Friday, January 22, 2016

Auld Lang Syne (Intro)

Heads up, in the interest of speeding things up and catching up in real time, I did a time jump. Important events will definitely be detailed in flashbacks. 

"Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And days o’ lang syne
For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne,
We’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet
For auld lang syne" Auld Lang Syne (Any version but Mariah Carey's)

I woke up to the feeling of cold air and warm, fondling hands all over my body. I gasped in enjoyment, loving the wonderful contrast before I felt a soft but hungry kiss against my lips.

"I'm cold." I complained when his lips moved away, groaning but never bothering to open my eyes.

"I'm trying to warm you up Lilypad." A teasing voice whispered in between placing kisses on the shell of my ear. 

"Then you should have left my blanket on me T-Rev." I stretched against him, trying to turn away. I knew I wouldn't get far-he had me pinned underneath him. His lips carressed the side of my face, nipped at my neck, before he kissed me on the lips

"Then I wouldn't be able to do this..." He murmured over my lips before moving his mouth down my exposed skin. He ran his tongue around my breasts, spent extra time planting kisses on my rounded stomach, before settling between my legs. 

I sank my fingers into his hair as he kissed between my thighs, making my entire body tense against him. He sucked, nibbled and licked me the way he knew I loved. On the verge of an orgasm, I pulled him away by his hair, begging him to fuck me.

"Pregnancy hormones are no joke." He teased, rubbing his hardness against my entrance.

I gasped, loudly. "Shut up Trevor! You woke me up!"

He laughed as he pushed inside me. "Sympathy horniness."

"I've heard of sympathy morning sickness, weight gain, and even labor pains- but never sympathy horniness." I giggled, wrapping my legs around him, pulling him even deeper. 

He groaned, nibbling on my ear. "That only shows you how perfect we are for each other. You're my wife, the mother of my child, and my soul mate. I love you forever Lily....."

I woke up out of my dream, trying to push the images away. I didn't need Dr. Pereira to interpret my dream, if she did that type of thing. I was sure the the amount of alcohol I consumed on New Year's Eve was the major contributor to why I dreamt of Trevor when I hadn't thought of him... that much or recently. Add that to the fact that if my New Year went they way I originally wanted it to, Trevor and I would be engaged. Me being pregnant in my dream probably came about because I spent New Year's Eve at a sleepover involving women with their children- born and unborn.

Amber, Mia, Staci, Jackie and Rocky came over and we had a pajama party. We ate a ton of snack foods, drank sparkling wine and champagne (except Rocky and the kids-they got sparkling cider), watched the New Year's Eve specials, had a dance battle on the Xbox, and countdown to 2016. After that, we finished off the champagne and everyone eventually passed out. I don't know how I made it to the guest room, but I did.

I got out of bed, groaning as I stretched before heading down the stairs. Rocky was already up with Staci in the kitchen. 

"Morning ladies." I greeted them brightly. 

"Afternoon." Rocky corrected me. "I already did more than what I said I would for your housewarming party. You're welcome." 

"I told her I got it and to sit down somewhere an hour ago." Staci added.

"I told you to mind your business and go stir something up." Rocky cocked her head to the side, challengingly. 

Staci just laughed it off, but I gave Rocky a look that said "cut it out." I knew Rocky didn't really care for Staci, but after our trip to Houston, she kind of grew on me. 


"I wanna see Drake!" Staci stated as she climbed all the way back in the party bus to the sectional after the concert. Amber called her to take Sammy's place because she knew she wouldn't have her daughter and it was her off day. She was over in 20 minutes, ready to party. She was a Travis Scott fan and rapped along to his album on the drive down to Houston.

"Me too! He can get it." Amber said, suggestively, plopping next to her. 

"I'd rather see Pitbull. His show would be like a fucking party." I said, reaching for a water bottle to hydrate before sitting down across from them so I could put my feet up. From the DJ warming up the crowd, to Travis Scott rocking the mic, to the Weeknd crooning his last note, the energy and talent on the stage made for an incredible show. Christian got us awesome seats, front and centered; We lived it up. The drinking, singing, screaming and dancing during the night definitely took it's toll on me, but I was too exhilarated to care. We were already planning future concerts.

