.

"But you're getting it. And a shirt. And a hat." I said as I placed the mushrooms in the oven.

"You let that woman hustle you. Besides, EJ might not even be a penguin after this season." Ethan replied.

"Why do you say that? You think EJ won't want to play anymore?" I said, adding a pinch of salt to the boiling water.

"If he does, I might find a different club. EJ needs a coach that's going to teach him the fundamentals." He mentioned.

"Thank you! Smart decisions my ass. He should have been lecturing his son about setting up a good play and not taking selfish, wild ass jumpshots!" I exclaimed, pissed all over again.

"That's the one thing I hate about club sports: they let parent's coach their kids. It never works." Ethan explained.

"Right. My dad coached my brother's peewee team for a season and he was the hardest on Cam." I shook my head at their blowouts that led to Cam quiting all sports. I couldn't imagine Ethan being that tough or giving blind favoritism to EJ. "You could do it though. I think you would be a smart, fair coach." I said, adding the pasta to the water and giving it a stir.

"Maybe, but I don't have the time to commit to a team. I'm going to talk to him about his smart decision comment at his next practice. EJ doesn't need to feel like he did anything wrong." Ethan said. 

"Right." I agreed, looking over my shoulder to see him tearing up the lettuce he already washed. "I told you I didn't want help."

"But you're getting it." He repeated back to me.

"Fine. I'll let you do the salad, but after that, you relax."

Ethan completed the salad while I finished up the mushrooms and pasta. I put the garlic bread in the oven as we set the table together. We worked great together and was eating in no time.

"Dinner was delicious. Thank you." Ethan said as he gathered our plates.

"My pleasure." I said as I followed him into the kitchen with our wine glasses. He sent me to the living room with instructions to find something to watch as he loaded the dishwasher. I didn't argue with him as it gave me the perfect opportunity to set up the next part of our date. 

I went to the bathroom, freshen up and changed into comfortable lace shorts and a matching tank. When I returned back to the living room, I grabbed my bag to set up the room. I flipped through jazz music stations and found one playing a George Michael cover and I stopped. The station was jazz covers of top 40 songs: It was perfect blend for the two of us.

When Ethan joined me, his eyes took me in before he examined the blanket laid over the couch, a few candles lit around the room, and the aromatherapy diffuser on his coffee table scenting the room in lavender.

"What's this?" He asked as his eyes racked over me again.

"Part 2 of our date. Take off your shirt and lay down on the couch."

He did what I asked, taking off his t-shirt and revealing his solid, lean frame. I've seen him shirtless before, but this was the one time I let my eyes take him in, unabashedly. His arms and chest were muscular without bulging, his abs defined, stomach flat, skin brown and flawless. He was just amazing- inside and out.

My perusal of his shirtless torso ended as he laid down on the couch like I instructed. I kneeled on the floor next to him, warming my hands by rubbing them together before lightly running my fingertips over his back and neck. He was a little tense, but as I stroked him in a circular motions with my palms, he loosened up. After he was completely relaxed, I got up and straddled his hips. He stiffened immediately, but I worked his back and neck, deeply massaging his muscles until most of the tension left.

"You're very good at this." He complimented me, turning his head to the side.

"You sound surprised. I did go to school for this. Massage therapy is part of physical therapy. It's different from relaxation, but it's good to know both." I said, finding the triangular bone at the base of his spine. "Stimulating certain muscles and nerves can make you feel relaxed, tranquility, even euphoria." I applied pressure to that spot, kneading into his back before tracing up his spine. 

"That sounds about right." He moaned, his eyes shutting as he took a deep breath. I kept it up, massaging his back, focusing on a few more pressure points. When I finished, he thanked me profusely.

"Have you had a professional massage before?" I asked as got up to blow out the candles.

"Once. Nowhere near as good as you." He said, sincerely as he sat up.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it" I said, walking back to the table to turn of the diffuser. He grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the couch next to him. I stared into his eyes, which were even darker with desire as he threaded his fingers through my hair. I closed my eyes as he pressed his lips against mine. He slipped his tongue in my mouth, his kiss demanding complete and total control. I gave in, pressing against him, loving the feel of his skin against mine, desperate to feel more.

He pulled back to catch his breath and I shrugged out of my tank top. I wasn't wearing a bra so I was completely  topless. His hands immediately went to my breasts, caressing me as he watched intently. He fondled each handful, flicking his finger over my nipples. When they harden against his careful touch, arousal flowed through my body, making me ache. I straddled him before my lips found his again for another kiss. When I felt his erection grow against me, I grinded my hips against him.

We continued making out passionately, exploring each other's body. I love that we were on the same page of not taking it any futher than that. My hands were at his waistline after exploring his hard length over his pants. When the thoughts of pulling him out and impaling myself on him kept creeping in my head, I knew it was time to stop.

