Monday, March 2, 2015

The Thin Ice

"Momma loves her baby 
And Daddy loves you too 
And the sea may look warm to you babe 
And the sky may look blue 
Ooooh Babe 
Ooooh Baby Blue 
Ooooh Babe 
If you should go skating 
On the thin ice of modern life 
Dragging behind you the silent reproach 
Of a million tear stained eyes 
Don't be surprised, when a crack in the ice 
Appears under your feet 
You slip out of your depth and out of your mind 
With your fear flowing out behind you 
As you claw the thin ice" The Thin Ice by Pink Floyd 

Monday morning, my phone beeping woke me up before my alarm. It was Sandra; she sent out a group text to all the physical therapists that the clinic was closed due to inclement weather. She also said she would keep us posted for the rest of the week. I hopped up out of bed, excited.

There had been winter warnings all weekend; truthfully, I didn't believe them. We hadn't had any snow all winter. Just a bunch of winter watches while the actual storms passed around Dallas. When I looked out my window, the apartment was covered with snow. White, fluffy, beautiful snow!

I was thrilled! I took a picture from the window as I observed the white blanket covering the sidewalks, cars and apartment buildings. I couldn't believe we finally got snow! I guess that was the difference between a winter storm warning and a winter storm watch.

I quickly joined Trevor back in bed.

"Baby!" I bounced on the bed on my knees. "Trevor!" I smiled, rubbing his hair.

He finally woke up, opening one eye. I laughed at him. He looked like Popeye the Sailor Man.

"Wake up! It's snowing!!!" I said, gleefully.

"Yeah?" He said, groggily, opening both eyes now.

"Yeah, the clinic is closed. It's a snow day!"

"Mmm, get back in bed then." he said, closing his eyes.

"No! Let's go make a snowman." I squealed.

"Not enough snow for that." He said, not even opening an eye. He tried to pull me back in bed, but I pulled away. How would he know? He hadn't even looked outside.

I got up and bundled up in sweat pants, a sweater, hoodie and an oversized coat. I put on my gloves, hat and scarf before leading Justine down the stairs and outside with me.

Justine was not feeling the snow. She was being a diva and watched me from the door with a tilt of her head that said "not impressed". I let her back inside and went to explore the majestic snow of the winter wonderland myself...

...only it wasn't a wonderland. Or majestic. Or snow for that matter: it was ice. It was nothing like the light, fluffy snow I imagined from inside. I was highly disappointed as I tried to form a snowball in my hand. It was hard and cold; I couldn't make a snowman with it and I certainly wouldn't throw an ice ball at anyone. Urgh, this sucked.

I went back inside, peeling off my wet outer layers before heading to the kitchen. After setting out food and water for Justine, I went back to bed. I tried not to disturb Trevor, but he turned over to face me.

"That was fast. You made a snowman that quick?" He murmured, lifting the covers.

"Shut up Trevor." I grumbled, sliding into the covers.

"What?" He chuckled, pulling me into his arms.

"It was ice." I pouted. "I couldn't even make a snowball."

"I'm sorry. Let's warm you up..." Trevor said, rubbing his hands over my body. He removed my clothes, kissing all over my face.

"How is taking of my clothes keeping me warm?" I questioned.

"Body heat." He replied, removing my panties. When he placed his hand between my legs, I definitely felt heat.

I moaned, moving my hand to his erection and stroking him while he was fingering me. He pulled the comforter off my body to position himself on top of me. I yelped, hugging my body when the cold air hit my skin.

"What's wrong?" Trevor paused, studying my face.

"It's cold!" I shivered.

Trevor smiled and pulled me on top of him. He covered me back up.

"Better?" He asked.

I nodded and kissed him passionately. He returned my kiss while guiding himself inside of me. We found a slow, sexy rhythm as we ground into each other under the comforter. Our lips met periodically between gasps and moans. His hands groped my breasts, then moved to my shoulders and down my back, stopping on my hips. He squeezed my ass, thrusting his hips up, urging me to ride him faster. I complied, pleasure building in my body.

I felt Trevor's finger pressing against the entrance of my ass and I tensed. Before I could protest, he circled the opening with his finger. Cliche, I know, but fucking fireworks was the best way to describe the results of him touching me so intimately.

Sparks ignited and shot throughout my body. I screamed out as my orgasm crashed into me violently. I collapsed against Trevor as my body spasmed. I didn't even register that Trevor was still thrusting into me until after he came, groaning in my ear, gripping my butt tightly.

