Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Cupid (Lily's POV)

***Hey everyone! Since I had requests for Sammy & Corey and Rocky & Brandon relationship post, this week is dedicated to Valentine's Day. The post will be their dates. We'll start with Lily & Trevor's.

"You're the perfect part of me 
You're the oxygen I breathe 
You're a superstar 
A work of art 
It's electricity 
You're a yes in a world of no's 
You're the Beatles to my Stones 
It's a sweet romance 
A spotlight dance 
Girl you shake me to my bones
But every now and then 
I'll start to slip away 
I gotta' hear you say 
Take me out spin me around 
We can laugh when we both fall down 
Let's get stupid dancing with cupid tonight 
When I sing out of key 
Still play air guitar for me 
Let's get stupid dancing with cupid tonight 
Don't feel all kind of right" Cupid by Daniel Powter 

I woke up before Trevor, late Saturday morning, and rushed down the stairs to get breakfast ready for him. I had no idea what we were doing for Valentine's, but I knew at the very least we would be spending the weekend together. I wanted to make every moment of our first Valentine's Day special. I was planning to start with breakfast in bed.

I called IHOP on my way to the grocery store. I ordered stuffed strawberry French toast breakfast for the both of us. They told me it would be 30 minutes, so I spent that time at the grocery store buying orange juice, champagne, and candy. I then went to IHOP and picked up our breakfast.

When I came back home, Justine greeted me at the door. I heard Trevor in the kitchen.

"No! Get back in bed! Now Trevor!!!" I hollered at him.

"Alright, alright. Geez, Happy Valentine's to you too!" He replied.  I didn't go into the kitchen until I heard him go up the stairs.

I entered the kitchen and saw a beautiful arrangement of a bouquet of fruit. I took a picture of it before a sampled a piece of pineapple. It was sweet and cold.

I set up our plates and made mimosas. I grabbed a TV tray and headed to my room. When I got there, Trevor was up, playing on his phone.

"No! You lay down and sleep!" I said, giving him a mock glare.

He chuckled and laid back down. When his eyes were closed, I put the TV tray down. I left to grab the plates. I peeked into the room when I returned with the food, making sure Trevor was still 'sleeping'. I made one final trip down the stairs to get the drinks. I also gave Justine fresh water and food.

 This time when I went back into my room, Trevor was fake snoring. I grinned and put the drinks down. I went into the bathroom and slipped on a red nightie I planned to wear that evening.

I then returned to the bed and slipped under the covers. Trevor's fake snoring stopped. In fact, all movement stopped from him as I repositioned myself in bed. I felt his hard on, so I knew he had been watching me. I decided to test his resolve and just laid there, watching him. One of his eyes peeked open and I grinned at him.

"You can't even fake sleep right."

"Huh?....uhhh..." he groaned, stretching and yawning as he pretended like he just woke up.  "What was that, darling? I just woke up."

I leaned over and kissed him on the mouth.

"Keep your day job baby, acting is not for you." I smiled. "Happy Valentine's Day! Thank you for the bouquet. It's delicious."

"You're welcome." He kissed me back. He rolled over me and ran his hands over my nightie.

"Breakfast first, then you get your present." I said softly. I ran my fingers through his hair, gripping lightly to pull his lips away. He pulled back but moved his hands under my gown.

"How bout my present for breakfast?" he countered, lightly stroking my inner thighs.

I shuddered involuntarily. "I'm not your present." I moaned as he pulled off my panties.

He grinned as he positioned himself between my legs. I gasped as he pushed himself all the way inside of me.

"Yeah, you are." He murmured, cupping my breast and playing with the little bow on my gown. "The best present ever." He breathed against my ear as he thrust inside of me.

Afterwards, we finally got around to breakfast. We lounged in bed, eating and talking.

"So how did the meeting go?" I asked him.

"It went well. Kenji is just like I expected." Trevor said, sipping his drink.

"What did he say about the site?"

"Nothing really. Everything is still up in the air." Trevor shrugged.

He was being so vague, I felt like I was keeping something from me...

"What's his plan?-" I pressed.

