Thursday, July 2, 2015

Not a Bad Thing

"Said all I want from you is to see you tomorrow
And every tomorrow, maybe you'll let me borrow your heart
And is it too much to ask for every Sunday
And while we're at it, throw in every other day to start
I know people make promises all the time
Then they turn right around and break them
When someone cuts your heart open with a knife, now you're bleeding
But I could be that guy to heal it over time
And I won't stop until you believe it
'Cause baby you're worth it
So don't act like it's a bad thing to fall in love with me
'Cause you might fuck around to find your dreams come true, with me
Spent all your time and your money just to find out that my love was free
So don't act like it's a bad thing to fall in love with me, me
It's not a bad thing to fall in love with me, me" Not a Bad Thing by Justin Timberlake 

The remaining Sunday Trevor and I spent unpacking the rest of my things and getting everything organized. We needed to go shopping for storage containers. Sharing space was the biggest obstacle now that all Justine's and my stuff was moved.  Now that I had a job, we could start looking for a bigger place. Rocky's words still rang in my head about a mortgage, but I pushed them away.

We needed to go shopping for groceries too, but I was tired and wanted to relax before my first day of training. I still hadn't picked out my outfit. I decided on navy trousers and a short sleeved linen blouse when my phone rang. I went to retrieve it, thinking it was Trevor. He graciously went to pick up food. I picked up my phone when I saw it was Ethan.

I immediately wished him a Happy Father's Day and asked him what he was up to. He told me he spent the day with his dad, Brandon and EJ fishing and now were on the way to have dinner with his older half-sister Tami.

"I wanted to thank you for the card. It was really- thoughtful." He said, struggling over the last sentence.

I smiled to myself. "I still owe you a gift. Have you ever been to Top Golf? I think that's what I want get you and EJ. I know it's just a lame card."

"It wasn't lame. It was nice." Ethan said, quickly. "I really appreciate it. No other gift is necessary."

Something about his tone made me wish we were having the conversation in person. He was hard to read, but I felt like there was something he wasn't saying.

"Everything ok?" I asked him, concerned.

"Yes. Take the pony back and save the Top Golf for EJ's birthday." Ethan instructed me.

I laughed. "When is his birthday party?"

"This Saturday."

"Wow, waiting till the last minute there, huh?” I smiled.

"He wanted to go to Six Flags. I told him we wouldn’t be having a birthday party there but we could make it a family event. I assumed that was all we were doing. Megan informed me he still needs a party for his friends."

"Not going to lie, I’ve been looking forward to birthday cake." I replied, lightly.

"Then I’ll see you Saturday at the Splash Park we took the kids to in Carrollton."

"Sure. See ya Saturday" I hung up.

Trevor came home with Subway sandwiches and small plastic storage cabinet. I put the storage cabinet in the corner of the bathroom and moved my beauty supplies into it. I joined Trevor in the bedroom after I finished. He had the food spread out and he put on Happy Gilmore. I laughed at him.

"You remember?" He smiled at me as I sat on the bed.

The first time he slept over at my dorm was by mistake. We were talking about whatever horrible Adam Sandler movie just came out, and we told each other our favorite movie starring him. When he found out I never seen Happy Gilmore, he brought it over so we could watch.

That started an Adam Sandler marathon that we feel asleep on. I panicked the next morning as he snuck out of my dorm. Only after he called and let me know he made it out unnoticed did I freak out over the fact we slept together. In the platonic sense, but still!

“Of course I do.” I smiled at him.

We laughed, ate and watched the movie. Afterwards, I started to gather the trash but Trevor grabbed it from me and tossed it in the small trash can. I ignored it for the night, telling myself I would take it in the kitchen in the morning.

"The first time I spent the night, did you believe we'd be living together one day?” Trevor asked, with an easy smile as he stretched out on the bed.

I shook my head and straddled him. "I believed I wasted all my time and money just to get kicked out of school over you." Trevor laughed and sat up. "So no, I didn't believe we would live together. I dreamed though..."

He wrapping both of his arms around my waist. "What did you dream?"

"That you would fall in love with me. And I dreamt about this..." I said, kissing him. It was long, sensual and deep. I ran my fingers over his t-shirt, stopping at his navel. He shuddered when my fingers brushed against his bare skin.

I sat back to catch my breath. "And this..." I breathed, before pulling off his shirt. I took my shirt off too. He made quick work of my bra and I pressed against him, chest to chest, mouth to mouth.

As we kissed, I slipped my hands in his shorts. "And especially this." I held his erection in my hand.

