Sunday, September 9, 2018

Is It You

"Is it you, knocking at my door?
Is it my imagination?
Is it you, I can't get off my mind
Is it you, you, you?
Is it you, sneaking around my heart?
Is it my imagination?
Is it you, I can't get off my mind?
You, you, you?" Is It You by Lee Ritenour

After our date, Ethan walked me to the door and gave me a hug goodnight. While our date didn't clarify my feelings like I had hoped, I was excited to spend more time with him.  I knew we got along fine, but I was curious to see if that translated into anything more. The next morning, I texted Uriel to see what time the benefit was on Saturday. Not only had he not text me the info yet, I wanted to see if I would have enough time to fit in a date with Ethan in the morning or afternoon.

He texted me back that the ball started at 7, but we needed to meet at his place around 6. When he called it a ball, I texted him back right away.

Me: Ball?

Uriel: Yes. It's the annual ball for the Maverick's Foundation. All the information is on the Instagram post I tagged you in.

Me: You tag 50 people in your posts. I never pay attention to them.

Uriel: If you did, you would know it is a ball.

I resisted the urge to make a smart comment back and pulled up my Instagram instead. Sure enough, Uriel tagged me in a post that was a promotion that read: Mavs Ball: A Blue Tie Affair. I read more and learned it was their premier fundraiser with a silent and live auction for the whole team and Maverick community. I sighed when I realized he wasn't exaggerating when he called it a ball. I immediately called Monica.

"What kind of dress are you wearing?" I asked her once she answered.

"Right now?" She asked.

"No! To the Mavs Ball. I didn't know it was such a big deal. I set out a cocktail dress."

"Oh... Is it formal?"

"Not at all. Dressy, but not formal."

"It's black tie. It should be formal." Monica educated me.

"Great. Now I have to go shopping and the mall opens up late."

"You can't go to the mall- the only thing they have is prom rejects. Why'd you wait so late?"

"Uriel invited me a couple of weeks ago. And he called it just a benefit, not a ball-"

"Uriel invited you? You two are going together?" She gasped, excitedly.

"Calm down... but yes, only because he thinks it's our third date."

"Third date?"

"Yeah, he thinks I'm going to sleep with him."

"Wait. I thought you were already sleeping with him."

"We stopped when we started dating."

"Good. Stick to it." She encouraged me. "Do you want me to go shopping for you? I can hit up a few of my favorite boutiques; pick out some options for you?" Monica offered.

"No, I have to try it on to make sure it fits right. I will take a list of the boutiques you go to."

"Ok. I will. My dress is gray, so stay away from grey dresses so it doesn't look like we coordinated in the pictures."

"Ok." I promised.

I quickly got dressed and headed to the first boutique Monica sent me. The display window of cut out gowns and puffy dresses should have told me not to go in, but I did. I spent an hour trying on dresses a pushy sales woman picked out for me. I was wearing a white feather gown and sent a picture of myself to Rocky.

She called me back right away.

"Are you marrying Colonel Sanders?"

I snorted "I wish. Fried chicken for life, but no. I'm shopping for this Mavs Ball on Saturday. It's a blue tie affair."

"What the hell is a blue tie affair?"

"It's a play on black tie . Mavs colors are blue and green. It's formal."

"Ok... Did you pick that dress out?"

"No. This lady working at this boutique did." I said, quietly. "I'm trapped."

"Get out of there and go to Nordstorm."

"But I don't want a prom reject."

"A prom reject sounds better than what you have on. How many chickens had to die for that dress?" She argued.

I burst out laughing and the saleswoman asked how I was doing. I told her I was good before telling Rocky I'll call her later. After I took off the dress, I was able to escape with a lie that I planned to come back with my friend for her opinion.

I went straight to the mall by my job and went to Nordstrom. I didn't see anything I liked so I went to Neiman Marcus next. It took me 30 minutes to find a great dress. It was blue and satin with asymmetrical straps and a side thigh slit. I loved the shade of blue and it fit me beautifully. I sent a pic to Rocky and she sent me heart emojis. She also asked if I wanted to get ready at her house which I agreed.