"I'm not sure about his plan, but I plan to enjoy the next few days with you before I go back to work." Trevor said, kissing my nose.

I grinned. "Do we have plans today? Because we don't have to do anything. We can stay right here, watch movies, order in and you can open your real present!"

"Of course we have plans. I want to see you in that dress. It's not until later, so we can do both." Trevor answered.

I smiled. "Ok. Be right back!"

I went downstairs to get his present. I got him a miniature crane game. I was going to buy him a candy dispenser since he said he wanted candy and whipped cream boobs at the Superbowl party, but I saw the game and figured he would love it. I filled it with Valentine's themed candy. I figured he could keep it at his cubicle at work so he would have something to cheer up his days.

I excitedly handed the present over when I returned back to bed. Trevor sat up and unwrapped it. A huge smile broke out on his face when he saw it.

"Where did you find this Lilypad?" He said, throwing the wrapping paper on the floor.

"Amazon. Do you like it?"

"I love it!" He chuckled. "I'm gonna take it to work."

I laughed. "That's what I was thinking."

We took turns trying to win candy from the machine. I won a Starburst and he won a Hershey's kiss. We traded our treats.

"Thank you. Second best gift I got all day." He said, setting it on the TV tray.

He then got his jeans from the floor and pulled out a little box.

He handed it over. "This is your first gift. All your gifts are clues to a bigger surprise." He told me as I opened the box.

"I thought the fruit was my gift!"

"No, flowers are a requirement. I just know you'd rather have edible ones. Open it!" Trevor beamed.

I did to reveal a pretty little sun charm.

I smiled. "It's beautiful." I said, holding out my wrist where the charm bracelet he gave me permanently stayed.

"Clue number one." He said, placing the charm on my bracelet.

"The surprise is you, because you're my sunshine." I said, kissing him on the lips.

"Yes, but no." Trevor laughed.

We hung out and watched movies together. I chose to watch SlumDog Millionaire.

"How many times are you gonna watch that movie?" Trevor asked when it was over. We took a break to go downstairs and order pizza.

"That movie has everything. Action, drama, comedy, love and a dance sequence. It's perfection!" I informed him.

"It's alright." He said, snacking on some fruit.

"A relationship that started as friendship and grew to something more. They were able to overcome all obstacles because they were destined to be together." I gave him a pointed look. "That's better than alright!"

"Fine. It's perfect." Trevor conceded.

When the pizza arrived, we ate. Afterwards, I threw on some pants and took Justine outside. We came back in and I went back into the kitchen to wash my hands.

"Trevor?!?" I said, loudly.

"In the den!" Trevor responded.

I joined him. He handed a microphone to me.

"Gift number two." He smiled, stepping aside to reveal a karaoke machine.

I giggled. "This is awesome! How do you get songs on it?" I asked.

"I downloaded an app on your IPhone since you don't use it for anything else, but you can dock your phone on it and play YouTube Karaoke videos." Trevor explained.

"Perfect! I know the first song I want to sing." I grinned, pushing him to sit on the couch as I searched YouTube for the song

"The mic is special too. It has an auto-tune feature."

"Don't need it!" I smiled, connecting my phone.

The Pussycat Dolls remake of "Jai Ho!" streamed perfectly from the machine. I didn't need the lyrics, I knew all the words. I gave Trevor a sexy little dance as I sang. I put my hand in the air and did a body shimmy, doing my best impersonation of a belly dancer.

Trevor didn't even let me finish the song before he bent me over the couch for round two.

We retired to my room for a nap. Trevor set his alarm and we cuddled together before falling asleep.

The alarm went off way too soon.

"No..." I pleaded as he got up.

"Yes, come on. I have dinner reservations." Trevor said.

"Cancel them."

"Nope. It's the last clue. Have any ideas?" He asked.

"Karaoke and the sun? I don't." I mumbled, rubbing my eyes.

"The last clue will help. C'mon. The reservations are for 8pm."

I looked at my phone. "An hour? Really?" I said, hopping out the bed.

"I told you to get up."

