Monday, January 5, 2015

Fever Dream (Trevor's POV)

***Ask and you shall receive! Mini bonus. I'm still working on New Year's Day, but here is Trevor's point of view as far as New Year's Eve. It answers a few questions : -) ***

"Some days her shape in the doorway
Will speak to me
A bird's wing on the window
Sometimes I'll hear her when she's sleeping
Her fever dream
A language on her face
I want your flowers like babies want God's love
Or maybe as sure as tomorrow will come
Some days, like rain on the doorstep
She'll cover me
With grace in all she offers
Sometimes I'd like just to ask her
What honest words
She can't afford to say, like
I want your flowers like babies want God's love
Or maybe as sure as tomorrow will come" Fever Dream by Iron & Wine

Trevor's POV

I hung up the phone with Lily Tuesday and rubbed my throat. It was still sore from all the coughing I was doing, but I popped another cough drop in my mouth and pushed through. I really needed to finish these codes. I wanted them done before Kenji's call. I was sure he would have something else he wanted done or changed. I needed it done before I left. I knew when I got back to Dallas, I wouldn't be able to focus on anything but Lily.

Sometimes I felt like I had her. The way she smiled at me, her flushed cheeks, her nervousness, all signs that she was finally acknowledging what was between us. She agreed to give us a chance to see if we were worth the risk, and I believed she really was considering giving us a real shot.

As happy as I was that she was allowing us to happen, I couldn't help but think I was one mistake from losing her. It was discouraging, but I knew it would be worth it. Just that one kiss on Christmas confirmed that for me. It was still maddening to be so close, but yet so far away.

The hardest thing was the waiting. I guess it's fair; I didn't see what was between us in the beginning like she did. I was ok with her being just my friend. In that sense, I deserved the wait. I still hated there was nothing I could do or say to convince her. I had to wait for her to see it for herself.

I focused on my work. That's the only time I wasn't thinking about Lily. Even my dreams were invaded by her recently, although I welcomed those vivid images. The only bad thing about them was waking up alone and hard.

I got a call from Kenji around 9pm. I let him know I was going to be up for the next few hours working so to give me a call if he thought of anything else. He did exactly that. My last call from him was at 3 in the morning. He told me he was sending me an email of what he needed done on the site.

I read the email and sighed. It would take another 2 hours at least. I stopped for the night. I knew Kenji wouldn't be up checking the site; It was New Year's Eve already in Japan. I needed some rest, then I would wake up early and finish. Hopefully Kenji would be hungover and wouldn't have the time to compile anymore lists until I got back from Dallas.

I went to the bathroom before I crashed. I looked over my sad appearance. It was the reason I didn't want to Skype with Lily: I looked like the walking dead. I went ahead and showered and shave. It was one less thing I would have to do the next day. Besides, it was hot in my room. Bilal must have turned on the heat. The water from the shower would make me comfortable enough to fall asleep.

Just like I thought, I had no trouble falling asleep that night. Staying asleep was the problem. I only slept 4 hours. I was tempted to take another pill that Lily gave me. It was the only thing that kept the coughing from waking me up, but it also made me drowsy, and I had to get up to finish the codes before I left.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed some poptarts before heading back to my room. I checked the thermostat: the heat was off.

I went back to my room and ate the poptarts. I wasn't even hungry, swallowing food was a pain, but I couldn't help thinking about Lily and her passionate stance on breaking the fast. I smiled and got to work.

The thought of seeing Lily spurred me through my work. I didn't realize how much time had passed until Bilal barged into my room. I looked down. Around 2 hours and half a pack of cough drops were gone.

"Hey man, just making sure you're alive in here." He greeted.

"Barely. Between Kenji's endless list and you trying to bake me in this hot room, I'm surprised I haven't passed out." I joked.

"You know that's Noorie keeping the heat on. I told her to get a blanket and stop wasting electricity. Tell Kenji to calm down. He's on a deadline, not you." Bilal replied.

"Yeah Yeah." I said, popping another cough drop, even though it was starting to hurt to swallow my own spit. It hurt more to cough, so I kept taking them.

"What time you leaving?" Bilal asked.

"I got about an hour of work. Then I'm gonna get some sleep, so probably not till this evening. Traffic shouldn't be that bad when people aren't working."

"Yeah, but they'll be trying to party. Watch the roads man."

"Will do. You have allergy or cough medicine that won't knock me out?" I asked.

"No, do you need me to get you something? I'm on my way out."

"That's ok. I should have time to sleep it off. Thanks though."

Bilal jut stood by the door. "Are you ok? You've been holed up in here."

"I'm good. Just working." I said.

"How's Lily?"

I shrugged. "She's good." I said, focusing on finishing so I could get some sleep, then get to her.

"Alright, text me if you need anything." He said before leaving.

I finished up in 30 minutes. I immediately took the Benadryl. 8 hours of sleep would have me up before 6. I would be in Dallas with plenty of time to bring in the year with Lily. Hopefully I wouldn't look like a zombie after some sleep. As much as I loved the thought of Lily nursing me back to health, I wanted the night to be about us.

As soon as my head touched the pillow, I was out. It felt like 15 minutes had passed when I felt Bilal shaking my shoulders.

"Dude, what did you take?" He asked.

"Benadryl." I groaned, my body still feeling drowsy. "What time is it?"

"3. Are you gonna be ok to drive?"

"Yeah... still got some time to sleep it off." I mumbled.

"Set your alarm. Noorie and I are about to leave."