I was cutting it close as far as getting to work on time, but I made it, bare faced and my hair in a ponytail. On my break, I called Devin, the guy who does my hair, to see if he could fit me in on Saturday. He was booked, but got me in Friday night with a promise to come up with a style that would last until Saturday.

Because I was getting my hair done on Friday, the ball was on Saturday, and I knew Ethan picked up EJ on Sunday, I texted Ethan this weekend was no good for me as far as another date. I asked if we could meet again after work sometime next week. He reminded me he had EJ that week, but if I wanted we could have a movie night with him and plan our next date then. I told him that sounded great. The only thing I had planned was Jordan's engagement party that weekend so any day would work for the movie night

On Thursday before work, I found a new pair of heels, some new jewelry and I got my eyebrows threaded. After work on Friday, I went to the hair salon so Devin could do my hair. He gave me a wash and a blow out then put half of my hair in a tight halo braid. He left a few strands to frame my face and talked me through the different options I had for the rest of my hair. I listened politely, even though I knew I would probably just leave it down in waves. I gave him a huge tip for fitting me in and staying late.

Saturday morning, I went to the nail salon to get my nails done. I went with a french manicure with royal blue tips and glitter nail art. While I got a top coat, I got a call from Ethan. I apologized to my technician before I answered his call, smiling.

"Hey. Are you busy?" He greeted me.

"Not in 20 minutes. What's up?"

"Brandon was able to help me with the bed today. Can I come over in 30 minutes to pick it up?"

"Absolutely. I'll see you soon."

I was back home in 15 and changed into a cute matching track suit before Ethan and Brandon arrived.

"Hey you two." I said as I let them in. It was the first time I saw Ethan since our date and I couldn't help thinking about what a great time I had and smiling at him. He gave me a smile back and we stood there, smiling at each other until Brandon asked me, "Didn't you just finish your backyard? How are you giving stuff away already?"

"My dad bought it, said I could take it back and didn't give me the receipt." I replied, leading them to the backyard. I took Justine out too and spent majority of the time keeping her out the way while they broke down the bed.

"How's baby daddy life treating you Brandon?" I asked him sitting on the sectional once Justine whined to go back inside.

He chuckled. "It's amazing. Ace is amazing. He recognizes my voice and he was trying to talk to me the other day."

"Talk?" I grinned.

"Yeah, I was giving him a bath and talking myself through it and he started cooing at me. He's smart man." Brandon bragged and made me grin wider.

"Awww. I hope he does it while I'm over there tonight."

"I think Rocky was planning to fed him and make sure he was sleep when you go over." Brandon told me.

"What? Why would she do that?"

"You'd know better than me. I figured it was so she can have girl time with you." Brandon shrugged. "Don't you need to get ready for the ball?" Brandon questioned.

"Ball?" Ethan paused to look at me.

"It's a benefit dinner for the Mavs Foundation. There's an auction and fundraising and probably dry chicken." I shrugged, nonchalantly.

"Dry chicken?" Brandon smiled.

"Yeah. These types of events always have dry chicken. I'm thinking about bringing a bib to go over my dress so I can pregaming at Whataburger."

"Wear the bib if you plan on holding Ace. He projects when he spits up." Brandon added, with a hint of pride.

I laughed. "I'll remember that."

They had the bed packed up and loaded in Ethan's truck in 30 minutes. While Brandon headed to the truck, Ethan lingered at the door with me.

"Your hair looks good like that." He complimented me.

"Oh, thank you." I said, patting it down. "So were you like Brandon when EJ was 2 months: marveling over every tiny miracle like cooing and spitting up?"

Ethan shook his head with a smile. "I was more into traditional milestones: First words, first steps, things like that."

I laughed.

"Ethan! If you want help putting this back together, let's go!" Brandon called to him.

"One minute." He said before turning back to me. "Thank you again for the daybed." He said, stepping away.

"No, thank you for giving Justine her space back."

"Bye Lily. "

"Bye Ethan." I said before watching him leave.

After they left, I went to my room and gathered my dress, shoes, make-up, undergarments, accessories and an overnight bag before I headed to Rocky's house. When I got there, I called Rocky to let her know I arrived. She texted me back to let myself in. Rocky was in the kitchen sitting at her breakfast nook, talking on the phone as she put pacifiers in the bottle cleaner.