"I need to get going." I sighed as I pulled away.

"You don't have to. Stay." He said, gripping my ass firmer to bring me back.

"Yes I do. I'm contemplating if you'll fall for the just stick the tip in line." I confessed.

His lips spread in a devastatingly beautiful smile that made me clench between my legs. "I won't, but you can still spend the night. I'll even put a chastity blanket between us."

I chuckled. "A blanket wouldn't stop me."

"Then I'll sleep in the spare bedroom. It has a lock." He offered, planting a soft kiss on my lips.

"I may try to pick it, but ok."

We ended up sleeping comfortably in his bed together. He did place the duvet between us, but we must have breached it because in the middle of the night I found myself in his arms, nuzzling against his chest. The next morning, I woke up well rested and extremely comfortable. I would have stayed in bed if Ethan wasn't missing. I couldn't find my tank, so I put on his t-shirt and left the room to find him.

He was in the kitchen, getting eggs from the refrigerator.

"Good morning. How do you like your eggs?" He greeted me.

"It depends." I replied, joining him in the kitchen.


"What's with it." I started. "If it's just eggs, than an omelette. With bacon, then I like them fried. Toast, scrambled softly."

He leaned in and I met him halfway for a deep, soulful kiss. "How bout with toast and sausage?" He smirked at me.

"Over easy." I smiled at him. "I feel like I should be making you breakfast considering it's Father's Day." I said when we pulled apart.

"You cooked for me and gave me a massage last night. The least I can do is make you breakfast." He countered.

"Fine." I said, pulling out his father's day card. "Happy father's day." I said, handing it over.

"Thank you." He said, taking it from me and looking at it, thoughtfully.

"What? There's no money in it." I said, truthfully. There was a gift card for Top Golf.

"Nothing...I still have your card from last year." He admitted, eyes still on the card.

"Yeah?" I asked, waiting on him to continue. He looked up, but instead of looking at me, he looked towards the front room. We both heard the footsteps and Ethan took a step away from me. I turned around in time to see EJ walking in excitedly, carrying a bakery box. Megan trailed behind him. I quickly tucked in Ethan's shirt so my shorts were visible.

"Happy Father's day dad." EJ announced holding out the box to Ethan. "It's cinnamon scones from the Sweet Spot. Mom and I got up early to make sure we got one for you." EJ explained as Megan stared at both of us. A mixture of confusion and disbelief was on her face. Something else flashed in her eyes as she turned to stare at Ethan.

"Thank you son." Ethan said, reaching to take the box from him and giving him a hug. "Thank you Megan."

Megan nodded but I could tell they were having a nonverbal conversation as EJ called out the elephant in the room.

"What are you doing here Lily?Do you want half of my scone?" EJ asked me.

"No thank you. I was just dropping off a father's day gift too." I told him with a smile. "Your dad hasn't opened it yet, but it's something for you too."

"Cool. I still get a birthday gift right?" EJ asked.

"Of course. At your birthday party. How old are you turning again? 6?" I teased.

"9!" He corrected me, loudly.

"Oh... That's right. 9. I'll see you at your 9th birthday party then." I said, giving him a hug goodbye. I gave Ethan a little wave before I retrieved my bag, shoes and tank top that was on the couch before I left. I was pulling into my garage when I received a text from Ethan.

Ethan: I'm sorry our breakfast got interrupted.

Me: It's ok. Enjoy your day. Call me when you get a chance.

It definitely wasn't ok. I had so many questions: had he told Megan about us? Why would she be upset we were dating? Did she have a key to his house and just randomly show up whenever? When was he going to tell EJ about us? All those thoughts swirled in my head until I forced them aside to call my dad.

I wished him a happy father's day. He thanked me for the collage and asked me what was new. I told him nothing much which he responded by saying that wasn't what he heard. He revealed that Cam had told him to put me down for a plus one at his wedding.

"Don't Dad."

"You don't think you two will be together in a couple months?"

"I do but he has a lot going on in his life with his family and he would have to plan for a trip now and we just started dating." I explained.

"So it's not Uriel?" He said, sounding relieved.

"You didn't like Uriel?"

"I didn't say that." My dad stated.

"I know and it's not Uriel. I decided not to see him anymore so you can tell the truth." I said.

"I think he was too mature for you. Very set in his ways. He would have tried to browbeat you into what he wanted and it would have never worked."

"Ain't that the fucking truth." I snorted. My dad would know. He tried it too.

"Language..." My dad said, warningly.

"Sorry. But you're right. It was a bad match."

"Tell me about the new guy."

"He's not new. I mean, I've known him for awhile, but we just started dating. You've met him. It's my friend Ethan." I told him.

"Hmm... The one with the child? Never been married?" My dad asked for clarification.

