Saturday, July 18, 2015

Kids in America

"Looking out a dirty old window
Down below the cars in the city go rushing by
I sit here alone and I wonder why
Friday night and everyone's moving
I can feel the heat but it's soothing, heading down
I search for the beat in this dirty town
Downtown the young ones are going
Downtown the young ones are growing
We're the kids in America (Whoa) (x2)
Everybody live for the music-go-round" Kids in America by Kim Wilde

Trevor supported me but didn't understand my decision to end my friendship with Rocky. He thought it was one of those things were we would fight and make up. He pointed out how Sammy and I got through our numerous fights and the awful things we said to each other but we were able to work through it. He agreed what Rocky did was harsh, but he sympathized with her because she was in a bad place. He wanted to know why I couldn't forgive and forget.

I felt immature because I couldn't adequately explain why I couldn't just forget. I told Trevor I would think about it so he would get off my case. I knew ending my toxic relationship with Rocky was best. Even though he didn't agree with my actions, he still comforted me and allowed me to mope without questioning my decision any further. He took care of me after my "break-up" with Rocky.

He stepped up and did everything he could to help me out. I appreciated everything he did for me but as thoughtful as Trevor was, him helping out created more work for me. He forgot about laundry to the point the clothes would sit in the dryer and wrinkle and I would have to iron tank tops and t-shirts. He put my pots and pans in. The. Dishwasher! His grocery shopping still left me needing to go to the store to plan real meals and not the microwavable junk he bought.

I didn't say anything because it reminded me of how confrontational Rocky was about the smallest things when we moved in together. I didn't want to be that bitch. So, I got over it and did the chores myself. Besides, it was my first real week at work. I needed everything to go smoothly.

My first day at the rehabilitation clinic was spent "learning the ropes." Adil, er-Dr.Fahri, spent some time going over our schedule and what our probationary period entailed. Basically, for me and the two other new physical therapists, as new hires we had no seniority and no set schedule. We filled in where we were needed.

That was the major difference between my jobs. At my last job, we worked off of appointments so we could set our own schedule based on our patients. Now, I worked on a shift. So yes, ideally we could work with the same patients, but that wasn't the main focus.

The focus of the clinic was to empower our clients so they could prevent injuries or re-injuries. As physical therapist, our role was to get our clients to go through their rehab or conditioning by themselves. We tracked their progress, administered treatments and charted everything. The majority of time was spent charting patient information. We had to, considering we didn't have assigned patients and the athletic trainers and doctors used our charts to decide if a client was ready to return back to their sport with or without limitations.

Even with the differences, I was embracing my new job. I loved the all black scrubs that were our uniform, the sleek state of the art equipment, and the team environment. I got off of work Monday, looking forward to my next day.

The rest of my first week at work went well. I met all of my co-workers and got acquainted with the two athletic trainers as well. The summer league for the Dallas Mavericks started, so we mostly worked with those athletes, a few dancers, and a lot of the high school students we were affiliated with.

Remembering my problems with Darren and Coach Green, I kept all my interactions with all my clients brief and professional. I really had no set routine at work. It was a lot of hurry up and wait but I liked it. It kept me on my toes even when it wasn't super busy.

Friday before the 4th of July weekend came by so fast. Trevor's job closed for the day, so he left that morning with Sammy and Corey. Sammy, always networking, secured a gig in Austin with Johnny. Black Reign was performing at the festival for the holiday weekend, and Johnny wanted to throw a big pre-bash to celebrate. With Ron's (her boss that was in Miami) permission, she got the HoneyBees to host and was taking 2 girls with her.

As soon as my relief came in at my job, I rushed to the faculty changing room. After a shower, I slipped into a denim romper I was planning to wear to Johnny's party. I was heading to my car when Jordan called me.

"Hey, have you left already?" She asked after I answered.

"No, I'm getting in my car as we speak. What's up?" I replied.

"Can me and my friend join you?" Jordan asked. I crinkled my nose, confused. I extended the invitation to all my friends as soon as Trevor knew what we were doing. By then, everyone already had plans.

Amber and her family were joining Ethan and Serena at the Carter's annual BBQ. I filled her in on my conversation with Rocky so she knew what was up. I offered to fly Bianca out, but she made plans to go to New York with Noelle, Christian's girlfriend. I immediately asked who invited her. When she told me Noelle, I sighed, relieved. I hadn't responded to any of Christian's Facebook comments in hopes he would gradually fade away like after college with no drama. Apparently, it was working out. Jordan had been talking about Steven's Cabin at Caddo Lake. All of my old work friends were going out there to celebrate. I wonder what changed her mind.

