Friday, May 22, 2015

Bad Blood

"Band-aids don't fix bullet holes
You say sorry just for show
If you live like that, you live with ghosts
(You forgive, you forget but you never let it go)
Band-aids don't fix bullet holes
You say sorry just for show
If you live like that you live with ghosts
If you love like that blood runs cold
Cause baby, now we got bad blood
You know it used to be mad love
So take a look what you've done
Cause baby, now we got bad blood, hey!
Now we got problems
And I don't think we can solve 'em
You made a really deep cut
And baby, now we got bad blood, hey!" Bad Blood Remix by Taylor Swift ft Kendrick Lamar

I spent the rest of my week filling out job applications. I still hadn't heard from my job yet, and I didn't know what to expect. I hadn't heard back from Adil either, so I figured it might be time to start seeing who was hiring. My natural instinct when I got stressed was to eat, so I combated it by focusing on my workouts and eating healthy.

I took a break at the gym when my phone rang, indicating a text. I saw I had a message from Christian.

Christian: Still have a room open...

Trevor was all for the trip to Mexico. He did not want to stay in a room Christian offered at the beach house, even though I tried to talk him into it.

"Bianca wants to hang out with his girlfriend. She’s a fan.” I explained to Trevor.

“What does his girlfriend do again?” Trevor asked.

“Apparently, she’s a reality TV star.”

“Which one?”

“I don’t know. Her name is Noelle something.” I shrugged.

“You didn’t look her up?” he asked as he played with his phone.

“No…Anyway, Bianca feels weird asking for a room if we're not staying there. With my whole job situation, it'll probably be best to save the money-"

"I'll pay for the room. I don't want to stay at his house." Trevor cut me off.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes.

He didn't notice; he was too busy on his phone. “Wow, she’s hot.” Trevor whistled.


"Noelle Pennington."

“Really Trevor?” I cut my eyes at him.

He began to fake cough. “I mean, if you like that kinda thing.”

 “Let me see.” I said, holding out my hand. When he handed his phone over, I examined her picture, automatically looking for flaws. With her thin frame, shiny dark hair, piercing blue eyes and clear skin, I didn't find one.

“Photoshop.” I said, handing him back his phone.

“Of course. No one can be as naturally beautiful as you-“ Trevor agreed.

“Shut up Trevor!” I grinned.

“I love you too." He chuckled.

Once we decided we were going, I messaged Christian after I booked the flight and hotel. He called me immediately and told me he saved us a room. I told him we didn't need it, but my poor, struggling college student cousin would take him up on his offer if there was a room open. He laughed and agreed.

Apparently, he still had another room open, because he texted me about it at the gym. I texted him back.

Me: Still good. Gracias! Hasta la próxima semana! :-)

On the way out the gym, I ran into Q. I didn't even realize we went to the same gym. It was so weird.

We chatted briefly, and he told me he couldn't work out at the clinic anymore because they were too busy. Sandra also was on leave, so everyone was reporting to Ann. I didn't tell him I filed a personal grievance, but it did make me wonder if she took vacation time or if she was suspended too. I would have felt bad, if she didn't screw me over. I felt kinda numb about the whole thing.

When I came home from a waxing appointment with Jordan Friday night, Jasmine and Kelly were in the living room watching TV. I greeted them warmly, but didn't say anything else. The few encounters I had with Jasmine after our disagreement were brief and cordial. I wasn't going out of my way to have a conversation and she must have been doing the same.

Kelly must not have gotten the memo, or she disregarded it, because she immediately stopped the movie so she could chat with me.

"Staying in tonight?" Kelly asked me as I remained standing. That's was my plan: A hot bath to relax after the torture that was waxing. I always thought I had a high tolerance for pain until my first wax. It always hurt like hell; I would never get "used" to it like Jordan claimed she did. I would normally drink wine to dull the pain, but it wasn't an option with my diet.

"Yeah, what about y'all?" I asked, politely.

"Pretty much the same. The guys are having a poker night, so I got kicked out my house." Kelly smiled.

"Kicked out huh? You sure it's a poker night?" I teased.

"It better be!" Kelly laughed. “So, how's Rocky?" She asked after a pause.

"She's hanging in there." I said, vaguely. Obviously, everyone knew.

"I get it. Hopefully they'll get through it." Kelly finished.

Jasmine smacked her lips in protest. "She cheated. I highly doubt that."

I took a moment before I responded. Can't lie, my first reaction was to tell her to shut the hell up, but I was trying to understand where she was coming from. In the book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, it said seek to understand then be understood.