Still struggling to catch my breath as my body finally relaxed, I looked up at him when he stilled.

"What the fuck?..." I breathed. "You stay away from there."

Trevor grinned, moving his hand to around my back to hug me. "Seemed like you liked it..."

I blushed and hid my face from him.

Trevor chuckled. "Don't be embarrassed. I'll ask next time."

"Next time?" I said, lifting my head up, shyly.

He nodded enthusiastically. "Only if you wanna try."

"Try what, exactly?" I said, breathlessly. I was nervous but a little excited too.

"Everything." He said, with a smile, moving in to give me a kiss.

"You should try some toothpaste." I giggled against his lips.

He swatted me on the butt and I yelped, laughing.

"Get off of me and I will." He grinned.

I tried to roll over but he held me against him. We rolled around, laughing and trying to escape each other when I heard footsteps down the stairs.


I groaned and pulled away from Trevor. I sat up on the bed and looked at Trevor. I felt blood rushing to my face.

"Do you think she heard us?" I asked, quietly.

"Not us. Definitely you. I woulda never guessed you were a screamer back in college..." Trevor said, laying back against his hand with a proud grin on his face.

I punched him in the gut. "Shut. Up." I said as he groaned, holding his stomach. I leaned to give him a kiss before I went to the bathroom. After getting cleaned up and dressed, I joined Jasmine downstairs.

"Good morning." I said, as coolly as possible, considering she might have overheard Trevor and me.

"Hey, good morning. Did you call in too?" She asked, as she measured out some coffee in a filter. Maybe she didn't hear us...

"No, the clinic closed today." I explained.

She rolled her eyes. "Doctors aren't doing surgeries, but my boss wanted to give me an attitude cause I told her I wasn't coming in at all. She was going to open later."

"Really?" I said surprised.

"Yes. She was like, you need to call and cancel your appointments. I was like, ok." Jasmine answered,

"I mean, the surgeries we do aren't emergencies, but I really doubt anyone is getting out unless they have too. It's ice. Only an idiot would willingly get out in this weather." I commented.

Like on cue, Trevor came into the kitchen, jacket and shoes on.

"Where are you going?" I asked him.

"My apartment. I have to work from home today." He said.

"Can't you do it on my laptop?" I asked.

"No, your laptop sucks." He said.

"Just cause it's not a super nerd computer doesn't mean it sucks." I informed him. "The roads are gonna be bad. Can it wait?"

"Not really. Bill already thinks I'm a slacker. Besides, we get more than a little ice in Wichita Falls. I know how to drive in it." Trevor responded.

"Fine." I said, pulling out my keys. "Take my car."

"Why?" He said, looking at the keys.

"The tires are newer, it has heat and there's an emergency kit with de-icer and cat litter in the trunk. It's safer than yours" I rattled off.

"It might be safer, but if anything happens to it, I'm dead remember?" Trevor reminded me of my threats against him if he disturbed my car.

Jasmine laughed.

"I promise, I won't harm you if anything happens. This is for my peace of mind." I reassured him.

He pulled out his phone and held it up towards me. "Lilian Carol Harris, also known as Lily, Lilypad, The Brain, and occasionally, brat-"

"Who called me a brat?" I interrupted him, folding my arms in mock anger.

"Not important." He smiled as he recorded me. "Do you give me, Trevor Allen Tobin, permission to drive the 2012 Volkswagen Jetta, also known as Lady Kitana?"

"Yes." I confirmed.

"Add a retaliation clause." Jasmine added. I narrowed my eyes at her and Trevor laughed.

"And do you promise not to harm me-"

"And anything you care about-" Jasmine supplied.

"And anything I care about, in any fashion, if anything happens to your car?" Trevor added on, grinning.

"I promise. Just drive carefully. Punk!" I said, holding out my keys.

"You're not under any duress while shooting this video?" Trevor continued.

"You are gonna be under distress if you don't take the fucking keys and get the fuck of here!" I demanded him.

He just laughed and put his phone away. He gave me kiss and hug before saying goodbye to us and leaving.

"Bye Jasmine. Have fun in the snow Lily." He grinned at me.

"It's ice! Be careful." I told him.

Jasmine and I had breakfast while I waited for Trevor to call and say he made it. Normally it was a 15 minute drive to his apartment with no traffic, but he called 40 minutes later.