He responded by flipping me over so I was lying on my back.  He yanked my shorts and panties down my leg and pushed into me.

His thrust were slow and deliberate, allowing me to feel every inch of him.

"Is this what you dreamt about?" He groaned in my ear.

"Yes." I gasped, as I held on to him tightly.
He made love to me tenderly until we both came. He laid beside me afterwards.

"Your dreams came true. I'm in love with you Lily." Trevor said softly as he gathered me in his arms.

"I'm in love with you too." I said, before drifting off to sleep.

Monday, I excitedly got ready to go to work along with Trevor. I woke up earlier than him so I could have the bathroom to myself with no interruptions. Trevor slowly got out of bed as I finished getting dressed. I went into the kitchen and made coffee. I pulled out Poptarts for me and Trevor.

"I'm going to go grocery shopping when I get off." I told Trevor.

"Do you wanna wait for me to come with you?" He asked.

"No. You get off when everyone gets off. It'll be super crowded and I'll be hungry and that's a horrible combination for shopping. Do you have a taste for anything this week?" I replied.

"Umm, remember when we had dinner at your brother’s apartment and Jake didn't show up so you threw a hissy fit and left?" Trevor asked.

I narrowed my eyes at him and nodded.

He grinned. "I have a taste for that. The meat with the gravy."

"Salisbury steak. You could have just said what I cooked at my brother's apartment." I smirked putting my finished coffee mug in the sink.

Trevor laughed. "I wanted to make sure you knew which time."


He leaned in to give me a kiss. He studied me for a moment.

"What?" I said, patting down my hair and smoothing my clothes.

"Nothing. Your hair looks different. Lighter." He commented.

I grinned. "I dyed it. Last week."

"This is the first time you had it down in the daylight. I like it." He complimented me.

"Thank you." I said, giving him another kiss.

"Good luck today." He smiled against my lips.

I gave him one last kiss. "Text me if you think of anything else you want."

I drove in rush hour traffic to the sports medicine and orthopedic surgery center. It was 10 times more impressive than the rehabilitation clinic. The flooring was set to look like  track lanes. It was 5 stories, and while I waited to check in at the lobby, I read down the list of physicians. Not only were there orthopedic surgeons and athletic trainers, but there were dietitian, cardiologist, dentist and a plastic surgeon.

The first thing I was instructed to do was go take a picture for my badge. After that, I went to the 4th floor conference room were our training would occur. The room was already partially filled so I found a seat towards the middle.

At 9am on the dot, the medical director over both facilities started the training. He began by introducing us to the HR mangers and our 3 onboarding trainers. They all gave us brief bios of themselves, telling us what they did and how long they've been with the company.

Afterwards, we went around the room and introduced ourselves, our position and had to tell our first or worst job experience. I really liked how everyone did onboarding together; from administration staff to nurses to therapists. When it was my turn, I went with my first job at Dave and Buster's.

We took our first break and I went out to the lobby to check my phone. I had random texts from Trevor with groceries he wanted, Sammy telling me she and Corey made it back in town and a missed call from Rocky.

I ignored Rocky, shot down a few of Trevor's requests (I refused to buy a bunch of junk food!), and text Sammy an invitation to join us for dinner sometime this week. I sent the same invite to Jordan and Amber. We weren't going to have a housewarming until we actually found a new place together, but I figured a little dinner party with them would be nice.

Sammy replied "just let me know what day" when Vince, another physical therapist, approached me.

"So you're who I come to if I need a drink?" He asked.

I put my phone away and smiled. "Not at the job, but afterwards, absolutely."

"Do you still have all those drinks memorized?" He asked.

"Oh yeah, I practice every weekend. Sometimes weeknights. Occasionally weekdays." I joked.

"Think you might have a problem? They have a specialist for that here too."

I laughed. "I'm sure they do."

We went back into the room and the second half of the day was spent filling out paperwork, including a nondisclosure form. On our last break of the day, we all kinda figured out who was working at the rehabilitation clinic versus the surgical center and grouped up.

Our group talked about what part of Dallas we lived in. It was on the tip of my tongue to say I live in Addison.

"I live in Plano. Just moved in with my boyfriend." I corrected myself.

"Me too!" Tina, a radiology tech, informed me. We then talked about which parts and places we liked to eat.

The last part of the day, we received our ID badges and watched a video on the history of the clinic. It included present and past stars of the Dallas Mavericks. I was so impressed, even though I tried to act nonchalantly about it. Yeah, I might be rehabbing with Dirk Nowitzki. Games and playoff chances laid in my hand. No big deal!

