Sunday, June 24, 2018


"'Cause every time I try to, try to, try to run
The fast life keeps gaining on me
But ever since I met you
I couldn't believe what you did
So comfort me babe, ain't no rush from me babe
I'll keep on touchin' on your body(×2)
To say that we're in love is dangerous
But girl I'm so glad we're acquainted" Acquainted by The Weeknd

"It's beautiful."  Rocky commented, waving her hand under the stream from the water curtain. I refused to post pictures of my backyard online because I wanted to have a party for the big reveal. Unable to wait, Rocky invited herself over to check it out.

"If you lawyer up, we can get Christian to fund you a whole new house too." Rocky leveled a look at me.

I shook my head and ignored her. When I told Rocky what happened between Christian and I, she was as livid as I was. She ranted about everything from suing him for revenge porn or getting her brother to round up a group to beat his ass. I tried to talk her down, telling her he wasn't worth the time or energy. He wasted enough of mine already.

Since I blocked all forms of communication with him, he started sending flowers and baskets and other gifts that I didn't even open. I didn't even read the cards. If I was home, I refused to accept them and if the were dropped off, I returned them. It was becoming not only annoying but expensive to keep it up, but I figured he would eventually get the message that I was done with him. In the mean time, I was so over dealing with him. 

Rocky let it go and we spent the rest of our time making tentative plans for a backyard party. I wanted to invite Bianca and Noelle and also extend an invitation to her brother and sister Brittany and Benjamin. I would love if my brother and dad could make it too. It seemed like sometime during Memorial day weekend would be best. I sent out messages to see if it would work with my family.

Tuesday, Q had his interview with Dr. Fahri. It was late in the morning, so I headed straight to work after my workout to catch them. I missed Q, but Dr. Fahri told me it went well and he was reaching out to Dr. Tran for a final interview. I sent Q a text letting him know, thrilled with the prospect of getting some more help on the evening shift.

The next time I saw Monica, I invited her to lunch so I could apologize for being short with her. She didn't have time for lunch, but we walked down to the cafe together for coffee. I blamed my attitude on it being a bad week, and although she looked at me skeptically, she accepted my apology. She even invited me to a dinner hosted by a Maverick partner. Trent was traveling with the team, so Monica was going in his place and asked me if I wanted to be her date. Not wanting to turn down a free meal, I agreed to go.

Another part of me wanted to go because I knew there was a chance Uriel would be there. I hadn't tried to contact him but he hadn't tried to reach out to me either. Considering how I handled things the last time we hung out, I figured the ball was in my court. I wanted to feel him out a little before I made a decision regarding us causally hooking up again. I would rather do that in person.

Saturday, I went to the salon and had Devin shampoo and trim my hair. It was still a shoulder length blunt bob, but afterward, my waves were glossy and expertly styled. I tipped Devin and thanked him for a job well done as always.

"Just tag me in your photos. I'm trying to move on to bigger and better things. Styling Christian Wilson's boo is going to be my come up!" Devin joked.

I gave him a forced smile at the mention of Christian and left. When I got home, I did my make-up, going for an understated but flawless look. I wore a black dress and black booties, ignoring the cute options that I got from Christian. Silver studs and dangling earrings completed my look and I was out the door to meet up with Monica.

The dinner was at a steakhouse in Downtown Dallas. A private room with 2 long tables was set up in the back of the restaurant. I walked in and looked around for Monica. As luck with have it, she was standing with Uriel and another guy drinking champagne. I made my way over, giving them both a warm smile.

While they continued their conversation, I looked Uriel over. He looked amazing in a dark blue suit, black undershirt and blue tie, with his hair neatly tucked behind his ears. After I caught him checking me out a second time, I met his eye and stepped closer to him.

"Can I talk to you for a moment-" I didn't get to finish before a woman in a peach bodycon dress joined us, standing by his side.