"Ok..." I said, reaching for my phone. "Happy New Year."

He laughed. "You too man."

I looked at my phone and saw I had missed calls. I also saw my battery was dying. I looked at my charger. I groaned when I saw it wasn't plugged in the outlet. I called Lily back as I dragged myself out of bed to put the charger in the outlet. My body felt drained.

 She didn't answer, so I used the rest of my energy to text her.

Me- I'll see you around 9!

I set my alarm and laid down, waiting for her to text me back.


I didn't know where to look; the pretty features of her face or all her golden skin exposed in my boxers and a white tank top. Even the skin she wasn't showing was captivating. I could make out the shape of her breast in the top. Her hard, dark nipples were straining against the thin material. I could even see the outline of her areolas.

When she noticed where I was staring, she pulled off her top. My cock instantly hardened. I only got a brief glance before she covered herself with her arms.

"Get over here..." I beckoned her from the doorway and to the bed where I laid, undressed and waiting.

She giggled and laid on the bed with me. Her lips got my attention now. She was wearing a sexy little grin that always made me want to kiss it off her face, so I did.

I rolled over on top of her and continued to press my lips against hers. She responded forcefully, clinging to me desperately as I pushed my hard on between her boxer covered inner thighs. 

"Lily..." I growled, impatiently against her mouth. "Do you feel what you do to me?" I said, thrusting against her.

"I feel it Trevor..." She gasped, between kissing my lips. "I want you too. I need you. I love you."

Her long legs wrapped around my waist to show me. I almost lost it when she ground her hips up against me with wild abandon. I grabbed her hips to still her. I pulled back briefly, which caused her to moan, yearningly. I quickly pulled off the boxers and returned between her legs.

I pushed inside of her in one hard thrust. Her wet heat surrounded my cock and I had to pause or it would be over before we really got started. 

She groaned loudly, squirming against me, trying to get me to move. I held still and watched her. Her eyes had my attention now. They were focused on me, full of desire, desperation and love.

I pulled out, only to thrust back inside her. She gasped. I kissed her mouth that formed an adorable little '0'

"Say it again." I begged against her lips, staring into her eyes.

"I love you. Trevor." She sighed. I rewarded her with another thrust.

She moaned loudly. "I need you. I want you."

I thrust two more times.

"I want you. I need you. I love you." 

She said it over and over again as I pumped inside her. I closed my eyes, trying to stop myself from coming. I tried to think about anything other than how perfect she sounded. And looked. And felt. I needed to make this perfect for her so there would be no doubt how perfect we were together. That's the thought that kept me under control.

"Trevor! I'm cumming!" She screamed. I opened my eyes and watched as she orgasmed. It made my cock even harder and she cried out as she came all over it. 

She barely caught her breath before she rolled me on my back. She hopped on top of me. My eyes looked at her everywhere; Her thighs as she straddled me, between her thighs were she took me deep inside her, up her navel, to her clenching stomach, her bouncing breasts, her arms as she braced her hands against my chest, her lips parted in desire, her eyes roaming over my body, her hair framing her face erotically as she rode me faster. I was trying to capture the moment. There was no way it was getting better than this.

"Lily!" I cried out before cumming inside her. 

"Trevor." She panted, collapsing against my chest. I held her close to me as I recovered, closing my eyes. I knew without a doubt she was perfect for me.

"I need you. I want you. I love you Lily. Forever." I told her, opening my eyes to look at her. 

She was gone


  1. Poor thing is so sick! Thanks for the bonus!!

  2. ohhhh... Did Amelia sneak into the bedroom......dun dun dunnnnnn

    1. Oh my gosh I hope not I swear that would make me cry or something!

    2. What made you think that? The thought hadn't even crossed my mind. Did I miss something??

    3. TBH I am not a fan of Lily and Trevor - I think they have no chemistry (as a couple) and think they make better friends... and I was just thinking of ways Trevor could screw this up and that is what I came up with.... what if the Fever Dream title was just to make you think that is what was happening.... The pictures Lily saw of Amelia at the party was earlier in the evening.... I like guessing where the story is going.

    4. Tbh anon 2:26 I completely disagree they have a ton of chemistry and just because you don't think so doesn't mean Trevor will screw it up. There's always someone who prefers the drama and no matter how much chemistry or how good a couple would be together they want to say how much they just don't "feel it." But that's the nice thing we can always have our own oppinion. Jen

  3. Oh please please please make it where lily gets there and he's still sleeping, I love them together. JJ

  4. I have no clue how I am going to handle waiting. ....this is too good of writing, I really like Trevor

  5. I really hope that Tervor is passed out from being sick and that he is all by his self when Lily gets there I love them together!!! I want them to at least try and see where this will go...

    I see where everyone is saying thanks for the bonus. When do you post?? In the about me it said you post Monday, Wednesday and Friday?? Just wondering when the schedule was!!

    Love the blog can't wait for more!!

    1. I normally post the night before the 'scheduled' date. I usually write Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, but i gave myself a day cause I'd rather be early than late!

      Thank you, I appreciate that.

    2. Thank you for letting me know and I just now saw that you wrote this was a mini bonus and you was still working on the other post.. I guess I was so excited I skipped over that!

  6. I love them together hoping this turns out OK and not like another commenter said about amelia. I would love to read about this sex dream being not a dream with lily :)

  7. Honestly, I think he's just super sick with a fever since he's over-doing it and slept through his alarm.

  8. Bengryl kicked his butt and Lily will find him sleeping! That's my hopes! Then she'll doctor him back..
