Sunday, October 15, 2017

Lovers and Friends

"Tell me again (Tell me again my baby)
That we'll be lovers and friends (Ohh! its a good look baby)
Tell me again (Tell me over and over and over again)
That we'll be lovers and friends (Make sure you're right before you choose)" Lovers and Friends by Usher, Ludacris, and Lil Jon

Christian was telling the truth when he said having sex didn't change things between us. I didn't know if it was because we connected as friends or lovers or maybe both; I was just thankful it wasn't awkward, forced or weird. We didn't have phone sex again, but we talked and exchanged flirty text messages whenever we could.

Work occupied most of my time. 2 new interns started at the clinic Monday. For the time being, it actually made more work for me getting them acclimated to the fitness center. It would pay off once they were trained, but I recognized it as a temporary solution. I sent out another message to my former coworkers at the first job I worked at in Dallas to see if anyone might be interested in a new job.

I also began to monitor Fallon's interactions with the injured player Paul Bolen. Paul himself was a nice but I could tell he was eager to be cleared to play. I understood that, and to an extent, his trainer's Clyde Dennison desperation to speed up his recovery. What I didn't understand was Mr. Dennison inability to try to work the plan we already had-and his shitty attitude about it. While I trusted Fallon's notes and assessment of Paul's treatment, I wanted to confirm it for myself. I co-signed Fallon's plan and encouraged her to keep up the good work.

At home, after I took care of Justine and caught up on my shows, I found mundane ways to past the time. Most of the time, I played on social media, seeing what Christian was up to before commenting on my friend's posts. Dr. Chapman, Justine's vet posted cute pictures and memes of animals that seriously had me considering another pet. Instead of running down to a shelter to adopted a pet, I liked his pictures and focused my attention on the renovations I wanted to do to my house.

There were a few things I wanted to update around my house. With spring being right around the corner and Jake's step dad Eric approaching me about landscaping at the baby shower; I decided my next project would be my backyard. Eric already gave me his contact information so I could swing by the nursery to order and set up an appointment for installations, but I seriously had no idea what I wanted to do with my outside space. I spent my Friday night soaking in a hot bath, listening to music (Christian's recommendations), sipping a glass of wine and scrolling through Pinterest for inspiration. My bath was interrupted by a call from Staci.

"He stood me up!" she exclaimed as soon as I answered.

"What?" I asked confused.

"The guy I've been talking to for 6 weeks. We made plans to hang out tonight, and he sent me a text saying something came up-45 minutes after we were supposed to meet! I'm sitting at a bar, 3 martinis in, feeling dumb as hell." She gripped.

"I'm sorry girl." I said as I got out of the bath tub, sincerely feeling bad for her. "Did you drive?"


"Ok. I'm gonna call an Uber and meet you. Send me the address."

"I gave all that information to Mia in case this guy turned out to be a creep or worse and she's not even answering my calls." Staci complained.

"Well I'm on my way. Hang tight."

I threw on jeans, a tank and a hoodie before leaving. When I arrived at the bar, I found Staci in skinny jeans, a silky blouse and her hair and make-up looking flawless, but she couldn't hide the disappointment on her face.

"You look great!" I complimented her.

"Yeah. All this for nothing." She muttered, bitterly.

"No way! You can't tell me you haven't been approached by guys?"

"I don't want to deal with them tonight. Mia just snapped herself at a club dancing. Let's go join her." Staci suggested.

"I'm not dressed for a club." I declined.

"C'mon. All you need to do is put on some make-up and take off the hoodie. Please!!!" She begged.

"Fine." I gave in.

She handed me her keys and we navigated to a club in Dallas. There was already a line outside the door to get in. I pulled off my hoodie before we got out the car and applied a Kylie Jenner peachy nude lipstick that Staci confiscated from her daughter to my lips while we stood in line. Once we were at the front of the line, the bouncer gave my sneakers a frown, but a flash of Staci's cleavage had us in the club, no cover. Mia was waiting for us at the bar.

"How was the date?" Mia asked, over the thumping music.

"Lame. I cut out early!" Staci lied. "Let's turn up."

Staci ordered a mixed drink and I ordered a beer. After we got our drinks, we headed to the dance floor where Mia friends were dancing. We danced back to back through pop, hip hop and dance music before they were ready for another drink. I switched to bottled water and we battled through the crowds until we found an empty table.

"Lily!" Staci called me, thrusting her phone in my face. It was a text from some guy named Mike.

