Friday, September 4, 2015

Bye, Bye, Bye

"I'm giving up I know for sure
I don't wanna be the reason for your love no more
Bye bye
I'm checkin' out I'm signin' off
Don't wanna be the loser and I've had enough...
Don't wanna be a fool for you
Just another player in your game for two 
But it ain't no lie
Baby bye, bye, bye...
Don't really wanna make it tough
I just wanna tell you that I had enough
Might sound crazy,
But it ain't no lie,
Bye, bye, bye" Bye, Bye, Bye by 'NSYNC

"Can you tell me what's going on?" Trevor asked as I walked him out of Rocky's house early Saturday morning.

I sighed. "I promise, it has nothing to do with us. Really, it's not even for me to tell, but I'm going to tell you. Soon."

The main reason I wanted to wait is because I didn't want to say it out loud. It made it too real; like I was assisting Rocky in getting an abortion. I know it wasn't my decision and I told her I would support her, but it didn't change how I felt. I decided to wait until after Rocky's procedure to tell Trevor. I wasn't sure how he would react but I trusted him not to say anything to anyone when the time came.

He nodded, giving me a kiss.

"Call me when you get home." I said, kissing him one last time.

"Ok, good night."

"Good night."

After Trevor called me, I crashed in the guest room. I woke up around 11am. Trevor texted me and let me know one if his co-workers named Ryan needed help with a project before the deadline on Monday, so he went in to work. I texted him back before going to the kitchen. I found Rocky at the table, frowning at her phone.

"Morning." I said, heading straight to the coffee pot.

"Almost afternoon." She corrected me.

"Almost doesn't count." I countered, looking at the half full pot of coffee. "Did you make a full pot?"

She looked at me, like I was crazy. "Yes. I drank some already."

I frowned, looking at the mug in the sink. She shouldn't be drinking that much coffee when she was pregnant. I guess it didn't matter to her...

"What do you have planned for today?" I asked, forcing those thoughts out my head.

"Nothing. I'm fine. Go hang out with Trevor." Rocky commanded me.

"No, he's working. Some guy name Ryan needed his help." I said with a shrug pouring creamer into my coffee.

"Ok. What do you wanna do?" Rocky asked me.

I was planning to go to Forrest's flag football game. It was the last one he was playing in. They had more games, but between moving, his school's team football practice, and his classes getting ready to start, he didn't have time to commit to it. I knew Rocky wouldn't be interested in a football game in the heat of the day, so I didn't suggest it.

 "How bout shopping?" I asked, blowing my coffee before drinking it.

"You wanna go shopping?" Rocky looked at me.

"Yeah. I need some shoes. EJ made fun of mine last weekend."

"Ok. You want me to meet you at your apartment?"

"No. I have a change of clothes in my gym bag."

We made the drive to an outlet mall in Allen. They had a Nike Outlet store which we went to first. It didn't matter how much money I made, I would never get the point of spending more than $100 on a pairs of shoes. They did have running shorts clearanced and I bought 2 pair. Sketchers were more my price range and style. I found a pair of multi-colored running shoes and casual blue and grey slip on shoes. I stopped by Reebok too and picked up a few sports bras, a new muscle tank and running tights.

Since we were close to the car, I decided to drop of my purchases. I looked up to tell Rocky to pick the next store. Rocky was staring at The Children's Place. More specifically, she watched a couple holding their daughter's hand as they walked out with their bag.

"Do you wanna go in?" I asked, hopefully.

"Where?" Rocky asked, turning back to me.

I pointed out the store, and she looked away.

"What for?" She asked, pressing her lips together.

"What store do you want to go to then?" I asked, ignoring the obvious instead of answering her.

She dragged me to store after store. I kept a positive attitude, even though I wanted to rush her as she checked out the sales  at every store. When I tried to go into Rue 21, she stopped me.

"Those clothes are too young." Rocky commended me.

"Whatever. As long as I can fit them, I'm wearing 'em."

"You sound like my mama. Wearing Forever 21 in her 50s." Rocky shook her head.

"Did you tell your mom? About-" I trailed off, looking at her stomach.

"No." She replied, shortly, looking through a rack.

We searched in silence before I conceded it was too young for me.