"Uriel, are you ready to sit down? I'm going to topple over in these heels soon." She asked him, sliding her arm around his. In her 6 inch stilettos, she was almost as tall as him.

"Lily, did you need to talk to me?" He asked me while putting his hand on her arm, supportingly.

"Nothing that can't wait." I backed away, with a closed lip smile.

Monica and I followed their lead and we sat down at the table as well. Monica introduced me to some of Trent's colleagues and we made small talk during the dinner. Unfortunately, I followed the other women's lead with ordering lemon drop martinis and side dishes for meals.

I paid no mind to Uriel for the majority of the night, but after two drinks and a lobster mac and cheese, I couldn't help myself. His female friend was all over him. She leaned in whenever he spoke, constantly touched his arm, giggled at almost everything he said. I felt no animosity towards her; I definitely understood the attraction. He was intriguing and confident and charming and outgoing and so fucking sexy...

"Lily?" Monica called me, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Yes ma'am?" I looked at her.

"You ready to go?"


Once we were out the restaurant, I turned to Monica.

"I parked in the lot a little bit down so I'm going to head that way." I told her, leaning to give her a hug.

"No wait. I'll give you a ride." She offered.

"That's ok. Besides, I saw a McDonald's on the way. I know we just ate, but I need a burger."

"Girl, me too. I'm going to Steak and Shake though. Trent hates their burgers. Says they're too small."

"That's why you order them with a milkshake... And cheese fries... And chili... And-"

"Stop talking. Let's go." Monica said, heading to her car parked on the street.

We went to Steak and Shake and ordered three meals between us. While we devoured our food, Monica made jokes about the other women's diet. She called it the Slim Fast diet- shake for breakfast, shake for lunch and a sensible dinner: They just substituted martinis for the shakes. I mentioned their diet worked: no one was bigger than a size 4. Monica promptly told me to shut up and we laughed.

While we were eating, I received a text from Uriel.

Uriel: What did you need to talk to me about?

Me: I wanted to apologize and thank you again for a few weeks ago

Uriel: You already did.

Me: You were really great so it beared repeating.

I saw he was typing back a response a couple times before he finally sent it.

Uriel: Again, you're welcome.

I couldn't help wondering about the woman he was with tonight as I put my phone away. As I finished the last of my shake, I asked Monica, "Do you know that woman who was with Uriel?"

Her eyebrows raised with interest. "Why? You jealous?"

"Not jealous. They are way too cordial for exes and he claimed he wasn't dating. Just curious to how he knows her."

"Maybe he's changed his mind about dating and she was his date."

I pursed my lips but didn't say anything else.

Monica smiled, knowingly. "She's an executive for the arena. Uriel's a big believer of don't shit where you eat. Even though technically they don't work for the same organization, they work together enough that he has no interest in her." Monica revealed.

"Good for him." I replied, popping my cherry in my mouth, relieved.

"Mmhmm..." Monica said. "You know It's ok if you like him. I won't say I told you so."

"I don't know him. I'm just nosy."

"Sure. Just name the first baby after me."

"Hell no." I exclaimed, grinning as I thought about Deborah's story of Ethan's large head. "His babies are going to be huge. Can't do it." I shook my head.

Monica laughed at me.

On Sunday, I called Rocky, seeing if she needed any help on projects she had to complete for Ace. I found out that she and Brandon were hanging out with Omar, Kelly and baby Olivia, getting some tips and hands on training for Ace. I told her to tell everyone I said hello and to send me pictures of the baby. Kelly invited me over instead.

Not wanting to miss a chance to hang out with baby Olivia, I headed over to Kelly's house. Omar let me in and I joined everyone in the living room talking and holding Olivia. When she fell asleep, I asked Brandon if knew the location of the crab place Ethan got the crab legs from.

Rocky groaned. "Lily! Don't bring them up. I can't eat them."

"Yeah, I don't feel bad. You never told me about them." I replied, smartly.

"It's far out. I've been there like twice." Rocky said defensively.