"That's him." I answered. "He's a great dad and he was engaged to the mother of his son, but it didn't work out. He doesn't try to pressure me into anything, but he motivates and encourages me. He really is an amazing person." I pleaded his case to my dad.

"I'm sure he is if you're dating him. You should invite him to the wedding. If he can't make it, we'll plan another time to get together. I would like to meet him again." He said, simply.

"Maybe. I'll let you know." I promised. We got off the phone shortly after and I sighed in relief. My dad didn't say anything negative and was eager about re-meeting Ethan- that was a good sign. I took my small victory as my door bell rang. I went to answer it and saw Rocky standing at my door, pacing. I quickly let her in.

"I let Brandon take Ace. I'm freaking out a little." She exclaimed.

"There's nothing to freak out about. Brandon is more than prepared and he's 20 minutes away." I reassured her.

"My rationale side knows that- it's being overwhelmed by my momma side that's screaming go over there and get Ace back." Rocky admitted.

"He won't need you. Besides, Ethan and his dad will be there. Between the 3 of them, Ace will be fine."

"How do you know they're going over there?"

"Ethan told me." I told her, a grin spreading across my face. "As Ethan's girlfriend, I can totally spy on Brandon for you. " I joked, confiding in her about Ethan and me.

"Please tell me you're joking." Rocky stated.

"Of course. I'm not going to spy on him. Brandon is more than capable: that's completely unnecessary."

"No. You and Ethan dating. What's the punchline?"

"Punchline?" I asked, puzzled.

"You're joking right? There's no way you can possibly think dating Ethan is a good idea." Rocky began.

"I felt the same way when he asked me out, but we're dating. Taking things slow, but it's good between us. And easy. I like spending time with him and he feels the same way so we're together." I explained.

"What happens if you don't work out?" Rocky questioned me.

"We've been through worse than a break up. We'll be ok."

"You say that, but it might not be. Do you remember how awkward it was with Brandon and me in the middle of you two?"

"We've been dating for almost a month and neither one of you knew. Believe me, you're not going to be in the middle of us. I'm not letting anyone do that." I said, pointedly for her to drop it. Rocky made a face, but didn't comment. "Speaking of being in the middle, have you talked to Forrest?"

"And said what?" She huffed.

"How are you? How have you been? Are you in Shreveport as lost as I am without you-"

"He's in Shreveport?" She asked, shocked.

"Yeah... You didn't know?"

"I haven't talked to him recently."

"He left Monday. Have you been on Facebook or Instagram-"

"Like I have time for all!" She snapped. She definitely had time. We comment on each other's stuff all the time. He had to have blocked her.

"Rocky-" I said, sympathetically.

"I don't want to talk about him."

"Ok. Let's get ready for the day party-"

She stood up. "I don't want to go to a stupid party. I'll talk to you later."

"Rocky-" I called after her as she stormed out. I let her leave.

I got up, changed to my fitted distressed white jeans, a white crop top and one of my dad's baseball jersey. I took a picture of myself and edited it side by side with another picture of my dad wearing a similar jersey and holding me when I was about 5 or 6. I posted it on my page with the caption: Stuntin' like my daddy. #Throwback #Ortiz #HappyFather'sDay.

I shouted out all the dad's on my page tagging them in a happy Father's Day message before heading out to meet the girls at the party.


  1. Dang, why is everyone so negative and hard on Lily? Friends should support, but they all sound so self-centered making her new relationship about themselves. Oddly enough its her family thats supportive this time - which is the total opposite of the usual with her.

    Also If Ethan isn't going to tell anyone that they're together he needs to be clear on that with Lily because she's telling everyone...its bound to get back to Megan soon since they run in the same circles, And she should refuse to go to his house anymore. If he's not going to tell EJ or Megan and his house is the crossover point for all of them, it should be off limits until he is ready to tell them. Her place only, no EJ involved until he is ready to tell him.

  2. Her friends are awful! I think rocky is the worst of them all, she’s such a loose cannon. Lily needs some better, more supportive friends!

  3. Lily has grown and changed so much, in some ways... I love that she is not letting what her friends say get in the middle of her relationship with Ethan. She has to do what feels right for her.
    It's bothering her that he hasn't told EJ yet, but she didn't say anything to him while they were together on Saturday.... I hope she brings it up when he calls her. I can see why Ethan hasn't told EJ yet, he probably wants to wait until things get more serious with Lily. But I agree that he needs to keep EJ out of their dates then.....
    As far as Megan having a copy of his house key, that seems like not a big deal to me they co-parent, I bet Ethan has a copy of her keys too.
    Also, it's totally ok for her to ask questions about him wanting more children, to me those are deal breaker questions. If he doesn't want any kids and she does, they need to know before things get more serious. I'm glad he told her she doesn't have to re-think her questions with him, he can be a gem sometimes.
    Thanks for the update Janay!