"Lily just got here so I'll give you a call when she leaves... Yes, I'll tell her... Yes... Ok... Love you too. Bye."

"Who do you love and what did they want to tell me?" I asked, joining her at the table.

"Forrest. He says hello."

"Oh yeah. What's up with him?" I asked.

"Why do you ask?"

"I don't know. He came over Tuesday after Memorial day and he just seemed off. Has he seemed weird to you lately?"

"Not really. He did see Rachel at Gabriel's party: that maybe why he was acting weird." Rocky mentioned.

"Ohmygod. No wonder he's been off. Is he ok?"

"He's fine." She said simply.

"They reconnected after college at Gabriel's Memorial day party. He proposed at that party. I don't think he was fine. He must have been so hurt."

"He said it was ok. He mentioned it was weird seeing her and they didn't talk much."

"Much? What did they talk about?"

"I didn't really ask."

"Why not? Don't you want to know? Aren't you wor- uh, curious?


"You're not at all worried about the conversation he had with the woman who left him at the alter?"

"I just had a baby with my ex-fiance. I don't have the time or right to be worried about him talking to her." Rocky said, standing up.


"Stop. I have maybe an hour or so before Ace wakes up. I don't want to talk about this. I want to relax and catch up with you and hear all about Uriel." Rocky cut me off.

I sighed deeply, but complied with her request. She put my hair in sleek curls in her bathroom as I told her about Uriel: us sleeping together and now dating. She asked if I could see myself getting serious with him.

"I don't see myself getting serious with anyone right now. Not only am I still figuring out what I want, I'm enjoying being single." I explained.

"Good. I plan on living through you from now on so I want all the details."

As I did my make-up, I gave her a play by play of my first date with him. Ace woke up and I was able to hold him for a few moments before he cried to be fed. Rocky breastfed him as I put on my dress. When I came back he was having tummy time and he kept trying to hold his head up. I encouraged him as I slid my silver bangle as far up my arm as it could go and put on my silver studs and dangling earrings.

After I had my silver heels on, I got on my phone and took videos and pictures of Ace. I posted it on my social media with the caption: #KeepYourHeadUp #ProudGodmother #BabyAce

Once I saw it was 10 minutes later than the time I should have left, I gave Rocky and Ace a hug and dashed out. At 6:05, Uriel gave me a call and I told him I was 10 minutes away from his apartment. I arrived at his apartment 13 mintues after 6. I knocked once before Uriel opened the door.

"Hey. You look great." I complimented him. He wore a wonderfully fitted charcoal tuxedo, white dress shirt and a navy blue bow tie. His hair was slicked back, falling perfectly to his shoulders and leaving his handsome face open for perusal. It always amazed me how freakishly good looking he was.

"You ready?" He said, reaching to close the door as I continued to gawk.

"Um... Can I leave my bag here?" I asked, snapping out of it as I realized he was getting ready for us to leave.

"Sure." He stopped, taking my overnight bag from me and placing it inside the door before he closed it. He quickly led me to the elevator as he pulled out his phone. He typed away on his phone, stopping once we reached the ground floor. I followed him to his car. Once we got in, I barely had time to put on my seat belt before he floored it.

"I'm sorry I was late." I told him as he zipped around traffic.

"Call me next time. I told Ruth I'd be there early to work before the party started."

"Work?" I looked over at him.

"Yes. The top sponsors and season ticket holders are going to be at the ball. Everyone will be working to make sure people not only donate, but continue to support the Mavericks." Uriel explained.

"Wow. Sorry. I assumed this was a date, not work."

"It's both. I'm not going to be working the whole night. We'll get an hour of date time in." He promised me.

I gave him a skeptically look but said nothing, a little miffed at the fact that this was a work dinner, not a date. I retrieved my phone from my clutch. I saw I had comments on my pictures of Ace.

Brandon: Look at my boy. Keeping his head up!

Rocky: Lily was literally singing to him keep your head up lol

Forrest: Tupac?

Rocky: No. Andrew Grammer.

Bilal: Child abuse.