I understood if they both were loyal to Brandon: they should be. He was their friend first. My loyalties were with Rocky, whether she was right or wrong. I just didn't understand how Jasmine thought she had the right to comment when she had no idea what happened. I knew, and I kept my opinions to myself. I didn’t even feel comfortable talking about it…

Then I remember I told Jake. Dammit, I should have kept my mouth shut. I thought he would persuade Brandon to talk to Rocky, not encourage him to demand his ring back. Changed man my ass. He might as well get a fucking "X" over his compass tattoo. Or maybe have the needle pointing to bullshit…

Kelly spoke, cutting off my hateful thoughts of redesigning Jake's tattoo with a Swiss army knife. "Omar and I had been off and on before we got married. I've been in both Rocky's and Brandon shoes. We made it because we worked through it. They can do if they want to."

I nodded. "Whatever they want to do, they still have to talk and work it out. That's how relationships end with no animosity." I said, pointedly. Jasmine smacked her lips again.

Thankfully, my phone rang, so I said goodnight to Kelly and Jasmine before I couldn't fight the urge to smack her.

It was Sammy, confirming our plans to go to EJ's game together with the guys and asking if we wanted to see Pitch Perfect 2 afterwards. I quickly agreed. My plans changed from a bath to a shower and watching Pitch Perfect in bed.

Saturday afternoon, I drove to Trevor's apartment so we could wait for Sammy and Corey to pick us up. When they arrived, we hopped in the backseat of Sammy's Mazda and headed to the soccer field. I frowned up when I heard the alternative emo music playing in her car.

"Sammy, what are we listening to?"

"I don't fucking know. Ask DJ Suicide over here." Sammy gripped, shooting Corey a look.

"Change it. Everyone knows the driver is the DJ." I complained.

"No, you can't DJ and drive. Passenger picks the music. Backseat just enjoys the ride." Corey said, turning briefly to look at us.

"Whatever." I mumbled, unable to argue with that.

"I'm already enjoying it." Trevor teased me. I pinched his leg and smiled when he yelped.

I knew last week's soccer games were rained out. I didn't realize this would be EJ's last game of the season, meaning a trophy presentation, and the stands filled with families. When we got to the field, I saw Megan in her normal spot. Sitting next to her was Serena. Mrs. and Mr. Carter were in the row below them and Brandon was on the sideline next to Ethan. Our eyes met briefly before he turned away.

This was going to be fun.

We found a spot for all of us towards the bottom of the bleachers. I waved hello to everyone before we sat. We watched the game and chatted among ourselves. During halftime, Serena moved to sit beside me.

"Hey, I didn't know you were coming. I figured Rocky wasn't coming, so you wouldn't either." She said.

I was a little thrown off by that assumption, but I left it alone.

"Yeah Corey promised EJ he'd watch a game, so here we are." I smiled.

"Great, I need your help..." she said, in a conspiratorial tone.

"What? Ethan's parents?"

"No, parents love me."

I smirked. Must be nice.

"I need help with EJ. He's so standoffish. I need an in." She admitted.

I grinned. "I got in when he was 4. All I had to know was Yo Gabba Gabba and SpongeBob.”

"That's a problem. I have no idea what Yo Gabba Gabba is and SpongeBob gives me a migraine."

"Don't worry about Yo Gabba Gabba, he out grew it. And SpongeBob is awesome, what's wrong with you?"

"The laugh, the yellow, the stupidity? I can't." Serena declared.

I laughed. "Just give it time. EJ’s just reserved like his dad. Speaking of, are y'all official now?" I asked.

"We're dating exclusively. That's good enough for me." Serena said, clearly not wanting to talk about it anymore.

"One more question... Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?" I grinned.

"Bye Lily." She said, with a little smile before going back up the bleachers.

"What was that about?" Sammy asked.

"SpongeBob." I answered.

After the Fireballs lost their last game, we stuck around to applaud the kids as they got their participation trophies. We stood off the the side of the field while the next game got started. I moved in to stand next to Brandon.

I turned to Brandon while we waited.

"Hey Brandon." I said casually, testing the waters.

"Hey." He said, simply, staring straight ahead.

"How is everything?" I asked.

"Everything is good." He said, still refusing to look at me. Fuck, did we have a problem now? I was guilty by association? 

I nodded awkwardly. "That's good."

EJ finally joined us. I congratulated him on his season and asked if he was playing basketball over the summer like last year.