Mike: So disappointed I'm not going to be able to see you. Send me a pic of you

"Don't send him any pictures." I said in her ear over the music.

"I'm not. I'm gonna snap myself having a great time without him!" she said, taking a video of herself.

A few guys approached our table, ordering a round of shots for us. I declined but took videos of Staci taking a shot to post on Snapchat. While they flirted and chatted with the guys, I listened to the music and drank my water. When the DJ mixed in Christian's Song "Three's Company", Staci turned to me and squealed.

"We gotta dance! It's Christain's song!"

"I know. I can hear and enjoy it from right here." I protested, with a smile.

"Yeah, but I'll post a video of you sitting down while his song's playing. It'll break his heart."

I laughed, finishing off my water before standing to go the dance floor with her. We danced with each other and sang along to the song while Staci filmed it on her phone.

At the end of the night, Staci and I went back to my place. Staci spent the night, waking me up at 6am so she could go home and get ready for work. I went back to bed after she left. I got a few more hours of sleep before I got up. I decided I should go to the nursery to see what they had in order to get some ideas. I called Rocky to see if she wanted to go with me.

"Lily. It's 9am on a Saturday. No." She replied, grumpily.

I called Forrest next, but he was at his school for an all day wrestling tournament.

"You might want someone with more expertise. My backyard has a square feet of concrete and two plastic chairs." He said.

Amber's backyard was nice, but I knew she got off from a night shift and was probably sleep. Ethan was another option I had, but I knew he would stop whatever he was doing to help me and I didn't want to take up his free time, especially if he had plans already. I resigned to do it alone, until the perfect person came to mind. I quickly dialed his number.


"Hey Richard. You wanna have breakfast together?" I asked sweetly.

"Who does a booty call in the morning? You're supposed to ask me for breakfast the night before so I'll have a reason to stay until the morning." Richard responded matte-of-factly.

"This isn't a booty call Richard." I denied.

"So what do you want if it's not this d-"

I cut him off before he could get vulgar. "For you to come to a nursery with me so I can start to remodel my backyard."

He chuckled. "I'm not a landscape designer."

"I know but you know my house and you've seen what other people have done to their backyards. I just need a second opinion. Pretty Please!" I begged, shamelessly.

"Fine. I have a job that pays me today so I'll be around after 3."

"Sounds good and I'm paying you too. Dinner is on me tonight."

"How bout you be on me tonight and cook me breakfast tomorrow?" He hinted.

We play flirted like that to each other all the time, but knowing that Christian and I were sitting on the friends and lovers fence, it didn't feel appropriate anymore. "How bout breakfast for dinner? We can go to IHOP and then you go home?"

"Let's skip the food and do drinks. I'll be designated driver so you can get tipsy and make questionable decisions." He countered.

I laughed. "Not happening. I'll see you later."

I went into the kitchen and made breakfast for myself. Since I still had some time, Justine and I jogged to a dog park where I let her off her leash to play around. Once we got back home, I gave Justine a bath outside before I took a shower and got dressed. Rocky called me, asking if I was already shopping, but I told her Richard was accompanying me later. I spent the rest of my time scrolling through Pinterest until my doorbell rang.

"Tropical Oasis!" I declared as soon as I opened the door for Richard.

"Is that where we're getting drinks tonight?"

"No dummy! That's the theme for my backyard."

"I don't even know what that means."

"Like... Hawaii meets garden. Lots of greenery, colorful plants, palm trees, bamboo, maybe even a little pond." I listed while his eyebrows furrowed at me.

"A pond? Not a pool?"

I shook my head and the memories out of my mind. "No, not a pool. Too much maintenance and I want lots of grass for Justine. I need some type of water for an oasis right?"

"Sure. Show me what you like at the store and we'll make it work."

We walked around the store twice once we got there before Richard comprehended what I was going for. He suggested building a bamboo pergola and a tiki inspired bar for my deck. In ordered to make room for the bar, Richard planned to add a slate patio where I would move my fire pit and the patio chairs I already had. There would still be plenty of grassy areas for Justine and I love the idea of a separate lounge area surrounded by plants and trees.

Eric joined us on our third walk around the store and I explained to him my plans. He pointed out some plants and palm trees that he thought would work with my tropical theme. He also showed me stones and a fountain. Richard thought we could incorporate both into a stone walkway to the front and back openings of the fence with the fountain being the meeting point, and my water feature. I liked the idea of a fountain, but I didn't like the ones at the nursery so I passed on it.