He told me the hardest part was getting into his apartment. The entrance way wasn't sanded and it was a steep incline to get out. A car stalled right in front and there was no way around it. Trevor used the cat litter to get the car out, but he wasn't going to attempt to leave until they sanded it. He was going to work from his apartment and hopefully maintenance would sand down the driveway so he could come back.

That left Jasmine and me snowed in together. We had a blast. Jasmine was documenting her snow day on Instagram, so naturally, I joined in. We made a cooking video together of us making chili. We used my spices and her recipe of simmering the hamburger meat in beer first.

When we had the chili shimmering, we drank the beer and made an oatmeal and honey face mask. While the mask sat, we did each other's nails. I told her about my love of nail art and how it was the only thing that made me feel girlie growing up. We took pictures of our nails and funny faces with the mask on.

After we washed off the mask, Jasmine taught me how to put hot curlers in my hair and we made a 3 minute sped up tutorial video on that too. The end results were thick, luscious curls that I was completely comfortable doing for myself in the future.

"Ohmigosh Jasmine. I feel so pretty!" I gushed, flipping my hair around.

"Now you have the best of both world. My brother loved that you were so into sports and stuff. Now you can be a sexy tomboy." Jasmine giggled, finishing her 3rd beer.

I couldn't help frowning up at that.

"Fuck, that came out wrong. Rewind..." she smiled.

"It's ok. I understand." I smiled too. "I wasn't really a tomboy. I just followed whatever my brother did cause I didn't have anyone else. When I went to college, I met Trevor and he kinda forced his friendship on me and that's how I met Rocky." I explained. "Having them both in my life kinda opened me up. Trevor is so free spirited I can be whoever I want and he just accepts me. Rocky is so loyal, even when she's pissed at me, she has my back. It gave me the confidence to be who I am." I finished.

"I will say this about you and my brother, and then I'll leave it at that." She started. "I think y'all were a good fit. But, seeing you with Trevor... he's just tailored for you."

"Well, it has been 8 years." I smiled.

"Believe me, time doesn't mean shit. Reggie and I dated since high school and we didn't work out." Jasmine sighed.

"I gotta say, I always thought you were too good for him." I commented, starting on my 3rd beer.

"So did I! So did he in the beginning! My mom supported me while I was in cosmetology school, but as soon as I got a job, we moved into together. We were a great team and supported each other. Then his DJ-ing starting taking off and he changed. He didn't appreciate anything nor did he care about my feelings anymore. I kept thinking once he got where he wanted to be, it would go back. I got sick of waiting." She said sadly.

I nodded. "I get it. Working and a career is important, but you prioritize the things that are important to you."

"I just wasn't important to him anymore." She said, wiping a tear away.


"Fuck him. I'm not trying to be sad today. Let's post our pictures and show everyone how much more fun we're having than them." Jasmine said, pulling out her phone.

I smiled and joined her. We edited and posted videos of our day.

Forrest's school was closed, so he was the first to like our chili video. He also posted a picture of the gumbo he was cooking. It looked amazing with shrimp, sausage and crab legs. He tagged me and Jasmine in saying:

I can't give out the recipe, but here's the end results.

I commented, saying:

Me: If you can't share the recipe, share the food!

Jasmine: I just want one crab leg...

Forrest: Save me some chili and it's done.

I called him to see if he found out any information on Serena. He said Rachel said she really liked Ethan, but the fact that he had a kid was holding her back.

"Holding her back? Or a deal breaker?" I questioned.

"I don't know. I didn't ask. I can." Forrest admitted.

"That's ok. Thanks Forrest."

After I got off the phone, Jasmine and I ate a late lunch/early dinner. Trevor showed up as we finished eating our 2nd bowl while watching Frozen, since Jasmine never saw it.

"How can you have nieces and you've never seen Frozen?" I asked, bewildered.

She just shrugged. "I hate musicals."

Trevor joined us with a bowl. "Did y'all make enough chili?" He asked.

"No. It's multipurpose." I explained. "Today it's chili bowls, tomorrow it'll be chili dogs."

"Or nachos." Jasmine added.


"Chili Mac."

"Baked potatoes."

"Frito pies."

"Sandwiches." I said as we went back and forth.

"Sandwiches?" Trevor laughed.

"Yeah, sloppy Joe style. With a slice of cheese. Now I want a sandwich."