Rocky: What part? Andrew Grammer or Lily singing?

Amber: lol

Ethan: It got him to put his head up.

I quickly typed a response.

Me: Exactly! Thank you @Ethan

Cam: Yep, @Ethan probably trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

Bilal: Or how to get back in the womb to escape it.

Rocky: lmao

Me: Y'all are not going to come on my page and be disrespectful! I will delete you!

Trevor: You tell them Lily! Andrew Grammer does not deserve this!!!

Cam: 😂

Bilal: ðŸ’€


Me: lol Deleted! @Trevor @Bilal @Cam

I didn't realized we arrived into we pulled in front of the valet. The attendant open my door and gave me a hand before he took the keys from Uriel. Uriel received his ticket before he took my arm.

"Did I tell you how gorgeous you look?" He said, his eyes taking me in like it was the first time he saw me.

"No. You didn't. Probably because I made you late for work." I said, as we made our way to the concert venue that was hosting the ball.

"You are definitely worth the wait."

"Thank you." I said, cooly.

I couldn't contain my excitement as we hurried past the huge crowd of people taking pictures and walking on the blue carpet in front of the building. We bypassed it and went in a side entrance after Uriel produced our tickets. We made our way inside and up a short flight of stairs to the main room.

It was gorgeous: blue lights shined over the entire room. There was a huge stage in the front where a band played jazzy instrumentals that made me think of Ethan. There was a dance floor in front of the stage, but the room was filled with elaborate tables, covered with blue tablecloths, elegant dinnerware and huge beautiful white flower centerpieces. The ceilings were decorated with intricate white fabric. It was completely over the top and I loved it.

"This is beautiful." I breathed, taking it all in.

"Monica is at the photo station. I'm going to take you to her." Uriel said, leading me away from the entrance as I looked around the room. I spotted acrobats hanging from silver hoops from the ceiling. I was so enthralled I didn't turn away until we reached Monica. She took a step away from the group of women she was chatting with to give me a hug.

"What a great dress. Did you find it at Allie's?" She asked me, looking amazing in a gray silver beaded mermaid gown.

"Nope. This is a prom reject." I said, hugging her back. She turned to Uriel.

"I plan to be out of here at 11. Go find my husband and remind him." Monica ordered him.

"Ok. You ladies have fun." He told us, flashing me a smile before he left.

"Elizabeth and Karla, this is Lily. You met each other at the Lexus event." Monica reintroduced us.

"Hi." I smiled, politely, checking out Karla's short formal black dress and Elizabeth's lacy blue gown. I was glad I reached out to Monica so my dress was appropriate.

"Lily. Right. How did you get that nickname?" Karla smiled at me.

"You have a tattoo of a lily right?" Elizabeth blurted before I could say it was the shorten version of Lilian.

"No. That's Clover, Dennis's new girlfriend. She has the 4 leaf clover tramp stamp." Monica corrected her.

"Right. I can't wait to see what she wears tonight." Elizabeth snickered.

"You need a nickname if you're with Uriel." Karla told me.

"Uriel calls her Lilac." Monica told them.

"Only to piss me off. And this is only our second and half date. We're not at the nickname stage." I told them as a group of women left the photo booth and joined us. Karla and Elizabeth chatted excitedly with them while Monica turned to me.

"How do you have a half date?" Monica asked me.

"He's working tonight... And I don't know if I should even count my barbecue because I didn't invite him so that's being generous." I explained.

"Mon-Mon! Lilac! C'mon! Picture time!" Karla waved us over.

We joined the group and took silly pictures with the props including a foam finger, blue and white boas, oversized sunglasses, and puckered lips. We had the option of getting a printed and digital copy, which we all did. Afterward, we made our way to the bar for drinks then upstairs to the auction items.

I examined all the autograph basketballs, shoes, pictures and cards being auctioned off. I bid on a few items, but hearing how much the other women were bidding for things I knew I would mostly likely lose. I wasn't a diehard Mavericks fan so I was fine with that. Because I saw all the good work the Mavericks Foundation did, I donated what I bid on the items anyway.