Thrilled with my plan coming together, I made my purchases with Eric and gave Richard the go ahead to order the materials he would need for the patio, pergola and bar. Once everything arrived, we would make plans to start remodeling.

After shopping, we stuck to the tropical vibe and went to Bahama Breeze for dinner. Richard ordered a flight of rum cocktail flights, but I declined and ordered a tropical drink I planned to nurse during my meal. While we contemplated the menu, Bianca called me. Not wanting to be rude, I ignored her call. A few minutes later, Bianca sent me a text. It was a picture of Christian and me on the hotel terrace in New York. My back was to the camera, and I was only wearing the red bodysuit. Christian's face was clear as day in the picture as he gazed at me.

Bianca: Really Lily? "Getting to know him"? On a balcony? In lingerie? {Eye balls roll emoji}

"Excuse me." I fumed, my face heating with embarrassment and outrage. I stepped outside the restaurant and went over by Richard's car. I called her back right away.

"Where did you get that?" I demanded, in lieu of hello.

"A Vlogger out of New York City was in contact with someone trying to shop it. They sent the picture to Noelle's people to try to figure out who you are. He had to reach out to Christian first. He didn't tell you there were pictures?"

"No..." I frowned, dismayed. Who the fuck would take pictures of us? How many were there? Did any show my face? Did any show me clothed?

"After everything I went through, I didn't think I would have to warn you about your lack of privacy..."

"This is not a lack of privacy, it's an invasion of privacy! We where in a hotel room, not filming a sexy tape!" I argued venomously.

"Whatever you wanna call it, anyone that knows you were in New York with him or can identify you by your ass may sell you out. Be prepared for it." Bianca said.

"Thanks for the heads up. I gotta go." I snapped.

"You're ass looks great by the way."

"Bye Bianca!" I hung up on her.

I immediately called Christian. When he didn't answer, I called back to back at least 5 times until he finally did.

"What's up?" He asked me, concerned.

"They are pictures! Of us! On the terrace last weekend!"

"I know. How do you know?" He said in a hushed tone.

"Bianca. Apparently whoever took them was trying to figure out who I was and sent them to Noelle." I replied.

"Are you fucking serious? What did Noelle tell him?"

"Nothing! I think. I'll make sure-"

He stopped me. "Don't worry about it. Hugo is taking care of it."


"I'll explain later Lily. I gotta go back." He rushed off the phone with me.

Thoroughly annoyed, frustrated and pissed at whoever took the pictures, I rejoined Richard. When the waitress came back to take our order, I ordered a flight of shots with my meal.

"We're getting drunk?" He asked me.

"I am, designated driver." I reminded him, grabbing his last shot and downing it.

I cut myself off after one flight. The great meal and Richard's flirtatious company was almost enough to keep my mind off some scumbag with pictures of my barely covered ass.

Don't worry. How could I not worry?

On the drive home, Christian called me back. I didn't even think about Richard sitting right next to me as I immediately picked up.

"Hugo handled the pictures. They're not going to be posted anywhere." Christian promised me.

"How does he know that? I mean, what guarantee does he have?"

"I bought the pictures and got a signed agreement from the dickhead who was trying to sell them that he can never share, duplicate, release or publicly talk about them."

"Fuck Christian. That's such bullshit that you had to pay him. Couldn't we sue him for invasion of privacy?"

"That would bring more attention to him, which is exactly what that mother fucker wants. I don't give two shits about the money, but I'm not giving him an easy come up. Fuck that." He ranted.

"Ok." I exhaled, completely understanding his anger but I could see Richard watching me from the corner of his eye. Feeling bad, I ended my call with Christian. "I'm on my way home. Can I call you in a bit?"



I put my phone away and flashed Richard an apologetic smile.

"Christian huh?" Richard asked me, with a smile of his own.

I reached to put my hair behind my ear. "Yeah, we're... Dating."

"Congratulations." He said. I looked at his face for any hard feelings, but he was really sincere.

I smiled in return. "Nothing to congratulate. We're just hanging out."

"Seriously hanging out?"

"Something like that. Not yet, but possibly." I reasoned.

 "Ok." He nodded. "I'll call you as soon as I get the material and we'll work out a contract. You'll still get the friends discount, but that's it."

"Wow. So there's a staying over for breakfast discount?" I teased him.

"No. That's an optional add in of doing business with me." He winked.

"You're super gross." I said, leaning over to give him a hug. "Thank you. For everything."

"That's what's friends are for." He smiled, hugging me back.