"Derek and I broke up." She confessed in a small voice when I asked.

I told her I was on my way with no other questions asked.

On the drive to Austin, Jordan explained to me what happened. Derek opted to work instead of celebrating the 4th and Jordan finally had enough. She left that night and had been staying with her friend Tori ever since.

"He acts as if he's saving lives. He's not a real doctor. I've saved more lives than him." Tori scoffed.

I glared at her through my rear view mirror. It was on the tip of my tongue to ask her what the fuck she did but Jordan shot me an apologetic look. I took a deep breath and looked at her.

"Derek has always been obsessed with work. I just don't think he knows how to balance." I said, reasonably.

"All that work is bullshit. He's cheating on you!" Tori exclaimed, puffing a cloud of smoke as she vaped in my car.

I hid my disdain and focused on Jordan.

"Do you really think he's cheating?" I asked.

"No! When would he have the time to cheat? I get that his job is important to him; It's not like I haven't tried to work with him on it. He just doesn't care how I feel." Jordan countered.

I nodded, understandingly. I opened my mouth to tell her maybe time apart was what they needed, but Tori spoke up again.

"I've been telling you that. You wasted too many good years on that asshole. Time to move on."

When Jordan nodded, enthusiastically, I sighed, defeated. Maybe we could have a real conversation when Tori wasn't around.

After the long drive, in which Tori bitched about everything, her job (911 dispatcher), the heat (she's from Texas, we haven't even reached triple digit heat yet), and my music (she LOATHES pop) we finally arrived in Austin. I originally planned to head to the party, but Jordan nor Tori was dressed for it.

Thankfully, Corey took care of booking an additional room at the Super 8 so we drove there. After checking in, the girls showered and changed while I called Trevor to let him now we made it.

"Alright darling. I'll see y'all soon. Hurry up!" He said. I smiled. He was tipsy heading straight to drunk. I couldn't wait to join him!

While the girls took their time getting ready, I decided to redo my hair and make-up. I discovered strobing through my favorite beauty blogger, so I went through her tutorial and did my face. It was so much easier then contouring and consisted of highlighting. I loved the look: it was perfect for the summer.

Tori took a shower first and came out wearing a red skimpy bikini and a black mesh fitted cover dress over it. I gave up the mirror so she could do her makeup. While Jordan showered, I straightened my hair and left it so it fell in layers to my back.

I was spraying shimmery body mist on my exposed skin when Jordan emerged from bathroom. She looked great in a white bikini top, blue jean skirt and platform wedges.

"You look hot!" I told her.

"Thank you! Your make-up looks great!" Jordan exclaimed.

I smiled, proudly.

Tori eyed me, critically. "Are you done? It looks oily." She commented.

"No it doesn't. It's dewy!" Jordan reassured me.

I didn't say anything. I didn't need to defend what I put on my face. Tori's makeup was dark with winged eyeliner and wine red lips. Very dance with the dead. She didn't look bad, it just wasn't my taste. Obviously, we had very different styles. I just wish she didn't feel a need to comment on mine. A small part of me wanted to ask what she planned to sacrifice, but I bit my tongue. No point in being childish, no matter how fun it would have been for me.

When they were finally ready, we headed to the party. I got the address of the apartment complex from Trevor and knew it was being held in the clubhouse. I found the apartments with no problem, but we only saw the leasing office. I drove around the apartments before I called Trevor. He didn't answer. I called him again before calling Sammy.

"What phase are you in?" She asked.

"I have no idea. I saw the leasing office." I said, looking for a sign.

"That's phase one. The clubhouse is in phase two. Go to the entrance, make a right and it's the first right. Head straight back until you see the pool." Sammy explained.

I followed her instructions and soon heard the live music playing. We parked by the pool that was crowded with people lounging and dancing around. The pool entrance was gated and locked, forcing us to go through the clubhouse.

Sammy greeted us, looking sexy but professional in a floral dress. She gave us red, white and blue lei before leading us straight to the bar. It was decked out in luau decorations. The bar itself had a grass table skirt with red, white, and blue artificial hibiscus flowers scattered about.  American flag banners, patriotic paper lanterns and stars hung over the bar.

"How bad ass is this?" Sammy grinned.

"This is incredible! Did you do this?" I asked, looking around. The clubhouse looked plain compared to the bar set up.

Sammy nodded. "Johnny wanted the bartenders in coconut bras and grass skirts so I was assuming it was a luau but when we showed up, there were no decorations at all."

"Sounds like Johnny. Great ideas, bad execution." I said as we moved forward in the line at the bar.