"Yeah. It's a hole in the wall place maybe 30 minutes away from where my parents live." Brandon informed me.

"Oh, that is far." I frowned, thinking that maybe Ethan was in McKinney when EJ texted me.

"We should go after Ace's is born-" Brandon planned.

"You are breastfeeding right?" Kelly cut him off.

"I'm gonna try." Rocky nodded.

"Don't try! Do it. It's much better than formula. You can't have spicy food when you breastfeed. It changes the taste of the milk." Kelly lectured.

Omar sighed deeply and Kelly gave him a look.

"With all the hot sauce Rocky's been eating, he'll be use to it." Brandon commented.

I smiled. "Right. She might have to dab some on his bottles and pacifiers." I joked. We laughed as Kelly tsked us, and launched into a lecture about pacifiers and how Olivia didn't use them.

Before we left, Brandon and Rocky offered to babysit Olivia anytime to get more practice. Omar jumped at the opportunity, while Kelly was a little hesitant. When Omar told her Reggie was going to be DJing at one of their favorite bars in Deep Ellum, she reluctantly agreed.

The following week, Q had his second interview with Dr. Tran. Q didn't get any feelings from Dr. Tran, but I assured him Dr. Tran was the same way with me. I told him to call me if he hears anything, and I'll do the same. On Thursday, my social media was flooded with pictures of Christian and Shawnee leaving a hotel room together in California. I really didn't care if he was sleeping with her. Part of me was relieved he was moving on. I was just sick of hearing about him. If Shawnee never tagged me in the first place, this wouldn't be happening.

I ignored all the comments, but I did tell Amber and Staci the truth about ending things with Christian. Amber was more subdued than Rocky. She agreed what he did was deplorable, but did ask me if there was anyway Christian could have gotten the idea we were exclusive. I simply told her no and ended the conversation.

After Staci confirmed I secured the Rihanna tickets, she was all about moving on.

"Let's get you online! We can work on your profiles right now and go on dates together next weekend!" Staci planned, excitedly.

"No. I'm serious about not wanting a relationship." I reminded her.

She scoffed. "Neither do 75% of guys online. That's why you date. Believe me, by the time you're ready for a relationship, you'll be glad you weeded through all the losers and guys just looking to get laid. At least you'll have some contenders."

I thought about it briefly. That would definitely ensure the next guy would be completely outside my circle, but I didn't know if I wanted to meet random men from online.

"I'll pass, but thanks." I declined.

"Fine, but we're going out Saturday. No argument." She told me.

I agreed. Dancing sounded better than staying at home, avoiding my phone. I invited Monica too, but she and Trent had plans. She also hinted that Uriel probably needed something to do since Trent was occupied. I did end up sending Uriel a text, asking what he was up to before I went over to Staci's house. Mia was already there, playing music and drinking wine.

"That dress is sexy, but what's up with the jacket and the sneakers?" Mia criticized my outfit. 

I could have said a lot about the red wig, red bodysuit and dark red denim skirt she had on, but I bit my tongue. If she was confident in her outfit, who was I to judge?

I felt great in a white dress that Bianca and Noelle sent to me for Miami. I wore a Fenty jacket off my shoulders like my style icon Rihanna wore the same jacket. I loved my all white Puma Creepers and since I planned to dance, they would be easy on my feet.

"I like them." I said confidently.

"You look good." Staci complimented me.

"Thank you. So do you!" I smiled at her, loving her matching orange separate crop top and skirt.

"I'm just saying, Shawnee J always looks on point on Instagram. She always showing skin. And she would never wear sneakers with a dress." Mia pointed out.

I inhaled deeply and Staci snapped, "No one cares about that bullshit. We're trying to go out and have fun. If you wanna gossip and start shit, go home."

Mia made a face, but she said nothing else. I took a sip of my wine, content that Staci got her to shut up without me saying anything.