When I entered my house, I saw Amber, Staci and another girl I didn't know in the kitchen filming a new Honey Bee video. I silenced my phone before I went to watch them. When they finished, Jessica, the bartender, left and I talked to Sammy and Amanda.

"Hey. I love your hair." I motioned to Sammy's new hair style. It was cut in long layers to her back, colored with deep brown roots and honey blonde tips. "I miss my bronde hair."

"It's not bronde. It's ombre." Sammy corrected me.

"Right." I said, dismissively. Same fucking thing. "How you been?" I smiled at Amanda.

"Good, you?"


I went to my room to grab their souvenirs. I came back and handed Sammy a New York shot glass and a bottle of gin from a distillery in Brooklyn, and a Rocking Statue of Liberty shirt, featuring the famous landmark with a guitar and flashing devil horns for Corey. I gave Amanda a New York snow globe.

"Thank you." They both chorused. I hung out with them while they cleaned. It was an awkward silent: Amanda wasn't great at small talk and Sammy was focused on putting everything away. I took a deep breath before speaking again.

"I'm going to Miami in March for the Ultra Music Festival. I thought it'll be fun to make it a group weekend trip, if y'all wanna come."

"I really can't take a trip. I'm trying to save up for a better car." Amanda shook her head.

"Is he going to be there?" Sammy asked.

I cleared my throat. "Christian is performing. I plan on seeing his set but you don't have to."

"I'm out." Sammy declared.

"Is that how it's going to be now? You don't wanna hang out with me because you don't like him?" I questioned her.

"I didn't say anything about not hanging out with you. If you wanna date him that's you but I don't wanna be around him. That doesn't change our relationship, does it?" She challenged.

"No it doesn't."


Once we got that out the way, things were less awkward. I was put off that she wouldn't give Christian a chance but as long as she was respectful, I wasn't going to let it affect our friendship.

As soon as they left, I video called Christian. I apologized for calling so late when I saw his was in bed.

"No, I'm sorry my anger got the best of me." He said, rubbing his fingers through his hair. "I wasn't mad at you, this is the shit I was talking about that night."

"Don't be sorry. I get it. I didn't really understand what you said about the branding and stuff, but I get it now. That lifestyle sucks."

"Yeah, I don't think I'll ever be ok with people thinking they have a right to get in my business. Hugo says I'll get used to it, especially the more money I get because of it."

"He's right about the money thing. Being able to payoff mother fuckers is a perk. I feel like I owe you for that."

"You don't owe me anything. You didn't sign up for people taking pictures of you. That's all me."

"You were fully dressed in the picture. I should have known better. It was my naked ass out on display. That was all me." I sighed.

"Your ass is mine now so it's still all me." He argued, his face dead serious.

I laughed at the same time my stomach clenched at his words. "Shut up."

"I'm serious though." He confirmed what his face already told me. "You know what's another perk of this lifestyle?"


"Seeing a sexy ass woman sing and dance to your song."

My face flushed, pleased that he actually saw the video Staci posted and tagged me in. "Oh yeah? You must see that a lot?"

"There's only one that I wanna see." His eyes bore into mine; I swear he was staring me down over the phone. I looked away to diffuse some of the tension before my eyes met his again.

"Well, if you're talking about me, me and my ass will be in Miami, dancing and singing while you perform." I smiled at him.

"You know I'm talking about you." His lips spread in a sexy grin. "I can't wait til Miami. Let me get a little preview..."

I giggled. "Ok. Let me call you back."

"Hurry up."

I quickly put on a black lingerie set, including a black floral bodice, matching g-string, and the pair of nude pumps he sent home with me from New York. I set the laptop on the edge of my bed, propping it up so the camera got a good shot of me. I called him from my laptop, swiping on the peachy nude lipstick as I waited for him to answer. When he did, I saw his eyes dart all over my body. I leaned over, giving him a great view of my boobs as I pushed play on my phone.

"Lover Tonight" a track he produced, played loudly from my phone. It was a sultry ballad that feature Keosha describing all the ways she wanted a man to take her for one night.

"Imma let Keosha do the singing, but I'll dance for you."

I then began to rock my hips to the beat, swaying to the rhythm of the song. I ran my hands over my body seductively as I danced. I made sure to make eye contact with him as I mouthed some of the dirtiest lyrics of the song. I could only see his face and upper body, but there was no doubt in my mind he was stroking himself as he watched me dance. He was so tense and focused on my every move while his breathing became heavier.