"He gave me his credit card and I did the rest." Sammy bragged.

"I don't remember you climbing up ladders to hang anything." Corey butted in, joining us in line. He didn't look festive at all in black jeans and a t-shirt with some band I've never heard of.

"Whatever. I told you where to put them." Sammy said, before ordering us drinks.

"Hey Lily, Jordan, Tori." Corey greeted us. Jordan and I returned his greeting with a hug while Tori just folded her arms and looked away.

What was that about?

Ashleigh, our bartender, returned with our signature drinks and I took a sip before looking around.

"Where is Trevor? He's not answering his phone." I asked Corey and Sammy.

"J-Mike pushed him in the pool when it was in his pocket. Last time I saw him, he was drying off." Corey smiled.

"Fucking J-Mike is in town?" I exclaimed, heading outside as they followed me.

Corey nodded. "He had a job interview."

I tried to wave at Bilal on our way out, but he was busy playing the bass and making eye contact with a pretty girl sitting with a group of friends on lounge chairs jamming to the music. I noticed one of the girls in the same group was Amelia, but I surprised myself by how much I didn't care as I searched for Trevor.

I finally saw him as he waved me over. He was sitting at the edge of the pool, drying off while J-Mike splashed around in the water chatting with girls.

I made my way over to him as he stood up. Sammy broke away to check on the outside bar. It was done up with tiki torches and masks.

"There's my girl." Trevor grinned at me, holding out his arms. He was still wet, but I went into his arms anyway.

"Hey baby." I smiled, before giving him a kiss.

"You look so beautiful." He said, before kissing me again.

I pulled away when he started groping me. "You're so wet." I teased.

"Thank that ass clown over there." Trevor pointed at J-Mike.

"Who invited that ass clown anyway?" I asked.

"Hey! I can hear y'all!" J-Mike exclaimed.

"Good! Go back to D.C. Don't you have a job?"

"No. I quit. Can't pay alimony without a job." He laughed.

I shook my head. "You are the worst. I swear, you are a child." Jordan and Tori joined us after they stripped down to their bikinis and jump in the pool. I sat beside Trevor and dipped my legs in the water.

Sammy came over from checking the bar and Corey joined us by the pool. We listened to Bilal's band, dancing and singing along. I'd forgotten how much I loved them. Their music was so much more than just covers. They put their own little twist on everything. Jeremy was even playing a ukulele as they played their unique version of Cheerleader. His raspy voice blended beautifully with the music.

"I want them to play at our wedding." I said to Trevor as I swayed to the beat. I was on my third drink and was feeling great.

"Me too." Trevor agreed, pulling me in close, kissing on my shoulder.

"I can't wait to hear their version of Here Comes the Bride" Corey chuckled.

I shook my head. "I don't want that song when I come down the aisle. I want Angels by Robin Thicke."

"I love that song." Sammy gushed. "All the things I've done before this-" She started singing.

"They don't mean a thing." I joined in.

Trevor made a face against my shoulder. "I don't know that song. How bout Something?"

"By who?" I asked.

"The original is by the Beatles. Great song." Corey answered.

It was my turn to make a face. "The Beatles? Maybe at the reception."

I heard Jordan squeal and I saw J-Mike splashing her in the water.

"Tell J-Mike to leave Jordan alone." I whined to Trevor as I watched J-Mike smile lecherously at her.

"He knows she has a boyfriend. He won't cross that line." Trevor told me.

"They broke up." I said.

"Don't tell him that." Trevor shook his head.

The band started playing Lovesong and Trevor and I both grinned at each other.

"This is it!" Trevor said.

"This is what?" Jordan asked, pulling herself out the water to dry off from J-Mike attack. J-Mike wasn't far behind and starred at Jordan's cleavage as she fixed her hair up in a bun. I glared at him instead of answering the question.

"The song Lily's gonna walk down the aisle to." Trevor explained.

J-Mike puffed. "Go for Run for the Hills."

Jordan laughed like it was the funniest thing ever.

"You and your boyfriend have a song picked out too?" J-Mike asked her with a grin.

"No more boyfriend." She said, flirtatiously. His grin grew larger.

"What did you play at your wedding?" I asked, interrupting their moment.

"Big band music. That's what my ex wanted. I tried to give her what she wanted, it just didn't work out." J-Mike said, looking at Jordan. I knew him well enough to know he was bullshitting to get sympathy.

"I should have guessed something old school." I emphasized the old. "How old is your ex-wife again? She probably wore poodle skirts and saw Frank Sinatra live."