"But if I look like your mom after 3 kids in my 50, I'm rocking Forever 21 too!" I smiled.

"Don't be surprised if your kids don't claim you." Rocky muttered.

We went into Ann Taylor next. I grimaced at a pantsuit Rocky stopped to look at.

"Yep, this is definitely old people mom clothes." I commented. She rushed us out of the store.

We went to BCBG and both found cute tops, bottoms and dresses. I really didn't need more clothes, so I stuck to one pair of shorts and a cute dress.

We stopped at the food court to cool off in the A/C and eat. Rocky first stop was The Chocolate Crocodile. She wanted a white chocolate and peanut covered apple. I was too hungry for real food to want candy, but I bought a box of assorted chocolate candies to share with Trevor.

After Chinese food, which Rocky devoured as well as her Apple, we went to Bath and Body Works. We weren't even in there 5 minutes before Rocky's eyes started watering and she quickly excused herself. I followed her, concerned. She rushed into the bathroom and made it in the stall before she got sick. I left and found a nearby vending machine we passed and bought her a water and a Sprite.

"You feeling ok?" I asked her, when she came out, holding both bottles.

"Yes." She said, taking the water. "I think all the smells made me nauseous. I'll wait for you in the car."

"No, I'm ready." I told her.

We headed back to her house. Sammy called me, so I returned her phone call. She asked me if I wanted to go to a hotel bar in downtown Dallas. She was trying to hire a new bartender and wanted to see if I wanted to tag alone. Corey was coming after he got off work and Trevor was too. I told her I would call her back after I talked to Rocky.

I told Rocky, intending to decline and hang out with her, but she wanted to go.

"Are you sure? I mean, you were just sick." I pointed out.

"Just don't wear any food scented perfume and I'll be ok."

"But it's a bar, there's going to be smoke and alcohol-"

"Lily, I'm not keeping it! Stop patronizing me!" She said, harshly. When I made a face, she took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have snapped."

"I get it. I still think you should take it easy to avoid complications." I replied gently.

"It's a hotel right? I doubt there will be smoking. If it makes you feel better, I won't drink. I'll be designated driver." She offered.

I nodded. "When do you plan on talking to Brandon?" I asked.

"As soon as he responds to my calls." She answered.

I called Sammy back and let her know we were in. I stopped by my apartment to grab my all white, gladiator wedges, a white, razor back tank, my make-up and Justine before we went back to Rocky's house.

When we got to the house, I took Justine outside in the backyard and called Trevor. Trevor was just finishing up. His coworker Ryan lived in downtown Dallas so he was joining us. I texted Forrest afterwards. I figured he'd want to celebrate his last weekend of freedom.

I paired the items I brought from my apartment with the stripped shorts I just purchased. I did my make-up, highlighting my face and doing a quick soft, smokey eye using taupe instead of black and grey. Rocky was done with her hair, so I borrowed her straightener.

I finished up around the same time Rocky did. She looked great in a multi colored short sleeved keyhole blouse and skinny black jeans. A pair of stilettos finished her look. Her straightened hair was parted asymmetrically and the minimal make-up on her face showed off her natural beauty.

"What?" Rocky asked, pushing her hair behind her ear as I looked at her.

"Nothing. You look great!" I assured her.

"You ready?" She asked me, ignoring the compliment.

"I am."

We said goodbye to Justine before heading to the bar. When we got there, Sammy, Trevor, Lamar and Patrick were already at the bar with some girl. Rocky and I joined them and said hello. I looked to Sammy for an introduction to the girl I assumed was the bartender, but she smirked and nodded at Trevor.

"Lily, this is Ryan who replaced your brother. Ryan, this is my girlfriend Lily and our friend Racqelle or Rocky." Trevor made the introductions.

Ryan gave us a friendly smile. "I love your nickname." She complimented Rocky.

"I love your name. You don't see that many girls with the name Ryan." Rocky said, flashing me and Ryan a smile.

"I've heard so much about you Lily. It's nice to finally meet you." Ryan nodded at me.

"You too." I said, snagging the bar stool Trevor vacated.

When the bartender came over, I ordered a cherry vodka sour and a cherry bomb shot. Ryan paid for the round, saying it was the least she could do because Trevor saved her ass. They went on and on talking about what happened: it was techie stuff so it went in one ear and out the other.