We laughed and Jasmine's phone went off. She read a text and smiled.

"That's Kendal. Is it ok if he stops over?" Jasmine asked.

"Of course. It's supposed to freeze some more tomorrow. Tell him he can spend the night too." I said.

"Whoa Lily... who says I want that?" Jasmine grinned.

"Don't make him drive in the ice. He can take the couch." I offered.

"That's probably what I'll do. I don't want him hearing y'all and getting the wrong idea." She smiled.

I blushed while Trevor laughed.

Kendal showed up a short while later and he and Jasmine went to the kitchen while Trevor picked out a movie. I checked my phone to make sure everyone was okay.

My brother and Jenna both stayed home to avoid the roads. I saw Rocky stayed home but Brandon had to go to work in the evening. Amber was at work but her family was safe at home. Sammy was off but Corey had to work and had not made it home yet. Jordan was home alone too because Derek stayed at the hospital so he didn't have to risk driving home and back. Jake had to work too, but Jasmine already checked in on him. Ethan was actually with Megan and EJ based on the pictures Megan posted on Facebook, so I was curious to how that happened. Rachel made it home safely. She posted a photo of her and Forrest enjoying the gumbo. It was cute.

"What are we watching?" Kendal asked.

"The Interview?" Trevor asked.

"I've seen it. How bout American Sniper? I have it on my phone." Kendal suggested.

"How'd you get that?" Jasmine asked.

"Don't worry about that." He winked at her.

Trevor set it up on his laptop and used a cord to connect it to the TV. It was great quality for a bootlegged film.

We stayed up and watched The Boy Next Door (Ladies Choice) and Kingsman: Secret Service (Guy's choice) before we retired to bed.

"No." I said firmly as Trevor humped my backside as we laid down.

"C'mon. Let's give them a show." He tried to entice me.

"That's my co-worker!" I exclaimed.

"We can be quiet..."

"Goodnight Trevor."

I stuck by my words and did not have sex with Trevor. I did give him a blow job in the bathroom after our shower the next morning to make up for it. The clinic opened late on Tuesday because everything froze over the night before, but by the afternoon the roads were sanded. Trevor had the choice to work from home or to go in. He chose to go in.

I let him continue to drive my car and caught a ride with Kendal. On the way in, I bargained with him to give up his movie source.

"I'll work 2 of your weekends." I promised.

"I'll give it to you if you answer a question for me." He countered.


"What does Jasmine think of me?" He asked.

I thought about it. "She likes you, obviously, but she just got out of a long term relationship. She's not in a place for anything serious." I answered, honestly.

Kendal nodded as we went into the training center. "I'll text you that link."

I smiled at him before we went separate ways to work.

I got two of my patients from Monday to come in and rehab. Coach Green was not one of them. He opted to do his rehab at home.

By Wednesday, the ice was gone. It was a snowy, rain mixture that just made everything cold and wet. I made plans to have lunch with Rocky since I hadn't seen her in a while. Plus, I needed to tell her what Forrest told me.

"She said that, verbatim?" Rocky asked as we sat eating Chinese food.

"That's what Forrest said. I think I'm gonna call her." I said.

"No, you are not." She shook her head.

"Alright, why can't I? You've been trying to keep me out of getting Serena and Ethan together and it's fucked up." I confronted her.

"An ex trying to set up her ex is fucked up." Rocky snapped back.

"I don't consider Ethan my ex. We weren't even together like that. He's my friend. Besides, I wouldn't tell her our history." I argued.

"You better not. That's Ethan's choice. Ethan doesn't have the same feelings about the relationship." Rocky informed me.

"He thinks we're not friends?" I said, confused.

And hurt...

"No..." Rocky sighed. "He just sees you as the one that got away. Maybe it was the miscarriage or the fact that you rejected him, but he is always going to have some lingering feelings. You just can't waltz in and out his life when he has a chance with someone new. It's not fair to m-him." Rocky explained.

I mulled that over, biting my lower lip. Was I really that conceited and unaware? Ethan said he appreciates our friendship. Was it just a line? I wanted him to be happy. Maybe I needed to take a step back...

"Ok. Well you have to call Serena then. I could talk to Rachel, but I don't want to put more on her plate with the wedding. She barely opens up to me anyway. I could call Forrest again." I shrugged, pulling out my phone.