We all started laughing before J-Mike pulled me in the pool. After making sure I was ok, Trevor went after J-Mike. As they play fought in the water, I took the opportunity to talk some sense into Jordan.

"Jordan, do not hook up with J-Mike." I advised her.

"Why not? He's single, I'm single."

"He's still going through a divorce. You just got out of a relationship. Are you even sure you want to end it with Derek? Y'all just needed space before." I said.

"Not this time. I waited to the last minute to ask you to come because I was waiting for Derek. For him to make the first move, anything, and he hasn't. He really doesn't care." Jordan said, fighting back tears.

"I'm sorry Jordan, but J-Mike is just telling you what you want to hear-"

"I know that. I'm not looking for anything more than just fun right now." Jordan shrugged.

"Fine. I will no longer cock block you." I said, unable to hide my disapproval.

"Ok, seriously, why do you hate him so much?"

"It's not really hate... maybe I just keep picturing him dancing around in nothing but a sock back in college. It was traumatizing."

Jordan laughed. "He was a kid!

"He still is a kid!"

"Was it a big sock?" Jordan said, raising an eyebrow.

"I apologize Lily." J-Mike returned, handing me a towel. I took it from him and gave him an evil smile before turning back to Jordan.

"No. Girls size, extra small." I answered before Jordan and I laughed.

"What's so funny?" J-Mike asked. I didn't answer and moved a safe distance away from the pool.

After the band finished up, everyone filed out around 2am. Sammy shut down the bars and sent the girls on their way to the hotel. A group of us hung around, waiting to leave together. Amelia was part of the group. She came over and said goodbye with the girl Bilal was making eyes with. I wanted to eavesdrop on their conversation, but Amelia made sure to say goodbye personally to us.

She tilted her head and smiled at me in a way that said, "I fucked your boyfriend."

"Always nice to see you two." She purred, innocently.

I linked my arms through Trevor and returned her smile with a smirk that said "I'm Angelina, you're Jennifer. C'mon bitch, you see where Brad's at."

"Bye Jen-um, I mean, Amelia. Good luck tomorrow!" I said, just as sweetly. After that, she turned away and went to wait on her friend.

"I'm not even going to ask." Trevor said, burying his head in my neck. I chuckled as he nibbled on me.

As soon as the girl Bilal was talking to left, I turned to Bilal.

"Who is she? Did you meet her on Tinder?" I teased.

"No... that's Teresa. She's Black Reign assistant and my boss's step-daughter." Bilal answered.

"I'm sorry." I said, sympathetically.

He gave me a wryly grin. "Me too, but I'm trying. I slowed down on random Tinder hook ups."

I nodded, pleased to hear that. We sat around a little longer, finishing the remaining alcohol and listening to music. When a blunt was passed to me, I passed it along.

"No more smoking?" Bilal asked as he took it from me.

"No. I have a job now..."

"You should have heard her freaking out over her drug test." Trevor said, before he started mimicking my panic that had everyone laughing at me.

"Whatever! I didn't know how long it stayed in your system." I defended myself.

"Let's give her a contact high." Ian suggested. When he and Johnny started blowing smoke in my direction, I got up and ran away. That led to more laughs.

I helped Sammy finish packing up her things before I returned. A reggae song was playing and I giggled.

"What?" Trevor asked me.

"Nothing. Just thinking how I won't be invited to Rocky's wedding in Jamaica." I said, sitting in his lap. Trevor didn't respond but Bilal smiled.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked him.

"It's a free country right? I can smile if I want to. She can get married and invite whoever she wants. Happy birthday America!" Bilal answered, sarcastically holding up his bottle of beer. I took Trevor's cup and clinked his drink.

"To freedom!" I toasted.

"Hell yeah!" Jordan exclaimed, raising her glass in the air before finishing it.

I grinned, loving how instead of talking about Jordan's break up, or me ending my friendship with Rocky, or Bilal's attempts to move on, we just toasted America instead. I felt like Austin was an escape from the real world and I always let loose. It felt good to be childish once in a while. In fact, it was fucking necessary. Particularly on a holiday!

On the way to the hotel, I documented our fun on Facebook. I posted pictures and tagged everyone in them. I even promoted the Honey Bees with a great shot of Sammy and her bartenders, Rose and Ashleigh, standing in front of the bar. I captioned it:

My bestie slaying it! At work and in that dress! Contact her @HoneyBees #Bartending#GreatTimes#Austin

On the 4th of July, we woke up in the afternoon, changed into our patriotic clothes and went to an Independence Day Festival. Corey and Trevor went shopping together at Old Navy and brought Sammy and me matching tanks. I paired mine with plaid short shorts and Sammy wore white denim shorts. Jordan wore a cute lace dress with a patriotic vest. Tori wore a black Rolling Stones t-shirt dress. Bilal wore jeans, a blue t-shirt and a red bandana tied like a headband. J-Mike went all out, looking like Uncle Sam in red and white striped pants, a blue tank covered with stars, and a huge top hat. Everyone stopped to take pictures with his dumb self, and he ate up the attention.