As we bid, we did more drinking and people watching. I was introduced to more wives and girlfriends than I could ever remember. It was mildly entertaining watching how nice they were to each other just to cut each other down as soon as they left. Seeing that made me really just observe and keep to myself, not knowing how they would talk about me as soon as I left.

2 Emcees that work for the local sports news came on the stage, signaling the start of dinner. We made our way through the now full room to our table. Monica, Elizabeth, and Karla saved a seat for their husband next to them so I did the same for Uriel. Elizabeth and Karla introduced me to their husbands Logan and Aaron respectively and I gave Trent a hug when he joined us. A man Trent introduced me to as Wesley joined us and only two seats remained at the table. Uriel finally joined us with a woman who looked vaguely familiar. After she greeted everyone warmly, she turned to Uriel for an introduction to me.

"Ruth, this is Lily." Uriel introduced me plainly. I held my hand out to Ruth and she gave me a firm handshake.

"So glad you could come in such short notice. When the Chilcoats canceled, they left us in such a bind. We were so worried about not having a full table." She smiled at me, flashing her pearly white perfect teeth. As soon as she did, I recognized her as the women who worked for the American Airlines Arena who was all over Uriel at the dinner I went to with Monica. I remembered her smile because she giggled at everything Uriel said, and Uriel was not that funny.

"Nothing to worry about. I'm happy to be here." I said, just as cheerfully with a fake smile as I took my seat, moving my purse for Uriel to sit next to me.

As soon as she sat on the other side of Wesley, Ruth began talking over me and Wesley to Uriel. Wesley examined his program, seemingly not caring about his rude date, but I was so tempted to ask Uriel if he wanted me to trade seats with her. Thankfully, the emcees introduced themselves and welcomed everyone to the event and she shut up.

Drinks and the first course were served while the emcees recognized certain people, including Mark Cuban, the Dallas mayor and the basketball stars in attendance. It was somewhat surreal being at the same party as people I see and watch on TV, but hanging with Christian taught me they were just people like everyone else.

An illusionist performed while we ate dinner. The salad course was being cleared when Ruth noticed someone heading to the bar that Uriel didn't get a chance to speak to. They both left to corner him. We were served our entree and they still hadn't made it back.

"Can I take a picture of your chicken?" I asked Wesley when he received his chicken entree.

"Sure." He said, shortly.

"Thank you. I  made a joke to my friend about how you only get served dry chicken at these types of things and I want to send him a picture." I said as I took a picture with my phone. I put my phone away, thanking him again before I dug into my steak.

"The chicken is moist. Probably because it was seasoned with water." He said, disgruntley.

I could barely contain my laugh and I took a sip of my drink to hide it as he looked around the room with disdain.

"Not enjoying the ball?" I asked, curious to why he obviously didn't want to be here.

"I'm strictly a seat filler and only because I owed Ruth. I donate, but I don't come to these things."

"Why not?"

"I never understood the concept of spending thousands to raise money. Wouldn't it make more sense to donate it all to people in need?" He observed.

"It would, but the sad truth is that a person is more willing to spend $500 for a seat at one of these things than to just donate it to a worthy cause."

"As someone who grew up on food pantries and goodwill, that doesn't sit well with me."

I nodded in understanding and leaned in closer to speak softly. "Just think about how much these people overpaid to see the back of Dirk Nowitzki's head, eat bland chicken and go home with worthless memorabilia."

He finally cracked a smile and turned towards me. Before he could respond, Uriel and Ruth returned. They took their seats and I watched the last of the magic show as I finished my food. As dessert and coffee was served, Uriel turned to me.

"We have some time before the auction closes. You want to take a look?" He offered.

"No. I already did and bid on the Dallas Cowboys tickets."

"I could never get into football. Too much standing around." Uriel stated.

"I agree. Basketball has much more action- it's more exciting." Ruth chimed in.

"It's not as fast paced as basketball, but football is more strategic." I countered.

"It's also a 53 man rooster. You can't just trade a few players and have a dominate super team like you can in basketball. That's not exciting to me." Wesley added. "Who's your team?" He asked me.

"I'm a die hard 49ers fan. The tickets were for the Cowboys vs 49ers game."

"I'm a Kaepernick fan. I hope he gets to a Superbowl again." Wesley said.