After work, I went straight to the store. I planned our meals and bought groceries for the rest of the week. Our first homemade dinner in our apartment was going to be Salisbury steak, Trevor's granny mac and cheese, and a salad.

As I cooked dinner, I called Jenna. When I was shopping for the ingredients for the pasta bar for our group dinner, I made a mental note to call Jenna. No time like the present and besides, I needed to bitch my brother out for telling Dad I was moving in with Trevor.

She didn't answer, but when I finished dinner and put the salad together, my brother called me.

"Hey, I didn't want to talk to you. I wanted to talk to Jenna." I complained.

"She's at work." My brother explained.

We caught up, we told each other about our new jobs and home. He also told me he didn't tell our dad about Trevor and I moving in together- Dad actually approached him about it. I was shocked. How the hell did he know? When I got off the phone, I pondered it.

I let it go and focused on dinner. Trevor came home and we enjoyed our meal together. I excitedly told him about my day. Afterwards, he offered to put the dishes away.

"I love coming home to you." Trevor said, kissing me on the forehead. I beamed. We were officially in cohabitation bliss!

The rest of my training week went by quickly. Dr. Tran came on Friday and handed out our work schedules for the next two weeks. Probation lasted for 60 days then our benefits started. I was scheduled to work July 3rd, but was off on weekends because the clinic was closed. I told Trevor flying to California for one day seemed stupid, so we planned to go to Austin instead. He was excited and started planning.

I was pleasant surprised when Jordan and Derek were able to make it to our dinner Friday. Amber and Will couldn't make it, but I would be seeing them at EJ's birthday party. I was going solo because Trevor offered to help Dino's brother Junior update his system for his moving business. I was surprised, but not so pleasantly, when Trevor wanted to invite Chris and Peyton to our dinner.

"I like Chris." Trevor argued.

"Chris is cool. Peyton is friends with your ex and Rocky though!" I complained.

"That's right. Ex. And you and Rocky will work it out." Trevor commented. I ignored the second part, but did invite Chris and Peyton.  They were able to come so we had a nice group with Jordan, Derek,  Sammy, Corey, Peyton and Chris.

I helped prepare individual pastas while Trevor got everyone situated with drinks. I had to get my cardboard table out of storage, but between the living room and dining room, there was just enough space.

After everyone made their pasta, we sat and ate and I told them how smoothly the move went and how we were gonna start looking for a bigger place.

I asked Sammy and Corey about their trip. I saw numerous pictures of their weekend getaway to San Antonio. It looked like they had a blast.

They told us about visiting the Riverwalk, shopping and all the good, authentic Mexican food they ate. Sammy complained about all the sightseeing Corey made them do, but she bragged he made up for it with a spa night just for her.

Peyton said she needed to plan a vacation soon since she had vacation time coming up. Trevor told everyone our plans to go to Austin for the 4th. Peyton gushed about how she wanted to go back and how much fun they had in Austin the year before. I narrowed my eyes at her. I remembered that was when Trevor asked Becca to be his girlfriend. I changed the subject, saying how happy Trevor and I were that we had the same days off now.

"Lily, if you say 'we' or 'our' one more time, I'm stabbing you with my fork." Jordan threatened me, pointing her fork impaled on a chunk of chicken at me from the couch.

Sammy and Peyton laughed at me while Trevor rubbed my thigh under the table and grinned.

"What the fuck Jordan?" I asked, confused.

"You sound like a middle schooler with her first boyfriend. Our place, we need, we have blah blah blah." Jordan mocked me.

"Sorry." I grinned, sheepishly.

"How is the new job going?" Derek asked me.

Jordan rolled her eyes. "Of course you would bring up work."

Derek didn't respond, but I told him how excited I was.

"I thought you would be a really good fit with the kids I work with, but if your happy, congratulations." Derek said.

"I am. Besides, I went to graduate school with my direct supervisor. I know I'm smarter than him so I can take his job. I'd feel bad doing that to you." I joked.

Derek laughed good humoredly.

"You would have to pry it from his cold dead fingers." Jordan muttered in her glass of wine.

Derek shoot her a dirty look, and I announced we had cheesecake for dessert.

Overall, it was a great group. I was concerned about Peyton, but after a few glasses of wine, we were chatting merrily. We even made plans to see Magic Mike XXL together.

"We gotta invite Rocky too. She needs it. Seeing a bunch of hot guys will show her she doesn't have to chase after one." Peyton giggled, tipsy.

"I thought she and Brandon were back together. They looked cozy at Malik's party." I commented.