When the song ended, he asked me to get undressed, but I didn't. The lingerie made me feel like I was role playing, and I needed to stay in character. I did grab the laptop so I could lay in bed and he could get a better view as I posed for him. First I was on my side, caressing my breasts through my bra, tugging my nipples softly. Then, I got on all fours, arching my back and hiking my ass in the air as I streched. Finally, I sat the laptop between my spread legs so he could watch as I traced my slit through my panties. When I moved the small piece of fabric to the side, he groaned loudly.

"I'm about to cum." He said between huffs of air.

"Let me see." I breathed excitedly. He aimed the camera lower so I could see his hand pumping his erection rapidly.

"I wish you were inside of me. I want my pussy wrapped around you, not your hand." I moaned out loud, making sure he heard me.

I heard him growl before watching him climax. My eyes never left the screen as he finished. After a few moments, he focused the camera back on his face. He was sporting a satisfied smile.

"I'll be inside of your tight wet pussy soon babe. You're gonna have to beg me to stop." He swore.

I bit my lip and smiled. "I can't wait."

After we told each other goodnight, I disconnected and changed into shorts and a tank top before falling back in bed. I didn't climax from playing with myself in front of him, but I felt extremely sexy and powerful knowing he got off by just watching me.

Sunday morning, Bianca's call woke me up. It was 8am my time, so I was shocked she was up so early her time.

"I was worried about you. You never called me back. Are you ok?" She asked.

"Yeah. I'm good." I yawned. "I didn't mean to worry you. Christian took care of it."


"He bought the pictures and the vlogger's silence. What did Noelle tell him anyway?" I asked, remembering Christian wanted to know.

"She said no comment. Are you sure that guy didn't send them to anyone else?"

"Why would he do that? It would defeat the purpose of him posting it for views or trying to sell them. He was looking for a story but Christian killed it." I explained.

"Oh... Ok."

I paused, confused by her tone. She sounded like she was disappointed...

 "So are you're ok? Things with Christian are ok?" Bianca continued

"I'm great. Christian is great." I replied, shaking off my negative thoughts. "Are you ok? What are you doing up so early?"

"About to do a little yoga to balance myself before I have a concept meeting for my collaboration with Jorge." She said, proudly.

"Ohmygod Bianca!!! Congratulations!!!" I cheered, excited.

"Thank you. Thank you."

"Keep me updated. I want to know everything. Can you video chat me in the meeting?"

"No! That's  unprofessional."

"And it starts. Now, she's too professional for me. Next, she'll be too popular. Then, too rich. Finally, she won't even know me anymore."

"As long as you know what's coming." She taunted.

I laughed. "I hate you. Good luck!"

"I hate you too! Thanks!"

Since I was already up, I got ready to deliver the rest of my souvenirs. Jordan, Blake, Ethan and EJ were last on my list. I trekked out to Fort Worth to see Jordan and Blake first since their only plans for Sunday was brunch and EJ was still with his mom.

Jordan and Blake were still enamoured with each other following their engagement. The lovey dovey stuff was so nauseating, I left almost immediately after I dropped off their matching I Love NY mugs filled with coffee flavored caramels made with coffee beans from Hell's Kitchen. I did mention the trip to Miami, but there was no way Blake could get away from work and Jordan didn't want to go without him.

I knew EJ wasn't getting dropped off until the afternoon, but I headed over to Ethan's house early. He shook his head at my figurine of a duck dressed up as the Statue of Liberty, but he placed it on his mantle over his fireplace in the den next to the good luck cat from Japan and the chicken from The Florida Keys.

"Was New York business or pleasure?" Ethan asked as he brought me a glass of sweet tea as we sat in the den.

"Pleasure. I wish my job would send me away. I need a break from them." I said after thanking him and sitting on the love seat.

"What's going on?"

I told him everything: How we were short staffed, the start of the new interns that put more responsibilities on me, and finally Clyde Dennison. I logged into my email on my phone so I could show the message I sent when Ethan asked.

He smirked. "I can feel the sarcasm dripping from that warm regards."

"No sarcasm at all. He'll have the warmest regards, in hell." I grinned.

"Wow." He whistled. "Why do you think he's being obstinate?"

"That's a nice way of saying he's being a dick. It really doesn't matter to me why he is. He's not going to talk down to me or anyone who works under me. I'm not going to have that."

"Look at you; telling people what you're not going to have."

"I know right? I honestly felt like management was too much like babysitting. And it is, it's a pain sometimes, but these are my babies. No one fucks with my babies."

Ethan smirked. "Coming from the woman who said last year she would be satisfied being a trophy wife. I'm impressed."