"Well good luck. I hope you win those tickets. Maybe you two can go together." Ruth motioned to Wesley and me.

"I would need luck and a few thousand to win those tickets." I said, placing my hand on Uriel's on the table. He grabbed my hand and squeezed and I flashed her a smile.

"We still need to take a group picture together. Let's go before dinner ends." Monica said to Trent, Uriel and me. We excused ourselves and headed to the photo booth. There was a couple of groups in front of us, so we had a little wait.

"You handed Ruthie beautifully." Uriel complimented me, placing his arm around my waist.

"Yeah, now you know I can be more than a seat filler." I quipped, cocking my head up at him.

"You're not a seat filler. At the time we committed to a table, I couldn't even get you to call or text me. I wasn't planning on coming here with anyone tonight." He explained.

"Oh, I think Ruthie was planning on that too. Unfortunately, the Chilcoats left you in a bind."

"Fortunately, they did." Uriel said, bringing me closer, leaning down to brush his lips against my ear. I couldn't help the little shudder and smile that broke out on my face as he nuzzled against me.

A bright light flashed in front of us and we both looked up to see Monica grinning with her phone aimed at us.

"That's the picture you two should use for your engagement announcement." She sighed at the picture before showing it to us.

"Ohmygosh, if you don't shut up..." I trailed off threateningly.

Uriel said something to Trent in Mandarin that made him crack up laughing.

"Don't you two start that. I mean it, I will go off on both of you and cause a scene!" Monica threatened.

"I didn't say anything!" Trent said, holding back his smile.

"You taught him it!" Monica continued.

Uriel and I chuckled at them. Finally, it was our turn and Monica directed us into poses with no props.

"This is starting to feel prom rejecty." I provoked Monica.

"Just smile Lilac." She instructed me.

After a few different poses, Monica dismissed us. As she retrieved the pictures, I noticed the cover band started to play top 40's hit. As the dance floor filled with people, I asked Uriel if he wanted to dance, but he declined.

"Are you ready to leave?" He asked me.

"If you are. Are you off the clock?" I joked.

"I was never on it." He told me, sliding his arm around my waist. We walked over to say goodbye to Monica and Trent.

"You ready too?" Trent asked Monica.

"Not until we dance. Bye you two. I'll send you the pictures." Monica said, giving us a hug.

Once we got back to his place, I told Uriel I was just going to head home.

"I thought you wanted to spend the night." He reminded me.

"I thought this was a date."

"It was."

"It definitely wasn't. We spent more time together in the car." I argued.

"Come up. You need to get your bag and I have something for you." He said, leading me up to his place. When we got there, he grabbed my bag sitting by the door and walked into the kitchen. Not taking the bait, I hoovered next to the door. He came back with a chocolate mold high heel filled with assorted truffles.

"What is that?" I exclaimed, eyes wide, mouth watering.

"Chocolate. The women at my job think highly of them. It's early. We can still spend time if you want to."

"Are you bribing me with chocolate?"

"No. You have a choice. What's it going to be?" He said, holding up my bag, then the chocolate.

I chose both: eat the chocolate then leave with my bag, but I didn't reveal that as I  followed him and sat on the couch. While he went to get us a glass of wine, I took a picture of the chocolate high heel before I picked a truffle. I took a bite of the milk and white chocolate ganache and sighed in delight. It was delicious.

Uriel joined me on the couch with two glasses of red wine. He sat next to me, his arm around my waist as he channel surfed. When I saw an old SNL with Drake was on, I asked him to change to it. Drake was clean shaven and I kinda saw what Staci meant when she said he and Ethan looked related.

I pushed those thoughts away as we drank wine, sampled truffles, and watched the show. Or at least, I did. Uriel was more interested in caressing the side of my body than eating chocolate or watching the show. When his arm that was wrapped around me started fondling the side of my breast, I stopped him.

"We're supposed to be spending time together." I lectured him.

"We are." He said, pulling me closer to him.

"You're not even watching the show."

"I don't like SNL." He said, leaning in to kiss me. I turned away so he couldn't connect with my lips.

"How do you not like SNL?"

"Too political and most of the skits are stupid, not funny." He kissed my exposed shoulder instead.