We took an Uber to the club and joined Dino, Jake, Kelly, Omar, Malik, and Jasmine at their table. Staci, Mia and I took a ton of pictures, tagging ourselves at the club before we hit the dance floor. I dragged Kelly out with us and we danced around, singing to each other. When Straight Outta Fucks came on, Staci and I immediately left the dance floor with Kelly following us.

We returned to the table, and I removed my jacket to cool down. A mixture of Christian's songs played for the next 30 minutes.I made faces at every song and Staci laughed at me. When Reggie took a break from DJing, he found our table and sat next to Jasmine, giving her a kiss on the lips. He waved at me and tried to talk, but I couldn't understand him over the music. He came to my side and knelt so he could talk in my ear.

"I said it's really cool you know Christian Wilson. You think you can send my Soundcloud link to him?" Reggie asked me.

Urgh. I didn't even want to hear his name, much less reach out to him for someone I didn't really know or like. "Send me the link." I said, noncommittally. No promises, no lies.

He pulled out his phone right away and I gave him my email.

"Good looking out." He nodded to me, before he headed back to the DJ booth. Jake glared at him while Jasmine followed. I made eye contact with Jake, made a cutting motion with my hand under my neck, signaling to him I wasn't going to do it. He chuckled at me as he picked up his drink.

"What's so funny?" Dino asked over the music, looking at us both.

Jake leaned in to tell her something, but I didn't pay attention. A guy at the bar caught my eye. His back was to me, but his height and hair in a messy knot immediately captured my attention. When he moved his head around, scanning the club, I grinned as I recognized Uriel.

I sat there staring at him, willing him to look my way. I don't know if it was because he was looking for me or if he felt my gaze, but he finally looked in my direction. When he gave me a sexy smile, I leaned closer to Staci.

"I'll be right back." I told her in her ear.

"If you're heading over to that guy, don't come back. Give me the details tomorrow." Staci responded back in my ear.

I giggled, knowing she was kidding, but that's exactly what I planned on doing. I got up and headed Uriel's way. He tracked me, keeping his eyes on me until I was right in front of him.

"Hey Lily." He greeted me.

"Hey stalker." I grinned.

His eyebrows furrowed. "Stalker?"

"Yes stalker. Or is it just a coincidence you're here?" I asked.

"Was it a coincidence you were at dinner last weekend?"

"I was Monica's date." I avoided answering the question.

"She has no problem attending those dinners alone."

"Don't deflect. We're talking about you."

"Did you get my text?"

I pulled out my phone, and looked through his thread.

Uriel: Not much. Did you resolve your situation so I can see you?

"I got it." I smiled, knowing now that he wanted me like I wanted him. "Now, did you know I was here?" I questioned him.

"Yes. You tagged your location." He admitted, sliding his arm around my waist. "Since so many beautiful women were tagged here, I figured this would be a good place to come for a drink."

"Beautiful women huh? Well, I'll let you enjoy. Have fun." I said, pretending I was going to leave. He grabbed my waist to stop me.

"You know I enjoy having fun with you." He said, huskily in my ear. "I told you however many night stands you wanted. Is that what you want?"

I nodded, enthusiastically as the bartender brought him his drink. He paid for it before turning back to me, his hands slipping dangerously low on my back. "Tell me what you want Lily. I want to hear it."

"You. I want you Uriel. Inside of me, Fucking me." I answered in his ear.

"Let's get out of here then." He said, leading me away.

"What about your drink?" I exclaimed, slowing down but not stopping.

"I didn't come here for a drink." He gave me a sultry look before I hurried up to match his long strides. I wouldn't have been able to keep up in heels. Thank God for my Creepers.

We walked outside and quickly order an Uber. It was a tension filled drive, even as I made small talk with the Uber driver. I squeezed my legs together, repeatedly, to quell the arousal spreading all over my body. It didn't help when Uriel noticed me, and placed his hand on my thighs, stroking me over my dress.