"Gosh, we must be boring you!" Ryan said apologetically to us.

"No, I'm fascinated!" Sammy said, sending me an sly grin.

"You're fine-" Lamar started.

"Yes." I said, truthfully, dying for a subject change. I ordered another cherry bomb.

"I'll try one too! What is in it?" Ryan asked me.

"Vodka, Redbull and grenadine." I explained as the bartender made our shots.

"I never understood energy drinks and alcohol. Is it a upper or a downer?" Ryan laughed.

I thought she was a upper and a downer, til I realized in my sober mind, that didn't make sense. I grabbed my shot and cheered with her, shutting my mouth and my thoughts.

We talked about mutual topics like the weather (so hot), local news (Blue Bell started making Ice Cream again) and national news (Donald Trump is an idiot). It was fun and relaxed, but I couldn't help but notice how relaxed and fun Ryan was around Trevor...

Trevor is like that with everyone. Shut up brain!

Thankfully, Forrest and Blake showed up! More specifically, Blake. He made a beeline for Ryan.

"Now why would your momma give a pretty girl like you a boy's name?" Blake asked her, with a charming smile after introductions were made.

"My daddy named me." She responded, with a smile of her own

"Hey Forrest!" I said, instantly cheered up at their interaction.

"Hey Lily." He said, giving me a hug. "Rocky. Good to see you!" He said, giving her a hug too.

"Good to be seen," she smiled, hugging him back. We got settled in and Forrest and Blake ordered drinks. They told us about their game. They won off a field goal and Blake bragged on himself. It was more obvious than a male peacock spreading his feathers to a female bird that he was trying to impress Ryan. I laughed into my drink. Forrest chuckled too, shaking his head.

"What's so funny?" Trevor questioned me.

"Nothing babe."

Lamar and Patrick left after a drink as they were heading to a birthday party next. Around 9pm, a female DJ took the booth and started spinning 90's and 2000's pop music. I was thoroughly entertained people watching as they danced to 'NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears and other pop artist I grew up listening to. Blake convinced Ryan to dance with him.

As we listen to music and chatted, Sammy starting talking to the pretty bartender she was trying to hire. Corey finally made it to the bar.

"Hey Corey." I said, giving him a hug.

"Hey. You're favorite person was asking about you today." He smiled as he settled beside me and Trevor.

"Who? Channing Tatum?"

"No, Jordan. She claims she doesn't know what she did to make you upset."

I rolled my eyes. "Tell her I said: Bye Bye Bye!" I sang along to the 'NSYNC song playing, complete with the dance moves. Blake and Ryan returned back to witness my show. They all laughed at me, but I continued dancing along until Rocky asked what happened. I gave her a brief run down.

Rocky laughed. Her phone beeped and she looked at it. "I'll be back."

"You ok?" I asked her.

"Yes." She nodded. "Bathroom."

"I'll go with you." Ryan said, following.

"You better treat her right Blake! No hump and dump." I warned him.

"No promises." He grinned.

After another hour, we started to get ready to leave. Ryan left first so we said goodbye to her. Blake walked her to her car while Forrest got the DJ's card. He said it was professional purposes only- when he ever needed a DJ; I hoped it wasn't.

Rocky was super quiet as we left."You ok?" I asked her.

"For the 100th time, yes!" She said sharply.

I threw my hands up in mock surrender, forcing a smile.

"Sorry. Just tired." She apologized.

"Then let's head home."

Rocky thought I would ride home with Trevor, but I reminded her my car and Justine was still at her house.

"I can take care of her." Rocky said, quickly.

"Rocky, I'm riding with you." I said, stubbornly.

Trevor watched us, curiously.

"Fine. I'm stopping to get something to eat." She informed me.

"Good. I want IHOP. Double dipped French toast." I said.

"That did look good." Corey nodded.

"I want waffle house." Rocky stated.

"I can eat waffles too." I said.

That's how we all headed to Waffle House. It was so crowded, I wanted to say the hell with it, but Rocky was determined. When we tried to find a seat, I immediately knew why. Brandon was at the counter, with a girl in a bra crop top and shorts that looked like denim panties feeding him.