"Pitbull can get it too. With his sexy, bald head." Amber grinned, apparently exhilarated too. Or intoxicated. I handed her a water bottle as well.

"How does Will feel about all these guys that can get it from you?" Jordan joked, grabbing a coke before lifting herself up onto the day bed and laying down.

"What he don't know wont hurt him." Amber said, while she and Staci dissolved into laughter.

"Stop. You know he has you locked down." Staci laughed, nudging Amber.

 "I'm breaking out." Amber winked, doing a little shimmy.

"No you're not." I smiled, nervously. Amber saying she regretted staying with Will was... disturbing paired with her lying about partying with me. I wondered where it was coming from.

"You never know." Amber smiled playfully.

"The grass ain't greener on the other side-It's greener where you water it. You better keep your man. Or he can get it from me." Staci said, before standing up and twerking. The driver started to take off, causing her to stumble mid twerk. 

"See? That's what you get. You ain't getting a ticket to the next concert." Amber laughed loudly.

"I didn't get a ticket for this one, but I'm here. What happen to the other girl?" Staci said, smiling while returning to her seat. Jordan and Amber both looked at me.

"I don't know what the fuck her problem is. She probably thinks I fucked for this bus and concert tickets." I spat out, finishing my drink.

Staci was the only one that laughed. "All I want is a concert ticket. Then whoever could get it." 

We all burst out laughing at her. 

"Ohhh! I'd see him in concert, but he couldn't even get a hug from me." Jordan exclaimed, turning up Justin Bieber's "Love Yourself".

Staci grabbed the Mic, shouted out all her exes, before putting on a twerk-tastic redemption of the song. Amber recorded her and posted it on SnapChat as we cheered her on. That led to us all putting on performances dedicated to our exes. Jordan sang "Same Old Love" to the one who doesn't deserved to be named, but he shares the same initials as douche bag. Amber sang "Hotline Bling" to a guy she called cutie. I didn't shout out any of my exes, but I did however mention I fucked for helicopters not buses before singing, "Stitches".

Afterwards, we had a dance party. About an hour into the drive, our high (or alcohol) wore off and we settled down. That's when I learned more about Staci- she is a really open person and told me her life story. She got pregnant at 16, married at 17, and divorced by 20. She worked her way through school while raising her daughter Cherish alone. Now that Cherish was 12 and her father married a woman that had him playing a more consistent role in her life, Staci was finally able to go out and have fun. She took advantage of it when her daughter was gone. I couldn't blame her for that and I actually had a great time with her.


We all had such a great time, but I had to ask Amber why she lied to Will about going out with me. She said Will didn't give her a hard time if he thought she was hanging out with me. That was weird because I thought Will and I had a mutual dislike of each other. She told me Will's opinion of me changed because Ethan always defended me when Will said anything negative about me in his presence. Will didn't really care for Amber hanging out with Staci or Mia because they were single, but apparently worried less if he thought she was with me. Pleased with that knowledge, we agreed to having girl's night on a regular basis so she didn't need to lie.

With Christmas right around the corner and everyone being busy or working crazy schedules, our first official girl's night ended up being on New Year's Eve. Rocky said she was too pregnant to go out, Mia, Jackie and Staci had their kids, and I was really in no mood to celebrate with strangers so we planned a night in. It worked out perfectly though- I hosted so they would all be able to help me set up for my home warming New Year's Day Dinner.

Since I wasn't able to come home on Christmas, my brother wanted to know if he could visit on New Year's. I quickly agreed, thinking we would go out together, until I learned he was actually spending New Year's eve at Trevor's party. I wasn't upset- I was actually kinda relieved they maintained their friendship-even though Trevor and I weren't... anything anymore.


I talked myself into not going to Trevor's surgery over and over. Ultimately, when Rocky left to be by his side, I was in the car with her. No matter the numerous reasons why I shouldn't go, not being there wasn't an option for me. We got there in enough time to see Trevor before prep, but I sat outside in the waiting room instead. One by one, everyone trickled out, starting with J-Mike. 