"This one with Drake is not that political. And have you ever heard of stupid funny?" I defended one of my favorite shows as his lips moved up to my neck.

"You've seen this one before?"

"Yeah it's a rerun." I gasped when he ran his tongue over my sensitive spot. "You can pick something else to watch."

"No. Keep watching."

"Uriel stop." I groaned as he began to suck the same spot.

"Why? Doesn't it feel good?" He murmured against my skin.

"I don't want a hickey and we're not having sex tonight."

"I won't give you a hickey. Am I allowed to kiss you?"

I took a deep breath and decided making out would be a fair compromise. I turned my head back to him and nodded. He kissed me on the lips, again and again until his kisses became too intense.

"The show is back on." I breathed to him, breaking our kiss.

"Ok." He said. As soon as he I turned my face to the t.v., he focused on my spot again, nibbling softly.

I closed my eyes as arousal built inside of me."Please watch it with me." I pleaded.

He ignored me, continuing to lavish my neck with kisses, nibbles and occasional sucks. The combination of his mouth and  his hands fondling me all over my satin dress had my body responding even though I didn't want to. When my legs spread instinctively, I scooted away from him.

"Uriel-" I began to ask him to stop or I would have to leave.

My plea was cut off as he pushed his lips against mine, sliding his tongue into my mouth, coaxing mine against his. I moaned and returned his kisses. His hand crept up the slit of my dress until he reached my sodden thong. I gasped and he laid me back on the couch, stroking me through my panties. I threw my head back, knowing I should stop him but I didn't. I didn't even realize he unzipped his pants and put on a condom until he was pressing against me.

I cried out, a mixture of frustration and relief as he pushed inside me. I ran my fingers through his hair, tugging on the long strands as I arched against him. In response, he pumped faster and deeper inside of me. My body raced towards climax, clenching around him as I came.

While I was still recovering, he picked me up and carried me into his bedroom. He laid me on the edge of his bed on my stomach before lifting up my dress. He gripped my hips roughly before re-entering me. I whimpered with every thrust until he finally finished.

As usually, after he pulled out he went to the bathroom to dispose of the condom and clean up. I gingerly got up and made my way to the living room. I grabbed my bag and went into the guest bathroom. I cleaned up, scrubbing my face with water trying to remove the foundation and bronze smokey eye. Next, I pealed off my fake lashes. The red orange lipstick was gone, but my lips were still stained with the color. After I struggled with the zipper on my dress, I changed into a pair of leggings, a t-shirt and my sliders. I left the bathroom and headed for the living room to grab my heels so I could go.

"I have Elisa coming in early to make us breakfast. Any request?" Uriel asked me from the kitchen.

"I'm leaving, but do you really have to have her come over to make breakfast? Eggs are not hard." I questioned him.

"If it requires more than a microwave, I'm out." He said, joining me in the living room. "Stay. Watch the rest of your show and we'll have breakfast in the morning."

"I'll stay... But I want to go to bed together." I negotiated, not sure why I was being difficult about staying the night. We already slept together.

"I told you I can't sleep without a workout."

"I'll wait. Or you can hold me until I go to sleep, then work out. Your choice."

"I'll be 40 minutes."

"Ok. French toast."

"French toast?"

"That's what I want for breakfast."

While he went to his treadmill, I went back  to the beginning of the show and watched about half of it when Uriel was ready to go to bed. After we slipped under the comforter, he reached out to touch my breast, but I pulled away.

"Cuddling only."

"I don't cuddle."

"I didn't want to sleep with you tonight, so I guess we can both do something we didn't want to do today."

He gave me an incredulous look. "Lily, we already slept together prior to dating. Not sleeping together when we both want to is pointless."

"Pointless or not, it's what I wanted." I finished, before turning my back to him.

He eventually caved in, putting his arm over my waist.

"Goodnight Uriel."

"Night Lilac."

I ignored him and fell asleep.

The next morning we woke up to cinnamon almond french toast, thick pepper turkey bacon, and a fruit salad. It was amazing and almost made up for me breaking my promise of not sleeping with him. Uriel spent the majority of the morning on his phone or answering emails so after I ate, I left and went home.