"Rocky..." I tried to stop her, but she marched straight towards him.

Trevor and I looked at each other. We both knew it wasn't going to be good. Corey stood by the door, wanting no part of what was about to happen. Trevor and I reluctantly followed Rocky. Sammy quickly followed us.

"Brandon." Rocky said, her voice full of venom, her eyes flashing with rage. She was furious and ready to light his ass up. I hadn't seen this side of her in forever. I didn't know whether to be proud or very afraid.

Brandon looked up, and didn't even have the decency to be embarrassed or ashamed. "Wassup?"

"'Wassup' is I've been trying to talk to you all day." Rocky snapped.

"Well talk then." He said, unmoved by her anger.

"Who is this?" Ms. Barley-dressed chimed in.

"I'm his fiancee." Rocky said the word dripping in disdain like it pained her to admit it. She never took her eyes off Brandon. "Let's go Brandon. I need to talk to you." Rocky demanded.

"Man, I ain't going nowhere. Say whatever you gotta say right here." Brandon responded.

"I need 2 minutes of your time, can you spare that? I'm sure you have a busy schedule of fucking around with these hos-"

"Who you calling a ho?" Barely-dressed was standing up now.

"You ho. Sit the fuck down-" Sammy told her.

"I don't got to-" the girl started, but Sammy kept going, "and shut the fuck up."

I didn't know where to look. Rocky and Brandon or Sammy and the ho. I relaxed when I saw Corey making his way over.

"Let's go Sammy." Corey told her, pulling her arm.

"Ya, bye Sammy." The ho said, waving in Sammy's face.

"You betta put your hand down. You don't want this problem bitch!" Sammy threatened her as Corey pulled her away. I turned and focused on Rocky.

"You've been hoing around for months. Are we even? Can we talk now?" Rocky asked.

 "Brandon, hear her out." I pleaded with him.

 "I heard enough. You cheated on me with your ex-boyfriend and acted like it never happened. You took my ring, knowing what you did. Now you wanna talk? For real? Hell nah! We're not even. Get the fuck outta here with that. The only ho in this relationship is you!" He laughed at her.

I felt embarrassed and ashamed for Rocky, but she kept her head up high.

"C'mon Rocky." Trevor tried to coax her to leave.

 Rocky took the engagement ring out of her purse and sat it on the counter.

"This ho is out of the relationship. Bye Brandon. I'm done with you. Have a great life." She said calmly, looking him straight in the eye before turning and leaving. Trevor and I turned to leave too.

"Good! I've been done with you! Dumb ass ho." He called after her. Rocky keep walking until she got to her car. Her hand was shaking as she pulled out her key.

"I got it." I told her, taking the key from her. The whole confrontation sobered me up completely. I drove her home while she stared out the window, not one tear falling from her eyes.

I was planning to spend the night at Rocky's house again, but she turned me down.

"Thanks Lily, but I want to be alone." She said quietly.

"I'm staying." I told her.

"That wasn't a request. I'm telling you: if you don't leave, I will." She said, firmly. I was thinking if I should call her bluff when she spoke again, "I'm not going to do anything drastic. I process thing better when I'm alone. I need that."

I nodded. "I'm leaving Justine. I'll be back in the morning."

I left before she could argue with me. On the ride home, so many things were running through my mind. I was glad that they finally ended things, but I hated how things ended. I couldn't help thinking about her pregnancy. Now that they were broken up, was she going to tell Brandon? She tried to tell him once- Was that enough?


  1. GOOD!! Bye Brandon! Asshole.

  2. Why is Brandon so ghetto all of a sudden?

  3. Yay for Bluebell being back. I got so excited when I saw a bluebell truck driving in my city earlier this week.

    Brandon is a tool. Hope Rocky decides to keep the baby!

  4. I hope this is really the end for rocky and brandon, its too toxic. But I have a feeling lily is going to thinks she is saving the day by intervening and telling brandon about the baby.

  5. Lily better not tell Brandon! It's not her place. This has nothing to do with her, so she needs to stay out of it and just be supportive of Rocky.

    1. Ah, but it's not Lily's style to stay out of it! Hopefully she tries something new and minds her own business this time.