When Amber posted the videos from the concert online,  J-Mike sent me a long ass message bitching and lecturing me on how he expected better from me. I didn't respond, just blocked him. He sat across the room from me and I could feel him staring but I paid him no mind. Rocky finally rejoined me and I immediately asked how Trevor was doing.

"He's looking and sounding good. He's anxious to get it over with." she trailed off. "I told him you were here. He said to come back if you want."

I hesitated and before I could decide, Bilal rounded the corner and joined us. I stood up to give him a hug which he warmly returned. Rocky began to stand too, but he stopped her. He sat beside her and gave her a half hug.

"Are they getting ready to take him back?" I asked.

"Yes. His mom is wrapping it up and Jimmy's going to stay back with him." Bilal nodded. "There's still time for you to see him."

"No... no thanks. I'm sure his mom wants her time alone." I grimaced.

"That lady needs to stay alone." Bilal said dryly.

Rocky snickered and caused me to smile. At that same moment, Mrs. Tobin came into the waiting room, locking eyes with me before turning away. It was the first time I saw her since I found out Trevor was sick and she stormed out of Trevor's Grandmother's house. I watched as she sat with J-Mike and refused to acknowledge my presence. The funny thing is, I didn't feel rage, or sadness not even bitterness. All I felt was worry for Trevor. My concern for him overrode everything else.

"How's the little one doing?" Bilal asked Rocky, nodding to her stomach.

"Apparently one hell of a soccer player. He's up at all hours of the night, kicking the hell out of me." Rocky complained.

"Kicking ass already and not even out the womb. Just like his mama, right Baby Ace?" Bilal smiled, reaching over to rub her stomach. Rocky beamed, proudly.

I didn't know what was more shocking- the name, the fact that she let him touch her stomach willing, or the soft look she was giving Bilal...

"Ace?" I said, pointing out the most obvious and less controversial topic. They both looked over at me. "Why did you call him Ace?"

Bilal pulled his hand away. "You didn't tell her?"

"Tell me what?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.

"I want to name him Ace. Maybe not a first name, but in there somewhere." Rocky explained to me.

I nodded. "Ok."

"I'm gonna go get something to eat. Do y'all wanna join me?" Bilal asked.

"We should go eat." Rocky stood up.

"I kinda wanna stick around." I declined.

"Oh, ok." Rocky said and sat back down.

"I can bring you something back?" Bilal offered.

I shook my head. "No. Go eat Rocky. I'll be fine here."

"Are you sure? We can just go to the cafeteria." Rocky added.

"I'm sure. Go feed Baby Ace." I said, trying out the name. I was already loving it.

"Ok. Be right back." Rocky stood again.

They walked over to talk to Trevor's mom and J-Mike before they left. The time seem to stand still when we couldn't do anything but wait. I ended up spending both my gift cards in 30 minutes on impulse buys just to pass the time and do something other than worry. After she ate, Rocky dozed off against my shoulder so talking to her was out. I didn't know how she could sleep so soundly without knowing what was going on with Trevor...

After what felt like an eternity, Jimmy came and informed us that the surgery was done and we could see him shortly. His mom went back right away. After he got moved to a regular room, more family members arrived. His granny, aunts and cousins all went to see him, but I held off. I didn't want to see him but I couldn't just leave either. Finally, at the last few minutes of visiting hours, I walked to his room while everyone else was filling out.

"He needs his rest..." Mrs. Tobin was ushering Helen down the hallway while I stood by the door, unseen. I peaked in at him while he rested, peacefully. He was covered in a blanket and besides looking exhausted, he didn't look that different from the last time I saw him.

"You came all this way to spy on me?" Trevor asked, his eyes trained hard on me.

"I wasn't spying." I blushed, embarrassed at being caught acting creepy.

"What do you call creeping in doorways?" He asked, his gaze softening as he looked me over slowly.

"Evaluating the situation." I supplied as I walked into the room.

"What did you come up with?" He scooted over slightly and patted on the bed.

I sat down and sighed. "That this... fucking sucks."

"Fucking sucks is an understatement." He breathed.

"Maybe I shouldn't have come, but I had to be here. That's really selfish but I couldn't stay away. I'm sorry." I apologized.

"I'm glad you're here. I'm sorry I ever made you feel like I wouldn't want you here." He apologized to me.