Rocky gave me a "Really?" look. I threw my hands in the air.

"What now?" I grumbled.

"Nothing." She sighed. "Just give me Serena's number."

I did like she asked and tried to change the subject, but lunch really couldn't be saved at that point. The mood was killed.

I went back and finished my day at work. I was one my way out when I received a call from Forrest.

"Hey, are you at work?" He asked stoically.

"I am, what's up?" I asked, concerned by his tone.

"Stay there, I'm on my way. I need to talk to you." He said sternly. It was the same voice he talked to his students in. I didn't like it directed at me.

"About what? Serena? That's officially Rocky's business now. I can give you her number..." I blabbered.

"It's something I have to ask you."

"About Rachel? Because I can't help you there. She's like an enigma, inside of a puzzle, shoved in a mystery, wrapped in secrets-"

"Lily!" He cut me off in a booming voice. I gulped and shut the fuck up.

"It's about you. I need to talk to you. In person. Just wait for me, ok?" He asked in a softer tone.

I took a deep breath.

"Ok Forrest."

I kicked at a remaining piece of ice on the ground. It shattered on impact.

I put my phone away and waited.


  1. I have a weird feeling that Rocky slept with Ethan...

    1. Oh gosh. That thought hadn't even crossed my mind. You really think Ethan would do that to Brandon? He doesn't strike me as that type...

    2. I don't know! But Rocky was so weird about Lily talking to Ethan, and she said , "Its not fair to m-him." And unless that's a typo... I don't know, maybe they didn't actually sleep together but she has feelings for him?

    3. Yeah I went back it dies say m-him, wonder if it's me or maybe Megan?

    4. Ohhhhhhhhh mannnn!! I just don't know if Ethan has that in him....! He seems like a true "ride or die" kind of guy.. I don't think he would do that to his own Brother! I would be extremely surprised.

    5. I think that little slip was because she was thinking of Bilal and how he waltzed in her life now that she's happy with Brandon. Come one, Ethan is so straight A he wouldn't do that to Brandon.

    6. Hmm that's a thought luita. when we heard from rocky's point of view she definitely was distracted a lot, maybe she started out talking about lily then lost focus.

  2. Great post, I agree with jasmine, lily and trevor fit :) so anxious about what forrest has to say! And even if Ethan feels that way doesn't mean he wants to be with her it just means they never committed enough and with the kid thing he wondered what could have.

  3. I just can't wait to have Rocky finally spill the beans about what is going on with her and Brandon!!! I am surprised that Lily hasn't noticed anything or called Rocky out to get the low-down. Although I guess Lily has been wrapped up in her own life right now, so she hasn't been around Rocky enough to notice.

    Also, I feel like Forrest needs to either A) Talk to Lily about something with Rachel/the wedding or B) Talk to Lily about something with Darren.

  4. I'm wondering if she meant it's not fair to her (Rocky) in that she has to listen to him talk about Lily when she gets involved because he talks to Brandon. Because I really don't think Ethan would cheat. Not after what Megan put him through with Cam.

  5. I've gotta say that I never wanted T-rev and Lilypad to hook up cos I thought there'd be no fireworks but falling in love with my own best friend recently has made me their biggest fan. Also, I'm dying to know what Forrest has to say and what the deal with Rocky is!

  6. Rocky was definitly referring to Bilal, shes obviously did something & is upset he thinks he can waltz in & out of her life now that she's w/Brandon shes the one w/linguring feelings. I hope what Forrest has to say to her isnt too bad. I too think it has to deal w/Darren & maybe taking him to the resturant when he was suppose to be in detention ....maybe?

  7. I think Ricky was distracted by her own stuff and Ethan wouldn't do that to his brother or to Lily. And for some reason I think Forrest is having second thoughts about the wedding and wants to know if there's a chance at a relationship between him and Lily.

    1. Ouch I think it would be bad on Forrest's character if he wanted to talk to her about him and lily, it's one thing to have second thoughts but he knows she's in a relationship and even if he was interested he needs to focus on whether or not he should be with Rachel and forget about lily for now. Of course thats only if you're right about your prediction.

  8. OMG Please post soon! This was one hell of a cliff hanger!

    1. Haha!! I totally relate! I feel like I refresh this blog like 1000x a day while I am at work, practically dying for the next post. It's almost sad. haha

    2. Hahahaha yes! I constantly check and refresh hoping for an early post!