When we finally got to his apartment, there was no foreplay needed. He took me to the bedroom and we stripped off each other's clothes. I knelt on all fours on the bed, showing him what I wanted. Once he had the condom on, he wasted no time kneeling behind me. He rubbed his hardness against my entrance, driving me crazy as I backed into him.

"Did you resolve your other situation?" He grunted to me.

I was so lost in lust, I almost didn't know what he was talking about. "It's a little too late if I didn't." I groaned, wiggling my hips in an effort to get him inside me.

"Never too late." He breathed deep, moving away.

"No! It's resolved. We're done." I promised on a yelp as he pushed inside of me. A shiver ran down my spine as he trailed his fingers up my back and over my neck before settling in my hair. I cried out when he gripped a handful, pulling me up off my hands and on my knees.

Both of his arms hugged me in place as he began to thrust inside me. One of his hands snaked to my breasts, squeezing my nipples while the other found and stroked my clitoris. I pushed back into him, faster as I reached my climax. He kept up with my pace, grinding into me until I came.

I moaned loudly, spasming against him. He gripped my hips, slapping our bodies together until he came too. When he finally released me, I fell to bed, rolling over to face him. He examined my body, lustfully, and I smiled at him. He got up from the bed to dispose of the condom.

"You're welcomed to stay the night." He told me.

"I think I'll take you up on that." I said, breathlessly. "Do you have a shirt I can borrow?"

He went into the closet and tossed me a 2012 Champion shirt for the Mavericks.

"Do you have something not as old and pathetic?" I taunted, wrinkling up my nose as I slid it on.

"That's all I have." Uriel returned from the closet, fully dressed in joggers and a t-shirt. He grabbed his phone charger before turning to leave.

"Where are you going?"

"Nowhere." He said.

"If you're going to another bedroom or something I can leave. I don't have to stay." He asked me if I wanted to spend the night, but it's not like he stayed in bed and tried to cuddle with me. I wasn't sure what to think.

"I can't sleep without a workout, so I'm going to hit the treadmill." He told me from the door.

I relaxed at his explanation. "What we did wasn't a work out?"

He came back to me at the bed. "It was, but I'm not exhausted." He informed me, stroking my cheek, then my neck. I shuddered, pulling him close for a kiss.

"I can help you with that." I breathed against his lips, between kisses.

"That keeps me up." He said, giving me one last kiss before pulling away. "Get some rest and help me wake up in the morning."

"Ok." I smiled.

"Good night." He told me.

"Good night." I curled up under the covers and fell right to sleep.

I woke up the next morning, alone in bed. I got up to use the bathroom. I checked out his grooming products before I cleaned up the best I could. I brushed my teeth with my finger and borrowed a ponytail holder from his drawer so I could put my hair up. Looking halfway decent, I walked out into the living room to see Uriel on the couch, sports center on the massive tv while he read some book.

"Is that Italian?" I asked, when I tried to read the cover on the worn out book.

"Yes." He said, putting it away.

"Are you fluent?" I questioned, joining him on the couch.


"So you know English, Spanish and Italian?" I probed.

"My French is rusty, and I'm learning Mandarin." He answered, putting his arm around me.

"Ohmygosh, why do you know so many language?"

"I grew up speaking Italian and Spanish at home. Learned English in school. I studied French in college and Trent likes to insult people in Chinese so I'm picking it up." He pulled me closer.

"Where are you from?"

"Here. My parents were born in Argentina." He murmured against my hair.

He placed me in his lap, much like a few weeks ago. This time, I didn't stop him as he felt me up all over my body before he took off my shirt. He pulled himself out of his briefs. As I stroked his erection, he reached over and grabbed a condom from a hidden compartment in his couch. As soon as he had it on, I guided him inside of me. We rocked into each other lazily until we both came together.

After we finished, I ran my fingers through his hair, giving him a smile before I pressed my lips to his. When I pulled back, he said. "I can give you a lift home. I'm getting out anyway."