That afternoon, I took Justine for a run to the dog park. As she played around, I checked my social media. Monica posted and tagged me in the pictures we took the night before. I received a lot of likes and comments on them. Apparently, Jenna showed my dad, because she commented he said we looked great together. I liked the comment so she would know I saw it before I uploaded my own pictures: selfies of myself, the food I ate, the room, and the chocolate heel Uriel gifted me.

I then texted Ethan a picture of the chicken dinner.

Me: It wasn't dry, but it was bland.

He called me back and I answered right away.

"Besides the bland chicken, how was you're night?"

"It was all pretty bland. I always felt bad that I didn't go to my prom, but now I don't feel like I missed much." I replied.

"I'm sorry you didn't have fun. You looked beautiful last night."

"Thank you." I smiled. "And I did have some fun. There was an illusionist and I got to see the back of Mark Cuban's head."

"The whole back of his head?"

"Yes! I tried to pitch him an idea like on Shark Tank. I literally pitched my idea to him on a napkin." I joked.

"How did that work out for you?"

"Bad. It landed on Dirk Nowitzki's chicken."

"Well, if it was as bad as you said it was, you did him a favor."

"That's right." I laughed.

"We're still good for next weekend?" Ethan asked me.

"Yes, you, me, EJ and Mike Myers."

"Are we doing 70's theme food?"

"If there was pizza in the 70's, yes."

"Alright Lily. I'll talk to you soon."

"Ok. Bye."

I put my phone away before chasing after Justine.


  1. Replies
    1. Lady!! It's been forever. Where've you been are you writing anymore?

    2. Nah, I gave up my writing bug a while back. I still think about it, though, so who knows... It's good to see you still around.

  2. Wow, Uriel is a dick! Run Lily!

  3. That whole situation made me very uncomfortable. He doesn't seem to have any respect for her and seems to bring out some of her past issues

  4. Yes, the chemistry that was there before they actually were trying to be involved with one another seems to be gone. I'm liking Ethan more and more with each post. She needs to be with her best friend, and that's who he is as far as I can tell. :)

    1. WhoTF sets up a date by tagging someone on Instagram??

    2. Right?! And for a BLACK TIE one at that!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Err, was that even consent? I mean he asked, she said no, he kept going until her body reacted positively and she eventually acquiesced (definition: accept something reluctantly but without protest)...I HATED that scene, and i also hated that she was trying to gain back control by asking for stupid things like going to sleep at the same time and 'cuddling' when she should have left and not spent the night. Actually, she should have left after she said no and he kept pressing her...Boundaries area thing and he had none for hers.. I hope she dumps him spectacularly. What a regression in her progress. Hopefully someone sets her straight on this and what it was..maybe Dr. Periera since she's fairly neutral character who knows all of her history..the only other person off the top of my head is Jake - but no.

    1. I was thinking the same thing. It fekt almost like rape. I wish she would have kicked him in the balls and walked out. I really hope she talks to the doc abt this so she can help her see that it was not right.

    2. I felt the same way but thought people would think I was overreacting if I said anything. She said no multiple times. mum

  6. I agree with all the previous posters. I also would like to add the fact that Lily needs to recognize that if she's on a "date" with a guy but her mind is constantly on someone else, she's not where she needs to be. Everything about that night reminded her of Ethan. Her chemistry, or whatever it is she thinks she has, with Uriel is done, finito. Her mind is trying to tell her what's really good. She just needs to pay attention and make better choices.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Uriel is awful and no good for Lily. But I like how this is getting set up for her to hopefully end up with Ethan. Thanks for the great post!!!

  9. Agreed!! This definitely gave off a rape vibe, he was completely disrespectful of her wishes. I don't get what she sees in him at all, he's rude, condescending and selfish. Hopefully Ethan wins her heart!!

    1. Same! He kind of reminds me of Jake when things took a negative turn in their relationship

  10. Looking forward to a new post, this one left me so sad for Lily...hoping for some good vibes on the Ethan front :)

  11. I can't wait for the next post. I'm excited to see more of Ethan and Lily together. Uriel doesn't respect Lily's wishes. Team Ethan