"No. Mom and dad are letting me go to band camp this year." EJ informed me.

"Cool." I smiled.

"You still want to take lessons with me?" Corey asked.

EJ nodded his head enthusiastically.

"You're the reason why he's beating on everything?" Mr. Carter asked Corey, good humoredly.

"Only if it sounds good." Corey replied.

"Of course it does. It’s in his blood. I was in a marching band. Drum line."

"He played the cymbals." Mrs. Carter asked.

"The cymbals are an important part of the line-" Mr. Carter protested. While he did, Mrs. Carter pretended like she was banging two cymbals together. Everyone laughed. Even Brandon cracked a smile.

"How are we celebrating Ethan?" Mr. Carter asked.

"They have their team party at CiCi's, but we can get together at my house." Ethan said.

As we walked to the parking lot, I said goodbye to everyone.

"You're not going to join us?" Mrs. Carter asked.

"No, We’re actually have plans to see Pitch Perfect 2." I declined.

"What is that about?" Mrs. Carter asked.

"Aca-scuse me?!?" I exclaimed.

"Somebody's in treble..." Trevor grinned. I laughed.

"I'm guessing those are from the movie?" Ethan asked.

"Yes, and you wouldn't have to guess if you saw it."

"Doesn't sound like I'm messing much." Ethan smirked.

"It's a comedy Mrs. Carter. About an all girl acapella group." I told her, ignoring Ethan.

"It's Deborah, Miss. Harris." She chided me, playfully.

"I'm sorry Deborah. It's a really funny movie."

"I'll make sure I check it out." She smiled, before heading to her car with her husband.

Before we headed in separate directions, I stopped Ethan.

"Thanks for the heads up with Brandon and your parents. That was aca-awkward."

"I haven't seen the movie Lily. I know your sense of humor. I hope it's not too crude for my mom." He said.

"It's not. It's pretty tame. I think your mom likes crude. She liked my mother's day post on Facebook."

"Don't remind me. I was there when she watched it."

 "Awkward?!?  Like how I felt around Brandon and your parents? Then we are even." I joked, before turning serious, "Do they hate Rocky?"

"Hate the situation, of course, but not Rocky. They hope they stay together."

 “I don't see any hope. Brandon's acting like he hates her." I said sadly.

"The opposite of love isn't hate."

"What?" I asked, confused.

"It requires feeling to hate. Indifference is the opposite of love. When he doesn't care anymore, that's when you should give up hope. " Ethan told me.

I nodded. That made a ton of sense...

"Hey, Ethan. Are you ready?" Serena called out to him.

"Yeah, what's the hold up?" Brandon said, narrowing his eyes suspiciously at us.

"Be right there. I'm inviting Lily to the BBQ on Memorial Day."Ethan lied, effortlessly. I was kinda impressed by how smooth it was.

"Are you coming?" Serena asked me.

"No, we're going to be in Mexico, but thanks for the invite." I smiled at Ethan. He gave me a smile back before I left.

We hopped in Sammy's car and headed to the movies. I snuck to the passenger seat before Corey so I could control the music. Sammy and I jammed out to rap music as it blared out Sammy's speaker.

"I love how Lily's singing about having 6 jobs, but she doesn't have one." Corey quipped.

"You don't know her life! Dealing with Trevor is like 10 jobs." She exclaimed.

"So true." I smiled.

"I love how gangster they think they are." Trevor joined in.

"It's gangsta. Not gangster, token." I laughed. "Kinda like how you got all gangsta with your refrigerator."

"What happened with the refrigerator?" Sammy asked.

"Who won?" Corey laughed.

"Considering Trevor was all bruised up, I'm guessing the refrigerator." I joked.

"Hey, you didn't see the refrigerator." Trevor defending himself, laughing.

"I did. Not a scratch on it." I commented.

We had a great time at the movies. I thought it was hilarious. The only thing I wished for was more Skylar Astin, because I loved his voice. On the way back, I sat in the backseat with Trevor and we listened to the Pitch Perfect soundtracks.

We went to Sammy’s apartment to eat and hang out.  We picked up Chick-Fil-A and I stuck to my diet and ordered a grilled chicken sandwich. I stole one waffle fry from Trevor. Ok, maybe 3, but he didn’t see me, so it didn’t count.

“Are you dieting for your bikini or are you wearing an awful one piece?” Sammy asked me.

“Neither. I’m dieting cause I have to get a job. And I got rid of that awful swimsuit.”

“It wasn't awful, it was cute.” Trevor said while chewing his food.