I normally would get an Uber to maintain distance, but I decided to take him up on his offer. He loaned me another Maverick shirt and sweatpants. While I waited for him to shower, I changed into the clean clothes.

We went to his parking garage and Uriel unlocked the doors to a sporty, 2 seater Mercedes-Benz. The doors popped open vertically, and I got inside, amazed by all the room in the luxurious car. The interior of Uriel's car was as sleek and impressive as the outside and I complimented him on it as we took off.

"You into cars?" He asked.

"Eh, not really. I can tell yours is fancy because it still has that new car smell." I teased.

He nodded his head. After I told him the address to Staci's house where my car was, the ride was quiet. He didn't even turn on the radio. An Uber driver would have at least made small talk or played music, but I just followed Uriel's lead and enjoyed the silence.

When we arrived at Staci's, I turned to say goodbye but he cut me off.

"Can I text you so we can get together again? This way, you don't think I'm stalking you." He asked, unlocking the doors.

"I was just kidding. Do you wanna be bang buddies?" I asked him.

"I'm not sure what that is but I'm going to assume I'm too old for it."

"How old are you anyway?" I asked.

"35 this year."

"Yep. Definitely too old for a bang buddy. You can't be my friend with benefits because you're not my friend."

"Do you need a label?" He asked me.

"Yes. Labels help everyone decipher things so it doesn't get confusing."

"Nothing to be confused about; I enjoy spending time with you. I would like to continue and I promise, I'll never try to get a commitment from you." He replied.

"Alright. Acquaintances with benefits then?" I quipped, with a smile.

"Whatever you need to call it." He smiled back.

I got out of the car and waved goodbye.


  1. uh-Roh - Uriel is throwing a wrench in the Lily-Ethan suspense...Still holding out for their love and the blog coming full circle!

    Feels like your rapid-fire posting because the blog is ending! - Would love it if you could add a little bonus once she reaches her end-game of like a 1yr + 5yr down the road post, maybe baby in belly, married etc :)

    Thank you for the frequent posting BTW Janay I really love the blog and how its all going!

    1. The rapid-fire post is bc I'm on vacation with the family :)

      That being said, I have planned out the rest of Lily's story. It's about 25-35 more post, maybe. A future post definitely is a possibility. Thank you for continuing to read and be interested in the blog!

    2. Thank you so much for using vacation time on the blog- its so excitig to have a chic-lit blog to read again! So excited for the rest and to see how youve imagined it all working out :)

  2. Thanks for posting again! This blog is by far my favorite. Thank you so much for continuing the story.

  3. Oh man I wish this blog was a book! I love Lily's story and am always checking to see if you posted! Thank you for keep this story alive!

    1. As long as you keep reading, I will finish Lily's story. Thanks for hanging in here with me!

  4. Your writing is remarkable and real. Thank you Janay

  5. I just got through reading all the June posts!! So glad you posted so many!!! I'm definitely Team Ethan! Would love to see those together :)

  6. Love Uriel. Still hoping for Ethan and Lily........ kind of.

    BUT.. thank you for being back consistently!!! love this story.

  7. This is my Favorite blog as well and am glad your posting so much now. I am confused as to why she is so pissed at Christian though....I may have to go back and read a second time..maybe I missed something?

    1. Def reread the last 2 posts or so. Short version: He became manipulative and passive aggressive when he didn't get his way, then he accused her of cheating on him even though they were never official and he knew it.
      He ended up posting a provocative pic of her to his social media that she sent to him (without her consent) to manipulate her into contacting him, then twisting the narrative as if shes in the wrong because she slept with richard (she didnt though not that it matters) and he wont get played how Noelle played him, and hes her man so he forgives her.. then it basically it all turned into a huge clusterfuck from there and she ended up blocking him... Definitely reread lol I had to reread the breakup a few times too because it ended up being so messy with the back and forth!

    2. It's halfway through "Nothing lasts forever"