I took a quick shower, left my hair down in waves and applied minimal makeup. I put on the sweater dress I bought at the mall and my nude booties. I joined Trevor downstairs. He looked so sexy in a white button down and black jeans. I kissed him on the lips before we headed out.

"So think where they both come from." Trevor gave me a hint to the clues as we drove.

"Space? Hot gas?" I guessed, thinking of the sun. "What does that have to do with karaoke? Flames?... Hell! Because the creator of karaoke wanted to destroy classic songs?" I joked

"No, you're thinking too much." Trevor laughed. "More like where they originate from."

I was still thinking it over when we pulled up to a restaurant. It was called "Blue Fish". Now I was really confused.

"A seafood restaurant?" I asked as we got out the car.

"It's a hibachi and sushi restaurant."

It finally clicked. "Japan!" I exclaimed. "The sun rises in the east, karaoke started there, Japanese cuisine! It's Japan!!! You're surprise has something to do with Japan!!!"

Trevor was nodding at me, grinning.

Then my heart dropped. Kenji, the vagueness of his answers, the website...


"Lilypad, what's wrong?" Trevor said, the smile fading from his face. He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me close to him.

"Don't tell me you're moving to Japan. Not like it's a stupid game..." I pleaded, miserably.

"Lily, no." Trevor said, looking me straight in the eye. "I would never make a decision like that without talking to you. Why would you think that?"

"Because you hate your job and you won't tell me what's going on with the site." I listed.

"It's just a job. I love you. You're more important to me than a job." Trevor said.

I nodded absentmindedly. He kissed me on the lips.

"Let's go inside and I'll explain everything."

I nodded and we held hands as we headed inside.

Trevor told the hostess we had reservations and she led us to our seats in the hibachi dining room. She took our drinks orders as well. I ordered a speciality cocktail and Trevor got a beer. I didn't even look at the menu. I looked at Trevor.

"I really don't know what's going to happen to the site. There is a buyer interested. His company is out of Austin. Cat let him take a look after the soft opening. Cat's intentions are to bring Kenji and the website to Austin." Trevor explained. "That's really what Kenji wanted to talk to me about: putting down in writing my percentage of ownership in the website if he decides to sell."

"A contract?" I gasped.

"Yeah, a contract." Trevor grinned. "Nothing is official, but if the offer is good enough, Kenji doesn't see his partners or himself turning it down."

"Is it good enough?" I asked after the waitress brought our drinks.

"I don't know that. Everyone has to sit down together to hear what they are offering. That's not going happen anytime soon with Kenji's book release date in Japan in March. That's why the company that wants to buy the site is offering an all expense paid trip to Japan to set a meeting."

I gasped. "You're going to Japan?!?!"

"We're going if you join me." He smiled.

"Ohmigod!!! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" I squealed excitedly hugging him tightly as he laughed.

"Are you two engaged?" The waitress asked us with a smile.

"No! We're going to Japan!" I blurted, excitedly.

The rest of the night, we enjoyed dinner and the show. When the chef heard we were planning a trip to Japan, he gave us a quick Japanese lesson. He also teased Trevor mercilessly on his accent and refusal to try more exotic food. Trevor stuck with chicken teriyaki and left me to eat a dragon roll and a sashimi sampler by myself. The chef put on a wonderful show, expertly wielding his tools and controlling the flames.

The chef wished us all a Happy Valentine's Day and Trevor and me a happy trip after cleaning the station. We ordered a shot of peach sake and tempura ice cream after our meal.

"To our future, whatever it may be, together." Trevor said simply, raising his glass to mine.

"Together." I repeated, smiling, clinking my glass with his.

We ate our dessert and then headed home. It was the perfect Valentine's Day. I had no idea how I could top Japan, but next year's Valentine's Day, I knew I was going to try!


  1. Loved it, can't wait to hear about their trip! ! I may be partial because my husband has done the hint gifts before but I LOVE it! I love their sex scenes too they really mesh well Together and I'm looking forward to more steamy :) thanks

  2. How awesome is that!? Honestly, that went a lot better than I was thinking it would!! A visit to Japan!? That is pretty amazing. I can't wait to read how that goes!

  3. So sweet I love Trevor! Excited to hear about Japan