 The weather was perfect and we carried on the childish behavior and had a blast. We played carnival games and I suppressed my urge to gag when J-Mike was all over Jordan. We went on rides, including a super slide and a bungee trampoline. Bilal and Tori partnered up so no one was left out. I motioned to him to swipe left on her so he would know not to hook up with her. He laughed and nodded his understanding. We also indulged on fair treats. I was disappointed not to have BBQ on the 4th, but I made up for it with a turkey leg, cotton candy and popcorn.

At the end of the night, Corey and Trevor spread out a blanket and we all huddled up to watch Black Reign, followed by the fireworks. It was a beautiful display, coordinated with a local radio station so the fireworks were timed with the music. It was the perfect end to a perfect holiday and I kissed Trevor to show him my appreciation for him.

"I love you T-Rev." I told him as I held him close.

"I love you too." Trevor said.

After the show, instead of trying to rush out with everyone else and get stuck in traffic, we stayed and listened to music. J-Mike bought sparklers, so we lit them up and danced around. I got Bilal to take a picture of Trevor and me posing with the sparklers together.

After I finally approved the perfect shot, I had Bilal send it to me so I could post it on Faceboook/Instagram. While I waited, I saw I had a text. I gasped when I saw who it was from.

"Forrest text me!" I exclaimed to Trevor.

"Oh yeah?" Trevor asked, turning away from whatever Bilal, Corey, J-Mike and he were doing.

"Yeah. He said, "Happy Independence Day Lily"." I read.

"That's nice." Trevor replied.

It was so much more than nice, but I didn't know what it meant. Why Happy Independence day? Were Rachel and him done? Was I reading too much into it? Maybe they were back together? But why would he text me? Was it a group text that accidentally got sent to me? What do I do?

I decided to play it cool and adult-like and causal.

Me: Happy Independence Day!

I read over it and changed it. It didn't sound like me without a little silliness.

Me: Happy 4th of July homie! Who's cooking out?

A few moment later, I got a text from here.

Forrest: I'm at Gabriel's party. There's more booze than food :-)

Gabriel? As in Blake's bestie but Rachel's co-worker? Interesting... Yay, a smiley face! That's a great start.

Me: I feel you. I went to a festival. The closest I got to BBQ was a turkey leg. I need a rib. Stat.

Forrest: I heard of a good BBQ place. Let me know if you wanna check it out sometime.

Before I could over analyze that, I heard a loud pop. I looked over to the guys. They were celebrating and setting up another firework!

I quickly responded to Forrest.

Me: I would love that. Let's set it up for next week.

I jammed my phone in my pocket and joined the boys to make sure they didn't do anything stupid: like set us on fire. Crazy Kids!


  1. So glad you're back! Ugh..I never liked Forrest was so glad when they stopped talking but looks like he wants back. Hopefully he's less flirty this time

  2. So glad you're back!!!!! I hope you enjoyed your vacation. I love this blog, I read it religiously and really enjoy it. Thank you for writing :-)))

  3. I liked Forrest, hated Rachel!! Cant wait to know what happenned to them.

    Hope you enjoyed ur vacation but also glad ur back :)))

  4. Welcome back! I wish Amelia would just crawl back under the rock she came from. She bugs the hell out of me. I actually agree with Trevor on Lily's Sammy vs. Rocky friendships. Sammy has been rather nasty to Lily in the past, although she seems to have settled down lately (I attribute that to Corey.) Maybe when the dust settles, Lily and Rocky can patch things up, but until then Lily really ought to not make snarky comments about the whole situation. It makes her sound bitter.

  5. I can't help but feel that Lily is going to end up with Forrest when this is all done.

    1. that sentence makes my skin crawl.

    2. All this guessing if she is staying with Trevor or ending up with someone else is giving me a headache

    3. It makes my skin crawl too. I really don't care for Forrest but I just think is what will happen at this point anyhow. Lol

  6. So glad you're back!! Please keep Forrest as a friend. #teamTrevor

    1. SOOOOOOOOOOO agree here.

    2. ME TOO!!! Kinda bummed Forrest is back, TBH. lol