"Can we stop apologizing to each other? It's getting a bit redundant." I asked, reaching for his hand.

A faint smile passed his lips. "I will never apologize to you again." He swore, squeezing my hand firmly.

A full smile spread my lips as I said, "Thank you."

"Thank you. For everything." He replied.

"Alright, we can stop saying thank you too."

"I'm running out of things to say here Lily." He grinned a lopsided smile.

"Then shut up Trevor." I smirked.

"Can we ban that too?" He smiled, his blue eyes shining with mischief.

God, I missed that so much. I missed him so much...

"Not until you try it!"

We both smiled before Trevor spoke again.

"I need you to know that I get it. I broke us-"

I shook my head. "No- you made me feel whole, but I was still broken. I'm seeing a therapist to try to heal myself."

Trevor frowned. "My mom thinks I need a therapist."

"As much as I hate to agree with her, it's really helping me." I admitted.

He nodded. "I'll think about it."


"I know it doesn't change things between us, but I love you Lilypad. I'll love you forever."

"I love you too. Forever T-Rev." Almost as instinctively as breathing, we leaned in together for a kiss. It was soft and sweet at first. His hand moved from mine, and slipped into my hair pulling me closer. He kissed me passionately, and I returned it, comforted by his familiar embrace, his taste- his love for me. We broke apart at a sound by the door. We turned to see his mom.

"Visiting hours are over." She said, in a short, clipped tone. Her face was a ghastly white. She looked paler than Trevor after surgery.

"Give us a few more minutes mom." Trevor told her.

She reluctantly left and I turned to Trevor. "On a scale of 1 to 10, how freaked out was she?"

"At least a 7. She was a 9 when Rocky called me her baby daddy." Trevor smiled, stroking my hair.

I snorted. "She did not."

"She did. I couldn't keep a straight face. I laughed and ruined it. I was going to tell her I needed to rewrite my unborn son into my will." He laughed.

I winced at the thought of a will.

Trevor caught it and caressed my face. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I know being friends is not possible right now, but keep me in the circle about your health." I requested.

"You passed the test- you're in the circle for life." He agreed.

I smiled and kissed him one more time on the lips."Take care of yourself."

"You too." He said softly, letting go of my face.

On my way out, I ran into his mother.

"Have a nice night. I'll be back." I said politely. 

She held her head high and continued to walk pass me. I knew I wasn't coming back, it was just an idle threat; but it made me feel better that she had nothing to do with us breaking up. I realized all the trouble she started was to make that happen. I can't believe I ever thought of giving Trevor up because of her. In the end, it was our decision to end things and had nothing to do with anyone else. Maybe it didn't have to be an idle threat forever. Who knew what the future would bring? 


I hadn't talk to Trevor since, but I knew all the traces of cancer were gone. He was still recuperating from surgery, but I was thrilled to know he was on the mend. I figured since Trevor was having a New Year's Eve party and my brother wanted to come see my house the next day, I would celebrate the New Year and my house New Year's Day. I invited Dad and Beatrice too. Having all my friends and loved ones over for a party sounded like a great start to the New Year.

I was still playing with my red New Year's tiara when the front bell rang. I knew most likely it was my dad- he was the only person I knew who would arrive to my house this early before the party started.

I gave myself one more look over. It was hard to find a good balance of dressed up, but not too fancy since I was at home and winter appropriate, considering the highs were still in the 70s. I pulled the bottom down on my black slashed back sweater and checked out the back of my ivory washed skinny jeans. After pulling on my black ugg boots, I went to finally answer the door. I knew no one else would dare open it. I told the girls not to ruin my cribs-like welcome of opening the door on my hooverboard. I balanced myself before swinging the door open. I was pleasantly surprised by my first guest.

"Happy New Year!" He said, holding a gift box in his hands.

"What are you doing here?" I grinned at him.

"I was invited, right?"

He knew he was. My party was word of mouth until he complained he didn't get an invite. I made a Facebook invitation just so he could get one.

"You responded maybe on the event." I countered.

"I didn't know if I could clear my schedule." He responded.

"Obviously you did and you arrived too early." I said, pretending to be annoyed.