“It was a fat girl swimsuit. Lily doesn’t need to wear that.” Sammy said.

“I wish you were coming. I don’t care what type of swimsuit you wear.” Corey commented.

Sammy gave him a sweet smile. “I'll see what I can do.”

“Awww, that’s so cute.” I teased.

"He actually wants to take his girlfriend to Mexico. Sand to the beach. He must be in love.” Trevor continued. We laughed at each other.

“Y'all are so dumb. I’m so glad y'all love each other; no one else will be able to deal with you two.” Sammy said.

Trevor and I both looked at each other. I shrugged; she was right, but I didn’t want anyone else to deal with me. Trevor must have agreed, cause he leaned in to give me a kiss... and a fry.

Sunday, I spent helping Trevor pack for Mexico. He literally was going to bring only swim trunks, t-shirts, baseball caps and sunblock.

“What if we go out to dinner?” I pointed out.

“I'm wearing jeans on the way down.”

“Just take one nice shirt and khakis. It can be a button down.”

He grumbled at me, but did it.  

Sunday evening, we stayed in and watch the Billboard Music Awards together.  I dance around and sang along to the performances and got annoyed with all the cuts to Taylor Swift. I had a love hate relationship with Taylor Swift. I loved her music, and her style, and she was so pretty, but she really annoyed me. I hated her personality. Using Ethan’s theory, I guess it made sense.

 “So Cabo…Is Rocky coming?” Trevor asked during a commercial break.

“She was a big no, but I’m trying to talk her into it.” I said, between the sit-ups I was doing during commercials.

“Maybe not. Bilal wasn’t coming if she was…”

“Really, so we’re taking sides now?” I stopped, hugging my knees as I took a break.

“No. No sides to take.” Trevor said with a smile.

“That's right. She’s going through a broken engagement. She needs us.” I argued.

“Sounds like she wants time to think about things, alone.” Trevor countered.

“Maybe Bilal needs to stay home and think about his actions.”

"Maybe, but Bilal wants to go. She doesn’t." Trevor said.

"Ok, let's stay out of it. For real. They're adults. There going to have to see each other eventually." I reasoned.

"Not if we elope." Trevor commented.

"What?!?" I exclaimed.

"That's the only time they would have to see each other is at our wedding. Let's just go somewhere, the two of us. No problem." Trevor explained.

"Nice try, but no. I want a huge wedding." I joked." They'll figure it out. Maybe in Cabo..."

The awards show came back on, so I joined him on the couch. "Why do I feel like I'm going to need a vacation from this vacation?" Trevor sighed, wrapping his arms around me.

“Because that's how much fun we're going to have!" I said optimistically. "That’s the best kind of vacation!" I smiled, before focusing on Kanye West's performance.

*Sorry it's late! And for the errors. I just wanted to post. I will edit more tomorrow. I read the requests for different perspectives and flashbacks. They are coming. I just needed some things to happen first. Happy Memorial Day weekend everyone!

***Updated the character guide. Added Trevor's uncle, Justine, Christian and Noelle. Let me know if there's someone I'm missing!


  1. Some things to happen first....I'm nervous

  2. Really enjoyed the post...but seriously, Lily no, rocky and bilal being trapped together in cabo would not be a good idea...they don't really need to work things out, it makes much more sense for them to just keep their distance from each other. Plus it would make things worse with Brandon if he heard about it. I get she doesn't want Rocky to mope but she needs to quit forcing things.

    1. Agree. Rocky needs to process her situation in her own way. She already said that her sleeping with Bilal was a huge mistake and that she was over him.

  3. I'm sorry, but Rocky doesn't deserve to be allowed to mope. She cheated. She knew what could happen to her relationship with Brandon when she made the decision to sleep with Bilal. Actions have consequences. I think it hurts Brandon more because Bilal is her ex-bf, not just some stranger she picked up in a bar. And, if you think back to posts from a long time ago, anytime rocky would get annoyed or upset with Brandon in a group setting that included Bilal, she would always end up flirting with and acting inappropriately with Bilal. I'm sure that didn't go unnoticed by Brandon. So he probably doesn't believe her that it was only once.
    Lily needs to learn to stay out of people's business until she is asked to join. It always backfires on her and she seems so oblivious to it. And the fact that she can't see that jake still wants her is appalling. I think she knows, and likes the attention, but feigns ignorance when she's called out.
    Janay, you are a fantastic writer! To get all these emotions out of your readers, over fictional characters, is amazing! Keep up the good work!