That was high praise, coming from Ethan but I was too caught up in the trophy wife comment to appreciate it.

"I can't even keep a boyfriend, so that's not even an option." I smiled, sardonically.

The smile fell off his face. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that." He said.

"I know you didn't. It's cool."

"How are you doing? I know last time we talked-"

"I'm fine." I cut him off.

"We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." He conceded.

I sighed. "I still think about him. Like right now, I'm redoing my backyard. When Trevor and I were looking for houses, one of the things he wanted was a pool. So he crossed my mind, but it wasn't like bitter or anger or even sadness like it was before. It's just a memory. It sounds cliche, but it gets better everyday."

"Good." He nodded.

"How are you? How's life post Serena?"

"I'm fine."

"We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." I copied him.

"Really I'm fine. I realized I couldn't love her the way she needed to be love."

"That makes sense but it doesn't make breaking up easy."

"No, but it makes it easier to move on. Although Will is trying to set me up-"

"Will?!?" I asked, surprised. "Where does he meet women?"

"I have no idea nor do I have any intentions of finding out. I don't do blind dates." He informed me.

"It might not be bad to try something new. I mean, the old way didn't work out." I pointed out.

"Are you trying something new?" He deflected.

I thought about Christian and our friend/lover situation. It was kinda new for me. I was being completely honest with him and myself. That was definitely something I didn't do in any of my past relationships.

"Dad!?!" We heard EJ call before I could answer him. Ethan and I both stood up and walked to the front living room where EJ and Megan both waited. Megan looked confused when she saw me, but her face relaxed when I handed over EJ's gift. It was a Super Mario Backpack from the Nintendo store with a New York themed Monopoly game and a bag of apple candies inside.

"Thanks Lily!" He smiled, pulling out the board game. "Do y'all wanna play?"

"I gottta go babe." Megan said, leaning over to kiss EJ on the check. "Bye." She said as she headed out.

EJ looked at me and Ethan hopefully.

"Why don't you bring it to my house this weekend? You still need to watch Lion King again. We can have a movie slash game night if it's ok with your dad." EJ and I both looked at Ethan

"If you have a good week at school, you can." He agreed.

"Yes!!!" EJ celebrated.

"Ok. Have a good week EJ." I hugged him before I left.

As Ethan walked me to the door, I turned to him. "EJ can spend the weekend at my house." I winked suggestively.

"What's wrong with your eye?" He deadpanned.

"Nothing!" I snorted out a laugh that made him smile. "Let Will know you're free next weekend so you can try something new with someone new."

"I won't."

"If you don't, I'll tell him myself."

"A real friend wouldn't." He tried to guilt me out of it.

I placed my hand on his shoulder. "A real friend would. And I'm going to." I said, faking a stern tone.

He shook his head, but his lips twitched in a smile.

I couldn't help my smile too as I waved goodbye and left.


  1. Thank you for posting again!!! Loving the story!! Christian seems good for Lily, she needs to get out of her head a bit, but if she's not feeling him she needs to cut him loose. Thanks again for posting :)

  2. Sammy is totally using Lily for her kitchen for her Honey Bee videos. I don't think she has a sincere interest in maintaining the friendship at all. :(

  3. I'm not a fan of Christian/Lily .... I mean I never fully was but the last few posts sealed it for me. It seems like Lily is using him as a rebound without actually realizing it and thats why she having these conflicting feelings on friends vs.lovers with him. Also How sketchy that he wouldn't even give her a heads up about the pics?

    And Sammy? Bad friend. She hasn't had a relationship with Lily since she found out about Christian outside of requesting to use her house, so her point about maintaining the friendship outside of him is a moot one. She's taking advantage where she can and Lily needs to realize it sooner than later.

    Love Ethan and that he would drop everything for Lily if she called him. Honestly he seems like the only one who has and continues to prioritize her to that point, even more than she does for herself. MORE ETHAN & LILY TIME PLEASE! Started reading back from the beginning & they have always had something legit and deep until everyone else got mixed in and they felt they needed to go their separate ways because of it. But i think its time Lily lose Christian and rekindle things with Ethan.

  4. I hate myself for missing Trevor...I just want to know what's going on with him! Haha

  5. I will always be team Trevor. Christian gives me a creepy vibe

  6. When did Christian start making an appearance? I want to go back and read from there and decide if I like him haha

  7. Dying for the next part to this story!

  8. i keep hoping for an update

  9. Please post!! I want to know how it ends!!