"I wanted to make sure you didn't bump my spot. Still plenty of room?" 

"Of course. Welcome to my Sweet 2016/ home sweet home party." I ushered him in.

"Sweet." He smiled at me before stepping through the door.

My party just got interesting.


  1. Wow!!! Love this post and who was at the door!? Don't make us wait all weekend!! Lol

  2. This post had my emotions! I wish it was Trevor at the door but it's probably Christian or someone boring like that

  3. I'm hoping its Dino's brother!

  4. Ahhhh who was at the door?! Loved the catch up post

  5. Trevor or Christian....and Bilal rubbing Rocky's belly? Wonder how Brandon and Forrest would feel about that! mum

  6. Ermm My predictions are:

    Rocky is with Bilal
    Lily is with Jake, Forrest or Dino's brother

  7. Please let it be Jake! I want them together so bad if he can quit acting like a controlling dweeb! Lol

  8. Is it bad that I really want it to be Christian? Hahaha
    I like that Trevor and Lily talked about things like adults. I think there's hope that one day they can be friends again.
    I really don't want rocky to break forrest's heart, so she better not get too friendly with bilal.

  9. She's never had chemistry with Christian, same interests but never has it felt like she was flirtatious with him so I don't see it

    1. Christian has been a real troublemaker in the past, and interfered with Lily's relationship with Trevor. He is BAD news. I mean the last time Lily saw him, he was writing a song about having a threesome. Does that mean he and Noelle and Bianca had one? Ew.

  10. Please be Trevor! I just want them back together so badly!

    1. I know the first part of the post then in the hospital. ..I miss them together

  11. Maybe it's J-Mike? Maybe Trevor had a talk with him about everything and now that he understands, he has come to apologize. Or, maybe it's Richard...or Ethan. Her and Ethan kind of seem like they're getting rather chummy around each other. Maybe they will end up together!!!

  12. Ethan wouldn't have been a maybe. It's probably Jake. Well, I'm hoping it is!

  13. And Ethan doesn't joke around like that. He would've made some comment about her falling off the hover board

  14. Why do I feel like this blog is coming to an end :(

  15. Ohhh? The possibilities are endless. Christian, Jake, Trevor, or Ethan. I am going with Trevor (though I don't want it to be). Remember when Lily said to her Dad she wouldn't date her inner circle?

    Also love the note of the song...not Mariah Carey. .lol ��

  16. Why do I have a weird feeling it's the carpenter/construction guy? I'm really hoping I'm wrong and her and Trevor find a way back to each other.

  17. note on the song: if you want a good laugh, watch mariah's music video. so ridiculous!

  18. Please let it be Trevor!

  19. Does anyone know what happened to "The Journey Continues" blog? (Ariana's second blog)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I was wondering as well....anyone have any idea?

    3. She poster but sporadically. She just had a baby in real life

    4. Her first blog is still there but won't let me comment

    5. I just checked this morning and her journey continues blog has been deleted. I know her posts were few and far between, as she just had a baby around the end of November, beginning of December. Maybe it just got too busy for her, and instead of explaining and feeling the wrath of a lot of people, she just up and quit. I know she's been ripped apart a lot in her comments, no matter what she does. I'm sad it's gone, but I wish her well, and am glad she seems to be doing what's best for her.

    6. I don't blame her for deleting her second blog. Most of the comments were people bitching about hating Elisabeth and complaining about her writing. No matter what she did the negative comments continues. I'm surprised she waited this long. I loved both blogs and I'll miss them. I hope Ariana is having fun and enjoying her new baby.

    7. I was extremely crushed when I checked back and saw that the Journey Continues had been deleted. Those f-cking trolls ruined it for everyone. Arianna should have really just disabled comments a long time ago. Elisabeth and Lily have been my favorite blog characters for a really long time. Is it sad that I'm almost in mourning?

      That being said, if any of you trolls ruined THIS blog...I will hunt you down. Not really, but don't ruin Lily for us! -Abby

  20. Replies
    1. I agree! There seemed to be something there when they were at the hospital.

  21. when can we expect the next post?

  22. Does anyone know of any other new/good blogs?

    1. Not new, but I really like this one!