Peyton shook her head. "He treated her so bad. He left her alone at the bar and a guy came up to us. Before she could say a word, he called her a slut."

I gasped. Oh fuck!

"Is he still breathing?" Sammy asked, outraged.

"That's the crazy thing. She didn't say anything. That's when I left I was so disgusted!" Peyton said. "She needs to let it go."

I didn't say anything, just continued sipping my wine, trying to keep my buzz and good feeling.

Around 2am, the party broke up. I hugged everyone goodbye and we made plans to go out Saturday night. Sammy reposted an invitation to a gay bar Lamar and Patrick invited her to and we were all going. We needed to celebrate the legalization of gay marriage, my job, Sammy's birthday, and Jordan's hair!

I woke up late Saturday morning, hungover and miserable. I ate the breakfast sandwich Trevor made before going back to bed. He woke me up to tell me he was leaving, and I told him I loved him before going back to sleep. I woke up an hour later and got ready for EJ's party.

I was thrilled my white skinny jeans fit again, so I put them on with a blue tank top. I put my hair up in a bun and threw on some oversize sunglasses and left. I was pulling up into the parking lot of the Splash Park when Amber called me.

"I just pulled up." I answered as I parked.

"Lily." She said, in a low voice. "Rocky is here."


  1. Ohhhhh shit. Honestly, I hope she just gives Rocky the cold shoulder and doesn't even acknowledge her...making a scene at EJs party would be awful, but acting like things are fine are going to have rocky thinking she can continue to treat Lily like crap

  2. Cold shoulder indeed. I can't wait for this showdown tho. I hope you post again soon! Anxious for Rocky to get what she deserves.

  3. I hope she's the mature adult, smiles and nods, and then just moves along. That way she can't be accused of being the one to start drama with Rocky. She's proper, polite, aloof, and if Rocky comes over, just walk away.

  4. I agree! Lily needs to def act like the adult here and not make any scene at the party. Let Rocky show her ass and get blamed. If Rocky attempts to speak to Lily, Lily just needs to politely smile, swap pleasantries and move along. There'll be plenty of other adults Lily can mingle with so it won't look obvious she's trying to avoid Rocky, but please let Lily come out on top with this. I hate that she always end up hurt or looking like the jerk. Let Rocky make a scene and ppl finally see her for what and who she really is... PPPPLLLEEAASSSEEE. I used to kinda like Rocky, now I'm rooting for her to fail hahah.

  5. I don't like how Rocky treats Lily either. But I can't help but feel sorry for her. She feels so guilty about what she did that she's letting Brandon treat her like crap, that's not ok and no one deserves that.
    I think what rocky told Lily was more about herself than Lily. She was just talking like that because of what she's going through with Brandon. It wasn't kind, it wasn't a nice delivery, but it wasn't the worst advice. I wouldn't buy a house with a boyfriend of a few months, I would wait until we have a more permanent commitment. Rocky is in a very dark place right now, I hope she can get out of it and maybe hash things out with Lily.

    1. I can see what you are saying to a point. However rocky hasn't been much of a friend to lily for awhile. I know she might be hurting but she isn't cutting off her other friends and treating them like cap, just lily. Her talking to Lily the other day about the house isn't the only time rocky has been a b* to lily.
      I can see feeling kinda sorry for her, but also a part of me feels like by now she's past the point where she should just feel guilty and let Brandon treat her that way, she should grow up its been long enough time to move on. If she still wants him back she's old enough to know letting him walk all over her isn't going to win him back.
      Until she truly apologizes to lily and starts treating her better, I'm over her

    2. I agree with what Luita says here. I think Rocky is in a dark place and has been for a while, even before she cheated on Brandon. Hence her anger. That being said, it does NOT excuse her for constantly talking down to Lily and Rocky freezing Lily out this last time is totally childish and unreasonable. I do hope Lily can keep it together because I think doing so will be good for Lily's own self esteem. As for Rocky failing, it's already happened. She is is crawling back to Brandon and he is verbally abusing her, which is not healthy. Her relation ship with Brandon is dead; he;e not going to for give her and he's not going to take her back and that's got to hurt. Rocky has turned into someone to be pitied (as opposed to feeling sympathy for.) I predict that Rocky will continue to freeze Lily out and I hope Lily can let it slide if she does.

    3. I'm asking this question because I want to know, not asking it in an argumentative way: why do you day rocky was at a dark place before the cheating on Brandon incident? I can't think of any storyline where something was wrong with rocky, I remember she had odd relationship with her mom but don't know if that would make her treat lily like she does..I don't know I'm curious
